

Ty's eyes drop at Libby's question, and for the first time today, he seems to shut down. Thankfully, their order number is called, so he has an excuse to leave and come back with their food.

Once they've started eating though, Ty's had enough time to get over it. "Yeah." He takes bite of his chicken tender, dipping it again in the bbq sauce. "That's why I failed my driver's test... several times."

He shrugs lamely, his gaze remaining on his food as he tries to act as though the whole thing doesn't really matter. "I've had people try to help me before, Libby... I just don't have the smarts for it."

Pausing, he takes a sip of his drink then fools with another chicken tender bu delays a bite. "When I was a kid... in school... I didn't learn like the other kids. At first the teachers thought I was slow, so I got put in some special ed classes. I... didn't respond well to the teaching or my classmates."

Ty finally looks up at Libby. He had never told that to anyone. "Then they decided I was just being stubborn so they swapped me out again but by then I was behind the regular kids so I got put back a grade. Still couldn't read though. I got some stupid teachers who thought I was doing it on purpose 'cause I was doing alright in things like math and science - when no actual word reading was involved. So they forced me to do my work anyway with no extra help. I started failing. My adopted parents... they didn't give a flying rat's butt about why I was having a problem so I just got into trouble when I started getting F's."

Another shrug comes. He didn't know why he felt Libby deserved the story... no one else ever had, not even Katie. But maybe he was finally to the point where he really had given up. It just didn't matter anymore. "And now... I don't know... sometimes I can remember short words and sometimes I can maybe figure out parts of letters my mom sends me but not enough to really get the good stuff. Then if I don't keep trying, I just forget it all and it's like starting over from square one. If I could take my stupid driver's test orally, I'd be okay. I know all the answers, I just... don't know where they are on the page."

Shaking his head, Ty tries to concentrate on his food again. "I appreciate the offer... but I'm not convinced that any more help is really gonna do any good. I just can't do it."

Little eyes

Sitting with Ty and waiting for the food Libby enjoyed the light conversation with him. He was smart, and if never told so, and never put into the position she wouldn't have been able to tell he couldn't read. It crossed her mind that no one showed him, or maybe no one had the pasents to help. Oh how much he was missing not being able to at least read a little.

Giving a soft smile and a little nod Libby turns a little in her chair to look at the menu again. Starting at the top she started to read.

" Number one they have A spicy chicken sandwich, second they have chicken frys, third they have a ranch chicken wrap, fourth they have a bacon ranch chicken melt..."

Libby's words trail off as she looks down at Ty again. There was a bit of question in her eyes, and though the list was done she wanted to ask Ty something.

"Is that why you didnt pass your driving test Ty? Because if it is, I would be more than willing to help you. I always have a bunch of free time and I wouldn't mind at all."

Starting out again Amanda does her best to with talking. She new JT was getting tired and she couldn't blame him. Finally though as the car falls silent her question going unanswered she looks over to see JT sleeping. Adjusting the mirror to look in the back and see Bree was resting comfortable still two little eyes from under a blanker stared back at her. Amanda's heart went out for Bree again feeling bad for her. Giving a small smile she looks to the road and than back to Bree in the mirror.

"Would you like me to turn on some music so you have something to listen to? I'm not sure what we can get out here, but I am sure I can find something. Would you like that?"

Seeing the blankets move a little Amanda could tell Bree was shaking her head yes. Reaching out and turning on the music more in the backseat than the front so it wouldnt bother JT Amanda looks for something to listen to. Setting on a more soft but upbeat christam station she was she she had hurd the name of the bad before.

"Don't go anywhere, dont touch that dial, if you though the last band was good your going to love the next one. Jetstream coming to you with there new hit single."

Looking back in the mirror once more Amanda talks to Bree.

"There we go, something nice to listen too. If you want anything to drink there are some water bottle there by you by the floor. Try to close your eyes and get some sleep ok? We will be there soon, and your Uncle is right up here sleeping too. So you have nothing to worry about."

Focusing back on the road again Amanda cracks open her window a little to help keep herself awake as well. Singing softly to the music as it played on the radio the soft sun rise greeting her as she drove over the next mountain top.


Ty stares up at the menu as Libby casually names some of the items off. It could all be Egyptian hieroglyphics and he wouldn't be the wiser, though he did recognize a few letters up there. Now if the board said "cat" and "run" he might be able to figure it out. At any rate, he was glad that Libby could find what she wanted.

He gives her a little grin. "You're welcome."

Finishing their order, he pays and they stand and wait until it's ready. While waiting, he looks back up at the menu again. "Hey, Libby..." He bites his top lip, shifting his weight from one foot to the other, swaying just a little. "Tell me what the choices are again? But... list them from top to bottom... then I can remember what numbers they are next time I come. I might... I might want to try something different sometime."

JT gives a short laugh. "Yeah..." He holds up his pop. "This just isn't cutting it."

He looks in on Bree again before shutting the door and wandering back around to the passenger front seat. Getting in, he just thinks for several moments. What had he gotten them into? Did they really do the right thing? Was there really no other way? Did this wrong really make a right?

Setting his pop bottle down in the cup holder, he points to the highway. "Just keep on going... when you hit Pine Valley, you'll wanna start heading south just a bit."

Leaning back in his seat, he tries to keep his eyes open and even tries smalltalk to stay awake. But it wasn't very many more miles before he was sound asleep.

"Who was the other man with you? ...What other information did you have? ....Who helped you, Brent?!"

Gunner sat at the table, his hands cuffed in front of him. His eyes remained glued to the wall behind the detective and his lips remained silent.

The detective's palm slams down on the table. "Breaking and entering! Assault! Attempted murder! Kidnapping! How long do you want the list, eh? We will find out who else helped you... and all of you will pay for this. But trust me... you want it to go easier, you start talking."


"Fine. Sit here and think it over for a few hours. The chief will want to know about this."

The door slams shut and Gunner leans down to put his head in his hands. He would not give up JT, Scott or Dalton. Tomorrow he would start asking to see someone who maybe could help. But for now, he would remain silent.


Exiting the arcade and taking a deep breath of air Libby puts her hands into her jacket pocket. It was chilly out, but the walk would defiantly be a nice change from driving.

Not taking long to get to the small restaurant Libby enters with Ty. She'd never been here before but she had heard about it. Standing next to Ty Libby looks up at the menu for a long moment. Taking into consideration what Ty had said where the best options that he new of.

Without even thinking twice about it Libby reads some things off the list talking to herself but saying it loud enough that Ty could here, and yet not feel like she was shooting him down.

"Lets see what we got here..spicy chicken sandwich, Onion rings, chicken frys, a ranch chick wrap...Mmmm...."

Libby brings a hand to her mouth for a long moment contemplating what she wanted.

"I think I'd like the chicken wrap and onion rings."

Turning to Ty and gives a smile her eyes give a small twinkle.

"Thank you, by the way!"

Getting out of the car to stretch her own legs and use the rest room Amanda makes her way back to the car. Leaning her back on the passenger side door she runs a hand though her hair before looking down and just watching Bree and JT for a long moment.

As the car door opens and a cool breeze enters Bree shivers slightly and pulls the blankets around herself. It had been a long night that started with a panic of not knowing quite where she was, that continued with horrible dreams and nightmare.

Looking up at her Uncle Bree's eyes held a little more life to them as they had before though much of her mind was still foggy, and the voice she so desperately wanted to use just wouldn't come, not yet.

Ranch, bed, sleep, where were they going? Her mind tried to process everything but it seemed so far away just to figure out the simplest of thing. Just moving her hand to place it back on the car seat Bree staired at the off color leather keeping the blanket Gunner had wrapped around her close.

Shaking her head Amanda lets out a small sigh. She felt so bad for JT and for Bree. She could only hope things would go right once they got to the ranch. She had seen these sighs before like Bree was showing without talking and most of the time it was dew to trama. It was good to see her awake though and one could hope her voice would finds its way back to her in time with rest.

Giving a soft chuckle at JT's offer Amanda shakes her head resting a hand on his shoulder.

"You can hardly say awake yourself JT. You've been through alot more than I have tonight and need the rest. I'll be ok for a few more hours. You try and get some sleep."


Ty gives Libby a sheepish look, then his own laugh. "Alright. We'll I'd probably end up getting in trouble too, so I'd say it's a good idea all around."

Tossing his cup into the trashcan, he nods to the door. "I know a place we can walk to, then come back and get your car when we're done." He stops and quirks an eyebrow. "I know just about every place we can walk to, come to think of it. Without wheels, one tends to know those things."

Heading back through the arcade, he pauses at the door for Libby, then exits with her. Walking to Buck's only takes five minutes and the little cafe was hardly busy. It was a family-owned restaurant, small with only one room to sit and a limited menu. But their specialty was chicken strips and fries, and they immediately became a favorite place to eat after anyone tried them for the first time.

Ty enters and stops a ways back from the counter, looking up at the menu board. "Their original chicken strips are to die for, or they got spicy. They also have...." He gestures to the lists. "...several other things, but I have no clue what they are, so you'll have to take your pick. And if I didn't say it before, this is on me."

JT cocks his head and just watches Amanda for several moments. He'd hoped she would help, but he had no idea she'd go this far out on a limb for him and Bree. He'd already said thank you, but... "Thank you... right now all we need is to get to the ranch. After that, we'll get you home... and if anyone questions you or tries to get you in trouble, I'm taking the heat... I don't want you pulled down with this."

Her offer for the napkins makes him grin a little. He knew he must look a sight. Looking in the mirror under the visor proves it and he cringes. "It's amazing you didn't just keep right on driving when you saw me." Taking the napkins he works at the makeup, eventually getting his face to the point where it maybe looked like he'd been in a mechanic's shop all day but no longer at war.

Several hours into the trip, the sky is turning gray, signaling that dawn is just over the horizon. One stop for gas and another stop to stretch their legs and JT was having a hard time staying awake. Ambling back to the car with a bottle of pop, he takes a swig, looking around the almost-empty parking lot. Going to the back of the car, he opens the door near Bree's head and squats down, reaching in to run his fingers through her hair. "Hey, Bree," he greets quietly. "How ya doin', huh? That water set with you alright? We're gonna be there soon, okay? Few more hours and we'll get you in a nice comfy bed where you can just relax and sleep."

He glances up to see Amanda. "They've got a doctor at the ranch... I'm hoping she's got the stuff we can set up for an iv once we get there so we can get some nutrition into Bree."

Sighing, he stands up. "You want me to drive for a while?"


It was nice seeing Ty smile. Though she hadnt know him for long she got the feeling it was something he really didn't do often and it made Libby feel good that she could help him do so.

Looking at the clock and seeing just what time it is she can't help but be a little surprised. Normaly she was good at keeping track of time but today...well it just slipped away.

Thinking for a long moment about dinner Libby new all she would do was go home, listen to her mom and step dad fight, have to deal with her brother stupidity and maybe for once she really just didn't want to deal with that.

"For dinner...I will probably be trying to stay out of trouble and...that might be a little easier if I had someone with me."

Libby gives Ty a side long glance as she puts her own guitar onto the small stands for now. Grabbing her pop she had been milking the whole time she takes one long sip of it before tossing it in the trash. Giving a shake of her head with a little giggle Libby looks at Ty again.

"Yes Ty, if your asking I will go to dinner with you."

Getting back into her own car Amanda waits for JT to get Bree situated in the back of the car before finally pulling out onto the road again. Just continuing down the dark back road Amanda follows JT's directions with no questions asked. Not being able to help but glance once and a while in the back seat admiring how gentile and caring he was with Bree.

As JT starts to crawl into the front seat Amanda moves a few things placing them on the ground in the back behind her, and just shoving over items like her gloves and what not. Her car wasnt the cleanest today and to her it almost like she was living it it, but most weeks she was so busy that she did live out of it.

Continuing to drive Amanda listens as JT starts to tell her about Bree, and himself and what had happened. It pained her heart to think someone would do that to another person when there was no need, especially when the person was there own child. Amanda didnt know Bree from a hill of beans but whenever she saw her in the hospital Bree had always been nice.

"Thats horrible all the stuff had to happen to Bree. She is pretty lucky to have someone like you around them.Well, I'm really glad I deiced to help. I know you would of done the same for me."

Giving a quick glance to JT in the passage side Amanda takes him in, and the look of love for Bree behind it eyes was amazing.

"I am glad I did come to help. You would of done the same for me. Just keep giving me the directions and I will get you to Texas in one peace. I really hope they can help you. If I can do anything else just let me know too. Ok?"

A soft smile comes to Amanda's face. Running a hand through her hand for a moment and than moving her glasses up on her face a little as they started to slide down her nose she lets out a sigh. She might have been tired before but she was awake now, with a destination, a promise in mind.

"In the glove compartment there, there should be some napkins and some lotion if you want to get that paint off your face.

The only one

A mixture of relief and gratefulness sweep through JT. He lets Amanda go and nods. "Alright. Let me move her into your car."

It takes some doing but he manages to move Bree from his car and into Amanda's. Climbing into the back seat with her, he gets Amanda's bag, not needing to ask where or what anything was. He doesn't bother turning around as he starts to work on Bree. "Just keep on this road until you hit thirty-five, then you'll hit a right." He tears into a pack of alcohol swabs, gently starting to clean Bree's wounds.

"Easy, babe," he croons. "Just relax. You're safe now. Everything is going to be okay." Before he's finished with her, he fishes a small digital camera from his pocket and snaps a few pictures of the bruises and signs of brutality or neglect. It would be their only proof of anything.

JT keeps to himself for the next half hour, gently working with Bree and not caring if Amanda heard his father-like comfort. Eventually, he gets Bree comfortably situated in a blanket and resting for now. He knew it would take a while for the meds to work out of her system.

Crawling into the front passenger seat, he rests his elbow on the door, leaning his head into his palm and closing his eyes as he tries to relax for the first time tonight. "Thank you... Amanda." His quiet voice proved his exhaustion. "Not many people would have helped without question."

Falling silent again, he eventually lifts his head and opens his eyes to stare at the dark road. "Bree had a bad upbringing. She always had a different way of thinking and doing things, even when she was a kid. Her parents - my sister and brother-in-law - showed her no love until she eventually tried to commit suicide. It was a good excuse for them to say she was unstable and they put her in Crescentview. Eventually, she got out and slowly recovered... thats when she and I started interacting a whole lot more. Her parents basically ignored her so I just... took on that role."

Pausing, JT reflects on the love he had for his niece. She deserved so much better than this. "Last handful of years, things were fine. Until about two weeks ago... Bree's parents forced her back to Crescentview with radical treatment, when she was perfectly healthy and stable. It had to do with money and there was no way we could get her out... until tonight."

He knew his appearance explained enough about how they had gotten Bree out. "And here we are. Until we can prove what really happened, I've gotta keep her safe and avoid the police. A friend of mine... Bree's boyfriend... he's probably already behind bars by now."

He takes a deep breath. "So, I'm headed to a ranch in Texas where there are people I can trust. They don't know we're coming but... I know they'll help."

Stopping again, he looks to Amanda, noticing for the first time that her appearance proved he'd gotten her out of bed. "I'm sorry..." He takes his sleeve and wipes of more dark paint from his face. "You were the only one I could think of to call."

Ty has a ball with Libby, relaxing and just having fun, ignoring his insecurities for one of the first times in a long time. As they finish up the game, he laughs and shakes his head, setting down the guitar. "I think it would be a while before I could beat you."

Stretching tall, he looks towards the clock on the wall. "Dang... I don't want to go home." Sighing, he cocks his head at Libby. "I gotta be to work at seven.... but what are you doing for supper?"