

Sapphire couldn't take it, and maybe she had enough, maybe she was tired of being told what to do and watching those who had no voice of there own get bulled but whatever it was it raged and her brother was the target because of his own words and actions.

Not training with the Elite to be out in the field Sapphire could still move like the rest and observing everyone else around her while they trained she had picked up a thing or two. Before anyone could even blink Sapphire was up and over in the booth next to Scott pushed up against the wall, her eyes blazed red showing she wasn't messing around.

"You bother taking anything up with Gage again, I'll have a restraining order on you so fast it will make you head spin little brother. As for the Agency is concerned you even merer a word to them where Gage is than you have have it on YOUR shoulders that you signed you own sister death warrant because they will have to get through me to get to him."

Sapphire's eyes pierced through Scotts, seeing his own anger so strong it mingled with her own. It was a bad combo and though she loved her brother never ending but she was hurt and felt betrayed that her own brother didn't trust her.

 "You wanna break mom's heart for not coming over for Christmas than fine, but I hope you get over it quick and stop being childish for her sake."

Finished with this conversation Sapphire could feel the hot tears burn in her eyes as she exits the booth. Sitting there longer would make things worse and she didnt want to have this display while there were kids around. She said what she needed to, and that was it.

Exiting she doesn't look back but gets into her care letting the engine run for a moment before bulling out of the parking lot the tears streaming from her eyes. Work was not her destination, she didn't want to go back there, not yet.

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