
Botched Exchange

Receiving Ryan's kiss, Tal chuckles and returns it, pulling her in for a quick but tight hug. "Mmm.... food at your place sounds good."

Turning her around while keeping one hand over her shoulder, he aims them back towards her car. "And yes, Eli has plans so we get the living room to ourselves." Grinning, he looks down at her as they walk. "And if there's nothing worth watching on tv, I can always watch you - you're always worth it."

"Plant, huh?" Dylan swipes the book out from under Ashlee's arm. While his mouth didn't smile, his eyes did twinkle ever so slightly. Flipping open the book, he starts to amble forward as he peruses the pages. "How come you get the interesting science? I never got to hunt plants."

Still browsing, he absentmindedly reaches down to pluck a long strand of grass and starts to chew on the end of it. Leaning on the fence, he flips through a few more pages. On some days, a jaunt into the woods would seem a rather pitiful way to pass the time. But today... it was worth getting out of here for a little while, and it was certainly better than cleaning more stalls. Besides, Ashlee might be younger, but she was far from being a pain.

"I know my way around the back trails pretty well," he muses. Closing the book, he hands it back to her. "Come on." Keeping the stem of grass to fidget with, he leads the way further away from the barn and to the main trail that wound its way through the woods. "There ought to be a lot of plants out there. Don't know if we'll find the right one or not, but it's worth a shot for an 'A' grade, right?"

Continuing down the path, Dylan paid little attention to the distance covered as they drew farther and farther away from the ranch yard. He was as quiet as he usually was - commenting about a few things he spotted along the way, like a freaky looking squirrel or a hawk that had caught a snake for its lunch. Otherwise, it was a light breeze, crickets and birds that filled the silence with sounds of nature.

"So what's that plant look like again?" By now, they were in the woods, off the trail, and Dylan had a long stick he was poking and prodding around with. He pushes aside some weeds to reveal a batch of poison oak and promptly turns and goes the other way, making sure Ashlee followed. He could have stayed on the trail, but it was much more interesting here, if one didn't mind stepping over logs, climbing over rocks and avoiding prickly bushes.

Accepting the paper from Hope, Kip looks at it a moment before tucking it into his back pocket. He didn't know if he believed everything she said yet, but it hadn't been too horrible of an experience. Actually... despite the emotional roller coaster, he felt better than he'd think he would.

"Thanks. I'll, um... I'll probably call you soon." Standing up, he slips his hands into his pockets and just looks at Hope for several seconds, biting his lower lip in thought. "I think I enjoyed this too, in a really weird sort of way." A crooked grin slips out. "See ya."

Turning around, he aims for his car, and eventually aims for home. Tonight would be a quiet night... he might like to spend a good part of it alone in his room.

"Mmm... you know I love my coffee." JT grins and starts to head towards the tents with Amanda, but stops when she turns around. Taken off guard when he gets tugged forward, his eyebrows rise in question, and he's pretty sure his face is wearing a dumb expression. Once Amanda plants a kiss on his cheek though, he forgets about his expression, which is now one of pure surprise, his eyes rather wide.

"I.....m happy we got kidnapped too," he manages, before quirking a silly sort of grin. His hands still in hers, he gives them a squeeze before a light laugh slips out. "I'm not sure it's as break from crazies though."

Noticing her flushed cheeks makes his grin widen and he steps forward, slinging his arm around her shoulders. Her bit of affection might have been a surprise, but he couldn't deny that it made him feel special...and he liked that. "But it's definitely a nice break from the crazies at work."

Ambling to the tents, he finally has to go his own way, and gives her an extra little squeeze. He was tempted to return that kiss on the cheek, but he resists...for now. "Goodnight, Amanda. See you in the morning." And letting her go, he aims for the guys' tent.

It was probably a half an hour later when JT was sound asleep, tired from a hard day at work, then the excitement of a camping trip. He was deeply asleep enough that he didn't hear the tent's flap being unzipped.

Gunner and Bree had just parted for the night as well, since some clouds had made stargazing nearly impossible. Knowing that JT was already asleep, Gunner does his best to be quiet when stepping into the tent. As he does though, his foot lands on something he knows is not the ground nor a blanket or backpack. Realizing it's a leg, he immediately tries to shift his weight, but his other foot is already in the air, making the maneuver impossible.

The result is one wail from the lumpy sleeping bag and one wail from Gunner as he stumbles blindly into the tent. The pots and pans for breakfast had been set aside for the morning, which happened to be Gunner's new landing place. And the new result, immediately following the wails, is a resounding crash, another wail, then dead silence. Not even the nearby crickets dared to chirp for several moments that were so very still, one might worry about the survival of those involved in the terrible ruckus.

Then a rather stunned Gunner's voice breaks the silence. "I'm okay!" Another hush falls over the campsite until there's a very quiet snicker. Then another. And before long, the two men sounded like boys at a sleepover, the laughter rolling on the night air. There's as bit more of a ruckus involving pots and pans until eventually the noise quiets down. Every so often though, there's another bit of muffled laughter, until finally sleep accompanies the night...

Eggs and bacon sizzled in the frying pan over the campfire, JT and Gunner tag-teaming the making of breakfast in between sipping coffee and chatting with Amanda and Bree. It was a gorgeous morning, and other than a few aches and pains from sleeping on the ground, no one had any complaints.

"...So if you wanna go for a walk or something, I'm game." Gunner moves the bacon around in the pan while engaging Bree in a conversation.

"You sure you feel comfortable leaving us two kids alone back here?" JT teases while sipping his coffee. He tosses Amanda a wink.

Gunner smirks. "I think we're safe, Mr. Slow Mover."

JT's jaw drops and his cheeks flush before he can help it. He can't even look at Amanda as his hand goes flying to whack Gunner's arm.

"Ow!" Gunner chokes on a laugh. "Watch it!"

"That's for walking on me last night," JT mutters.

Gunner rubs his arm. "Coulda fooled me. I thought it was for-" He sidesteps to avoid another whack. "Alright, alright!" He looks over at Bree. "We might need to skip breakfast and take that walk a little earlier than planned."

Hiding his embarrassment, JT returns to the pan with eggs and scrambles them with vigor. "You are so not skipping out on my eggs."

"Okay." Scott nods, giving his sister a small smile. He was glad she wanted to spend time with him, especially after worrying she might not even forgive him for his attitude towards her since he'd been gone. "Sounds good to me. It's... been a long time since I've had your cooking." And that was no lie. It had been years.

Cleaning up his place at the table even though he didn't have to, perhaps Scott was unconsciously trying to delay the inevitable departure. But they really did have to leave. The ride back to TJY was quiet - he was tired enough that he considered just heading straight home, but he'd at least want to see if Hope was back by now.

Getting back into the Elite building, he leaves Sapphire off at her cubicle, then wanders down towards the hall again. This time he was spotted by a couple other people, including Susanne, who had to stop and talk to him and say how glad they were to see him. Though exhausting, a part of him did feel good, knowing how the others cared. There were still others he wanted to see, like Rick and Dalton and Katie... but if he didn't happen to run into them, he'd just wait until the next day or two. He only had energy left for one more...

Wandering down the hall, he finally comes back to Hope's office. The door was closed. It had been open earlier, right? His stomach gives a new little flop. Lifting his hand, his knuckles pause for a very long moment. What if she didn't want to see him? What if him showing up would just ruin her day? What if she didn't want to be friends at all after he'd broken up with her? What if...?

Taking a deep breath, Scott finally gives the door a hesitant knock as his hand trembles slightly.

Being invited to stay, Justin can't help it that his body seems to sink a little further into his chair as if resisting getting up and leaving. Had he actually been fishing for the invite? What was wrong with him? He was exhausted - that's what it had to be.

Looking up as Beth returns to the table with pie, he does have the energy to grin. "You sure do know how to keep a guy around, don't you? Now I'll have to stay just to make sure none of that goes to waste." Forcing himself to get up, he raises his hands over his head to stretch tall, then stifles a yawn. "Okay, I'll stay. But I wouldn't want to go face-first in a slice either, so maybe I better take you up on your offer of the couch for a while." Another wry grin surfaces and he shakes his head at the mental image.

Wandering into the living room, he avoids admitting that he was glad she wanted him to stay a while. He really didn't want to go home where it was just him, himself and his overactive mind. He just wanted to forget about his stress if just for a few hours.

Scanning Beth's collection of movies, he picks one out and it isn't long before he's taken up one end of the couch with Beth on the other. With his legs curled up and tucked into an impossible position - as usual - he falls rather quiet, letting the movie take over his brain for a while. It didn't take all that long, though, for his position to move closer to the center of the couch. While eating pie, he winds up right next to Beth, laughing over a funny part in the movie, and somehow just doesn't move from there.

Fighting to keep his eyes open, Justin's shoulder rested against Beth's. He really needed to go home after the movie if he was this tired or he was going to fall asleep on the road. Really... he needed to stay awake... he really... did...

Was his head resting on hers? His eyes struggle to stay open.

That was an important part of the movie, right? He thinks so... maybe... This couch was awfully comfortable. If he could just stretch out...

Was that the ending music as the credits rolled? He couldn't get his eyes open. If his legs were stretched out, where was Beth? His pillow moved. But he didn't.

So close to being sound asleep, Justin had somehow wound up with Beth's lap as his pillow. And as the credits did indeed roll up the television screen, he felt more relaxed than he had in weeks.

Axel tinkered with the engine of the car, the only one in the shop after closing time. He just wanted to finish this up, then he'd be done for the day. Thankfully, Jess had been willing to wait for him. Her company was nice, and though he was just as quiet as he usually was, he really did like it when she hung around the shop.

Her getting his attention, he responds with an, "Mm-hmm," though keeps working. He really was listening. He just needed to get this one more thing loose... He squints into the engine bites his tongue as his wrench slips.

Jess' topic of choice does make Axel pause for a moment, but he keeps working, letting her say all she wanted to. There was a hint of nervousness in her voice... why?

Finally when her point is brought out, Axel does come to a complete stop in his work. A smile creases his lips and he looks over his shoulder at her, just watching her for a moment or two. Eventually straightening from the car engine, he sets his tools down and wipes his hands on a rag before approaching her slowly.

Standing in front of her, his smile remains, a warmth welling up inside of him. "Of course I'll help you," he offers gently. He couldn't begin to describe how he felt in that moment... to know that Jess had opened her heart to the point of wanting to be a part of something that was the most important thing in his own life... to know that she was accepting into her life the very Giver of life. It was an amazing thing to witness someone who had come up against so many obstacles, to come to this point and be an entirely different person. And all of the joy and pride in this very moment shone in Axel's eyes.

His smile widens and he reaches out to pull Jess into tight hug. "I'm so proud of you." After an extra squeeze, he draws back far enough to plant a long, loving kiss on her lips. "How about talking about it over supper at my place tonight?"

The parking lot was dark, except for one light off to one side. And under the light was a parked car holding three figures, unaware that they were in the sights of a rifle scope.

Wyatt drives nearer and slows, studying the situation. "Yo, Con, how's it looking?"

"Looking fine, looking fine. Just take 'er in slow. I've got the whole scene in my sights."

"Roger that." Wyatt gives Nate a sidelong glance then looks in the rearview mirror. "Got yourself together, Chance?"

Chance shifts his weight. "Yeah," he responds quietly.

In less than two minutes, the Elite car is parked facing the kidnappers at a safe distance away. Wyatt remains behind the wheel, watching Nate and Chance walk towards the other vehicle. Chance's steps are heavy and he refuses to look Nate in the eye. Instead, he focuses on the two men who were now standing at the front of their car.

"Stop right there," comes a gruff order.

Chance automatically stops, feeling Nate stop as well. His insides churned as he waited to see Destiny and make sure she was alive - make sure she was okay.

One of the men reaches in the car and roughly pulls Destiny from the backseat, forcing her to stand and yanking off her blindfold. He gives her a little shove. "Walk," he orders.

The other man takes her arm, and doesn't give her an inch, pulling her with him towards Nate and Chance. They stop feet from the Elite team. The man glares at Nate then shifts his gaze to Chance. "You come with us. And you..." His grip tightens on Destiny's arm. "You go with them back to your own safe haven.

Chance's eyes are glued to Destiny, hardly hearing what the man was saying. He didn't care. All he cared about was that she was safe - that's all that mattered. He takes a step forward, wanting to get this exchange over with to be sure Destiny would be alright. All he wanted was to touch her... to hug her and really know she was unharmed. But all he can do is catch her eye, his own gaze filled with remorse, compassion, and something awfully close to love.

Just as he steps forward though, the man nearest the car suddenly collapses. The whole scene halts and the man with Destiny whirls around, wondering at the thump of the man slumping to the ground. "What the-" Though reaching for his sidearm, he doesn't even have time to finish as the second dart reaches his neck. Wincing, he gropes for it and jerks it out of his flesh just in time to melt like jello, completely unconscious.

Chance swings his gaze to Nate, unsure of their next move. He wanted to go back with them. He wanted to get out of here as quickly as he could. Yet his feet remain glued to their place.

"Get them back out of there, Nate," Con warns. "Those guys won't be down for long."

Though not hearing Con, Chance suddenly backs away from Nate, his hands raised slightly. His eyes dart back and forth between him and Destiny, desperation flickering in his gaze. "Take Destiny," he begs. "I'm staying to finish off the exchange."