
Never took the time

Getting to the pier Trey leans aganst the small railing looking out across the water. It was quiet here, and it was kind of nice. Night time was always his favorite time as well though being alone didn't come often.

"Night is one of my favorite times of day to be out and about."

Looking over at Ariel and watching her for a long moment at the wind blows her hair Trey gives grin. She was definitely very pretty and there was a spark in her eye that Trey just seemed to enjoy. Seeing another stay strand of hair fall from the braid Trey reaches his hand out and brushes the hair behind her ear.

"Rebel strands of hair, they can't be caged can they?"

A hidden meaning to his words...maybe, but he'd leave it at the hair. Looking up at the stars it only now dawns on Trey that this was one of the first times he has ever looked at the starts.

"Ha, this is the first time I have taken the time to bother looking up at the sky. Back home my nights were filled with clubs, friends, and business deals for my parents. Never really left time for star gazing. It's not to bad looking now."

Letting his hands fall from his pockets Trey's hand brushes Ariel's and for a moment he does nothing but look down at her hand. It felt so strange no having a woman who was all over him, in a way it was kind of refreshing, and than on the other hand he wondered if he'd lost his touch.

Moving his hands again Trey cross his arms across his chest as he continues to look at the stars leaning against the railing.

Still leaning against the door frame as Carson reply Misty couldn't help but let her sassy grin grow even more, as the flame in her eyes steamed to glow a little brighter today than normal. She was just in a good mood, and had missed Carson today. So to play around with him a little now was well worth it.

"Sugar, spice, everything nice, What she doesn't know wont kill her right?"

Being pulled to Carson Misty's arms go around him without hesitation as the one finds it's way to the back of his head and the other on his lower back. Returning her own kiss with a fiery passion a murmur comes from Misty as she enjoyed the kiss. As Carson pulls away Misty's smile was very big as her eyes just roam her husbands face.

"I missed you so much today. It was my pleasure to come and see you."

Returning again for another kiss Misty lets the passion out again before retreating and turning her head the other way to return for another kiss. Her fingers running through his hair and her other rubbing his back.

A little spice

Ariel smiles and walks slowly towards the pier, her body language that of someone who was enjoying this atmosphere. With the noise of the party behind them, the quiet seemed extra so, and the darkness on the lake even blacker. Heading onto the pier, Ariel knows the way and wanders towards the end, eventually reaching it in silence. The glow from the fire seemed far away now, and the noise drifted beyond them on the wind.

"Mmm... I always liked it here," Ariel muses. The breeze toyed with a few loose strands of her hair, curling them around her face. She looks out across the water, then up at the moon and stars. "It's just so peaceful... quiet. I'd much rather be here at night than during the day."

Glancing over her shoulder, she has to look up to see Trey's eyes and only now does she realize just how tall he is. She grins a little, then turns back to her stargazing. "No matter where I am, the stars will always be shining. I guess I find that kind of comforting or something."

"Uh-huh." Wayne watches the passing scenery. "Yeah, it was fun. Nice to get to know them a little more. They got a lot of potential and... they seem to work well together." He shrugs. "Time will tell."

Leaning his head back, he grows silent... perhaps a little quieter than normal. After a while though, he winds up cracking some joke that starts small talk until they reach Guthrie Square and split up for the night.

Though Carson doesn't turn around, a grin creases his lips when he hears Misty's voice. Still washing a pan at the sink, he throws a sly glance over his shoulder. "Oh, I dunno... If my wife found out I was staying late with a sheila like you, she might meet me at the door and put that knife of hers to my neck."

Rinsing out the pan and setting it aside, he gives the counter a quick go-over with a towel. As he turns, he pauses and looks at Misty, the grin still on his face. "Of course... we wouldn't want things to get boring, now would we?"

He gives Misty a wink before slinging the towel over his shoulder and wandering to the doorway just inches from her. "A little spice never hurt anyone, ay?"

His grin turns into a smile as he reaches out and pulls Misty roughly to him, wrapping his arms around her and swaying just a little. "A minute or two couldn't hurt, right?" Leaning down and cocking his head, he plants a passionate kiss on Misty's lips before pulling back and smiling at her. "Thanks for coming in. It was getting too quiet down here."


Now done with his own food Trey sets the plate aside picking his beer up and taking another swig. It tasted good night as he sipped it slowly just savoring the taste and tonight not wanting to have to much and miss anything that might be going on.

"Ah, so you moved around and have been a little bit of everywhere. Moving around is not to bad, but I can see where it would start becoming a bore."

Trey hadn't moved around with his family much except when he went off to another area for school. Taking another sip of the beer and standing Trey goes to the trash and throws his own stuff away. Coming back over to where Ariel was He stands for a moment. A bit surprised by the offer to walk on the pier. She hardly new him and she wanted to walk with him?

Taking a glance around the fire and everyone else that was there Trey takes the last sip of his beer before turning and tossing it into the garbage. Giving a little shrug he sticks his hands in his pockets.

"Sure, why not, its not like I have a people lined up to talk to me."

Coming along side of Ariel Trey gives a little nod that he was ready. Starting to walk he takes in the quiet around him. It was different from the busy atmosphere he was use to, but it wasn't all that either.

Heading to her car with Wayne Jackie lets out a small sigh. Going to say something to him she stops as Erik voice is heard. Stopping and turning Jackie gives a smile to him. He was an easy guy to get along with and out of them all she felt as though they had the most understanding. Maybe it was there closeness in age, or it was just there personalty that seemed to work.

"See you tomorrow Erik, try to keep everyone out of trouble till than huh?"

Shaking her head a little and letting her eyes sparkle with humor as the reflection of the moon shone down Jackie gave a little wave. Turning back to the car and getting in she waits for Wayne to join her. Driving him home was not something she minded and it would help pass the time on the drive back.

Waiting for him to get in Jackie finally starts the car and heads out of the driveway. Heading down the street she is quiet only a few moments before she starts talking.

"Well, I think that went well and we really got a chance to see what the group was like outside the stress. I think it was a good thing to see that, and maybe we can bend a little more to there personalty when we need too. What do you think?"

Seeing everyone coming out of the building Misty new that Carson would be a long inside now. He had said to call but a surprise would be much better. Parking in the lock and using her own key on the front door she enters quickly before making her was to the kitchen.

Standing in the door way and just watching him for a long moment Misty gives a grin before leaning on the frame and giving a smile.

"Herd you wife was working late...Though I might some time in with you before you had to run home."

Misty new Carson would of heard her coming. He was a trained assassin and just because he was retied didn't mean he could ignore his sharp hearing. So she really had no worry about startling him at all.


"Mexico, huh?" Ariel nods, having picked up a slight accent, but not having been able to place it. Though it was dark, she could tell that Trey had fair skin, so it made her curious if he'd been in Mexico all his life or not.

Taking another bite of her hotdog, she shrugs at his question. "Yeah, pretty much. My family moved around a lot until I was like eight or nine, then we settled here. They moved again a couple years ago but I decided to stay. Got a job I like and I like the town, so why leave? Figured I better grow roots so I could call somewhere home." She smiles and nods towards the party. "And I got friends here too."

Continuing to eat, Ariel points out a few more people to Trey then explains a little bit about the lake and the places along the shore that were nice to go to. Soon she's finished eating, and rises to wander to the trashcan to throw away her plate and now-empty pop can.

Sighing with content, she cocks her head at Trey. With a group of people this close by, she had no fear of the newcomer. "Want to walk out on the pier with me?"

Erik smiles and shakes his head. "Hate to tell you this, but I think you're stuck with us now." Still smiling, he takes a sip of his pop. "But you're welcome. Glad you came along."

It seemed all too soon before the evening was winding down. Though no one wanted to call it quits, minds and bodies were growing tired, and even Kip had finally quieted down. Finishing up and helping Carson clean up a little so he wouldn't be stuck with all of it, the group eventually begins to disperse with farewells.

Out on the sidewalk, Erik takes a deep breath of the night air, tired but feeling good. Catching Jackie out of the corner of his eye, he gives her a little wave. "See you tomorrow, I guess."