

Just mingaling with the people and enjoying herself the one on one interaction with people was hecktick at times but Cassy didn't mind. She enjoyed talking with them and answering questions, signing them up, and looking forward to seeing them again. She was offering three different dance styles, Ballet, Jazz, and a more modern day dance. The sign ups were pretty even and Cassy new her calendar was booked full but as long as she spread everything out she would be ok and not over do it.

Glancing around the room and seeing Leo starting to clean little things up here and there Cassy gives a smile and a soft shakes of her head. He was to sweet for his own good sometimes.

Once people started to file out Cassy holds her sign up papers in her hand. There were three sheets full of names. Tomorrow she would have to make up her chart and call each person to confirm, and write them in for the first class. Cassy couldn't help the excitement. One person stuck in her mind out of them all though, Abby and her father. They were both sweet, and extremely nice. Abby seemed to ask more questions than her dad did being a girl that defiantly new what she wanted. Cassy only hoped for someone as determined as that little girl this was the right fit for her.

Closing the door as the last person leaves Cassy spins around giving a little whoop before giving a little skip back to where Leo was holding up her papers.

"I don't know if all these people are really gonna follow through but if they do I am totally going to need some help."

Giving another giggle Cassy starts to clear off tables helping Leo before they could go out for ice cream. Dosnt take long and soon only tables and chairs were left.

"We can leave the tables and chairs up for now. I can deal with them tomorrow. I do believe some celebrating is in order, before I jump out of my skin in excitement. Ready?"

Quiet volunteer

Leo thinks a moment then nods once, suddenly feeling just a little awkward. "I'll stick around." He shrugs, tucking his thumbs in his pockets. "I don't have anywhere else to go."

Smiling a little, he swivels to wander away and leave Cassy to her mingling while he wandered on the outskirts to wait. Eventually he finds a chair in the corner and sits back to observe, almost nodding off a time or two, but looking forward to getting some fresh air and a cold treat later.

Once he sees the people dispersing and growing thin, he gets up and quietly begins to gather up abandoned cups and empty paper plates to throw them away. Tying up the trash bag, he cleans up while the rest of the people are still mingling, grabbing a broom and just discretely sweeping up some crumbs or dropped napkins until Cassy would be finished and ready to go.

Caught Her

Cassy can't help but chuckle a little. She new Leo hated being thanked but she would continue to do so. Because it was because of him too she hadn't given up. That night at the bar, she had been ready. Steve had left her, and she had hit the bottom, she was very close to letting her dream go. But than Leo came along, and he took the time to care, and to help. Because of him she found her strength to move forward even if he never new it.

Hearing the Leo wanted to go for ice cream afterward Cassy can feel her heart start to pick up its beats. She thought tonight would be a little celebration alone but now maybe she didn't have to. Searching Leo's face for a long moment there was a look in his eye that caught her attachen, could it be the one she had been waiting for? Trying to keep herself calm over it she didn't want to get to excited if it was nothing.

"I'd love to have ice cream and celebrate with you Leo. I am not sure how much longer this will be so if you'd like to go and than come back you can. Or if you want to hang around I have no problem with that ether."

Kinda celebrate

Leo smiles and shakes his head. "You keep thanking me. Stop it. I didn't do anything but slap some paint on the walls. See all this?" He gestures around the room, people and all the work that had been done. "It's because of you."

Cocking his head, he lets his eyes linger on Cassy's face, tracing around her eyes and cheeks and back to her eyes again. She deserved someone to celebrate with. But when the evening was over, she'd be alone once again. She had been dumped by Steve and for what? She was worth so much more than being treated like that and it was a shame she would have to celebrate alone the success of the day.

Dropping his gaze, Leo glances at his watch. There was time yet for him to make it to the races. It was barely getting dark. He really wanted to see another success tonight. But...

His eyes go back to Cassy. "When everybody's gone... you wanna... I don't know... go get some ice cream or something? Kinda celebrate the evening?"

Dancing and Talking.

Just continuing to talk and watching the people's reactions Cassy was very pleased. It was hard to tell what people where thinking, but for the most part a lot of different people looked excited that was a start and a good thing.

Once her talking was done Cassy left the floor open so if anyone had any questions. She wanted to make sure she could chase any doubt in people's mind away. Letting that last a little while longer Cassy brought her talking to and end, letting people know they could stay and eat more, look around, and talk with her one on one if they liked. Sign ups would be in the back and she hopped she would at least get a few.

Wondering over to Leo Cassy gives a big smile happy he had stayed knowing this probably was a little boring to him.

"I never though talking in front of people would be different from dancing in front of them. Thank you so much Leo, for everything, and for being here with me. It means a lot."


Convinced at least for now that Cassy was okay, Leo lets the subject drop and continues to help her set up a few last-minute things. Once the people start to arrive, he takes a back seat, just observing but not mingling much. He didn't know anybody who came and felt out of place, but he stayed anyway to at least see Cassy's short performance and hear her speak.

Standing in the back and leaning against the doorway, Leo takes a sip of his punch before smiling as he listened to her. She was very confident and had done a good job in her demonstration. The people seemed receptive and he saw a few women putting their heads together and whispering as if making plans. He hoped they were plans to bring their kids for lessons.

Just watching Cassy, he leans his head to the side, marveling at how far she'd come. She really was something special.

Finishing off his punch, he throws away his cup and waits until the program was over so he could see Cassy again before leaving.