
The Call

Once Eli leaves Ryan falls back on her bed and just looks up at the ceiling. She didn't understand it, any of what was going on and the more people talked the more she got confused. Maybe her brother really didn't care as much as she had thought.

See....I told you, he just doesn't want us together.

Reading the text from Alec Ryan let out a long sigh. She guessed he was right and it really did pain her. If Eli couldn't accept them together than maybe it would be best if she just went so she didn't end up hating him.

I'll meet you on the outskirts of town west side.

Getting up and slipping her phone back into her pocket Ryan looked around her room. Grabbing her bag she quickly put some things into it along with a shoe box she kept her extra money from races. At least that would give them a good start.

Grabbing some paper next and a pen Ryan thinks for a moment. 


Stopping she just looks down at the paper. What would she say to him? What could she say to him? So much went through her head and yet it was blank. Maybe she would just keep it simple.

...I love you! Please take care of my pup for me.

 Ending it there Ryan grabs her keys and her backpack heading to the door. Putting her hand on the light switch she stops and just looks back into her room, and than down at her dog a small tear running down her cheek. 

   "Be a good boy. I'll be back for you."

Giving him a pat on the head she shuts the light off and closes the door only a little bit. She'd be back from him, and if not she new Eli would be there. Heading for the door she tried to be as quiet as she could. Before getting to the door and closing it behind her make her way to the door and speeding down the road maybe a little faster than she should. All she new is she wanted to get to Alec as soon as she could.

...Three O'clock AM... 

Hearing the sleepy voice on the other end the Nurse in the ER takes a deep breath before continuing. It was never fun to call someone this early in the morning to bring them bad news. She hated it but someone had to do it.

   "Hello, Eli McKade? We need you to come down to the ER your sister Ryan was involved in a bad car accident."

Acting fast upon Reese's request Nate put cuffs around Garret's wrists, and than around his ankles. He didn't really trust Garret but something told him if he wanted to escape he would of already.  Getting him cuffed Nate nods to the door for Garret to lead and he'd follow keeping an eye on him.

   "Out the door to the left your first right and than up the steps."

Following Nate could feel the eyes on them but he kept walking anyways. Once outside he nods to around the corner of the building. His gun was at the ready in case he needed it.

   "We have fifteen minutes. Enjoy it while you can."

   "Your scowl makes you look like an old man you know."

Victoria kept her gaze on Aaron as she was reading him. Aaron irritated her, she really couldn't stand him and it took all she could to not knock him out and leave him somewhere to try and figure it out on his own. But she did need him, never know when an extra person come in handy even if he was a pain.

   "Sounds good, other than I dont think I'm the one who needs to worry. There is two exit doors from the Elite headquarters. One in the basement by there holding cells, and the other is the main. There security system watches both doors, the cells, there infermery, the boss office, and his second in command. They have two interrogation rooms, and a really really old ventilation system that if need be could be escaped through, as long as a few screws were taken out."

Looking out the window again Victoria went over her plan again in her head. She wasn't use to letting someone catch her so that alone was going to be a challenge, she needed to make it convincing yet her confadance had to be sted fast. That was what she was preparing for, everything else would fall into pace.