
Thank you

Pulling away from the hug Rosetta trys to give her brother the best smile she can. She felt so bad for her brother and she wished she had words to tell him but nothing she could think of seemed good enough.

"Alright I will let you be. If that knee doesn't get better have Angel take a look. I love you bro. Welcome home."

Standing and heading out Rosetta stops at the door turning to look at her brother again before turning and heading out again. Moving across the yard Rosetta thinks of many things her mind on her brother the most. Looking at her watch to see what time it was she new Mick would have just finished putting BJ to bed.

Entering the house and looking into the kitchen Rosetta see Mick and for a long moment she just watches him before coming in. Bringing her hands around his wast she leans her head on Mick's shoulder giving his back a kiss.

"Did I ever tell you how much I loved you?"

Feeling Tal move a little big Ryan gives a sleepy little mermer but doesn't open her eyes but holds on to Tal. Had she heard Eli's voice? Was he home? Maybe this all was a dream and Ryan was still tucked comfortable in Tal's arms on the couch.

Dozing again in his arms Ryan doesn't slightly wake till she is laying on her bed. Opening her eyes just a little as a blanket goes over her and Tal comes down to kiss her Ryan wraps her arms around his neck and pulls him close to her giving him a kiss on the cheek.

"Thank you Tal."

Ryan's whisper was soft in his ear. As she just continued to hug him for a long moment taking a deep breath and taking in his sweet smell to remember in her own mind. She was half a sleep but it was a smell she would remember forever.

"Thank you Tal for spending the night with me, and for being wonderful. Tomorrow....maybe we can do lunch."

Leaning down again and letting her head sink into the pillow Ryan's face wore a smile. Tonight had been a good night full of laughter and fun. Being with Tal was so peaceful how could she not enjoy spending time with him.

With in mintues of setting her head on the pillow Ryan was out again dreams of what was to come through her head.