
Heart Attack

Still feeling a bit lame, Garret just stood and waited. Being introduced to the littlest one of the family was a bit of a surprise. Not that he wanted to get close, but if he did, he feared Laura would change her mind about letting him stay. He did look down at the bright eyes though, and couldn't help but think the child was in a good place. He'd grow up in a loving home with a loving aunt and two loving parents. He'd have all the attention, and all the -

Garret's thoughts halted as Nate returned. Accepting the clothes, he wasn't sure what to say. He kept thinking he'd experienced the extent of these crazy people's weird kindness, but then more just kept coming. He almost wondered if he was in some sort of strange dream. "Um...no... I haven't eaten, but that's okay. I know I came late." Turning, he headed to the bathroom. Halfway there, Laura met him with a couple towels. 

"Here you go. Just leave your wet stuff on the floor - I'll throw them in the dryer so by the time you leave you'll be set." 

"I..." Garret blinked.

"Yes. Go." Laura pointed. "And be quick about it before you make even more puddles." 

"Well, but."

"Go!" Laura set her hands on her hips. "Or do I need to hold your hand?"

Garret cocked his head, baffled by her bravery. "You're not...afraid."

"Of you? Why should I be?"

"Hasn't Nate..."

"I know all there is to know, Garret. Go get changed and I'll warm up some supper for you." She didn't give him time to argue, and aimed for the kitchen. "And don't worry," she continued as she walked, "I won't dry anything I'm not supposed to. But if you need to empty your pockets, leave your stuff on the bathroom counter." 

Realizing it was a losing battle to try and resist, Garret finally did as he was told. The clothes fit well enough for their purpose, although he did have to roll up the jeans pantlegs. He didn't like just leaving his stuff for Laura to have to take care of, but she'd told him to, so...he did. 

Getting the leftovers from the fridge, Laura set to work warming it up. No, she wasn't afraid of Garret. Leery maybe. But not afraid. Even after the little fiasco during his last visit. She was starting to see what Nate saw, and there was definitely a man in need - even if it was underneath some very thick scars. Tonight especially, she felt something almost broken in him. Something that compelled her to extend even more graciousness.

It was only a few minutes later that he was seated cross-legged on the couch in the living room with a plate full of hot food which tasted...very good. He hadn't been in this room before, so his eyes roamed the array of family photos and faith-based knick-knacks. It was...warm. Just like everything else. Confusing, but warm. 

Keeping his eyes down as he ate, it felt even more strange than before, since he was the only one eating. He'd survived countless dress balls, but when it came to someone's personal home like this, he had very little experience. So he remained quiet...quieter even than normal. His eyes dimmer than normal.

Feeling someone put their arm around his shoulders, Kirk gave a lurch. One hand snaked behind Adison's neck, while the other recoiled to strike - but thankfully he realized who it was before actually throwing a move. "Geez Louise!" He relaxed and put a hand to his chest. "Stop sneaking up on me! Yes, that's the giant, but now that you effectively gave me a heart attack, it really doesn't matter anymore." 

He gave her arm a playful shove before thumbing behind him. "Make yourself useful and eat some pizza so I don't gorge myself and call in tomorrow 'cause I'm hung over the toilet." He resumed his study of his notes, not minding that he was no longer alone. An extra set of eyes might be nice, and Adison was the only one who didn't bug the tar out of him when he worked on things like this. They organized differently but she never tried to change his methods and he never tried to change hers. 

Folding his arms, he sighed as his eyes returned to a collage of notes and pictures about Jason and Katie. "Jason Stevenson," he mused aloud. "Key player in the Elite for the past few years, since before he even graduated high school. Then Katie Pent got in the picture. Do you know how many unfinished reports there are involving cases they handled? Most of the Elite keeps pretty good records, I have to admit. But there's like this gap in time where any cases with these two, the facts just somehow got lost. Bad guys were taken down but it doesn't say how. Frequent medical leaves for both of them. Handling cases just the two of them, but doing as much damage as a whole team. It doesn't add up and I don't know why." 

He wandered back over to a partially eaten slice of pizza and picked it up to take another bite before returning the the wall, carefully stepping over the papers on the floor. "It just feels weird. And there's a whole computer file dedicated to medical records for the entire Elite staff, but when it comes to Jason and Katie, their information is so sparse, you'd think they were in perfect health. Then why so much medical leave?" He shook his head. "My gut says to leave it alone, but my job says dig deeper. And that's just one small part of this whole thing." He gestured to the floor. "I have two more days. That's it. But I feel like I need two months."

For once, it was Eric who needed the hug, and he appreciated Stacy's assurance. He knew things would be okay. They would always work out one way or the other. They had each other, and God wouldn't let them down now. He chuckled and pulled back to see her face. "Having you on watch totally puts my mind at ease."

Pulling her in again, he kissed her more passionately on the lips this time, just letting it linger for several moments. "I gotta get back to the girls," he whispered. "Can we pick this up again soon?"

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