
Upset? Hurt? Sick?

Alec didn't move when Misty touched his shoulder. He'd heard her come in, but simply hadn't responded. Her question though, pries open one of his eyes and he looks up at her, his gaze a dull one before he shakes his head slowly and closes his eye again. Bringing his knees in to curl up a little tighter, he wishes the world would just go away. Sleeping had only made him feel worse. 

"I'm not very hungry," he finally answers quietly. "Maybe later..." 

Tal's fingers curl around Ryan's and he quirks an eyebrow, but nods. "Okay... something quick and easy then." He'd expected her to say she wanted to go have a nice sit-down meal, but he wouldn't knock the opportunity to go to the lake sooner. Even though winters weren't all that cold here, the evenings were getting chillier and after dark it was downright cold. Today was a warm one though, and he was more than happy to take advantage of it with Ryan. 

It really didn't take all that long to grab a bite to eat and then head to the lake. Tal had filled silent moments with talk of work or Eli or the dogs, all the while wondering when on earth Ryan was going to tell him whatever it was she'd mentioned on the phone. She seemed okay... she didn't act like something bad was coming... even so, in the back of Tal's mind, he remained leery... 

...Sitting in the sand next to Ryan, Tal looks out over the lake. His knees were up and his bare toes buried in the sand with his shoes and socks nearby. A warm breeze blew and the water lapped softly in front of them. It was such a peaceful evening, and hardly anybody else was here, making it even more perfect. 

Leaning his elbows on his knees, Tal glances to the side, studying Ryan. He was tempted to ask her if everything had been okay lately - as he had with Eli - but something told him that whatever he'd sensed lately might have something to do with her wanting to talk to him. If she didn't bring it up soon, he would.

Few days

Giving a  smile Ryan stands hearing Tal's car outside. Walking past Eli she lays a hand on his shoulder giving him a small pat. She new he was happy she'd picked Tal even if he didn't say anything it was just one of those things she could see in his eyes.

   "Don't want up to long Big Brother, you have to be rested for that woman of yours coming home tomorrow."

Heading out of the house and to the car Ryan smile at Tal as he opens the door and gets in. He always looked good to her no matter how much he dressed up, or how much he dressed down and he always smelled good too.

Reaching over and taking his hand in her own Ryan looks to him giving another smile before answering his question. The little pitter patter in her heart when she looked at him reminded her why she loved him so much. Because with a simple touch she could feel herself melt.

   "I was thinking maybe we could grab something simple and just head to the beach to hang out for a little bit. Only a few nice days left and we might as well enjoy them while we can."

Coming home Misty found the house to be a little oddly quiet. The lights were on so Alec was here but not to hear him moving around at least. Looking in the kitchen and seeing nothing Misty goes to the living room. Making out his form on the couch and just looks down at him for a second before laying a hand on his shoulder.

   "Alec...are you awake? I brought home some dinner if your hungry!"

She didn't know if he was sleeping or not but his face looked really red. Was he upset? Did something happen to him? Misty couldn't help but be a little worried.


Hearing Ryan's decision, Eli lifts his eyebrows slightly. He was glad though. As far as he was concerned, Ryan had already been way too nice to Alec in the first place. He did wonder why she felt like she'd needed to talk to him though. Had something else happened, even after he'd warned Alec? He wouldn't ask. As long as he wasn't bothering her anymore and she was happy, Eli would keep his nose out of it.

Smiling, he nods. "Good. It's-" He stops his sentence short as he hears a honking horn outside. "I think that's your ride. His leg was pretty sore today so I imagine he doesn't want to come in." Giving his sister a wink, he waves. "Have fun."

Waiting outside in the car, Tal couldn't help it that he felt just a little nervous. Even though Eli had shrugged it off earlier, Tal dreaded a "talk." With the way Ryan had been lately, he couldn't help but wonder in the back of his mind if this was the beginning of the end. He'd been dumped enough times now that he knew the signs. But if that was the case with Ryan, what had he done wrong?

Seeing Ryan emerge from the apartment, he smiles, getting out of his car to open the passenger door for her. "Hey there." She looked extra nice tonight and his eyes didn't miss it. She was always beautiful to him, but tonight especially, she seemed to have put a little extra work into it. That was a good sign, right?

Getting back in behind the wheel, he gives her a sidelong glance before pulling out of the lot. "You certainly look great tonight," he compliments. He was in casual nice clothes, but nothing special. "Definitely outshine me." He gives her a teasing grin. "So where are we going anyway? You sounded like you had something particular in mind when you called earlier." What he really wanted to ask right now was what on earth she wanted to talk about, but he'd be still and let her do things the way she wanted.

Curled up on the couch, Alec drifts in an out of a weird kind of nap. He'd worked a little bit outside this afternoon, but his mind had not been with it. He'd finally given up and come inside, turning on the television. Boring shows had made him sleepy until he'd dozed on and off. But what was worse was the pain he felt inside all over again. It was pointless. Everything. No matter how hard he tried, he would gain back nothing. He would have been better off just slumming until he'd either been killed or drank himself to death. Either way, it would have been a quicker end than this. 

Closing his eyes, his ears pay little attention to the droning television. Misty would be home any minute and he was not going to be good company for supper. Maybe Jason would come too though and Alec could avoid much interaction. Maybe he should just go out for the evening all together. Not that he had any money to go anywhere. He needed a job before he could have any money, and that route was just as dismal as anything else. 

Swallowing the lump in his throat, he presses his head further into the pillow, wishing he could just wake up and find it was all a bad dream. A tear escapes and he ignores it. Maybe Misty wouldn't notice how upset he was and he could pretend he was fine and not have to tell her what had happened. Fat chance, but it was a thought. Maybe he'd just sleep and nobody would bother him at all. Or maybe he'd just never wake up. At this point...he wouldn't mind.


Hearing the tone in Alec's voice Ryan could feel the emotion and it made her own term oil rage on. Had she been leading him on earlier today? She didn't think so because what she said was true, but she had to push it aside. It was not fair to either of the men, and it was not fair to herself either. 

Taking a deep breath and flicking the tears from her cheeks Ryan lets out a long breath before turning around and heading back inside. This time she wouldn't really talk to but just go back to her car and work on it. She needed to finish in time to go home, get cleaned up and than head out with Tal.

...The rest of the day seemed to go slow but Ryan did her best to get through it keeping her emotions in check. Finally finished and heading home Ryan moves through the house taking a shower, getting dressed into something comfortable and doing her hair. She looked just a little bit more dressed up than normal but today she didn't mind it to much.

Coming into the living room and sitting down on the couch she wasn't sure when Tal would be showing up but she would wait forever for him to come in she had too. She new he would sooner or later. 

Looking over at Eli Ryan gives a smile wondering if Tal had let him know they were going out or not. She guessed he would have but she really didn't know one hundred percent. Shifting a little she figured she might as well tell him too.

   "Tal tell you we were going out? I...today I deiced I am going to pick Tal. I had a little sense talked into me and I asked Alec to back up because I really want to see where this thing with me and Tal goes."