

Just letting her smile grow even more Beth leans her head into Zach's hand a little bit. His touch was warm, soft, caring, not something to fear at all. Beth could feel her heart start to beat a little faster, as a flutter moved in her stomach.

   "You certainly can pick me up next week for dinner. But you need to tell me if I need to dress up special or not. I don't want to be in jeans to a fancy restront or something."

Beth really was excited, it was something new that she had never done before. She couldn't help the small bit of nerves but she wondered if that was the feeling anyone got when they went out on there first date. It was new and exciting and she couldn't wait. 

Coming to the next hole and seeing the look on Eric's face after Dylan's comment Ashlee did her best not to laugh just watching the two go back and forth. Though Dylan did all he could to hide he was having fun, and his smile Ashlee could see it was there. It made her feel good that he was finally able to do that as well.

Taking a step back Stacy moves out of the way as Dylan and Eric playfully go at it. In a way it was slightly funny and Stacy was happy to see Dylan loosen up a bit to have fun. As Eric steps behind her though Stacy holds up her hands. 

   "Hey...How am I being pulled into this I am odd duty."

Moving around slightly as Eric moves behind her to keep out of the way of Dylan Stacy rolls her eyes. She couldn't believe she was being dragged into this for no reason. Thought he corners of her mouth did turn upward slightly.

   "You want me to do something huh?"

Turning around quickly to face Eric Stacy places both her hands on either side of his face to pulls it a little closer to her. Leaning her head sideways Stacy moves into Eric and places a kiss on his lips. Pulling away she still smiles at him. Maybe it was because she was comfortable it took over, or maybe it was the inner desire why Stacy did not know.

   "There...I did something though...its not normal cop methods."

Ashlee's laughs come to a stop as her own eyes go wide. Did her mom really just...kiss Eric? She can't help another laugh though as she moves closer to Dylan. Poking him with her club she nods to the next hole.

   "I umm...think we should skip this one...it looks....preoccupied."

 Giving a smile to Jared Grace had noticed that his fingers had loosened and had started to curled around her. It did not scare her to draw her to take offense. She was just happy that Jared was relaxed now.

   "Your very welcome Jared. I do think its best though that this ends our session for today. After having the flash back I don't want to do to much to quickly since you mind is not trying to wrap around the new information."

Moving around and unhooking a few of the wires Grace places the ice packs on Jared's legs like she had the day before. Cleaning up some of empty containers that held stuff in them earlier. Most of the food she had made was gone and what wasn't she would eat tonight or leave it for Jared if he liked.

   "I'm happy I got to share your tasting with you. I have to admit...it was kind of fun."

Katie smiles and laughs a little at Carson's playful gesture. She'd never tire of it, or dislike looking at the sparkle in his eyes. It was a silent understanding of each other they had.

   "Oh you know you can anytime, about anything. I'm always around."

Giving Carson a pat on the arm Katie new she better be getting back to work, and she should let Carson do the same. The talk had been short but it made Katie feel a little better in the end and for that...she was thankful.

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