
Friendly faces

Looking up at the waitress as she comes to the table and than turning his head just slightly to Pete a smirk cross Trey's face once more. He could read's Pete's mind and thought it was quiet humerus. This TJY agent as Reese liked to call them seemed much different from the other ones.

A smart comment lay on the tip of Trey's tong and he so badly wanted to ask the waitress if he could order her but something makes him refrain from the comment. Giving the waitress his order Trey waits for her to leave before turning to Pete again.

"That waitress was eye balling you man. She had the looks but... I don't know if she had the personalty for you or not. She defiantly didn't pass up giving you a once over yourself though."

Straightening in his seat a little and looking around the dinning area once more Trey's eyes moves the room just taking everything in and his surroundings. Coming back to Pete though he is quite surprised when he was now told he could go smoke alone. Just studying his face for a moment Trey wonders if Pete was stupid, or very trust worthy not to think Trey would run.

"Alright, I'll be back than."

Getting up from the booth Trey makes his way back how they came stepping outside passing an attractive blond on the way. Stepping out onto the sidewalks and moving around to the far corner of the building he pulls out his pack of smokes and his lighter. For the moment nicotine was his out.

Entering the dinner a medium high woman enters. Pushing one side of her short blond hair behind her ear she lets her bright green eyes scan the dinner almost as if looking for someone. Letting her eyes rest on Pete her face lights up a little more a smile spreading across her lips. It was just her luck and surprise that he really was here today.

Walking over to Pete's table the woman only hoped it was really who she had been looking for. She was ninety percent sure it was him because his looked hadn't change that much but it had been ten years so some stuff did seem different.

"Peter Kriston? It's Nikki, Nikki Keller....its been a while. How are you?"

Nikkie waited for his reply waiting to see if it was Pete and if he even remembered her. Her heart pounded in her chest as she waiting hoping she didn't look to foolish.

Turning from the photo's on the wall and taking the water Beth gives a small smile and her thanks as she takes a small sit. Looking around the kitchen some more and watching as Justin starts to cut the watermelon she gives a little jump to the phone but recovers when knowing what it was.

As Justin goes for it Beth does her best to mind her own business till finally she wonders to one of the stools by the counter and pulls it out to site on. Sitting her glass down she raises a hand in a no thanks manor to the watermelon. She really wasn't all the hungry at the moment.

Just continuing to mind her own business she gives Justin a smile once he was off the phone other than feeling slightly bad that she was in the middle of keeping him from being with his....friend?

"It's ok. Was...that the girl your mom is trying to set you up with? You could of went with her...and we could fish another time. I wouldn't have minded to much."

Beth didn't want to stand in Justin's way and if he would have more fun with someone else than by all means she would want him to go with her. She was a stick in the mud who was trying new things and she new it. Maybe if she broke out on her own first than she could be more fun to hang out with.

Finally leaning over the counter just a little Beth takes a peace of the watermelon and pops it into her mouth before giving a small smile.

"Mmm...not bad."

Continuing to listen to Alec Dalton goes back to his own work on his computer though keeps his attachen on Alec as well as he works away on the other. He might as well continue to work a little bit on his own work and not put it aside completely right now.

Hearing thought that someone was hacking into there system through a back door though Dalton's head shoots up as she wheels his hand in one stride over to Alec again looking over her shoulder.


Leaning over Alec's shoulder for a moment Dalton types a few things into the computer pulling up a few more screens only to come up empty handed. He was going to really have to dig more to be able to do anything.

"Who ever it was covered there tracks. I'm doing to have to do some real chipping work on this. Here....I'm going to link up the computers for a second and transfer that to here, so I can work from my own computer."

Opening his drawer and pulling out a cord Dalton hooks it to his computer and than to the computer Alec was at. Entering a few things into his computer he walks Alec through a simple steps on that one till the files, information, and all over stuff Alec had done to that computer was now replaced on his screen so he could work on it more.

"There we go now I can work on this from the comfort of my own desk. I need to tell Reese about this though. If you wanna keep working there you can."

Taking out his cell and dialing Reese's number Dalton got the voice mail like he new he would since he was out with Angelica at the moment but leaving a message in this case was no problem.

"Boss, we got a problem I need you to call me as soon as you can."

Hanging up the phone he looks over at Alec for a long moment before giving a nod.

"Thanks Alec, if it hadn't been for you we never would of known."

Pulling away a little and giving a smile to Ryder Thirteen was happy he'd let them work on his leg again. Not for her own personal gain but for Ryder. If he couldn't walk anymore she new how miserable he would be. Ryder didn't like to sit still and to be stuck not being able to walk it would kill him.

"Ok, as soon as they say your released we can get out of here, and start life again. Maybe...I'll even cook dinner for you if your nice to me."

Thirteen gives a little laugh as she leans her head on top of his for a moment and than gives him a strong hug.

Go ahead

Pete scans the menu and chuckles at Trey's comment about the women. "Yeah, there are some around here that aren't too bad looking."

Quirking an eyebrow at the question of returning outside. "Nope. No smoking in here, so-"

"Alright, are you two ready to order?"

Pete looks up at the perky waitress, giving her a once-over then glancing to Trey with a wry grin that he knew he would catch. "I think so. I want an omelet..."

It only takes a few moments to take both orders and the waitress is gone again. Pete thumbs to the door. "Go ahead and take your smoke. I'll hold the table."

"Water I got. Good well water too." Getting a glass and some ice from the freezer, Justin heads for the sink to fill up the glass with cool water. His eyes wander to Beth as she looks at the pictures and he lets her be.

"Alright, here we go." He sets the glass down on the counter. "I think I'm going to have some salad... ooh, looks like I got some watermelon left too. Better eat more of that before it goes bad."

Retrieving the half-melon from the fridge, he sets it on a cutting board and grabs a long knife from a drawer. Just ready to cut into it, the phone rings. Sighing, he goes ahead and cuts the watermelon, letting the answering machine pick up.

"Hey, Justin, it's me, Rebecca. Your mom gave me your number and I just thought I'd call to-"

Justin's head shoots up from the watermelon. Skirting into the living room, he grabs the cordless phone. "Rebecca... I'm here. What's up?" Wandering back into the kitchen, he cradles the phone between his chin and shoulder as he continues to cut up the watermelon. "Yeah, I'm good. You?"

Setting the watermelon on a large plate, he wipes off the counter and sets the plate on the table. Whispering, he speaks to Beth. "Help yourself." Walking back to the fridge, he keeps up his phone conversation. "Mm-hmm... yeah. No, that's okay. I just got back a few minutes ago." With both hands full, he kicks the fridge door shut and starts cutting up lettuce for a salad, then adds just a few chopped onions, part of a green pepper and some carrots, topped with a bit of shredded cheese. "Uh-huh... sounds great. Yeah, I'm probably heading back there this week sometime. Right..." He laughs. "She likes to tell everyone everything."

Putting the stuff away, he puts the large bowl of salad on the table, retrieving two smaller bowls in case Beth changed her mind, and he also brings out a couple different kinds of dressing. "This afternoon?" He pauses. "Naw, I got a friend here and we're going fishing in a bit. Thanks, though. Maybe another time. Yeah... okay. Alright, sure. Yep, got it. Thanks, Rebecca. Talk to you later."

Ending the call, he sets the phone on the kitchen counter and goes to the table, sitting down to get himself some salad, unsure if Beth wanted to sit too or not, but just leaving it open for her to decide. "Sorry about that."

Alec keeps working, but pauses to sift through the files again. "Yeah, that was a weird one. I woulda thought the Agency would have taken the guy in, not kill him on the spot. But the... a security risk is a security risk and they don't play around."

Finding the file, he nods. "Heard that name before but didn't make the connection. Don't think I ever met him - he was in some higher stuff, probably a clean-cut character on the outside. Not surprised if the Agency wants her dead now though if she's got info. That's a given."

Continuing his work, he takes a side venture, looking up a few things about the information Destiny had turned in. "Hey, did you know you got some outsider accessing Agency files about this?" He points to the screen. "Username is Gambler. I though everyone here had to go through the TJY database to get their information. Though whoever it was knew how to get in the backdoor - if I hadn't happened into this, it wouldn't have shown up anywhere else."

Ryder sighs deeply, reaching his one hand up to cradle Thirteen's head as she leaned it down on his. "Okay... they can do surgery again." If he were crippled up, he wouldn't be very much good to her anymore. "But I'm out of here the minute he says I'm released."

Good Stuff

Taking the ride with Pete it was a little more careless than Trey would of expected. Thought Trey didn't mind at all it how his friends drove all the time. Getting to the restrant and seeing the woman himself Trey sits up in the seat a little bit and watches her himself cocking his head. Turning his head just a little to look at Pete a grin pass his lips before he jumps out of the car.

Following Pete inside and sliding into the booth across from him Trey reaches for a menu and looks over it. He really wasn't in the mood for breakfast and he didn't know what was good here, but seeing the Philly cheese steak he new not many people could mess that one up.

Setting the menu down he looks across the table at Pete before around the little restrant. Taking in the faces, and the people noting more pretty women around the room and than looking back to Pete again.

"Well I have to hand one thing to this country they sure do have a lot of pretty lady's, not that Mexico doesn't but they are few and far between there."

Taking a sip of the drink that was brought Trey gives a little chuckle before leaning back in the booth and stretching.

"I suppose they don't let you smoke in here do they? And I don't suppose you really wanna walk outside with me again after we just sat down?"

Following Justin to his house it wasn't to hard. The roads were pretty straght forward with not many cars on them to get in the way. Justin was right though it was very pretty here with lots to look at.

Coming to the house and parking Beth gets out of her car leaving her doors unlocked knowing it would be alright all the way out here. Following Justin into the house Beth looks around. It wasn't a bad little house just needed a little work.

"It's not that dirty, I've seen worse."

Wondering with Justin into the kitchen Beth keeps her arms wrapped around herself. Her eyes wondering taking in everything and trying to keep her nerves calmed. It had been a long time since she was in someone else house.

"Mmm...I'll have some water please and thank you."

Wondering over to on of the walls in the kitchen that had pictures hanging on it Beth's eyes scan them. Most of them looked like family pictures and pictures of his dogs as puppys. The smiling faces and laughter looked back at her. Justin's family looked nice, and his mom looked like she would be a great person to get along with. Beth wondered what it would be like to still have a family.

Continuing to watch Alec Dalton was so diligent in taking in what he was doing so if he ever needed to get in again maybe he could use some of the tricks. He always did like learning new things and thats why he liked having Scott around. Not only was he his good friend but he challenged his mind with new things.

"No if the Agency's walls were weaker there would be no fun in cracking them open. However I have been working on making our own defenses stronger it just takes a little time."

Dalton can feel his own excitement rise inside him as the moment tick on though he really didn't let it show unless someone looked close enough to see it in his eyes. But working with Alec was different that what he thought it might be.

"I think part of the files you got there is the stuff that girl brought in the one who's parents were killed. Maybe thats why the Agency is after here to now. She sure did bring us a bunch of good stuff though thats for sure."

Thirteen gives a nod knowing he did hate it here, and seeing a tiny bit of worry in his eyes. It was easy to pick out today because it was something that not often was there.

"I know, I would too. Its no fun being cooped up when you don't want to be. But the Dr is just taking to help."

Keeping Ryder's hand in her own Thirteen leans down and gives him a kiss on the for head before just leaning her own against his.

Pretty lady

Grinning a little, Pete ambles behind Trey, using the remote on his keys to unlock the car. Once in and started, he puts the roof down and dons his sun glasses, making sure Trey's got his seatbelt on before peeling out of the parking lot.

Heading down through town, he barely makes several red lights - perhaps they were orange as he went through the intersections. Radio on and wind blowing, he doesn't force conversation but just drives, heading for the quick little diner that had good fast breakfasts.

Parking diagonally on the curb, Pete cuts the engine. A pretty lady walks past and he tilts his head, looking over his sunglasses for a moment as his eyes follow her. Turning to Trey, he gives him a crooked grin before hopping over the convertible door. "Come on. Food here's good."

Getting inside, he hangs his sunglasses from his shirt and slides into a small booth near the window. "Grab a menu... breakfast stuff is good but sometimes I'm ornery and have them make me a hamburger or something instead."

Turning quickly to Beth, Justin grins and shakes his head. "Nope - haven't been waiting at all. I was just gonna go back and sit down, so you're fine."

Letting the dogs hop up into the truck behind the front seats, he shuts the passenger door. "Well, if you're ready, I'll lead the way. It's about an hour's drive, but the scenery is nice."

It doesn't take long to get out on the road and Justin leads, keeping a constant watch in his mirrors to make sure he didn't lose Beth. It wasn't too hard though - there weren't too many turns and traffic was light. It doesn't seem like an hour has passed by the time he pulls off onto the back roads and eventually winds back to his lane. Driving slowly, he tries to avoid some of the ruts and muses that some of the overhanging trees should be trimmed sometime.

Finally getting to the little clearing with his house, he parks on the gravel patch that used to look more like a driveway, but was now overgrown with grass. Getting out, he motions to Beth that she could park anywhere. Then letting the dogs out, they bound into the yard, growling and playing with each other, obviously happy to be home and knowing they were off duty now.

Waiting for Beth, Justin smiles and doesn't rush - he knew this was new to her and didn't want to push too much. It was her timing that was important, not his.

Leading the way inside, he lets Beth in but leaves the door open for now, just letting the screen door stay shut. Danitza and Zora obediently remain outside. Tossing his keys aside, Justin remains very casual. "Welcome to the living room. Sorry for the mess." It really wasn't messy - just a bit cluttered but not dirty. Shoes were here and there, his sad looking plants drooped near the window and the couch cushions weren't quite straight, but overall it wasn't bad.

"Make yourself at home," he offers as he wanders to the kitchen. "Don't know about you, but I'm hungry." He opens the refrigerator and peers in, scanning what he had. "I got stuff for salads... subs... got stuff to drink... want anything?"

Alec immediately starts the new task, glad to just have something to do. Hearing Dalton's comment, he grins a little too. "What - hacking into systems? Yeah."

Staring at the screen, he types and looks for where he needed to go. "Pity for the good guys that they have weaker walls than the bad guys. You'd think it would be the other way around. Can't tell you how much stuff the Agency has gotten from TJY before when no one was looking."

Ryder sighs, but returns a squeeze to Thirteen's hand. "Yeah. I know." Though his tone was irritated, there was something else behind his eyes that he usually kept well-hidden: worry. This was about as bad as he'd had it and it wasn't fun. "I just hate this place."

Aussie and Stubborn

Trey looks at the door, than Pete, than the car, back to the door, Pete and the car again before looking back to Pete. It was easy to see he really was contemplating weather he should go or stay, but when it came down to it, he didn't want to stay here so getting out even for a little while sounded good. Not to mention going against what Reese was forcing him to do was even better.

"I say Why the heck not, any excuse to get outta here is a good one. Lets blow this place."

Not waiting for Pete to change his mind Trey had turned around already and was heading to his car. Sticking his pack of smokes in his pocket. Getting to the car and finding the door's lock he waits for Pete.

Finished with her visit for the day it was a little longer than planned but it felt good. Some people might feel sorry for Beth that she came to see her sister everyday but it was the only family she had left, and she loved Sarah so much that it didn't bother her. She never had to come, but she wanted too. Maybe it was something that in a way...did make her happy.

Exiting the building and see Justin go to his car Beth's head pumps a little. Had he been waiting long and now thought she wasn't going to come? Skipping a few steps Beth walks a little faster down the side walk to get to his truck as he is opening the door. Continuing to just stand on the side walk she waits and than speaks.

"Sorry it took me longer than expected. You wernt waiting long were you?"

Beth gives a small little smile as she folds her hands in front of her. It was nice talking to Justin, and she enjoyed it. Still the thought of going to his place made her a little worried but maybe it wouldn't be that bad.

Looking to Alec and than the computer that Scott always had used Dalton gives a little nod of his head. He didn't mind if anyone used it.

"Yeah sure thing. Once you get as far as you can, I can try to work my own magic on it."

Looking at Alec for a long moment and searching his face Dalton's lips turn up into a small smile for a moment before he turns and looks back to the computer screen again to watch what Alec was doing.

"Have to admit this is the best part of the job."

Standing quietly in the room Thirteen just watch's JT, and Ryder. It was like this most days when the Dr came to see him. Ryder wanted out and grew more and more irritated that he couldnt be let go. In a way Thirteen felt bad for him.

As JT leaves the room Thirteen gives a nod to him about talking with him. Walking back over to the bed she takes his hand in hers and gives it a little squeeze. She understood he wanted to get out, she'd felt like that for so many years for the longest time, but he was here for a good reason.

"Hey...If you let him fix your leg again he'd probably let you out sooner than if you don't."

Thirteen wanted to tell Ryder how important it was to get his leg fixed but was now really a good time? He was already irritated and maybe she wouldn't help matters at all! She hated seeing Ryder upset, and in pain, she wished she could do more for him even though she couldn't. Maybe if he refused to get his leg fixed again she could talk to Carson. They both were Aussie and stubborn maybe he could get through to him.

Second time

"Well..." Pete grins a little, cocking his head at Trey. "I might not be known as a rule bender, but since Reese is gone for the moment, why not? And you're right - we don't spend much money on the break room food."

He pulls his keys from his pocket and thumbs toward his car. "Don't know what you're used to for breakfasts down in Mexico, but what we got isn't bad. What do you say?"

Justin smiles, hearing that Beth kept the butterfly. Giving her a little wave, he nods. "See you in a while."

He sits for a bit longer until he finally gets up and wanders to the other building where he needed to find Scott.

The day's session goes well and without incident. Though Scott is down, he's willing to play the matching game. There wasn't much improvement as far as deterring his brain's automatic mechanisms, but even the slightest improvement was good. By the time he and Justin are finished, it's close to noon.

Justin wanders back down the sidewalk, taking his time. The dogs amble behind him, sniffing at this and that, but knowing better than to tug on their leashes. Justin glances around and passes by the bench for now - he would go put his backpack in his truck and if he still didn't see Beth, he would come back to the bench.

Alec quirks an eyebrow. It wasn't long ago that he could have puked at the idea of trying to get on Reese's good side. But at the moment, it didn't seem such a bad idea.

"Yeah, I think I can get in far enough for you to use these. Might take a little while since I have to remember as I go but..." He shrugs and gestures to the monitor in front of him. "Can I use this computer?"

"So what are you saying?"

"I'm saying I have to go in again." JT folds his arms, his facial expression grim. "I'll schedule it for today."

Ryder's eyes narrow. "If you didn't do a good enough job the first time, who says you will a second time? Or do you like being a butcher?"

"Look." JT's tone grows firm. "I did all I could the first time, but the tests show that your muscles are not healing properly. Now you can refuse a second surgery, but if you do, more than likely you'll wind up a cripple the rest of your life. Is that what you want?"

Ryder glares at the bedsheets. He'd wanted to get out of here today, not be told more work needed to be done on his leg. "I knew there was a reason I hated hospitals," he grumbles.

"If that crocodile had decided to tear, and it's amazing she didn't, you wouldn't have a calf left. Be glad I'm trying to get you back on your feet." JT turns to head from the room but stops and glances to Thirteen, of whom he'd seen here a lot the last few days. "Talk to him," he urges more quietly. "I can't help him against his will."