
That's Okay

For a moment, Jeff simply wasn't sure how to end the evening. The moment is short-lived though, as Stacy asks if he'd join her.

A new smile forms and he nods. "Yeah... yeah, I would, if you wouldn't mind the company." He glances to the bunkhouses. "Just give me a second or two to change my boots and grab a jacket." He knew she'd probably want to change as well...

...True to his word, within minutes, Jeff had changed into his more comfortable boots and donned his leather jacket. He meets back up with Stacy outside her own bunkhouse, rather looking forward to a walk in the fresh air.

"I'm glad you suggested this," he admits. "It'll help me walk off some of that steak." Grinning, he starts forward with her, the ground crunching softly under his step. The sky was so clear tonight that a million stars shone. A light breeze blew and a full moon lit the ranch in a soft glow.

Eric chuckles. He could only imagine what his brother's antics had been tonight. "He does have a silly side. I guess maybe he's found a way to not let life be so serious all the time. Sometimes I wish I had a little more of that."

Seeing Ashlee catch the unlocked stall, Eric smiles to himself. She was a good little helper.

Stopping with her and hearing she'd felt awkward, Eric realizes he hadn't even thought of that. Tucking his hands in his jacket pockets for a moment, he cocks his head. "It's okay to feel that way. I know Jeff probably just wanted to make sure you and your mom had some fun away from here - we all need that every once in a while."

Did he really believe that was Jeff's only motive? Maybe deep down he didn't. But that wasn't something to discuss with Ashlee.

Leaning back against the stall beside her, he looks down at her for a moment or two. "Ya know... your mom needs to have friends, just like you do. Sometimes she just needs somebody closer to her age to hang out with. It's just the way people are." He offers her an encouraging smile. "Maybe it feels a little weird now, but you'll get used to it. I bet even if it woulda been me tonight, you still woulda felt funny. But that's okay. You'll never lose your place with your mom."


Looking back up at Jeff and seeing he really meant what he said Stacy smiled even more. It made her feel good and having a slight feeling of companionship again.Even if it was only friendship.

"I'd like to do it again."

About to turn around again Stacy thinks for a moment. Did the night really have to end already? It seemed so short lived.

"Would you like to go on the rounds with me?"

Hearing there was something left to do Ashlee joins Eric in checking the stalls. Mulling over his question for a moment Ashlee finally replys.

"It was ok. I would of rather been here but dinner was nice and all. Jeff sure does have a silly side to him."

Finding one of the stalls unlocked Ash locks it before going to the next. Stopping for a moment she turns to Eric.

"I've never been to dinner before with my mom and another guy before. It was strange and felt kind of awkward."

Ashlee picks at some loose wood on one of the rails.

"I feel bad for Jeff saying that. He's nice and everything I just kinda felt out of place I guess."

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Eric grins, finding Ashlee's enthusiasm humorous. He wouldn't tell her that though. Nodding, he points down the aisle. "I haven't checked all the stalls to make sure their all latched yet."

Starting forward, he gestures Ashlee to come with him. "So... did you have a good time in town?"

"Oh, maybe." Jeff shrugs before shutting the pickup door. He laughs. "I guess that depends on whether or not insomnia decides to come calling."

Standing this closely to Stacy, he looks into her eyes for a moment, just studying them as the moonlight bounced and danced in them. "Thanks... for giving me reason to have a good evening. Maybe... we can do something again soon..."


Hearing Eric's voice Ashlee turns around and gives a smile seeing him. It looked like everything wad done but maybe just maybe there was something.

"I was trying to hurry so I could help before everything was done. I really wanted to help."

Panting Ashlee can't help the large smile on her face as she tried to catch her breath.

About to get out of the car Stacy waits seeing Jeff coming around to her side.

Giving a laugh Stacy slips out of the truck. Standing in front of Jeff Stacy smiles. She really had a nice time and Jeff was fun.

"Well I better do my rounds. You gonna call it a night?"

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Parking the pickup and shutting off the engine, Jeff sees Ashlee bolt for the barn and he chuckles. "I suppose when someone is horse crazy, even chores are appealing."

Receiving Stacy's thanks, Jeff shakes his head and smiles. "No thanks, especially since I had a great time. It's like thanking me for a treat to myself."

Sliding out of the truck, he makes it around the front before Stacy can get out, and he holds the door for her. "Melady."

Alone in the barn, Eric was just making a few last-minute rounds. He could head to the dining hall if he wanted... Jade and Dan had started a vicious card game with Clint and Luke. Or he could go to his bunkhouse and watch television for a while before he fell asleep. He'd probably choose the latter. He usually did.

Hanging up a stray leadrope and taking it to the tack room, he's just turning off the light in the small room when he hears someone running inside. Odd.

Stepping back out into the barn aisle, he looks around before spotting Ashlee. He was a bit surprised. He wasn't sure what time everybody would be back, but he'd figured whenever they arrived, it would be bedtime for the lot of them. But seeing the girl come running automatically brought a wide smile to his face.

"Whoa there, partner." He chuckles and sets his hands on his hips. "What's got you in such a hurry?"

Thank you

Giving another smile Ashlee was greatful for Jeff's sensitivity for next time. He was nice and she did notice that.

Seeing her mom coming Ashlee gives a nod and getting into the truck. She hopped maybe when they got home Eric wasn't done.

Coming up to the truck and seeing the smile on Ashlee's face she was satisfied and gave an extra smile to Jeff and a nod thankful for not giving up.

...Getting back to the ranch and once the car was parked Ashlee wasted no time in jumping out of the truck and making a dash for the barn looking for Eric.

Watching her daughter get out of the truck and head for the barn she shakes her head. Looking to Jeff before she gets out her eyes sparkled.

"I new she liked horses but I don't what she see in working in the barn."

Opening the door but not getting out Stacy let's out a small sigh. The night seemed to go way to fast.

"I really did have fun. Thank you so much."

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Next time

Jeff really wasn't all that sure what could be that exciting about helping Eric in the barn, but he doesn't ask. "You weren't a bear... well... maybe just a little one." He shows her an ity-bity size with his fingers. "But that's okay. Next time I'm a bear we'll just call it even. And..." He pauses with a new little smile. "Next time I have a bright idea that involves you, I'll be sure to ask you myself and not just go through your mom, okay?"

Seeing movement at the restaurant door, he sees Stacy coming. Straightening up, he heads around to the driver's side door of the pickup. "All aboard!" he calls. "If we make it back in good time, I bet Eric will still be hanging around the barn, and he can at least tell all about what happened there while we were gone."

Before getting in, he tosses Ashlee a wink. He'd get his brother out of bed if he had to, just to end this evening well.


Giving a nod Stacy turns and heads twords the bathroom. She'd give Jeff the time he needed.

Hearing Jeff come up behind her Ashlee turns around. Just listing she gives a nod. She had come for her mom and now...she felt kind of bad too.

"You did a good job picking the place. I just...was looking forward to helping Eric tonight in the barn. Your fault not really. "

Straighring and letting out a small sigh Ashlee looks to Jeff. He did seem like a nice guy who was just trying to do something nice.

"Next time huh? I guess I can pick what we do. Thanks for inviting us tonight even if I was a bear."

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Your turn

Seeing Ashlee leave, Jeff's shoulders droop just a little bit and he lets the spoon slide off his nose. He was far from offended or crushed, but he was just a tad disappointed. It was pretty obvious his hunch had been right - Ashlee really wasn't enjoying herself tonight.

Taking a moment to pay the waiter, Jeff turns his attention back to Stacy and shrugs. "Don't sweat it. Maybe I just wasn't thinking." A wry grin surfaces. "I tend to do that sometimes. Not think, that is."

Taking a final sip of water, he shakes his head. "As far as I can tell you've done a right good job raising your daughter. Sometimes they grow up faster than we want but... we can't walk around blaming ourselves." Glancing down for a moment, he grows probably more serious than he had all evening. "I suppose I think about Katie a lot when I see Ashlee. It was about her age that Katie started making some bad choices because she felt unloved at home. I always blamed myself for that."

He looks up again, catching Stacy's eye. "But from what I see, the one thing Ashlee doesn't feel is unloved. And that says something."

Standing up, he looks over his shoulder at the exit. "Give me just a minute or two, will ya?" He turns back to smile at her. "I just don't give up easily enough."

Heading for the door, he makes it outside into the cool evening air. The sky was a hazy dark color after the sun had finally set. Glancing left then right, he spots Ashlee waiting near the pickup. Ambling up to her, he leans back on the truck and sighs. Folding his arms, he stares up at the few stars that had started to appear. His goofiness was gone. "I asked your mom for just a minute so I could talk to you," he explains. "I just wanted to thank you for coming tonight. I know you didn't want to." He glances out of the corner of his eye at her. "But then, I never did have much practice with girls and what they like to do. So it was probably my fault for choosing where we went."

Pausing, he finally turns to look down at her eyes. "But I do appreciate you coming along with your mom. I know she loves having you around and I'm sure she enjoyed herself more because you were here."

He offers her a small smile. "Maybe if there's something you'd rather do sometime... it can be your turn to pick. What do ya think?"


Stacy can't help but let out a chuckle at Jeff. He certinly did have a sence of humor. Stacy wondered how it had been since he laughed too.

"Hey that's quite a talent there. You could make money off it."

Giving a small smile Ashlee also rolled her eyes color coming to her cheeks. She was a little embarrassed by the while thing.

"I'm gonna wait outside."

Watching her daughter leave Stacy lets out a sigh. She felt bad for Eric see her daughter this way. Maybe she shouldn't have made her come.

"I'm sorry about Ashlee. Sometimes I think she has a hard time being a kid. I guess that's my fault."

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Straight Face

Jeff laughs, glancing over to Stacy. The mental image of frozen lips was enough to make anybody chuckle.

It seems something else goes through his mind that brings some color to his cheeks few would notice, but he keeps his goofiness in check this once and takes another spoonful of ice cream to keep himself from talking.

He grins at Ashlee and winks. "Just don't tell anybody we had ice cream tonight... they might get jealous," he teases.

Talking and laughing felt good. It really had been a long while since Jeff had been away from the ranch just to go out and have some fun. And to him, this was fun. He wasn't convinced Ashlee was really enjoying herself, but he thought Stacy was, so that at least made the evening worth it.

Once the ice cream is finished and it's time for the check, Jeff spies the waiter. The silly glint returned to his eye and he takes his spoon, wipes it off then breathes some hot air on it. Setting it on his nose, he tilts his head just right so the spoon stays put. And only then did he wave the waiter over while somehow keeping a straight face.


Ashlee can't help but laugh a little at Jeff's comment. She had to addmit she was having a little hotbot fun. Dinner was really good and Jeff was slightly funny.

Taking a bite of her ice cream Ashlee savers the flavor for a long moment. She had gotten double mint and it tasted the best.

"Wow this really is good. It's creamy and it just tastes so much better than frozen."

Seeing her daughter losen up a little Stacy was happy. She wanted her to have a nice time and it would seem so she was starting too.

"This really is good Jeff. I can't remember the last time I've enjoyed ice cream like this. It's making my lip freeze."

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