
My Weakness

Finishing his story and just looking at Reese Nate could see the wheels in his head turning. Nate couldn't help but feel Reese's answer was going to be no. It was a risky plan and surly he wouldn't like it. So when Reese agreed Nate couldn't help the look of shock on his face. There was no hesitation, He was just for it.

   "You got it boss, thank you."

As Reese leave Nate just stands there for a long moment. He had hoped Reese would say yes, but he didn't think he would, and now that he had....it made Nate's head spin. Regaining his composure though Nate exited the office and headed back to his cubicle where Garret was waiting.

   "Garret, its a go. Reese gave his out, without me trying to convince him non the less. Nope lets hope this works like we want it too."

Angle couldn't help but jump at the sudden out burst from Lane and Con. She could see where Lane was coming from this was his son and she was so scared for his life. If it was Wendy, she would be the same way. At the same time though she understood where Con was coming from on how this whole situation was. He new far more about The Agency than any of them even if they had been fighting them longer.

Following after Lane Angel sat down next to him and put an arm over his shoulder. She really did feel bad and could only imagen how helpless he was feeling.

   "Lane, Travis is going to be ok. I know that dosn't mean much but...we've been through worse. Con knows what he is doing, and the Elite does too. They wont go down without a fight, and Travis is out safe. Pashents really isnt my strong suit either, but we have to try and be. We all got your back and you are not alone in this...not anymore."

Having wondered into the dining hall that very much looked like a place preparing for battle now Stacy caught the tail end of the conversation and gave a nod to Mick without saying anything. Grabbing an unopened bottle of water that was on the near by table she turned and headed out again.

Making her way to where the cams where set up in what looked like a normal shed she worked quickly to make sure they were all working, and the ones that weren't would be the first that she would check, and get working before starting rounds earlier than normal.

As everyone scattered to do there taskes Rosetta mad her way to her office to grab a few things before getting BJ and coming back to the dinning all. Having him sit at another table beside her she handed him a few coloring items and a coloring book of his own.

Writing everyone name down who was able to be on shift Rosetta started up drawing up shifts and posts of where to keep people. Stacy was good, but she would need help. This was nothing to mess around with and she new it,

Following Levi, and sitting next to him Karla did her best to intake everything he was talking about and saying. She really wanted to do good at this job. Seeing the coffee pot she grins before getting up and grabbing some than sitting down again taking a sip.

   "Coffee, my weakness. I think I'll be making a lot of this."

Continuing to take everything in Karla's head started to spin. She was so thankful for everything, and at the same time it was so overwhelming too. Karla's head started to spin as a small smile just spread across her lips. Playing a hand on Levi's arm Karla looked him in the eye.

   "Levi....slow down, you are going really fast..."

Karla laughed before shaking her head and taking a sip of her coffee. Watching Levi was ramble was cute, even if it was over whelming.

   :...I dont mind to much its just a lot to take in and I am sure I will get the hang of it. As for Nancy, I'll try to work my magic on her."

The knock on the door startled Chad from his hazy half watching the movie, half not sleep. He didn't care how cornie the movie was, he was there with Rosalyn and that was all that mattered to him. The night really couldn't be more perfect. He sure was going to miss this...he was going to miss her when he left. He'd try and be back soon but he was still going to miss her, and it was going to still be hard.

Giving a smile to her as she got up He adjusted and leaned his head back a little just waiting for her to return. He just hoped it would be quickly before he really did fall asleep again.

Sitting up as Rosalyn came back Chad could tell something was wrong and it made the hair on the back of his neck stand up. Hearing it was her father he couldn't help his internal sigh. He didn't know what was going on, or why he was here wanting to talk to him. When he'd gone to the ranch he had talked to no one but Clint, and it didnt seem like he would have jumped to tell there father where she was.

   "That's odd."

Standing and straightening out his wrinkled shirt Chad was thoughtful for a long moment. He could not see Rosalyn's father and save everyone a lot of trouble, or he could see what he wanted. Worse came to worse, he could always walk away from her dad too if he tried to start anything. It was worth a shot to see though.

   "I'll talk to him and see what he wants. Don't stress to much it will be ok."

Straightening out his shirt that had been wrinkled from laying on the couch Chad's bare feet scuff the floor. Getting to the door he takes a deep breath and composes himself for what was to come. Opening the door and stepping outside he closes it behind him before giving a not to Jim, and extending his hand. 

   "Good Evening Jim, Rosalyn said you wanted to speek with me?!'