

Sitting at his desk Dalton pulls up another text message file he had gotten from Sprint on Bree's parents phone. He'd hit the jackpot with this one and new it would come in handy. Totally lost in though Dalton gives a jump as the office door slams open and than shut again. Not having expected Scott back so soon. Snapping his head up his eyes filled with question from the look on his friends face. Something defiantly was not right.

About to say something Dalton stops again as Scott gets up one more time and leaves the room. Looking around fast Dalton takes note that his jacket was still there so it was obvious that he wasn't leaving again. Maybe he went to the bathroom or to grab a file. Dalton didnt like the feeling he had in his gut but waited.

As the minutes ticked by Dalton couldn't help but keep looking at the clock taking note that Scott was gone. Finally standing from his desk Dalton exits and looks up and down the hall. Listing closly for a moment Dalton thinks he might of heard something but it came from down below...from the....

...Who ever said big guys couldn't run were wrong, Dalton had opted to take the stairs and not the elevator it was quicker. Now coming to the room where the light was on Dalton caught his breath as he looked in and watch Scott for only a moment. Seeing his knuckles turn read, and that there was pain etched on his face Dalton hoped Scott would stop but seeing he wasn't Dalton couldn't stand there any longer. Opening the door and stepping in Dalton closed it again behind him.


No answer Dalton let his voice boom a little more.


Still no answer Dalton stepped up to his small friend and put a hand on his shoulder in case he hasnt heard him to let them know he was there.

"Scott...thats enough."

Still nothing but seeing the glazed look in Scott's eyes Dalton could tell he was in a different zone. Not being quick enough as his heart ached a strong blow came to the side of Dalton's face, and than again to his jaw. Stumbling back a little bit Dalton gave a shake of his head before looking up again, this time blocking Scott's punch. Dalton didnt want to hurt him so he was as gentil as he could be, wrapping his strong arms around Scott and holding his arms down.

"Scott, stop...Scott."

As Scott fraught his strength Dalton took a few steps backwards but stumbled on his own big feet. Falling he slams into the wall with a crash and slides to the floor his arms still around his friend. Forgetting his own pain that corsed through his side, more than likly a broken rib, and the pain in his face Dalton still held Scott.

"Scott its me...its Dalton...please stop...stop hurting yourself. Come on buddy its me."

Flicking the tears from her eyes Sapphire pulls up to the area where she new Gage was working today. She needed some company, and better yet she just wanted to go but had to make sure Gage was safe.

Turning the car off Sapphire gets out straightening her shirt out and backhand whipping the tears from her eyes. Reaching back into the car Sapphire grabs her sun glasses and slaps them on. Shutting the door she scans the side of the road where the inmates and other juveniles were working before he see Gage. 

Taking sight of the only officer there Sapphire makes her line twords him. He was an odd looking fellow, quite fat, gray hair but certainly did fit this position. Taking out her Elite badge Sapphire clears her throat.

"Excuse me Officer..."

Sapphire quints at the name on the badge.

"...Finkleton. My name is Sapphire Johnson I am an office with The Elite, and Gage Pelzer is in my care when he is not here. I need to take my Pelzer with me for some questioning on a recent discovery that has come up. I will be more than happy to sigh anything you need me to, to be able to take him, Or I can let you call my head and talk to him, but I doubt he would be to happy about that."

Sapphire stood talking to the office the sun gleaming off her hair, her arms folded across her chest once her badge was shown to the officer.


Having Sapphire push him up against the wall, Scott cringes, flinching at her quick movements. Cornered with nowhere to go, he glares into her eyes, panic bubbling beneath the surface as a flashback tried to worm its way into his mind. But anger remained at the top, controlling any other feelings that raged through his veins. 

Sapphire's words stung like daggers, but he doesn't move or try to respond. It didn't matter - she had taken control of the situation and wouldn't let him talk anyway. 

Watching her walk away, Scott almost yells after her, but he knows there are other people here too - it wasn't just the two of them, and he didn't want to cause any more of a scene than they already had. 

Hot tears well behind his eyes as he fumbles for his billfold, throwing money on the table for a meal hardly touched. Then it was his turn to leave. Getting in his car, he doesn't think twice about going back to TJY. He wouldn't let this thing beat him. He wouldn't. He had a life to live and it wasn't going to come to a screeching halt just because his sister was getting involved with a scumbag like Gage. 

Parking and going inside, Scott doesn't even see the other people around him. He makes a beeline for his office, finding Dalton still there - probably never having moved. Scott hadn't been gone all that long. 

Taking his jacket off, he throws it in the corner and flops down in his chair a little harder than usual, a scowl on his face. He doesn't even greet his big friend, but stares at his blank computer screen. A tear runs down the side of his cheek as his mind replays Sapphire's actions. 

Ignoring Dalton's presence altogether, he gets to his  feet again, this time heading downstairs and to the rec room. Glad no one else was down there, he turns on one corner light just enough to navigate around the equipment. Bumping up against a punching bag, he doesn't hesitate before throwing his fist at it. And it felt good. Not bothering with gloves, Scott throws another punch and another, first a right, then a left, blinded by lack of sight and by a few more tears that clouded his vision. 

No one would hear him crying out behind the closed door as sweat started to run down his face. Another swing, and another came until his knuckles were battered and bloodied, but he didn't stop. All his eyes saw were Agency men. He was fighting them.. fighting the room... fighting the torture... fighting himself.


Sapphire couldn't take it, and maybe she had enough, maybe she was tired of being told what to do and watching those who had no voice of there own get bulled but whatever it was it raged and her brother was the target because of his own words and actions.

Not training with the Elite to be out in the field Sapphire could still move like the rest and observing everyone else around her while they trained she had picked up a thing or two. Before anyone could even blink Sapphire was up and over in the booth next to Scott pushed up against the wall, her eyes blazed red showing she wasn't messing around.

"You bother taking anything up with Gage again, I'll have a restraining order on you so fast it will make you head spin little brother. As for the Agency is concerned you even merer a word to them where Gage is than you have have it on YOUR shoulders that you signed you own sister death warrant because they will have to get through me to get to him."

Sapphire's eyes pierced through Scotts, seeing his own anger so strong it mingled with her own. It was a bad combo and though she loved her brother never ending but she was hurt and felt betrayed that her own brother didn't trust her.

 "You wanna break mom's heart for not coming over for Christmas than fine, but I hope you get over it quick and stop being childish for her sake."

Finished with this conversation Sapphire could feel the hot tears burn in her eyes as she exits the booth. Sitting there longer would make things worse and she didnt want to have this display while there were kids around. She said what she needed to, and that was it.

Exiting she doesn't look back but gets into her care letting the engine run for a moment before bulling out of the parking lot the tears streaming from her eyes. Work was not her destination, she didn't want to go back there, not yet.


Scott's folded hands tighten, his knuckles starting to turn white. All the while, he holds a steady gaze, the anger and hate flooding his veins. It wasn't his sister he was so angry with, but Gage himself. Yet at the same time, she was defending him... she was defending a man who had been a part of the place that had ripped Scott's life from him once. How could she take Gage's side like that?

"I'll take up with Gage whatever I want to take up with him," he replies coolly. "If he can't handle it, then he's less of a man than even I thought. You go right on defending him. Date him. Go ahead. But count me out."

Emotions boil in Scott's eyes. He and Sapphire had had some rough years but they'd never really argued. Until now. And this was an argument held at bay only because they were in public.

"You follow him, he'll lead you straight to the Agency. Have it your way. But don't expect me just to stand back and watch. You leave alone what's between him and me - it's none of your business. As far as any social interaction is concerned though, I'll just tell you right now that if he's involved, I'm not going to be there."

Was he talking about Christmas? Social events? Double dates? It didn't matter. Scott was talking about all of it, and his tone made it clear that he was serious. It was him or Gage at this point, and he wasn't backing down. "If he knows what's good for him, he'll leave you alone."

Me, not Him

Seeing the look in Scott's eyes and hearing his words only made Sapphire anger rage on even more. She was hurt, and she couldn't stand what her brother had done. Didn't he remember when he had been roughed up right inside TJY, how many people stood for him when they thought HE was a bad guy.

"I stand for a man who has no voice, because he has no friends yet he wants to change his life. I'm his only friend, and he's the only one I got. I'm not going to back down on this, and I will follow him where he goes because I promised I would protect him and along the way, I saw who he really was. And it isn't what you cant see past."

Moving her chicken away from her and just leaving her drink Sapphire felt so sick to her stomach. Everything had turned so wrong so fast. She had found someone she cared about, Her relationship with her parents were getting better and her Baby brother and herself were getting along. Now...now it was on the brink of breaking all over again. Shifting a little Sapphire moves to the edge of the booth ready to get up, she really had nothing else to say seeing as Scott really wouldn't listen much. Not to mention she was going to snap if she stayed any longer. It wasn't often Sapphire got angry to where she wanted to yell, and she really didnt want to do it now.

"Gage us bit the enemy here Scott. He will continue to be a part of my life, and if you have a problem with that than you can deal with me, not him."


Hearing Sapphire's words, Scott shouldn't have been surprised, but it still sent a lurch through his gut. Thoughts of yesterday came shooting back through his mind.

"I don't care what you think or what you feel, but nothing you do can make me trust you." Scott's eyes had been glaring at Gage, who surprisingly sat cowering in the passenger seat. "I don't care if the Agency is after you, or the law. You drop whatever it is with Sapphire and you do it quick. I can handle the others from the Agency, but they're not the ones trying to date my sister. Being with her only puts her in danger, so if you care at all, you'll walk away. And if you don't... so help me, I'll make you." 

Scott's fingers continue to work at his napkin and he stares back at Sapphire, his own gaze growing cold. "If you don't know what I said, then obviously you weren't intended to hear." He tosses the napkin aside and folds his hands. "Apparently you know how I feel though, so I really see no purpose in having this conversation... unless you have a point to all this."


Waiting in the booth Sapphire nibbled on a chicken nugget, and a mountain dew sat off the the right side. She really didn't feel hungry or like eating anything but if they were going to meet her she might as well pay them something. 

Watching as her brother slides into the booth across from her no smile forms on her face. Her eyes seemed mad of ice, and cracks that were riddled in it as her her had been broken by the one person she trusted enough to help Gage. Looking out the window Sapphire doesn't look at Scott, as for the moment her voice was calm.

"What did you say to him Scott? What did you say that made him so scared that everything we worked on over the last months went up in smoke and why? He was rebuilding his life, he was starting over and turning from his ways. I trusted you, I trusted you Scott, my brother my twin."

Turning to look at her brother in the eyes head on Sapphire gave a shake of her head. She didnt understand why her brother would do this. Was it because of Gage's past? Was it simply because he believe sister could do better?
"Everyone deserves a second chance."

Sinking feeling

Catching the tail end of Sapphire's conversation, Scott feels an odd church in his stomach. Something definitely didn't seem right. After yesterday, he would have assumed Gage would have cut things off with Sapphire, not set up another date. Scott holds his tongue for now though. He'd find out later.

But seeing a strange coldness in his sister's eyes, he wonders if what had happened really had an impact. And now she wanted to do lunch with him?

Scott cocks his head, squinting slightly. "Lunch?" They never went out to lunch. "I'd ask what the occasion is but..." He lets his sentence trail off as an awkwardness settles over him. "Uh, yeah... okay. I don't have any plans other than a nap so... I'll see you at noon."

Tapping the top of the cubicle wall, he heads off, not leaving much more room for conversation. Getting to his office, he bids Dalton a quick good morning, but remains more quiet than normal, downing a can of Mountain Dew as the second half of his breakfast. Focusing on the tasks at hand, Scott doesn't get up from his chair again until he sees the clock reads noon. His stomach had been growling for an hour and he'd been ignoring it, but it looked like he didn't have much of a choice now. He just had this sinking feeling...

"Catch you later, Hulk." He waves to his friend as he leaves the office. "If you hear an explosion..." He pauses then shakes his head. "Never mind. Hold the fort."

It didn't take long to leave TJY in two vehicles and meet up at the little fast food joint. Scott usually ordered a hamburger and shake, but today he postponed ordering for a few minutes. Sliding in the booth across from Sapphire, he fidgets with a napkin.

"So.... what's up?"


Once Scott leaves Dalton gives a shake of his head and lets out a heavy sigh. What could he do? Scott didn't want help now, He'd just about given up again letting the anger drive and control him. Dalton was worried but what could he do?

Grabbing his phone from his desk he hold it for a long moment, just turning it in his hand, over and over again. Would it be smart? If Scott found out would he be upset? Dalton could only reassure himself that if Scott was upset that latter he he could understand Dalton was only worried and trying to protect his little friend. Punching in the numbers on the phone Dalton brings it to his eat and waits till he hears the friendly voice on the other end.

"Hey its Dalton...I need to talk to you about Scott..."

And the moon comes up casting its glow those that wish. The light stretching from one street to the next. Flowing over houses and trees trying to light all the dark. But Night...night is not meant for than and soon the sun will be up to finish the moons job. Chasing the shadows, and creating new ones. Even if some heart had no will for light, it would still come, it would still enter.

Sitting behind her desk Sapphire new she would get Gage's voice mail as he was probably in the shower right now getting ready for his community service. She hadn't wanted to come into work today knowing she would see Scott, at a time like this she wished they didn't work together. But she had to be here, and whatever happen with Scott happened.

"Hey Gage is just me. I wanted to call and wish you a Good Morning before you started your day. I hope it turns into a good one and about 5 I'll see you back at your place so we can go get our hair cuts, and some nice cloths for Christmas...."

Looking up and seeing Scott on the other side of the wall Sapphire's eyes seemed to turn just a little bit cold, yet a flame seemed to flicker. It reason, or destination was masked but it was there. Just seeing her brother brought back the previous night with Gage.

"...I'll see ya at 5. Try and have a good one. Later."

Hanging up the phone Sapphire looks up at her brother again and gives a nod of her head but didn't offer a good morning back. Finally looking back her all the paper work on her desk Sapphire sighs. If she opened her mouth she was scared of what might come out, but she had to. She had to say something, she didn't want to fight here at work.

"Let do lunch today Scott about 12. I have something I need to talk to you about."


Scott finishes shutting down his computer, not acting like he was listening to Dalton, though he was. He just felt so confused right now, he didn't know what to do or believe.

Grabbing his jacket, he makes it all the way to the door before stopping and turning back around. "I've already been ripped apart. And I'm tired of needing Hope as a counselor. She can't fix what's wrong with me - nobody can. It's like a bad computer virus, 'cept my hard drive can't be wiped clean. I'm stuck with the bad and I gotta figure out how to live with it. If anybody's got a problem with it, they can take it up with the Agency." 

Shaking his head a little, he exits the office without saying anymore, slowly heading outside. It was just as well he and Hope had no plans tonight... he still had a headache and it was worse now. He just wanted to go curl up with Domino and go to bed.

The sun waits for no one, not even those wishing it wouldn't yet come. But even after a fun evening and a good night sleep, Gage had to pull himself out of bed for another day of service. He'd had a much better evening with Sapphire than he'd thought he would after what had happened with Scott. Just sitting and talking, then falling asleep through a movie... it was simple but warm and comfortable. And it was something Gage wasn't ready to trade.

"...you do, and you'll regret it." 

Gage pulls on his jeans, recalling Scott's cold words to him as they'd sat in the car.

"You drop that relationship with my sister or so help me, I'll call the Agency in on you and they can have you." 

Would he? Gage knew that by staying with Sapphire, he was calling Scott's bluff... but was it a bluff? The night before, Gage had soaked up confidence from Sapphire. But this morning, the doubts were back.

On the other side of town, Scott didn't want the sun to come either. He'd had nightmares all night and had gotten maybe an hour's worth of sleep. But Reese was in no mood to accept him calling in. So it was up and to work, faking a smile to anybody he met. He was fine... just fine. He just needed to make it through another day and hope all these feelings went away. He just needed to wait them out.

Making it to TJY, he downs the rest of his coffee before getting out of his car. Yawning, he shakes his head to get out the cobwebs and he heads inside. He needed to finish up what he'd dropped last night when he'd left the office. 

Once inside, it's down the elevator and onto the main floor. Taking the short route through cubicles, he greets some of his coworkers, passing by Sapphire's desk as well. Peeking over her cubicle wall, he gives her a little wave like he usually does. His smile was tired, but it was there. "Mornin'."


Letting out a long sigh Dalton sits back in his chair picking up the pen that was laying by some papers he had been writing on. Tapping the pen absentmindly his his hand Dalton's heart ached.

"I know I dont know whats it like completely, but I do know what hate feels like..and seeing people that remind you of something you'd rather keep here."

Only some people would know Dalton was talking about his own past. His parents, the fire, his scares and the way people use to pick on him. It was MUCH different from what Scott was dealing with, but at the same time it was greatly the same. He just wanted his friend to know he wasnt alone.

"Scott, if things don't get better will you talk to Hope? I just, I don't want to see this anger rip you apart. You have to many people that care about you for that to happen....ok?"

Dalton's eyes showed great concern for his friend. He loved him like a little brother he always wanted, and he'd never want anything to happen to him. Friend, partner in crime, they challenged each other minds, Dalton had met someone like himself and taken to him greatly. Losing that, would cut a wound so deep to match the others, and Dalton could do without that, he needed his friend.

Ask Gage returned Sapphire hug, she gave a small soft humm...letting him know she liked it. Feeling wanted, and also taking care of another it was a good feeling only that she enjoyed. They both shared the weight, comforting one another and being there for the other. Sapphire had always felt alone since high school, even when others were around, she just didn't fit. But with Gage, he didn't care she dressed a little different, or the blue streaks she had in her hair sometimes. He saw her for more than just looks.

"My brother, can stick it. If he cant see that I am happy being around you, than he needs to open his eyes a little wider. I love him to death but...."

Sapphire runs her hand thought Gage's unruly hair straightening it out in a few places, her eyes locking with his deep green eyes, endless pools that captured his soul.

"...He can't just go around treating every friend I have he doesn't like."

Sighing a small little sigh as Gage takes her hand Sapphire looks down at there fingers locked together for a long moment before finally looking back up at Gage again. Giving a smile as his questions her eyes twinkle as she gives a nod.

"Yes, you can still come with me on Christmas. My parents are already expecting you, and excited to meet the guy I have been talking about a lot. I'm happy you still want to come with me."

So angry

Gage didn't know if he would ever understand where Sapphire's words and compassion came from. She had told him a lot about God - was that it? Or was it just her, the heart she had and simple care that kept her from sacrificing what she felt was right?

To think that she would take such a risk on him... it was humbling. But it was also a warm feeling that filled Gage like nothing else ever had. He loved spending time with Sapphire, he liked being her friend, he enjoyed having her over, he missed their time together on days they didn't see each other, he always looked forward to some cuddle time in front of the tv with a good movie... she was his only friend. He was on the brink of losing her because of her brother. She wasn't going to let it interfere. Was he?

Drawn into her embrace, his arms slide tighter around her, burying his face in her shoulder, half holding her and half being held. It proved what he felt on the inside - he needed the comfort, yet he also wanted to be strong enough to support her too.

After a few moments, he finally lifts his head, sighing a little. "Your brother won't be happy," he muses quietly. He hadn't intended on telling Sapphire who had started him down a different path, but she'd already figured it out on her own anyway. "He... loves you and doesn't want to see you get hurt. I guess if.... if I had a sister and she was going out with someone like me, I might..."

Drawing Sapphire back so he could see her eyes, he reaches up to comb down the side of her hair. "...I might be upset too."

Gage moves one hand to find hers again, never tiring of locking their fingers. "But... thank you... for believing in me anyway. I'll do my best not to let you down."

He pauses, question flickering in his eyes. "Even if... if Scott is upset, do you think that... I can still come with you to your parents?" He might not have said so, but even though nervous, he'd been looking forward to it - doing something different and meeting more people that Sapphire said he could trust.

Scott chews on the inside of his lip as Dalton talks. He knew in his head what his friend was saying was true. He knew that the people here now like Phinox and Carson... they weren't Agency anymore and they had made a true change. He knew Dalton was right about them. But this anger... this hate... it had started slow and had simmered until it had hit the boiling point. And now he didn't know how to douse the fire. 
"All the logic in the world doesn't take away my hate," he mutters. "You don't know what it's like. I know Carson isn't a bad guy anymore but it doesn't matter. When I see him, it all comes back... all the information... everything. All his case files, all the names of people he went after. Everything. Even Jamie. It was all on file before my assimilation." 

Lowering the ice pack, he stares at it, not caring that it was numbing his fingers. "Oh, I pretend that I'm fine around him... I call him a friend... and it's true. But it all comes back. I can't help it, Dalton. And as far as my sister is concerned... it's not Carson that's trying to date her. It's Gage - an Agency baby. And I don't trust him as far as I can throw him. I know she's got a mind of her own, but I don't much care." 

Scott's tone had become colder... harder. "Thirteen and Ryder is different. Thirteen's clueless about life. Gage is a killer. I'll be hanged if he weasels his way into my family... and I told him as much." 

Getting to his feet, he returns the ice pack to the small refrigerator. "It's just not that simple, Dalton." Reaching down, he starts to shut down his computer, even though his work wasn't done. "I'm going home."

Two side, Two people, Two looking for comfort.

Feeling that Gage had returned the kiss Sapphire was happy. It only confirmed what she already new than in no way did Gage himself want to really let her go. She enjoyed every moment spent with Gage, and never did she think twice about his past or what could come. To her, Gage was her friend and maybe even more, his past erased, and starting new now was who he was.

As Gage pulls away Sapphire leans her head into his hand as she study's his eyes. There color, there hope, so much life layed beyond the first layer. His words that formed on his lips, they just sounded so nice. To have someone talk about her like that it really made her feel good inside.

"No matter what anyone says Gage, you bring no shame to me and I am not ashamed of you. What you bring is happiness, and a smile to my face. It makes me feel good knowing I have a key to your apartment, and that I can come and see you. Spending my time with someone else and not alone is a nice gift to give someone."

Sapphire takes one of Gage's hands in her own locking her fingers with his. She had held his hand many times before and every time seemed like a new one.

"Don't ever let go Gage, you have so much to offer to the world, to me. You special, and I love being able to learn new things right along side you."

Sapphire still felt angry twords her brother but her words to Gage seemed to soften as a smile made its way across her face, her eyes softing. She would talk to her brother later, for now she wanted to enjoy her time with Gage. Leaning in to him again she wraps her arms around Gage's neck giving him a hug.

"We'll take on the world together. That way we don't have to face anything alone."

As Scott continues to talk Dalton just eyes him sympathy in them. His arms still on his knees as he leans forward. Scott's anger it was not normal for him, but it was normal for the situation. Dalton couldn't say he didn't blame him ether. The past was the past sure, but it wasnt always that easy to put behind and leave it there.

"I dislike them to Scott. Very much so and the more I am in TJY and the more pain I see they cause the more the feeling grows. But we also have to remember that God gives everyone a second chance. Alec, Carson, Phinox, Gage...God put them in our care for a reason and who are we to judge them. They arnt part of the Agency anymore. Carson and Phinox they turned there life around and though there past will never be gone but they have made amends and are trying."

Dalton lets out a small sigh, it was hard to encourage Scott when he new he'd be the same way. He just wanted to help his friend, and be there for him...he wish he had a power to wave his hand and make everything better, but he didn't. Watching his small friend suffer was something that could bring this Hulk crumbling.

"I am sure a lot of those who get out of the agency all of them feel a part of there life is gone. Something that can never be replace, and knowing the Agency had there hold on you, knowing once you were a part of them...its a hard burden to bear. But Scott its not a burden you have a bear alone, you have me, and Hope. You have so many friends and we are all willing to do what we can as long as you let us. As for Sapphire, she's a strong woman with a good head on her shoulders. I am sure she knows what she is doing, and can care for herself. She wanted to help Gage, it was her chooses just like Ryder is helping Thirteen. She will be thankful for your concern, but just remember she has her own mind too. ok?"