
If only for five minutes

As Alec pulls away Ryan can't help the chuckle that escapes her lips again. It was indeed better now than it was in high school. But back than boys were still gross and you got cooties from kissing them. Thinking back to that time it seemed so long ago and it was. What seemed liked house had been years, and years had been an eternity.

"Mmm...I'm still in the process of figuring that part out. So far its been pretty speratic. I think more experimenting is going to have to come before I can figure that one out."

Reacing up again Ryan puts a soft quick kiss on Alec's lips before backing away from him a little. Though Ryan didn't want to she had to get back to work before Darrel got on her case to much.

"I have to get going, but I'll be back again."

Angel lets out a long sigh as she listens to Jim and gathers a few more things to bring to Eric's. She was tired, but this was her job to do She was only frustrated nine out of ten times when she treated someone they never listened to her.

"Some day, when I tell someone something there are gonna listen to me Jim. I am a Dr. for a reason."

Standing by her Dr. bag Angel closes her eyes for a moment before turning to Jim an apologetic look on her face.

"I'm sorry Jim I didn't mean to snap at you. I'm just frustrated. Thank you for the help last night, I maybe calling on you again if thats ok."

Grabbing her bag and going over to Jim Angel rests a hand on his arm as she gives a smile and nods her head for him to fallow. If she was going to call on him again she might as well tell him what she was going.

"I figure I'll let u know whats going on so if I do need you, you'll know what to do. I'm going to give Eric some more pain killers, and another shot of antibiotic, try to get his fever down and change and dress the bandage on his leg at least ever hour."

Growing solom for a moment Angel stops looking back at Jim. You could see in her eye something that lingered that she didn't want to speak least it come true.

"The infection is pretty bad that if it doesn't go down, or continues to spread we might have to take his leg before it turns into gang green and kills him. Its last resort but...its a possibility."

Looking up at Ryder the camera still in hand he was letting her barrow Thirteen nods. It had been a great night last night, and the morning was going just as well.

"Am I ever, I think my stomach is going to start eating itself."

Thirteen gives a grin as she quickly raises the camera and takes a photo of Ryder.

Putting some stuff into a bag Faith looks up into Sparky's eyes. She figured he might have wanted to come, but wasn't certain. She new this was going to be a lot of stress on him and she wished there was a way to make it easier.

"I'm...I'm trying to have faith that everything will be ok."

Thought her words spoke confidence there was still the dark cloud in her eyes where the worry layed. Knowing Sparky was going with them braught a little bit of comfort she be able to take the long car ride with him spend that much more time in his presence but it still didn't take away the fact today might be her last day.

Leaving her bag for now Faith makes her way over to Sparky resting her hand against his chest for a moment she finally just falls into his arms she new would catch her. Tears and quiet sobs fell from her eyes. After being so strong for so long, she was bound to break down.

"I'm so scared Sparky. Will you just hold me till its time to go? Even if its only for five minutes."

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