

Turning to see Garret Sapphire nodded and smiled at him. She was very thankful he had been willing to help her. She was always disorganized and it always got out of hand no matter when she tried to catch it, than she would fall behind and it was just a mess.

   "Thank you so so so so much. I have brains but my down fall is organization. Your help really meant a lot."

Sapphire nodded again before scooting to one side of the cubical in her chair than to the next. Grabbing a piece of paper on the way and drawing a BIG number one on it and holding it out to Garret.

   "I can't pay you, but you are number one to me! I wont make you stay with my quirkiness any longer, and thanks again."

Returning the hug Bree just nuzzled her face into Gunner. She never minded when he would surprise her. The kids loved him, the other nurses didn't mind him as much as they acted, and it was always a nice way to break up for her.

   "You know I don't mind at all. Just wouldn't be the same without my daily dose of vampire."

Looking over Gunner's shoulder and seeing the nurse smiling and shaking her head Bree gave a little nod. It was almost her lunch time and she'd gotten most of her rounds done so it shouldn't be to big of an issue to leave a little early to grab some lunch.

   "I'd love to...but they better not float this time or they are going to get a peace of my mind."

Following Rosalyn Chad took not of the house and how it was decorated and everything else in between. He couldn't help but be a little nervous. He really didn't mind what people thought of him, but he wanted Rosalyn's friend to like him for her sake, and his own to just make everything a little easier.

Being formally introduced to both the girls Chad gave a wave before getting a hand shake from Hannah and returning it with a smile. About to say something his is cut off when Lizzie steps forward. His cheeks blush a little bit at her comment as he shakes her head. 

   "I do have a twin brother...maybe one day you can meet him too if Rosalyn will let me stick around."

Putting his arm around Rosalyn he pulls her in and gives her a squeeze giving her a kiss on the head. He was only teasing and he hoped she new that. Looking around the floor another laugh came out. Really it wasn't that bad in there. He'd seen worse.

   "This...this is nothing. You should of see what it looked like when my brother and I were home more. Total nightmare!!!"

Getting to the hospital Grace wished she had gotten the message sooner about Jared. She could hear the worry in Lydia's voice, and she was now worried herself. Asking for directions and getting to where she needed to be. Grace stepped along side Lydia and gave a small sigh.

   "How's he doing? Do the Dr's know whats wrong? How are you?"