
Upset? Hurt? Sick?

Alec didn't move when Misty touched his shoulder. He'd heard her come in, but simply hadn't responded. Her question though, pries open one of his eyes and he looks up at her, his gaze a dull one before he shakes his head slowly and closes his eye again. Bringing his knees in to curl up a little tighter, he wishes the world would just go away. Sleeping had only made him feel worse. 

"I'm not very hungry," he finally answers quietly. "Maybe later..." 

Tal's fingers curl around Ryan's and he quirks an eyebrow, but nods. "Okay... something quick and easy then." He'd expected her to say she wanted to go have a nice sit-down meal, but he wouldn't knock the opportunity to go to the lake sooner. Even though winters weren't all that cold here, the evenings were getting chillier and after dark it was downright cold. Today was a warm one though, and he was more than happy to take advantage of it with Ryan. 

It really didn't take all that long to grab a bite to eat and then head to the lake. Tal had filled silent moments with talk of work or Eli or the dogs, all the while wondering when on earth Ryan was going to tell him whatever it was she'd mentioned on the phone. She seemed okay... she didn't act like something bad was coming... even so, in the back of Tal's mind, he remained leery... 

...Sitting in the sand next to Ryan, Tal looks out over the lake. His knees were up and his bare toes buried in the sand with his shoes and socks nearby. A warm breeze blew and the water lapped softly in front of them. It was such a peaceful evening, and hardly anybody else was here, making it even more perfect. 

Leaning his elbows on his knees, Tal glances to the side, studying Ryan. He was tempted to ask her if everything had been okay lately - as he had with Eli - but something told him that whatever he'd sensed lately might have something to do with her wanting to talk to him. If she didn't bring it up soon, he would.

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