

Feeling Alec pull her close Ryan's heart races a million miles a minute. Feeling his lips moving from her for head and down her cheek than making its way to her neck her arms tighten around Alec keeping him close to her.

Finally as her lips touch her Ryan is taken into the passion. The sweet tasts from the apple he had just finished eating lingering on his lips. Deeping her own kiss a muffled growl as approve comes from her throat.

As Alec pulls away it feels all to soon for Ryan as she trys to catch her breath. Looking up into Alec's eyes all the feelings she had felt before were there still. The emotions that raged inside of her that she still had yet to understand where there.

Welcoming his return kiss Ryan keeps her one hands racking through Alec's hair and the other cradling the side of his face before moving to his back holding him close to her.

Slightly pulling back Ryan takes Alec's sweet lip in her own moving giving a gentile tug in it with her lips before than giving it a gentle nibble before pulling completely away, turning her head, and returning for more. Letting the emotions flow over her, and the feeling fill her.

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