

Watching Jade and Mick for a long moment it made Dan feel good to see them getting along and to hear Mick say he was sorry. It made him happy seeing that Mick wanted to make amends.

Continuing to barde the ropes Dan looks down at them minding his own business. This was with Mick and Jade right now, though he couldn't help but glance up once and a while giving a smile.

Hearing Mick talking to him though Dan looks up and gives a smile. Jumping down off the fence post the rope still in hand he takes a few steps closer to Jade and Mike.

"As best as I can be and each try I just try harder."

Giving a faint smile from under his cowboy hat Dan holds out his hand to Mick. They had started out on the wrong foot but he only hoped they could make up the time that had been lost.

"Its good to have you back Boss."

Looking up from the bar as the figure sits down next to her, a beer in hand she gives the man a once over. Her long honey blond hair flowed down and over her shoulders, her blue eyes almost piercing. Defiantly not a place you would see a women of such beauty in a lot. But than, almost everyone here had something to run from or something they wanted to forget.

Taking another sip her her drink she sits quietly at the bar. Three drinks in and she could feel the affects thought the though of still feeling made her want another.

Finally looks to the tall blond that sat next to her again she can't help but interact. Something about him seemed familiar but she wasn't sure what or where she new him from.

"He didn't seem to give you a funny look at that one. Me, he laughed and just gave me the beer. He must think because I am a chick I can't drink or something."

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