

Leaning on the counter Katie gives a small sigh. Carson did have a point maybe Jason did think she was doing something with Hunter too. But it was a topic both of them didn't talk about. Katie could tell from the last time Jason would rather not talk about it. Maybe they both would rather not for fear it might be true.

   "I guess your right Carson. The smart think to do really would be to talk to him about it I guess. It's just finding the right moment when he's not scatting around the subject to do so."

Sitting up straight again Katie just looks at Carson for a long moment. He'd come along way from when she first met him and she had grown so close to him. She was proud to call him her friend

   "Ya know Carson...Misty sure is lucky. It's been so long now she would probley be lost without you. I think we all would. You hold a special place in all our hearts. Thanks for letting me vent to you."

Looking at Kaylee for a second gives a little laugh just listening to the little girl babble on and on. He didn't mind listing to her even if she made no sense.  Her little voice and giggles made him smile.

Hearing Con offer his truck Trey looks to him shock written all over his face. Con really would let him drive his truck? Did he trust him that much, or was he trying to trust him that much? Trey couldn't get over the shock and he continues to look at Con. 

Finally relizing though that he had been standing there looking at him for maybe far to long he finally looks away and shifts a little bit still holding on to Kaylee. Leaning his head aganst hers for a moment he finally was able to talk again.

   "If...if you really don't mind me taking your truck..that would..be great. Than...thank you!"

Sitting down on the bed again when Jared said he didn't want her to call in the Dr all Grace can do is listen to him, watch him, and make sure he was ok and didn't go into shock. She could only imagine how he must be feeling right now.

Hearing next that he can't let go Grace looks down to Jared's hands that were clenched on the bed sheet. In a way it was kind of normal for something like that to happen. All he needed to do was relax a little bit. Reaching her hand out Grace lays her hands on top of his. They were soft, cool, but warm at the same time. Gentility She rubs her fingers over his and around the top of his hand.

   "Just relax Jared...think of a cool breeze, a warm bath, a soft blanket. Breath in and out..gently open let your fingers relax."

Continuing to just rub his hand softly Grace did her best to try and help him relax. It was the best she could do and she hoped it helped.

Watching Dylan Ashlee's eyes go wide as he gets a hole in one. Soon after she couldn't help the shreak as she jumps up and down claping her hands a grin on her face.

  "Ha, well now we know who the Mini golf player is."

Stacy can't help but laugh as she takes her own turn. Not getting it in the first hit she does in the second and stands proud.

   "Hey now thats better than I though. We might have a chance after all."

   "Help you pick something out...thats not a date. You need to pick it out yourself and surprise me. Thats the point of a date."

Beth gives a smile to Zach. If this was going to be her first date by golly it was going to be done right no matter what. Giving a laugh her smiles grows a little more as she looks at Zach, his might be confused by her comment just a little.

   "I've never been on a date before, so at least for the first time...I'd like it to be done the right way."

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