
Baby girl

Watching Mick leave and feeling Jade lean into him Dan wraps his arms around her. Rubbing her back Dan gave a small nod to the thin air. It could of been worse and in a way he respected Mick walk away.

"Hey Hey...no tears now. Just because he walked away doesn't means he it totally against it. He just need to think before he says anything he might regret."

Pulling Jade away just a little but Dan puts a finger under her chin and tilts her head upwards. Placing a soft kiss on her lips he retreats and brings a thumb to under her eye just whipping away the tears,

"Just give him some time ok? After all you are his baby girl."

Dan gives a smile as his hand remains on the side of Jade's face just cradling it. Looking into her deep eyes that held so much life, and so much emotion for someone so young.

"How about you come help me with these ropes...mmm..?"

Listing to Leo Cassy nods her head knowing all to well what he was talking about. Today certainly had been one of those days and wallowing seemed to just be the best answer. And everyone came to the bullseye for those days. Not to classy, but not to trashy ether.

Watching as Leo gets up to go Cassy takes one last swig of her beer. About to telling him it was good seeing him and bye she is met with his question about a driver. Giving a smile and a shake of her head she reply.

"I don't, but I am not that foolish I was going to call a taxi. But if your offering to take me. I live in the apartments over on Lincoln st."

Throwing her money down on the table for the beers Cassy gentile slips off the stool. Taking a moment to get the blood flowing to her leg again after sitting for so long she was ready. Slowing making her way to the door a little slower than normal, with a limp in her step.


Leo ignores Cassy's compliments and instead, moves ahead with the conversation. "Ouch. Sorry to hear that. Must suck."

Sipping his beer, he sets it down and grimaces a little. It didn't even taste good tonight. Hearing Cassy's question, he quirks an eyebrow and gives her a sidelong glance. Handsome eyes? Was she flirting or just being nice? He couldn't tell. Her eyes seemed a bit foggy too, but it might just be from the empty bottles sitting next to her. He really didn't care what her tone implied at this point though.

"Nah... just having a pity party, that's all. You ever have a day when you just look in the mirror and say, 'Self, I have been a complete idiot'? That's today for me." He twirls the half-empty bottle in his hands. "Got played for a fool, so where else better to come than the Bullseye?"

He rolls his eyes at himself. It was pathetic. It really was. Shaking his head, he slides off the stool. He didn't belong here. "It's time I wallowed at home." Searching in his pockets for his keys, he looks at Cassy again and sighs. He really didn't feel like doing anything but being depressed, but he couldn't help his natural self. "Look, do you have a designated driver?"

Silence. Mick stares at Dan with utter disbelief. Not only had they not heeded his warning about dating, but now they were... engaged?

His gaze that moved to Jade was shocked. She looks up and swallows hard, feeling herself starting to tremble a little. Was he going to yell at her? She knew she was young... she knew he didn't like her dating Dan in the first place. She knew that Dan had not asked him permission. But... but would he really be that upset with her? She couldn't tell.

Moving a step or two closer to Dan, her hand finds his and she stands with him, bravely looking up at her father. "I... I love him too," she manages quietly as her face grows hotter. "And... and I said yes to him."

Mick opens his mouth to speak, but he really has no idea what to say. There were an awful lot of conflicting emotions inside of him right now, and he feared if he started talking, it would only cause more damage. Finally he just purses his lips and nods, then turns to leave. He needed to think before he spoke, and if he didn't walk away now, this would not end well.

Jade watches him as new tears form in her eyes. He hated it. She knew he would. He hated it so much he couldn't even talk about it. He was just going to walk away from them. She feels herself leaning towards Dan until her face was against his chest. Though she made no sound, her tears began to fall onto his jacket.

Social call of a long say

Taking a sip of her beer the bottom of the bottle is empty and Cassy pushes it to the other side of the bar, calling the bartender for another. Raising an eyebrow inquisitively about Leo's own denial of his talent she could that odd. Leo had always been pretty confidante in his skill as a dancer. He use to say it was the one thing he could do the best. Maybe now it was just the booze that was pulling home down but something in his eyes tells her his reason for being here at the bar was much different.

"Well if I am better than you, than you must be pretty darn close to me to have been able to land that lead roll next to me quit some time ago. Don't sell yourself short, I am sure your just a great."

For the moment being focused on Leo had taken Cassy's mind off her own problems. Just having someones else to talk to was great but as the conversation comes back around to her the nice feeling of escaping was no longer and the dull look in her eye seemed to return.

Reaching for the fresh beer that was placed on the bar Cassy takes a long sip letting the cool liquid slide down her throat.

"Oh, I would have but one wrong turn here, a few stumbles there, and a ripped muscle from my knee cap prevented that. I was told by Dr's I am lucky I can walk. With a limp but I can walk...never could dance again though. That was about a year ago. A few days after our performance together. I'm bound to prove them wrong some day. I go to physical therapy for it, but so far..no go."

A more darker looked seemed to stem from her stair. That maybe it was a different reason she sat wallowing in this bar today. Dancing had been her life for sure, but maybe there had been something else that seemed to be ripped apart too. A betrayal of someone she thought she could trust.

"So....Leo..was this a social call of a long day or is there another reason a foggy mist is covering those handsome eyes?"

As Mick catches Jade's hand Dan cringes just a little. Now the last thing he needed was Mick to think they were hiding this from him. Just watching him as he looks to Jade and them himself again Dan wasnt sure what to do. But to Mick's questions he new he had to answer.

Straightening just a little so he stood proud yet a look of respect for Mick shown on his face. He new Mick might not be happy but only showing disrespect would make it worse.

"I love your Jade Mick very much. She'd given me so much and helped me open up again. She is an amazing woman and on Christmas I asked her to marry me."

Standing there in one hand Dan still plays with the rope on the inside his heart was racing scared of what Mick might say next or do. He didn't want to cause another rift when this one had just been patched.

Slight of hand

Leo shifts his attention from his beer for a moment, wondering how this woman knew even his name. "Yeah... that's me."

Realizing how she knew him, now he was able to put the pieces together as well. "That's right... I knew I knew you." He smirks a little. "You're better than me. You remembered a name."

Shaking his head, he takes another sip of beer. "Yeah, still dancing. Not good enough for anything more than local stuff though." He shrugs, remembering auditions where he just hadn't quite cut it. The studio wasn't big and it wasn't national. But some dancers did get starts there and those who were good enough often did move on or were discovered by visiting professionals. Their local performances were not grand scale, but no one ever knew who might be in the audience and at the very least, it was experience under their belts.

"No, I'm as common as they come, Cassy. Out-danced, out-witted and out-classed." He shakes his head again. "At least today proved it anyway."

Fiddling with the label on his beer bottle, he glances to her again. "What about you? Haven't seen you around much. Figured maybe you made it big by now."

Glad that Dan seemed accepting of the situation, Mick smiles again and nods. "Well... let's hope this is a change for the better, shall we? The future is ours to make. I figure if we keep our heads, we can keep in the right direction."

Seeing several looks exchanged between Dan and Jade, he furrows his brow a little. "Everything okay?"

"Yes," Jade answers quickly. "We just um...nothing." She'd been gesturing with her hand but suddenly realizes that it might be a good idea, so she starts to slip both behind her back, trying to remain casual about it. Unfortunately, her father was smarter than that.

Seeing something sparkling on Jades left hand then noticing her movement to put it behind her back, Mick is quicker and catches her hand before it disappears. Pulling it a little closer, he turns her hand over for a full view of the ring. Surely not.... No... surely it was just a ring that simply fit best on that finger.

But looking up to see her, it was written all over her face as color crept into her cheeks. She wouldn't be embarrassed if this was just any old ring. She wouldn't have tried to hide it had there been no significance to it.

Letting go of her hand, Mick then looks to Dan with an expression of shock and disbelief. He looks at Jade again only to have her look down, then he glances back to Dan. Taking a step back, he folds his arms, his look one of denial. "Do you have... something to tell me?"


Giving a small nod and taking another swig of her beer she contemplates for a moment Leo's statement.

"Its....a good possibility they did know. How smart of them."

Returning her gaze to the bar and than the bottle that lined the back wall the woman had many things that traveled thought her mind. In her state she wasn't drunk but she defiantly was feeling a little light, her mind maybe wondered a little to much.

Looking back at Leo the woman squints just a little in the dim light it was hard to make out anyone. But as Leo shift a little bit a light reflect off his face. The woman's own face seems to show an understanding of why she would look familiar. She her own face was withered and showed maybe she had been crying a little to much.

"Leo right? And you dance at Baxtor Studio?"

A half cocked smile forms on the woman's mouth figuring she should tell Leo now who she was before he got to freaked out.

"I'm Cassy Howard we did a peace together about a year or so ago. I am surprised you remember me though its been...quite a while. I've only been back a few times here and there since than but not to dance. Just check up on things. Are you still dancing? You were always so good."

Dan gives a smile it was oblivious Mick really had started a great change. There was a differnt light in his eye and a different serenity. Just seeing how different Mick was acting with Jade you could always see a peace about him to a cretin degree.

"I like being here Mick, and I like working under you. That hasn't changed one bit. We have all had our problems but its the change that matters."

Giving another smile Dan throws a quick look to Jade. Should they tell Mick now or should they wait? Did she want to do more patching up with her dad first or should it just be put in the open. Dan had no idea how Jade wanted to do this.


Leo rests his elbows on the bar and puts his face in his hands, hearing the woman next to him, but not moving. Her tone of voice was just a little looser than it should be and he figured she'd already been here a while. "Maybe he knew how many beers you were gonna have and he didn't want to push you over the edge."

Dropping his hands, his eyes are tired and he sighs. Receiving his drinks, he takes the whiskey and downs it, cringing as it slides down his throat. It wasn't often he drank hard liquor, and it took his breath away. Once recovered, he takes his beer and has a swig, tasting the mellower flavor.

Finally he turns his head to look at the woman, finding it strange that he thought he knew her. "You look familiar. In about as good a shape as me, but familiar."

Mick looks at Dan's hand for a moment before making the move to accept it. He grips the younger man's hand firmly and nods. "It's good to be back," he confirms. "I've made a lot of mistakes in my life... and one of them was judging you. I want to apologize."

Drawing back, he looks at both Dan and Jade. "Some people think by the time they're my age that they quit learning or that there's nothing left but smooth sailing. They're wrong. People like me still have an awful lot to learn... and it's been a hard road for me. But... I want you both to know that I've left my drinking for good. I just hope that I haven't ruined any trust or respect that was left."

Jades lip quivers just a little and she shakes her head. She'd been so angry, but seeing her father now and how sorry he was, yet how strong at the same time, how could she still harbor those feelings? She couldn't. They just didn't seem important anymore. "I'm just glad you're okay." She reaches out to take his hand. "I was so worried about you."

Mick manages another smile, grateful for her understanding. "I'm okay... still making my way up the ladder, but I'm okay. And..."

He turns back to Dan. "You're one of the best workers we got so... I'd hate to lose you."

Jade can't help it that her eyes drift to the ground before glancing in Dan's direction. What about after their announcement? Then what would her father say?


Watching Jade and Mick for a long moment it made Dan feel good to see them getting along and to hear Mick say he was sorry. It made him happy seeing that Mick wanted to make amends.

Continuing to barde the ropes Dan looks down at them minding his own business. This was with Mick and Jade right now, though he couldn't help but glance up once and a while giving a smile.

Hearing Mick talking to him though Dan looks up and gives a smile. Jumping down off the fence post the rope still in hand he takes a few steps closer to Jade and Mike.

"As best as I can be and each try I just try harder."

Giving a faint smile from under his cowboy hat Dan holds out his hand to Mick. They had started out on the wrong foot but he only hoped they could make up the time that had been lost.

"Its good to have you back Boss."

Looking up from the bar as the figure sits down next to her, a beer in hand she gives the man a once over. Her long honey blond hair flowed down and over her shoulders, her blue eyes almost piercing. Defiantly not a place you would see a women of such beauty in a lot. But than, almost everyone here had something to run from or something they wanted to forget.

Taking another sip her her drink she sits quietly at the bar. Three drinks in and she could feel the affects thought the though of still feeling made her want another.

Finally looks to the tall blond that sat next to her again she can't help but interact. Something about him seemed familiar but she wasn't sure what or where she new him from.

"He didn't seem to give you a funny look at that one. Me, he laughed and just gave me the beer. He must think because I am a chick I can't drink or something."


Jim nods, a little more solemn now, but still willing to help out for Eric's sake. "Yeah sure. She needs to know about this. I'll stay here 'til you get back."

Once Angel is gone, Jim sighs and sits down in a nearby chair. "We're just trying to help," he reminds quietly.

"I know." Eric's eyes were closed again, but he was still awake at this point. "But I'm not gonna live a cripple because I ran into a fence post."

Jim rolls his eyes. "You shouldn't have been out there and you know it. Angel told you to take it easy."

Eric opens one eye for half a glare. "I walked to the barn," he states flatly. "Someone had their hands full of horses so I went and simply opened one little gate for them. That was the extent of my excursion. A horse ran into me. Plain and simple. If Angel wants to think I was disobeying her, then she can. But I was doing the best I could without suffocating myself in the bunkhouse and spending my time alone."

Jim rubs his face tiredly. "Alright.... just... chill, okay? You don't need to be getting worked up."

Letting his head sink back into the pillow, Eric tries to ignore the pain. He needed to heal. He needed to.

Drawing later in the day, Miles was already gone and so was Jed. Leo finally slams the hood down on the car he'd been working on all day. He was finally finished and was now late for his plans tonight. It didn't matter though. He really didn't want to go anyway.

Cleaning things up a bit, he grabs his jacket and clocks out. Reaching the door, he throws one last look over his shoulder at Ryan's bay then walks out.

Driving around town, he doesn't head for home. He didn't want to. He didn't know what he wanted to do. Nothing was appealing tonight. Driving past the Bullseye, he slows. He really didn't feel like going in, but what other things were better to do? He was alone and miserable. He'd only have a beer or two then go home.

Parking, he wanders inside where the rock music was playing and smoke was already hanging in the air. Heading to the bar, he grabs an empty bar stool and sits down, swiveling a little and rubbing his throbbing head. Seeing the bartender, he gives him a wave. "Just a beer.... no, make that a beer and a shot of whiskey." He probably shouldn't, but he was miserable enough tonight to do it.

"Hello, handsome." Jade walks up beside Dan, leaning on his leg and looking up at him on the fence. She grins. "Looks like you're having fun." She reaches out to run her hand along the rope, fingering the soft strands before her fingers reach Dan's hand and she holds it instead, resting her head on his leg. "I haven't seen Dad yet," she informs. "I was just-" She stops as her eyes catch movement and her heart jumps. "Oh... speaking of which...."

She straightens up a little and lets go of Dan's hand, taking a step back as her cheeks grow a little warm.

Mick wanders up to his daughter and Dan, his hands busy with a long piece of straw he'd picked up. His stride was slow but purposeful, the look on his face one that was not upset, but a little gentler than before he'd left for the McClain's.

Reaching them, he eyes Jade for a moment, mustering up a small smile. Seeing her hesitance, he nods with his head. "Come here."

Seeing the new look in her dad's eye, Jade falls into him, giving him a giant hug. "Oh, Daddy..."

Mick smiles and hugs her back. She hadn't called him that since she'd been a tiny tot. "Merry Christmas, you."

"Merry Christmas." Jade can't help the small tears in her eyes as she pulls away. "Are... are you okay?"

"I'm fine... I'm better." Mick nods with confidence and reaches out to wipe away her tear with his bandanna. Sighing a little, he squares his shoulders bravely. "And I'm sorry, too. I was very wrong... on more than one thing. I hope you don't ever think I don't want you around."

Jade sniffs and nods, starting to gain some hope again.

Mick looks up to Dan next, a little warily but willing to talk. "Dan... I see you're still hard at work."

Last Resort

Taken aback about Eric's words Angel glances at Jim for a moment before looking back at Eric. Her look was stern though his words had hurt. She was a dr first and for most always.

"If it means saving your life Eric than I can deal with you hating me. But I'll keep it as the last resort."

Looking back to Jim she gave a small nod her look was grim but if it came down to it she had to. Sometimes in life it sucked being a Dr. and making chooses but it was just part of it.

"I've got to go talk with Rosetta will you stay with him for a little bit for me Jim?"

Looking up from her car at the commotion Ryan see Leo and Axel and it looked like Leo just hit him. Surely it must have been a mistake and Leo hadn't meant it. Giving a shake of her head Ryan goes back to her work still feeling horrible about everything that had happened.

Sitting in her makeshift office Hope tapes the pencil on her desk worry laced her eyes. Scott wasn't answer his phone, he's skipped on lunch and after being to His and Dalton's office at least five times he still was not in.

Dalton had tried his best to stop Hope from worrying but it just hadnt worked. Where was Scott and why want he talking to her?

Giving Sparky another tight hug Faith just lets it linger. His warmth, his comfort, soaking it all in. Sparky's works made her heart jump. To stay in this moment forever would be just perfect, but Faith knows the time is drawing near and it was time to go.

Backing away from Sparky and grabbing her bag Faith gives the best smile to him holding out her hand.

"I guess its that time."

Sitting on one of the fence posts outside the barn Dan takes in a deep breath of fresh air. Holding the rope in his hand Dan breaded the frayed parts making the new lead ropes. It was his job today to take care of all the damages ones. Trying to save them before throwing them away.

Letting the air out slowly it felt good to be home, and so far things seemed pretty smooth going. Though Dan hadnt talked to Mick yet he still hoped everything would continue to go smooth even after the new was passed to him. Dan wanted to be able to tell Mick with jade present. Jade said she would meet him here in an hour, maybe then they could go see Mick.

I promise

Seeing Ryan enter the shop, Leo immediately drops his gaze to his car, not greeting her and not looking at her. Instead, he continues to struggle with the engine, having a much harder time than he normally would have. It just seemed more difficult today. Everything did. The car... his life.

Sighing, he leans on the car, wiping some sweat from his forehead and leaving behind a smudge of grease. He didn't know where the problem was now. He'd fixed what he could and it simply wouldn't run.

"Need a hand?"

Leo looks up to Axel. "What are you doing here?"

Axel shrugs. "I could grip a ball this morning so I got released." His arm was still in a sling for now, but things were looking up and Misty seemed pretty positive. It was a good thing too - Axel knew she'd be gone for a week soon so he was just as glad that there had been improvement before she would leave. "Trouble with this junker?"

"You could say that," Leo grumbles, looking back down into the engine. "Is it too much to ask for something to work? Just one thing?!"

Axel bends a little closer with a wrench of his own. "Well you might try-"

"I don't need your help!" Leo spins back around again, annoyed with the intrusion. He didn't mean for his wrench to swipe Axel's bad hand, but intentional or not, the damage was done.

Axel drops his tool and doubles over, his eyes watering from the pain that coursed through his hand.

Leo couldn't feel any worse. "Aw man, I'm sorry."

"It's okay." Axel tries to straighten up and breathe. "I'll just stay out of your way."

"Look, I just-"

"Leo - it's okay." Axel waves him off. "Your car. I should go anyway."

Lamely watching Axel walk away, Leo glares at the car and gives the tire a swift kick. He was so stupid.

"Mm-hmm." Eric shifts a little on the bed, knowing what was happening, even if he didn't open his eyes to see. "She'll kill me dead. Shoot me now."

Jim chuckles and preps his arm for a shot. "Okay. Here goes."

A wry grin comes to Eric's face as he feels the prick. "I expected it to hurt more."

"Well I can make the next one hurt more if you want."

"Oh, please." Eric grimaces. "I got enough of that." Quieting down as the two work, one might think Eric had gone to sleep again, but eventually, he shifts his head to see Angel just finishing up the bandage. "I know it's bad," he mumbles, his tone a little more serious this time. Though his vision was blurry, he could see the worry on the other faces and knew well enough from the pain that it was not good. "But if you-"

"You'll be fine," Jim interrupts. "Just rest and you'll be fine."

Eric frowns. "I wasn't finished."

"I know. Don't say it."

"I'll say what I wanna say." Eric licks his dry lips and looks to Angel again. "Gets worse, lemme go. Take the leg and I'll never forgive you."

Hearing Faith's words, Sparky could feel a little lurch to his heart. He mimics her movement as his palm caresses her cheek. He'd never felt like this in his entire life and he prayed and hoped with all his might that it would not be the only day he would hear those words from her.

"I love you too," he whispers. "And I'll be here... when you come home. I promise."

Scott sits in his car, parked in front of Dalton's house. Dalton was at work, but Scott had spent enough time at Carson's and now couldn't decide whether to go home or take Dalton up on his offer. Either way, he'd spoken to no one else today. He'd forgotten his phone at home but hadn't hardly thought a thing of it. Lunch with hope had been completely forgotten as well as he tried to sort through all that was going through his mind.

He pets Domino absentmindedly as she sits on his lap, content with the car ride. When would things be okay again?

That one saying

Giving Alec one last smile and a shake of her head Ryan leaves the room and TJY. Making it back to the auto shop in record time she new she was going a little faster than she probably should have but she made it there just the same.

Entering she doesn't say anything to anyways but keeps her head down. She eyes had long been dried from tears though a small sad glint still seemed to settle there. It was hard coming back here know Leo was not far away. She have to look at him and know how she hurt him. She did feel horrible about it more than anyone would ever know. But she made her bed, and now she had to lay in it.

Going to her work bench Ryan grabs the tools she would need throwing her jacket over the bench. Without saying anything more she pops the hood on the car and gets to work, trying to fix it as fast as she can knowing they were backed up right now.

Shaking her head as she enters the bunk a little chuckle slips her lips. He didn't have a bit of his seance of humor still and that was a good thing.

"Eric Eric...You realize I am going to have to tell your sister about this right? And she is going to give you a worse tong lashing than I am. Are you sure you only want one pain killer?"

Giving a shake of her head Angel opens her bag handing needles to Jim one with the pain killer and one with the antibiotic.

"Can you give him these while I clean and dress the wound. Along with changing the IV bag."

Wasting no time Angel starts on cleaning the wound. It looked a little better from yesterday but not by much. She could only hope it would continue to get better with a little time.

Just feeling Sparky's arm around her it made Faith feel so good. His comfort, his love flowing from him to her. It made her feel everything would be ok.

Leaning her head up a little to look Sparky in the eyes Faith's tears slowly die. She wish she never had to leave his arms but she know that sooner or later she would have to. So mustering what stragnth she had Faith pulls away a little and gives a soft smile.

"Thank you Sparky for everything you have given me."

Bringing a hand to his face she new she might never be able to say what she felt again. So she better now before it was to late knowing he wouldn't think her crazy.

"I love you so much!"

Hang in there

Leo drops his wrench for the third time, this time a curse slipping out under his breath. Muttering to himself he crawls under the car to pick it up, only to bonk his head on the bumper as he comes back up. "Aw for cryin' out loud. You mangy piece of junk."

Miles is standing nearby with eyebrows raised. Leo had been ticked off since lunchtime and it was so unusual that everyone noticed. "Not the car's fault," he muses. "Settle down. What's the problem?"

Leo leans on the open engine and just stares at all the parts. "The problem is that I don't have the brains of a jack rabbit."

"Oh stop, you do too. What happened at lunch anyway? I thought you and Ryan were going out."

"We did." Leo starts working again, keeping his temper at bay. "And it was the last time."

Miles cleans some more tools, looking surprised. "You can't give up just 'cause of one spat. C'mon."

"Just drop it, Miles," Leo hisses. "It's over between Ryan and me."

"It was once before, too."

"And that's when my brain capacity came in. I never should have tried for a second round."

Miles still isn't convinced, and it didn't help that he was bored at the moment. "So what was it? An argument over who gets to drive or what?"

"Miles!" Leo glares at him. "It's none of your business!"

"Sorry! Just... talking."

Leo sighs and shakes his head, fiddling with a part he couldn't get loose. "She's got another guy."

"What?" Miles' eyes widen. "Naw..."

"Yip. Oh, she wouldn't admit she had a thing going with anyone else... but I know better."

"What if you're wrong? I mean-"

"I'm not wrong!" Leo snaps. "I was there! I saw it in her eyes. I keep replaying what she said over and over in my head, and there's just no other way to explain it."


"Yeah, oh." Leo growls as he can't get the engine part loose. "I wish the other guy good luck, 'cause he's gonna need it." Movement catches his eye and he glances up to see another car pulling up. "Great. And we don't even have the end bay open because Ryan isn't back yet. I have half a mind to-"

"To what?" Miles gives him a look of warning. "You better settle down before Darell hears you. It sucks but chill... you don't want to lose your job too."

"You better be." Alec gives Ryan a sly look as he lets her go for the door. "I'd say call me but..." He gestures around the room. "They haven't gotten as far as letting me have a phone yet."

Smirking, he waves her out. "Get going before you get fired."

Jim's worry shows in his eyes and he nods at Angel's grim prognosis. "I know. I've seen it in horses, but this turns my stomach. I'll do what I can to help."

Getting into Eric's bunk again, Eric hears them enter, but keeps his eyes closed. "Beware the sick," he mumbles groggily. "Enter at your own risk."

Jim gives Angel a wry grin. "At least he still has his sense of humor."

"I don't got any sense of anything," Eric responds. "Just gimme another pain killer... that'll... tide me over."

Jim sighs. "Hang in there, buddy. Just rest."

Sparky's arms automatically wrap around Faith, drawing her into a strong hug. "Oh, hon... it's okay... shhh." He rocks her a little, kissing her head and holding her. Today was a day he had to be the strong one. And though it hurt, it's what he would do - for Faith.

"It's all gonna be okay. God's gonna take care of you, no matter what." No matter what..... whether he saw Faith when she woke up or had to wait until the day he died, he would see her again. That much he knew.

If only for five minutes

As Alec pulls away Ryan can't help the chuckle that escapes her lips again. It was indeed better now than it was in high school. But back than boys were still gross and you got cooties from kissing them. Thinking back to that time it seemed so long ago and it was. What seemed liked house had been years, and years had been an eternity.

"Mmm...I'm still in the process of figuring that part out. So far its been pretty speratic. I think more experimenting is going to have to come before I can figure that one out."

Reacing up again Ryan puts a soft quick kiss on Alec's lips before backing away from him a little. Though Ryan didn't want to she had to get back to work before Darrel got on her case to much.

"I have to get going, but I'll be back again."

Angel lets out a long sigh as she listens to Jim and gathers a few more things to bring to Eric's. She was tired, but this was her job to do She was only frustrated nine out of ten times when she treated someone they never listened to her.

"Some day, when I tell someone something there are gonna listen to me Jim. I am a Dr. for a reason."

Standing by her Dr. bag Angel closes her eyes for a moment before turning to Jim an apologetic look on her face.

"I'm sorry Jim I didn't mean to snap at you. I'm just frustrated. Thank you for the help last night, I maybe calling on you again if thats ok."

Grabbing her bag and going over to Jim Angel rests a hand on his arm as she gives a smile and nods her head for him to fallow. If she was going to call on him again she might as well tell him what she was going.

"I figure I'll let u know whats going on so if I do need you, you'll know what to do. I'm going to give Eric some more pain killers, and another shot of antibiotic, try to get his fever down and change and dress the bandage on his leg at least ever hour."

Growing solom for a moment Angel stops looking back at Jim. You could see in her eye something that lingered that she didn't want to speak least it come true.

"The infection is pretty bad that if it doesn't go down, or continues to spread we might have to take his leg before it turns into gang green and kills him. Its last resort but...its a possibility."

Looking up at Ryder the camera still in hand he was letting her barrow Thirteen nods. It had been a great night last night, and the morning was going just as well.

"Am I ever, I think my stomach is going to start eating itself."

Thirteen gives a grin as she quickly raises the camera and takes a photo of Ryder.

Putting some stuff into a bag Faith looks up into Sparky's eyes. She figured he might have wanted to come, but wasn't certain. She new this was going to be a lot of stress on him and she wished there was a way to make it easier.

"I'm...I'm trying to have faith that everything will be ok."

Thought her words spoke confidence there was still the dark cloud in her eyes where the worry layed. Knowing Sparky was going with them braught a little bit of comfort she be able to take the long car ride with him spend that much more time in his presence but it still didn't take away the fact today might be her last day.

Leaving her bag for now Faith makes her way over to Sparky resting her hand against his chest for a moment she finally just falls into his arms she new would catch her. Tears and quiet sobs fell from her eyes. After being so strong for so long, she was bound to break down.

"I'm so scared Sparky. Will you just hold me till its time to go? Even if its only for five minutes."


"Mmm." Alec accepts Ryan's kiss, just holding her for several moments before straightening her up and letting her stand in front of him again, continuing the exchange.

Drawing away, a grin surfaces. "Science is a lot more fun than it was in high school."

Giving a sigh, he knows Ryan can't stay all day, and Reese was going to want him back soon. "So since we've confirmed you're addicted... how often do you need a fix?"

Jim checks on Eric again, stifling a yawn. It had been a long night, but there had been no mishaps, so all was stable at least. Eric had slept most of the night, though had appeared to be uncomfortable even though he didn't complain.

This morning there wasn't a whole lot of change, but Jim thought maybe some of the swelling around the injury had gone down. For now Eric was sleeping again, so Jim thought it safe to slip out for a few minutes. Slipping from the bunk, he walks to Angel's office, knowing she'd probably be up by now, though not much of the ranch was stirring yet.

Getting inside, he finds her, yawning again. "He seems okay," he informs. "Still has a fever though - can't get that to go down but he seemed stable all night. I think he's in quite a bit of pain though he's not saying so. Don't blame him too much... yesterday all he was doing was opening a gate for someone and a horse got loose."

He gives Angel a wry grin. "'Course we both know he shouldn't have even been out there at all, but I know he feels stupid."

"Who's sick?"

"Eric." Jeff nods at Ryder around one of the dining hall tables. "Sound like he got a bad infection... Angel's doing what she can, with Jim's help."

Ryder purses his lips, sorry to hear that. Eric had seemed like a really nice guy and Ryder had hoped Thirteen might be able to get to know her uncle a little more before leaving. Turning to look at Thirteen, he smiles. "I smell breakfast cooking. Hungry this morning?"

"I told Annie I'm coming with you two to the hospital." Sparky leans on the doorway of Faith's bunkhouse door. Though he was trying to smile, anyone could see how worried he was for this woman in front of him. Yesterday had been so peaceful. They'd ridden double halfway up into the foothills, had a picnic, laughed, talked and had curled up on the couch for a movie to end the most perfect day. And today a dark cloud hung over the atmosphere. They had to go to the hospital this morning and there would be no news until that night when it was all over. Sparky wasn't sure how he was going to make it through waiting without going crazy.

"How ya doing with... everything?"


As Alec starts to dance to no music at all Ryan does her best to keep up with him, though she always did have to right feet she just let Alec lead. Throwing her head back in laughter at Alec's comment about her brother the laughs just roll off her tong not being able to contain them.

"I do have to say, I am kind of glad you don't want to kiss him."

Ryan can't help scrunching her nose up and giving a shake of her head at the thought. Laughing again as the short dance continued.

Being takin into Alec's dip finally and looking up into his eyes, Ryan can see the fire and it send her heart racing all over again.

Hearing his words send a chill down her back. When he was free he still wanted her around, when he was free they still see each other. Is was a confermation to what she felt, and a glimmer to know what he felt too.

"Well than, I pray every day that goes by it one day closer to you getting out of here. But until them, I think experiments should be conducted continuously, just to hold us over."

Keeping her one hand around Alec's back Ryan brings the other to the side of his face. The fire in her eyes shown bright as she ran a thumb over Alec's cheek before cradling his face in her hand and leaning up to bring her lips to his in the exchange of a kiss once again.


"Well then..."

Alec moves one hand to take Ryans, the other staying around her waist as he slow dances with her to no music at all. "I guess I'll just have to convince him I'm an okay guy."

A grin comes to his lips, mischief in his eye. "But I'm not gonna kiss him. He'll just have to take my word for it."

Taking Ryan into a dip, he looks down at her with fire.... a longing to be free. "I'm gonna get out of here, Ryan McKade. And when I do... the world will be our playground."

Fire sometimes

Ryan cant help her saucy grin as she sways back and forth with Alec. Closing her eyes for a moment as Alec rests his head against her Ryan woulds roll off her tong like someone might think she had been reciting them for years at a time.

"Your not a crook anymore Alec, and I am far from a good guy. I race cars remember? Thats not exactly leagel even though its tolerated."

Opening her eyes to look up into Alec's again she could see the flame, she could see the life, and the small changes there were taking part in this man's life. Things weren't perfect with him, but they were far better than when she had first met him.

"And..its my brother actually who told me to make sure. He's a good guy, and he doesn't know you like I do. He just doesn't want me to get hurt, but I guess its a risk I am willing to take. After all whats life if we don't leep into the fire sometimes?"

Worth your time

Alec sways with Ryan a little bit, keeping her in his grasp. "Mmm... but if you needed to make sure, that means you were questioning yourself in the first place."

He leans his forehead down to rest against hers. "Is it because I'm a crook and you're a good guy?"

Question lingers in his gaze. Now that portions of his anger had been skimmed off the top, it left room to see deeper, and what was deeper was a desire for understanding this woman who had no reason to care at all, yet had not only tried to get him to feel better about himself, but had apparently begun to fall for him.

"...Or is Reese trying to convince you that I'm not worth your time?"

I feel defferent

Not being able to help the chuckle that comes from her lips as she is gained premonition. It was kind of funny, and just the way Alec reacted it tickled her funny bone.

Being pulled to Alec once again Ryan looks up into his eyes processing his words to her. He wanted to know why she was really here, but she'd already told him in so many words. She wanted to know if her feelings were really there or not just something made up by her own head.

"I told you already, Need to make sure the addiction was real. And after closely testing to make sure, I would have to say yes, yes you are that good."

Continuing to search Alec's eyes Ryan's own seem to dance with wonder and mystery as she still tried to sort thought the feelings she had around Alec.

"When I'm around you Alec, I feel different. Its not a bad different but I just wanted to make sure it wasnt in my own head ether."

That good

Alec smirks at Ryan. "Go ahead and laugh, I know you want to." Though his own humor remains contained in his eyes, it dances in his gaze and makes his lips curl up.

As the pain starts to subside, he turns, taking Ryan's hand that she'd used to rub his back, and runs his thumb through her palm. "I guess we wouldn't want an overdose, would we?"

Slipping his arms around her again, he pulls her up against him, gaining a better angle for looking down into her eyes. "Why did you really come today, hmm? You can't tell me you skipped out of work after your lunch break was over, just to come here and get a kiss from me."

His eyes narrow slightly. "I might be a good kisser, but I don't think I'm that good."


As Alec bolts off the cot Ryan's eyes widen. Not to sure what was going on it was easy to put two and two together after a moment realizing he must have gotten a charlie horse. A small chuckle escapes her lips as she swings her lets to the side of the bed putting them on the ground. Getting up she goes over to where Alec was standing and reaches out to rub his back.

"Are you going to be ok?"

Ryan didnt know what else to say. She wanted to laugh and she wanted to cringe making sure he was already. She was scaired if she said anything more she just might laugh at him. Though she makes another comment to follow the first.

"You'd be happy to know, I am addicted, and I almost had an overdose so maybe the muscle cramp was a good thing."

Ryan gives Alec a grin and a small wink.

Serves you right

Alec had been in the arms of a woman before, but none had sent feeling through him like this. It was like nothing else mattered and time was irrelevant. Ryan's kisses and hands felt so good and he just held her close, returning the passionate affection, enjoying every moment. It was as if he had so much to express to her - with all she'd done for him and for caring when no one else did. But there were no words to express these feelings, so his actions would have to suffice.

Holding and caressing, Alec moves his legs, wrapping one of Ryan's legs in his own and locking it so she can't move. He continues the kiss, not letting up.

Quite suddenly though, the moment is totally shattered. One second, Alec is still kissing Ryan and the next, he's giving a howl and rolling off the cot, depositing Ryan onto the mattress.

Pacing a circle, he cusses a blue streak and rubs his right leg where a charlie horse had set in. Leaning on the back of a chair, he flexes his leg, still muttering while trying to catch his breath. Looking back over to Ryan though, he realizes just how silly he must look, and something gets caught in his throat... something awfully similar to a laugh he might be choking on. Were his eyes watering from pain or from suppressed humor?

"I guess I need to stretch before kissing you," he quips.

O.O *cough* O.O *cough O.O

Being totally lost in the moment Ryan could feel the electric chills shoot up and down her spin. With every part of the kiss, with every movement of Alec's hand. Being lowered onto the cot with him Ryan puts her one hand on the mattress to support her and not put to much pressure on Alec while her other runs along the side oh his face there kiss continues.

As Alec pulls away and moves the hair from her face Ryan continues to look down at him the grin on her lips and the fire in her eyes. Moving her head to the side a little into his hand her was like she was gasping for air, but left wanting more of his sweet kiss. Bringing her head down slowly to his the side on his face Ryan whispers into his ear.

"I am addicted, but...I think I need some more to make sure."

Giving his ear a kiss and than moving to his own neck, than the under side of his chin she finally reaches his lips where she gives them a small kiss, more retreating and kissing his forehead, than his eye and than back to his lips deeping the kiss this time. Her hand running up his arm, his neck and slipped behind the mattress and his head.


Drawn into Ryan's kiss and feeling her hands in his hair and on his face, he murmurs between kisses. Backing up and turning around, he still holds her close, lowering himself down on the cot and taking her with him until he's on his back. His hands rub her shoulders as he continues their kiss, falling completely into the moment.

Pausing for a second or two, his hands move up to her face to push aside the loose strands of hair and tuck them behind her ears. "Have you decided if you're addicted yet?" he whispers.


Feeling Alec pull her close Ryan's heart races a million miles a minute. Feeling his lips moving from her for head and down her cheek than making its way to her neck her arms tighten around Alec keeping him close to her.

Finally as her lips touch her Ryan is taken into the passion. The sweet tasts from the apple he had just finished eating lingering on his lips. Deeping her own kiss a muffled growl as approve comes from her throat.

As Alec pulls away it feels all to soon for Ryan as she trys to catch her breath. Looking up into Alec's eyes all the feelings she had felt before were there still. The emotions that raged inside of her that she still had yet to understand where there.

Welcoming his return kiss Ryan keeps her one hands racking through Alec's hair and the other cradling the side of his face before moving to his back holding him close to her.

Slightly pulling back Ryan takes Alec's sweet lip in her own moving giving a gentile tug in it with her lips before than giving it a gentle nibble before pulling completely away, turning her head, and returning for more. Letting the emotions flow over her, and the feeling fill her.


Alec rolls his neck back a little as Ryan's move through his hair, clearing liking it when she did that. Looking at her, the grin almost comes out again as he hears her request.

"It'll take a large dose... to be able to tell," he replies slyly.

Slipping his arms around her, he pulls her to him roughly. "I'm all for experiments," he whispers. Bending his head, he kisses her forehead, moving down around her eyes and to her jawline then neck as his hands remain wrapped around her. His lips move back up to find her lips where he stays, giving her a deep, passionate kiss.

Pulling away slightly, he catches his breath, his eyes staring into hers. "Say when," he directs before returning to her lips once more.