

"Nice this time? Are you implying I haven't been nice?" Kirk chewed on his pizza crust, knowing good and well that Adison knew his style. Break them down to get to the nitty gritty, then come back with a reward to make peace. It usually worked. With people who deserved to be interrogated. Unfortunately, it felt like no one at the Elite really deserved it.

Stepping back over piles of papers, he retrieved his pop can and took a swing as he wandered to the kitchen. "Super heroes, huh? Maybe you're on to something." He returned with a full can of coke and handed it to her. "Maybe we'll crack the secret of the century. The Elite is really full of super heroes destined to save our city." He rolled his eyes and flopped down on the floor in front of the chair where she sat. 

"Did you know that place is full of relatives and relationships? Talk about distractions." He pointed to a couple small stacks that were a couple feet away. "Sapphire and Scott. Twins. Sapphire also dates an ex-agency guy. Misty and Carson. Married but separated. Altho he's only around part time, currently investigating the death of his brother." He held up a finger. "You guessed it - his brother was ex-agency too. Then there's Katie and Jason whose story I can't figure out other than they've been on again off again like fifty times. Then there's Reese himself and Angelica the lawyer. Recently married. Go figure. Oh and Wyatt - he's Reese's own son. Did I mention Misty is Reese's niece?"

He grabbed another slice of pizza, licking some grease off his finger before picking up a paper on Jamie. "Haven't talked to her yet. Don't need to - she's straight. Guess who she's married to? Ex-Elite this time - a mostly deaf giant who may be making a comeback. And speaking of giants..." He paused to wince as his fast soda pop drinking earned him a painful belch. "...Dalton, best friend of Scott? He's engaged to no other than Carson's baby sister."

The more he talked, the more animated he got, the more he gestured, the closer his hand got to whacking Adison in the head. He took another bite of pizza and talked while chewing. "Oh and I failed to mention Jason is the grandson of one of the founders of the Elite - who, by the way, is currently MIA. Katie is related to this batch of people in Texas where supposedly the whole Agency thing started in the first place. Did I tell you she was once engaged to Scott? Yeah. Not sure what happened there, but apparently after he was abducted and thought to be dead, he fell for his counselor - none other than Hope, who," he pointed to a page close by, "yes, now works for the Elite as well, but Scott's so messed up he can't handle any kind of relationship."

Kirk grabbed a napkin before some sauce dribbled on some papers. It might not look like it, but he was very particular about keeping his files neat. "There's even a dog! Two if you count Scott's fuzzball that helps keep him calm. Giants, bad guys, evil crime lords...maybe some super heroes wouldn't be so surprising after all."

Sighing, he gazed across his work. Over on a table was his open laptop where so far he'd typed up three pages as a start to his report. "How do I even write this report? It's a madhouse over there, but they really are like one big family who need and depend on each other."


Recoiling from the shove Adison laughs. It wasn't her fault she was quiet and he startled easy specially when he was working. Hearing about the pizza Adison dosnt make Kirk ask twice.

   "Ooooo pizza..."

Going over and scooping up a slice Adison flops herself down in an over sized and old arm chair. She was thankful after all these years Kirk hasn't throw it out. It was her favorite place to sit. Danging her feet over the armrest she kicks off her shoes before taking a bit of pizza.


Taking another bite and letting the cheese stretch Adison listens to Kirk at the same time as he babbled. She understood where the problem with Katie and Jason lied. It all sounded so cobfusing anf didn't quite add up.

   "Maybe they have super powers and you know all that can't be documented...no one would believe it and just think they are crazy."

Shifting in the chair it made a loud crinkle noise as she picked up some pictures. Two smiling faces looked at her. She guessed it was Katie and Jason. They looked cute together and there eyes held much. Some happy, some sad things.

   "Why don't you just ask them about it? Maybe being nice this time?"

Heart Attack

Still feeling a bit lame, Garret just stood and waited. Being introduced to the littlest one of the family was a bit of a surprise. Not that he wanted to get close, but if he did, he feared Laura would change her mind about letting him stay. He did look down at the bright eyes though, and couldn't help but think the child was in a good place. He'd grow up in a loving home with a loving aunt and two loving parents. He'd have all the attention, and all the -

Garret's thoughts halted as Nate returned. Accepting the clothes, he wasn't sure what to say. He kept thinking he'd experienced the extent of these crazy people's weird kindness, but then more just kept coming. He almost wondered if he was in some sort of strange dream. "Um...no... I haven't eaten, but that's okay. I know I came late." Turning, he headed to the bathroom. Halfway there, Laura met him with a couple towels. 

"Here you go. Just leave your wet stuff on the floor - I'll throw them in the dryer so by the time you leave you'll be set." 

"I..." Garret blinked.

"Yes. Go." Laura pointed. "And be quick about it before you make even more puddles." 

"Well, but."

"Go!" Laura set her hands on her hips. "Or do I need to hold your hand?"

Garret cocked his head, baffled by her bravery. "You're not...afraid."

"Of you? Why should I be?"

"Hasn't Nate..."

"I know all there is to know, Garret. Go get changed and I'll warm up some supper for you." She didn't give him time to argue, and aimed for the kitchen. "And don't worry," she continued as she walked, "I won't dry anything I'm not supposed to. But if you need to empty your pockets, leave your stuff on the bathroom counter." 

Realizing it was a losing battle to try and resist, Garret finally did as he was told. The clothes fit well enough for their purpose, although he did have to roll up the jeans pantlegs. He didn't like just leaving his stuff for Laura to have to take care of, but she'd told him to, so...he did. 

Getting the leftovers from the fridge, Laura set to work warming it up. No, she wasn't afraid of Garret. Leery maybe. But not afraid. Even after the little fiasco during his last visit. She was starting to see what Nate saw, and there was definitely a man in need - even if it was underneath some very thick scars. Tonight especially, she felt something almost broken in him. Something that compelled her to extend even more graciousness.

It was only a few minutes later that he was seated cross-legged on the couch in the living room with a plate full of hot food which tasted...very good. He hadn't been in this room before, so his eyes roamed the array of family photos and faith-based knick-knacks. It was...warm. Just like everything else. Confusing, but warm. 

Keeping his eyes down as he ate, it felt even more strange than before, since he was the only one eating. He'd survived countless dress balls, but when it came to someone's personal home like this, he had very little experience. So he remained quiet...quieter even than normal. His eyes dimmer than normal.

Feeling someone put their arm around his shoulders, Kirk gave a lurch. One hand snaked behind Adison's neck, while the other recoiled to strike - but thankfully he realized who it was before actually throwing a move. "Geez Louise!" He relaxed and put a hand to his chest. "Stop sneaking up on me! Yes, that's the giant, but now that you effectively gave me a heart attack, it really doesn't matter anymore." 

He gave her arm a playful shove before thumbing behind him. "Make yourself useful and eat some pizza so I don't gorge myself and call in tomorrow 'cause I'm hung over the toilet." He resumed his study of his notes, not minding that he was no longer alone. An extra set of eyes might be nice, and Adison was the only one who didn't bug the tar out of him when he worked on things like this. They organized differently but she never tried to change his methods and he never tried to change hers. 

Folding his arms, he sighed as his eyes returned to a collage of notes and pictures about Jason and Katie. "Jason Stevenson," he mused aloud. "Key player in the Elite for the past few years, since before he even graduated high school. Then Katie Pent got in the picture. Do you know how many unfinished reports there are involving cases they handled? Most of the Elite keeps pretty good records, I have to admit. But there's like this gap in time where any cases with these two, the facts just somehow got lost. Bad guys were taken down but it doesn't say how. Frequent medical leaves for both of them. Handling cases just the two of them, but doing as much damage as a whole team. It doesn't add up and I don't know why." 

He wandered back over to a partially eaten slice of pizza and picked it up to take another bite before returning the the wall, carefully stepping over the papers on the floor. "It just feels weird. And there's a whole computer file dedicated to medical records for the entire Elite staff, but when it comes to Jason and Katie, their information is so sparse, you'd think they were in perfect health. Then why so much medical leave?" He shook his head. "My gut says to leave it alone, but my job says dig deeper. And that's just one small part of this whole thing." He gestured to the floor. "I have two more days. That's it. But I feel like I need two months."

For once, it was Eric who needed the hug, and he appreciated Stacy's assurance. He knew things would be okay. They would always work out one way or the other. They had each other, and God wouldn't let them down now. He chuckled and pulled back to see her face. "Having you on watch totally puts my mind at ease."

Pulling her in again, he kissed her more passionately on the lips this time, just letting it linger for several moments. "I gotta get back to the girls," he whispered. "Can we pick this up again soon?"


Turning and looking at Garret slightly Nate looks back to Laura and smiles. She was always so good, at almost everything it always amazed him. Looking to Maggie and nodding for her to come here he hands Bryan to her before standing himself.

   "You watch Bryan while I go get Garret some clean clothing."

Maggie couldn't help the smile that grew on her face as the baby was placed in her arms. She loved her little nephew more than anything in the world. 

Once Nate was gone from the room Maggie walked over to Garret with Bryan and smile. Than looking at Garret again she smiled a little more.

   "Bryan, this is my friend Garret, Garret this is my nephew Bryan."

Coming back into the room a little bit later Nate had a shirt, some pants, and socks for Garret. Holding them out to him. With his other hands he ruffles Maggie's hair as she goes to sit done with the baby. 

   "Here ya go. These should fit you I think. At least they will be dry and you can attempt to not get a cold."

Nate nods down the hallway. It would probably be helpful if Garret new where to change at.

   "If you go down this hall here, and take a left the bathroom is the first room on the right. You can change there. Also have you eaten yet? We have some left overs. Laura always cooks for an army.  I wont complain though that means I get to bring food to work with me."

Hearing the loud music Adison new knocking would be no use. Pulling her keys out she unlocked the door and stepping side. Just following the sounds to the room he was in she stepped in herself  and couldn't help her eyes went wide as she continued to suck on the sucker she had in her mouth. The room was a mess with papers, but she new good and well they all meant something, and were all right where Kirk wanted them.

Stepping over the papers and coming up behind Kirk, Adison puts her arm over his shoulder and looks at the same wall he was looking at. Taking the sucker out of her mouth for a moment she points it at Dalton's name. 

   "So is this the giant that threatened to beat your face in for messing with Scott?"

 Adison new and well she would probably scare the crap out of him but she did it anyways on ready in case he took a swing at her. She's duck, he's feel bad, it had happened before...quite a few times. She had a good habit of sneaking up on him without even meaning too.

Stacy's eyes softened as she looked at Eric. She could understand where he was coming from with the Agency attack. He had a lot to lose, and so did she. Even if she didn't say anything it had unnerved her too. The only thing that relaxed her was knowing she was on guard, and so were a few others to help.

   "Oh Eric...I'm ok...we are all ok."

Taking Eric into a hug She holds him for a long moment. Just holds him reassuring that she is ok and he had just had a dream.

   "From what everyone says we should be ok for now. I dont really understand it all, but I trust what Con said before he left. Not to mention, I'm on watch...what more could you ask for?" 


Even though he'd prepared for Maggie's enthusiasm, Garret was still taken somewhat aback by her energetic greeting. A little smile came to his lips though, despite his depressed state. "Eh..." he shrugged. "I guess I'm just a slow walker."

He followed her inside and hearing Nate's voice, cautiously walked to the welcoming doorway of the living room. He stopped at the carpet's edges though and looked down as his soaked clothes dripped all over the tiled hallway floor. "I think I better stay out here...before I ruin any floors." He glanced at Nate and Laura then back at Maggie. He felt like he was intruding. He shouldn't have come. He just should have gone back to the Elite. 

He shivered as a chill ran through him, then shook his head. "I probably shouldn't stick around with the state I'm in."

Laura glanced at Nate and cocked her head. Garret's character was such an oxymoron. He was a ruthless killer, but was worried about the rugs. Getting up from the couch, she headed out the other way towards the bathroom. "Take off your boots," she called over her shoulder. "I'll bring some towels. Nate, do you have any clothes he could borrow?"

Garret stood helplessly and blinked. Why would Laura go to all that effort? He'd only stay a short while anyway. He glanced to Maggie, then Nate, not even sure what to do at this point. 

Kirk just laughed and nodded. Adison was worth far more than even a quarter, and he'd tell anyone she was the best listener around. "Well, I won't keep you from stopping by. But if you do, you'll have to earn your food by helping me work."

...It was mid-evening and Kirk had changed into jeans and an old tshirt. He was sitting on his apartment's living room floor, a half can of coke on one side and an open pizza box on the other that still held three-quarters of a pepperoni pizza. Small stacks of paper were spread around him in a large circle, organized by names or topics. 

"Evaluate the Elite as a whole and its agents individually," the chief had said. "Scrutinize everything and everyone until you know the workings in and out, and can give me an accurate assessment."

Kirk sighed. He had sticky notes on each stack of paper with names. Dalton. He wouldn't be going there. Scott. Been there, done that, and evidence-wise, it wasn't good. Misty. Ah yes. Done, but without a real conclusion. Reese. Unfinished. Nate. Half finished. Sapphire. Done with a fair result. Jason and Katie. He'd put both of them in the same stack because their files seemed incredibly intertwined...but with a strangeness he wasn't sure he even wanted to tackle - something was there and he could feel it, but it was almost...scary. 

Other names hadn't been gone through yet. And as a whole? It was just as messed up as his explanation to Adison. Standing up, he padded to his wall to pull down a chart he'd been working on, that mapped out the Elite and a bunch of unanswered questions. Folding his arms he just stared at it, supper forgotten, and the loud music drowning out any outside traffic noise. 

Leaning his face in to Stacy's pal, Eric closed his eyes but nodded. "Yeah... I just...dozed off and had a nightmare."

He opened his eyes to look at her again before kissing her lips. "I had to find you to prove it was just a dream. Kinda unsettling though," he admitted. "This whole Agency scare got to me, I guess."


Dalton looks up and smiles as his friend comes back into the room. He looked to be doing a little better. Shaking his head he replied to Scott.

   "Nope, nothing at all. It gonna be one of those days. So if you need to go feel free. I'm having steak dinner tonight though so if you feel like stopping by feel free."

Hearing the doorbell Maggie perks up and looks at Nate. Seeing him nod she runs to the door. They had been told Garret might stop by and though she didn't say anything Maggie really hopped it would.

Getting to the door and hopping up and down she tried to look out the window that was way at the top. About the fourth hop she squealed seeing it was in fact Garret. Opening the door her smile could not get any bigger than it already was.

   "Garret!!! Nate said you might come over, I've been waiting. What took so long?"

Maggie steps aside to let Garret in she smile never breaking from her face. She couldn't remember a time when she had been so excited for someone to come over, But to her Garret was special.

Holding Brian Nate watches as Maggie leaves to answer the door and he smiles looking back to Laura and giving a small nod. She was being so understanding with this whole thing. He was thankful for that and even if she didn't understand he was thankful she trusted him.

   "Garret. we are in here."

Catching the nickle that was tossed at her Adison almost dropped it but didn't. Looking to Krik she shakes her head and cant help the small laugh.

   "Only a nickle...I was at least worth a quarter."

Standing and stretching she new it was that time and she should probably get back to the office herself.  She had a lot of paperwork left herself and if she didn't get it done the boss would have her head. He sure was ornery lately.

   "Paperwork, Pizza, Loud music...what more could you ask for? I'll try to control myself from stopping by."

Just feeling Eric's warming sent chill's through Stacy. Eric's warmth, his love he was like eletric static and she loved every moment of the warm feeling. Never had she felt so love, comfortable, and accepted. 

   "And you guys mean everything to me. My world would be a whole lot darker without you in it."

Pulling away a little Stacy looks up at Eric and runs her hand down the side of his face for a moment. Something was different, maybe even wrong, she could tell. Nothing serious, but still something and it worried her slightly.

   "Is everything ok?"


Scott's heart gave a little lurch, and he swallowed hard, dropping his gaze. He knew that look in Hope's eye. And the words were on the tip of his tongue. But he just couldn't say them. "I'll...see you later," he ended lamely.

Wandering back to his own office, he rejoined Dalton, sitting in his chair and letting out a long sigh. "Anything exciting happen in the last fifteen minutes?" He'd almost zoned out completely, so his question was only half in jest. "I might need to call it a day."

Garret didn't even respond to Nate, and simply walked away without breaking stride until he was outside, free of the building's confines. Stopping in the parking lot, he took a deep breath of the outside air, trying to use it to clear his head, but it did little good. What was wrong with him? He usually had more control than this. Much more. He felt angry but there was nothing to be angry at, leaving him desperate for some kind of release. 

After slapping his cap on his head, he headed across the lot and to the street where he took a different route than he had before. His mind was clouded. Not good. He was distracted. And that was dangerous. 

His stride quickened, as did his pulse as he tried to suppress his emotions. A breeze hit his face colder than he'd expected, and he pulled the collar of his jacket up. Odd. It had been so warm earlier. He kept walking. Perhaps there was no release for his anger because it was really himself he was angry with. But for what? His subconscious sent a wall crashing down to keep him from even going there. He wouldn't visit that. He couldn't. The answer was unacceptable....

...Seven o'clock. It had been raining steadily for over an hour, and Garret was soaked to the bone and cold. The weather system had brought with it a chill in the air for which he hadn't been prepared. Staring through the pouring rain at the house, it felt like a repeat of the last time he'd been here. And just like last time, he couldn't decide whether to approach or not. Supper had been at six, Nate said. It would be well over by now, leaving him feeling even more like an intruder. 

His shivering intensified. Why was he this cold? He was used to the abuse of outside elements and could live in the wilderness for days without anything. Why did he feel so weak? He should just head back to the Elite. It would take him a while from here, but then he could dry off and warm himself up. He turned to leave, but stopped when he thought of the warm, peaceful atmosphere in this home. 

Stepping up on the porch, he rang the doorbell and tried to control his body's reaction to the cold, but it was difficult. He was calmer now. Much calmer. But his anger had turned into something else. Something darker and lonelier, and he wasn't sure which he preferred. 

Kirk sighed and nodded. "Thanks. I can't help but feel this one is a little out of my league, but I'm trying. If I can buy a few more days, maybe that'll give me enough time to come up with a recommendation I'm comfortable with." 

He glanced at the large clock on the wall and smirked before reaching in his pocket to pull out a nickel, which he tossed towards Adison on the table. "Payment for Doctor Adison listening to all my woes." He grinned and winked. "As crazy as I've felt lately, you may wind up being a rich woman." 

Downing the rest of his coffee, he stood and stretched. "Okay...I gotta swing by the office to grab some paperwork, then I'm going home to spread it out all over my living room floor and figure out an acceptable plan. With pizza. And loud music. Yes." 

"Mm...yeah, they're sleeping." Eric turned to kiss the top of Stacy's head, before moving to wrap her in a warm hug. He was tired, but the images of his nightmare were still so fresh in his mind that he was too on edge to try going to sleep for a while. "Melody got fussy but she settled back down." 

He sighed and nuzzled his head down to her shoulder where he could kiss her neck softly. "You're my world, you know that?" he mentioned quietly. "You and Ashlee, and the twins... I don't know what I'd do if anything bad happened to any of you."