

Dylan rolls his eyes. "Yes, they do have it bad. I think they  forgot we're here too."

Watching Ashlee's putt, he gives her a little smirk. "All you gotta do is pay attention to timing. Besides..." He looks around. There were no other players nearby, and Stacy and Eric were still back at the last hole. "Nobody else saw that shot."

Moving up, he demonstrates. "Here, I'll show you. All you gotta do is wait for the windmill propeller and guess how fast the ball is gonna travel..." He waits and putts, sending the ball through the windmill without a hitch. "...like so."

He turns and a grin slips out. "You try."

Eric's eyes continue to search Stacy's as she speaks, soaking in her words. As she takes off his hat, he swallows hard. He hadn't forgotten that she liked him better without his hat. Was this... real? It felt like it.

"Scars make a heart harder to win," he responds softly. A breeze combs through his now-free hair. He knew she had scars. So did he. Did that make this impossible?

"Do I stand a chance?" Once the words left his mouth, he regretted them. They were too forward. They implied too much. Too much for two people who were just getting to know each other. Too much for tonight.

He bites his lip, hoping he hadn't ruined the moment.

More than a ten

Looking back at Eric and feeling his arms around her Stacy didn't mind. They felt safe, that felt welcoming, they felt like they had so much love to give if only given the chance. Though it scared Stacy just a little to think about being this comfortable with a man again there was something else in Eric's eyes that told her it was ok. He was like her, lost, and looking for that happiness.

   "I don't believe there are rules to another game. Than again...if your talking about the hear and now...the only game I see is golf. For a trusted heart, a heart that holds scares is not an item in a game but a trophy in witch could be won."

Realizing her own words that were slightly on the romantic side it was Stacy's turn to feel the color coming to her cheeks. Bringing her hand to the side of Eric's face Stacy brushes it before taking his hat off and smiling even more. Definitely more than a ten.

Getting to the hole and putting the ball down Ashlee can't help but look back at her mom and Eric before shaking her head and looking to Dylan raising an eyebrow.

   "Is it just me, or do they definitely have it bad?"

Playfuly mimicking a real golfing game Ashlee yells out...


Before hitting the ball and sending it down the green and bouncing it off one of the windmills propellers. Giving grunt she rolls her eyes.

   "I guess my mind is now else where. Thank goodness you good at this game."


As Stacy turns around and kisses him, Eric doesn't even have time to react. His putter is dropped and his eyes go wide. As she withdraws, his hands automatically rest around her waist and he blinks in surprise, completely forgetting that they were in the presence of the two kids. His eyes lock onto Stacy's, a million and one thoughts racing through his gaze. But one silent question stood out from the others: had she only been teasing, or did she really feel something more for him?

Getting poked, Dylan whirls around, having been stunned by the little scene himself. He bites his lip and nods. "Uh.... yeah..." He clears his throat. "I see a windmill at the next one. I think it's calling our names." Setting a hand on Ashlee, he steers her to the next little course, although he does glance over his shoulder once. "You go first... they'll catch up."

Eric blinks again. "No that's.... not normal," he agrees. His cheeks were beet red by now, but there wasn't much he could do about that. A smile slowly spreads across his lips. "I think I mighta underestimated you," he whispers. His hands tighten just slightly around her waist. "Are we just playing golf? I'm afraid I don't know the rules of any other game..."


Just letting her smile grow even more Beth leans her head into Zach's hand a little bit. His touch was warm, soft, caring, not something to fear at all. Beth could feel her heart start to beat a little faster, as a flutter moved in her stomach.

   "You certainly can pick me up next week for dinner. But you need to tell me if I need to dress up special or not. I don't want to be in jeans to a fancy restront or something."

Beth really was excited, it was something new that she had never done before. She couldn't help the small bit of nerves but she wondered if that was the feeling anyone got when they went out on there first date. It was new and exciting and she couldn't wait. 

Coming to the next hole and seeing the look on Eric's face after Dylan's comment Ashlee did her best not to laugh just watching the two go back and forth. Though Dylan did all he could to hide he was having fun, and his smile Ashlee could see it was there. It made her feel good that he was finally able to do that as well.

Taking a step back Stacy moves out of the way as Dylan and Eric playfully go at it. In a way it was slightly funny and Stacy was happy to see Dylan loosen up a bit to have fun. As Eric steps behind her though Stacy holds up her hands. 

   "Hey...How am I being pulled into this I am odd duty."

Moving around slightly as Eric moves behind her to keep out of the way of Dylan Stacy rolls her eyes. She couldn't believe she was being dragged into this for no reason. Thought he corners of her mouth did turn upward slightly.

   "You want me to do something huh?"

Turning around quickly to face Eric Stacy places both her hands on either side of his face to pulls it a little closer to her. Leaning her head sideways Stacy moves into Eric and places a kiss on his lips. Pulling away she still smiles at him. Maybe it was because she was comfortable it took over, or maybe it was the inner desire why Stacy did not know.

   "There...I did something though...its not normal cop methods."

Ashlee's laughs come to a stop as her own eyes go wide. Did her mom really just...kiss Eric? She can't help another laugh though as she moves closer to Dylan. Poking him with her club she nods to the next hole.

   "I umm...think we should skip this one...it looks....preoccupied."

 Giving a smile to Jared Grace had noticed that his fingers had loosened and had started to curled around her. It did not scare her to draw her to take offense. She was just happy that Jared was relaxed now.

   "Your very welcome Jared. I do think its best though that this ends our session for today. After having the flash back I don't want to do to much to quickly since you mind is not trying to wrap around the new information."

Moving around and unhooking a few of the wires Grace places the ice packs on Jared's legs like she had the day before. Cleaning up some of empty containers that held stuff in them earlier. Most of the food she had made was gone and what wasn't she would eat tonight or leave it for Jared if he liked.

   "I'm happy I got to share your tasting with you. I have to admit...it was kind of fun."

Katie smiles and laughs a little at Carson's playful gesture. She'd never tire of it, or dislike looking at the sparkle in his eyes. It was a silent understanding of each other they had.

   "Oh you know you can anytime, about anything. I'm always around."

Giving Carson a pat on the arm Katie new she better be getting back to work, and she should let Carson do the same. The talk had been short but it made Katie feel a little better in the end and for that...she was thankful.


Zach can't help another laugh as a little more color comes to his face. Maybe he should pick the place after all. He's about to comment when Beth's explanation sets him back a little.

"Really?" He spoke before he thought. "You've never been on a date? Someone as pretty and fun as you?" He really was very surprised. A new smile spreads on his face. "Then I guess I'm doubly honored that you said yes. For that, I'll certainly pick the place." 

A slight gust of wind stirs the air around them and Zach reaches over slowly to brush aside a wisp of Beth's hair from her face. His grin only widens. "Next week then. Will you let me pick you up?" 

Eric quirks an eyebrow, unsure about Stacy's statement. Stepping up to take his turn, it takes him three tries. Bending to pick up the ball, he grimaces. "Correction... we don't stand a chance." 

It was all in good fun though, and that's exactly how the evening was - fun. Dylan and Ashlee stayed in the lead by a good margin... not surprisingly after Dylan pulls off several more hole-in-ones, proving his first try had not been a fluke. Eric had a ball being on Stacy's "team" though, enjoying the evening like he hadn't in years. Seeing Ashlee having such a good time was icing on the cake, and seeing Dylan having a good time was also pleasing...

"...You've got to be kidding." Eric stares at the next little course and shakes his head. 

Dylan's jaw tightens, keeping him from laughing. He follows Eric's gaze to the heart-shaped tunnel with a cute little sign that read "tunnel of love." A water trap ran the length of the tunnel as well, with the hole barely visible on the other side. Dylan pats Eric's arm. "You're up, Romeo." 

"Ro...." Eric shoots Dylan a withering look while his face gains a bit of heat. "Why you..."

Dylan holds up his club in defense. "Hey now, play nice. It's your turn to go first. Unless you're chicken."

"Chicken? Never!" Eric sets his ball down, unable to even look at Stacy at this point. Aiming for what seemed an eternity, he gives the ball a whack...harder than intended. It jumps into the air, hits the tunnel rim and comes flying right back again - right towards Dylan. 

Ducking quickly, Dylan's head is missed by inches. Giving Eric a wide-eyed look, he points his club at him. "You did that on purpose." 

"I did not!" Eric chokes on a laugh. "I ain't good enough to do that on purpose, you know that!" 

Dylan advances with his club. Eric backs up and slips back around behind Stacy to use her as a shield, putting his hands on her shoulders. "Help me. You're the cop around here." 

Jared does his best to do what Grace says, trying to bring himself out of his panic attack. It had been so sudden and caught him so much by surprise. Leaning back and closing his eyes, he tries to imagine what she was telling him. A soft blanket was his pick. Something warm... fuzzy... comforting... 

He nods a little to let her know he was listening to her and he takes several deep breaths. Slowly, slowly his hands begin to relax. Her touch was so soft... gentle. Her fingers running over his skin gave him the same feeling as the thought of that blanket. 

"I'm... I'm okay," he breathes. "It was just... a shock." The accident was the last thing he thought he'd remember, let alone how it had felt. 

As his hand relaxes even more, the muscles finally loosen up enough to move them again and he's able to let go of the blanket. Grace's touch seemed so lulling and comforting. His hand instinctively turns, his fingers curling gently around hers. 

Realizing what he was doing, Jared's eyes open and he withdraws quickly. "Th...thank you, Grace. "I think I'm okay now." 

Con grins a little and nods at Trey. "Yeah, it's fine with me. I'm staying in to work over lunch tomorrow anyway and if Jamie wants to drag me somewhere, I'll make her drive us in her car." 

"Oh, Conrad," Cindy chides. "Drag you? As if she'd need to do any such thing."

Con laughs. "Okay, so I'd follow her anywhere."

"Besides that, I think it would be rather hard to drag someone like you." Cindy laughs too and shakes her head. Looking back to Trey, she gives him another smile. "We'll meet at Mom and Pop's at noon then." 

Carson drops his gaze to the counter, a little grin quirking the corner of his mouth. "Aw, I'm not so special Katie..." He glances back up at her. "But thanks. You're not so bad yourself." 

He reaches out to brush her cheek playfully with his finger. "You're welcome to vent anytime you want... as long as I can do the same to you sometime."


Leaning on the counter Katie gives a small sigh. Carson did have a point maybe Jason did think she was doing something with Hunter too. But it was a topic both of them didn't talk about. Katie could tell from the last time Jason would rather not talk about it. Maybe they both would rather not for fear it might be true.

   "I guess your right Carson. The smart think to do really would be to talk to him about it I guess. It's just finding the right moment when he's not scatting around the subject to do so."

Sitting up straight again Katie just looks at Carson for a long moment. He'd come along way from when she first met him and she had grown so close to him. She was proud to call him her friend

   "Ya know Carson...Misty sure is lucky. It's been so long now she would probley be lost without you. I think we all would. You hold a special place in all our hearts. Thanks for letting me vent to you."

Looking at Kaylee for a second gives a little laugh just listening to the little girl babble on and on. He didn't mind listing to her even if she made no sense.  Her little voice and giggles made him smile.

Hearing Con offer his truck Trey looks to him shock written all over his face. Con really would let him drive his truck? Did he trust him that much, or was he trying to trust him that much? Trey couldn't get over the shock and he continues to look at Con. 

Finally relizing though that he had been standing there looking at him for maybe far to long he finally looks away and shifts a little bit still holding on to Kaylee. Leaning his head aganst hers for a moment he finally was able to talk again.

   "If...if you really don't mind me taking your truck..that would..be great. Than...thank you!"

Sitting down on the bed again when Jared said he didn't want her to call in the Dr all Grace can do is listen to him, watch him, and make sure he was ok and didn't go into shock. She could only imagine how he must be feeling right now.

Hearing next that he can't let go Grace looks down to Jared's hands that were clenched on the bed sheet. In a way it was kind of normal for something like that to happen. All he needed to do was relax a little bit. Reaching her hand out Grace lays her hands on top of his. They were soft, cool, but warm at the same time. Gentility She rubs her fingers over his and around the top of his hand.

   "Just relax Jared...think of a cool breeze, a warm bath, a soft blanket. Breath in and out..gently open let your fingers relax."

Continuing to just rub his hand softly Grace did her best to try and help him relax. It was the best she could do and she hoped it helped.

Watching Dylan Ashlee's eyes go wide as he gets a hole in one. Soon after she couldn't help the shreak as she jumps up and down claping her hands a grin on her face.

  "Ha, well now we know who the Mini golf player is."

Stacy can't help but laugh as she takes her own turn. Not getting it in the first hit she does in the second and stands proud.

   "Hey now thats better than I though. We might have a chance after all."

   "Help you pick something out...thats not a date. You need to pick it out yourself and surprise me. Thats the point of a date."

Beth gives a smile to Zach. If this was going to be her first date by golly it was going to be done right no matter what. Giving a laugh her smiles grows a little more as she looks at Zach, his might be confused by her comment just a little.

   "I've never been on a date before, so at least for the first time...I'd like it to be done the right way."