
Out of my league

Rosalyn grins a little, following Chad's gaze over the little pond in the park. "I know how to swim, and I read about plenty of fish in school, but that's where my knowledge ends. Your work does sound fun though. I can tell you love it." She shrugs. "Me... I just cook and clean. Not interested in being a counselor, don't want to be a vet, the men handle most of the horse training, and anything in town is too far away to drive back and forth."

She rolls her eyes. "Not much glamor in my end of the world, but it earns my keep I guess." 

Jared nods slowly, his eyes still revealing the wheels turning in his mind. Though his hand remains with Grace's, he is silent for several strangely quiet moments until he finally responds. "We're so different." His voice is soft. "I never met a woman who I ever deemed was out of my league. But you..." 

His eyes drift over to hers. "You're a whole different story. And I'm not sure I want to mar your record by letting you any closer to me." 

"Maybe I do add to the music," Kip admits. "But I don't think I'm doing them any good anymore." 

Straightening up, he leans back in the chair, as he locks his fingers with Karla's. His eyes remain towards the stage as his ears listen to the band. "I'm holding them back and I know it. I may be a fair musician, but they need more than that... and I'm not so sure anymore that I should even be here with them." 

Fishy friends

Sitting with Kip Karla didn't mind being here with him and not out with the crowd. She didn't mind crowds but not really having a reason to be out there because Kip wasn't up there she would rather sit with him. Tapping her foot for a second she straightens at his comment. They did sound good tonight considering.

   "Twila is doing good, but I still think you make them sound better. Just not the same without you up there."

Reaching over and slipping her hand into Kip's Karla give him a smile. She really did like it better when he was around. With out him everything seemed dull. He was important to her more than anyone would ever know.

Thinking for a second about Jared's question Grace new that sooner or later it might come up in conversation really. It was really part of getting to know each other. It was a subject she didn't talk about much though.

   "I have before, once. Things just didn't work with us though and we both wanted something different out of life. He was ready to grow roots and I was just started my career. It was a while ago."

Looking up at Jared again she couldn't help but wonder if this would change anything with them. She hopped not but she wasn't sure what was running through his head. Anything really could happen at this point and she was still confident God had put her for a reason she only hoped that Jared would continue to let her come and be around her so she could figure that reason out.  

   "I don't even know what give up means. It's just not something I get use to doing."

Chad smile takes Rosalyn's hand again and continuing to walk. To him she really was important even if she didn't see it. She made his hear race and feel some many things he never had before. It was something that was important to him and he new that he couldn't let it go because he's never find it again. 

   "I think I am going to stay another three or four days than head back to work. It will more than likely be a month or so before I can visit you again though. It's going to be a long wait for sure I know that."

Getting to a small pond Chad stops again with Rosalyn looking out over the water. A calming look was in his eye even though it was not a big area one might be able to talk how calm he felt around water, and anything associated with it. 

   "I really enjoy water and anything to do with it. Call me strange or something. I guess thats why my job fits me so well though. I'd love to be able to show you what I do sometime. Maybe even introduce you to some of my fishy friends. I think you would get a kick out of it."