

   "I...I wanted it to be perfect and I just couldn't find that perfect time."

Shaking his head a little bit Dalton looks at his hands. He was so lucky to have someone like Dani's love and sometimes he couldn't help but feel like he wasn't good enough.  He new Dani would disagree and probley wack him over the head but he just couldn't help it.

   "I know its silly of me to think this but I just...I wish things were better for me, I feel Dani deserves so much more than what I can give it.  I wouldn't trade her for the world that I know I just...I guess in a way I am scared she'll say no if its not just right."

Looking back at Carson the look in his eyes told so much. He really did have a small fear that maybe Dani would say no even if he new it was a silly thought. He couldn't help but fear the rejection just a little bit anyways.

Ryan gives a little wave to her brother as he makes his way to the door. Not being able but laugh again at him as he goes. Her brother was a ham and she loved every moment of it. He was that extra bright spot in her day and knowing Tal and himself got along that well was even better. Tal had become part of the family and it was a nice feeling.

   "Seven o'clock sounds great to me. I shall be cleaned showered and ready."

Turning to Tal again and leaning up on her tip toes and giving him a kiss on the lips before pulling away and smiling. Her eyes give a twinkle as she just looks back at her own reflection in the depth of his eyes. How he looked at her...Ryan never tired of it at all.

   "Mmmm...I'll never tire of that or you."

Cold feet

Carson cocks his head, just watching Dalton for a moment. Did Dani even know how much this hulk loved her? 

"I kept wondering when you were gonna ask her," he admits. "Not that she'd tell me if she was engaged. She hates my guts right now. But I figured you were gonna pop the question for quite a while now." 

He gives Dalton a wry grin. "Don't tell me you got cold feet... Dani isn't all that scary is she?"

"Hey now..." Eli gives his sister a teasing glare. "Scarlet doesn't need any more reasons to laugh at me. I do well enough without falling off couches." 

Tal snickers. "You're getting better at dissing yourself, you know that?"

"Thank you." Eli gives a little bow. "But now, ladies and gentlemen, I'm running out of time for lunch. So I'm gonna go and I'll see you both..." He shrugs. "Whenever." 

"Yeah, yeah. See ya." Tal waves him out the door, quiet until he and Ryan are left alone once more. Looking down at her, he smiles, grateful for the bit of support she was giving him, while at the same time enjoying her touch as much as he always did. "So... shall we say... seven o'clock tonight?" 

Straddling his parked motorcycle, Alec looks out across the deserted beach on the lake. There was a chilly breeze - the most likely reason that no one else was here today. He was though... but his mind was very far away. It was filled with images of the past... images of him and Ryan enjoying each other's company as they spent hours just walking on the beach or sitting in the sand. Holding hands. Kissing. Driving in her car with no destination. Making out on the couch. Teasing. Laughing.

And now... it was all gone.

He'd known it before. He'd known that he'd messed up. He'd had no hope of gaining back Ryan's trust, let alone her heart. But over the last couple weeks, somehow, some hope had been reborn. And after today, it was as if he had just lost Ryan all over again. Only this time... this time his eyes were not blinded by pride. This time he could see that his mere presence put Ryan on edge. Upset her. Made her unhappy. Eli had been right. It was Tal she belonged with. Not him. Alec didn't deserve her in any way shape or form. He'd known it already but... today just seemed to drive home that fact. He was a worthless no-good, and he knew that if he wanted Ryan to be happy, then she should be with Tal instead.

Looking down at his hand, he unfolds a small note. On it was his own handwriting, and it simply said, "Ryan." And slowly, slowly, he tears the note into tiny pieces, clenching them tightly in his fist.

His eyes rise to the lake once more as the sun spread its rays across the rippling water. Then reaching out his hand, he opens his palm. The breeze swirls around him, picking up the scraps of paper and carrying them towards the sky, never to be seen again. Alec kisses his fingers and points them to the wind. "Goodbye, Ryan," he whispers.

Would he be able to move on? He had his doubts. But he wouldn't get in Ryan's way any longer. What they had shared... was no more...


Standing up after Tal stands up Ryan could tell he was in a little bit of pain and she hadn't even though about everything that was still healing on him till now. Laying a light hand on his back and giving him a smile Ryan trys to give him a little support without really saying anything to embarrass him.

   "I think maybe dropping in on Eli and Scarlet is a good idea. I mean...after all I think they might be worse than us."

Giving a laugh Ryan didn't mind teasing Eli as much as he teased her. She new Scarlet was a good woman, and Eli had his head on right so there was nothing to worry about but a little bit of innocent teasing never hurt anyone.

   "Than maybe he can fall off the couch and have Scarlet laugh at him. Sounds good to me."

Hearing that Carson wasn't doing to well Dalton gave a little frown. He was hoping Carson was doing a little bit better but it made sense he wasn't. Giving a simplistic look to Carson Dalton looks down at the bed at his next comment playing with the blanket for a second. 

   "Yeah, I was a little worried there too. Though I might kick the bucket before I could even ask her."

Looking at Carson Dalton's face was slightly sad at the thought. He'd been waiting to ask Dani to marry him for the right time and if he had not been able to before that time came...it was just a sad thought to him. 

Not so good

Actually, the fall from the couch had jarred just about every recently-healed injury, leaving Tal in quite a bit of pain. He wouldn't let on though... not and spoil that smile on Ryan's face he'd missed seeing lately. 

Grinning from ear to ear, he laughs too as his face flushes. "Yeah... yeah, I'm okay." Seeing Eli approach, he gives him a sheepish look and lifts a hand. "Wipe that stupid smirk off your face and help me up." 

Swallowing a laugh, Eli reaches down and pulls Tal up, knowing that the fall must have hurt if he was asking for help. "That'll teach you to be making out with my sister." 

Tal quirks an eyebrow and looks down at Ryan. "Naw... it just means we should start out on the floor instead."

Eli's eyes widen and he threatens to whack Tal over the head. 

Tal raises his hands and backs up a step while laughing. "I was just kidding, big brother, just kidding." 


"Say what are you doing here anyway?" 

"When I decided to get some lunch, I realized I'd forgotten this." Eli holds up his wallet. "So I had to come back here and get it. Glad I did too..." He gives his sister a dry sort of glance, but ends it with a wink. He trusted her and Tal both, probably more than he trusted himself, but he still liked to give them a bad time. "Me and my own babe can't decide what to do tonight - do I have to come back here and babysit?" 

Tal smirks. "I happen to be taking your baby sister out to dinner tonight, so you and Scarlet are welcome to the couch." 

Eli grins. "Maybe it'll be her couch tonight."

Tal glances to Ryan again. "I think we should just 'happen' to drop by there at the most opportune time tonight, what do you think?"

Relief sweeps through Carson as Dalton welcomes him rather than throwing him out. At least now he had two people that would talk to him. That was a start, right? 

Easing down in the extra chair, he shrugs at Dalton's question. "I'm... not so good," he admits. "I thought I'd been to hell and back before... but that wasn't even as bad as this." He glances down, his fingers fiddling in his lap. "I'm surviving though. Mostly trying to find people who will forgive me for the lies and be my friend again. I'm finding that more difficult than I thought it would be too." 

He couldn't help the depressive tone of his voice - he was depressed and he knew it. He didn't want to live without Misty... but she wasn't giving him any choice. He didn't want to forget about all his friendships... but the relationships seemed to have vanished. 

Looking back up again, he forces a small smile. "I came to see you though. Thought for a while there I mighta lost my future brother-in-law."


Hearing Carson's voice Dalton looks to the door a little surprised to see him there but not surprised to hear he hadn't come sooner because of Dani. But he was happy to see Carson there. Though he had done some bad things Dalton still liked Carson. They had always been upfront and honest with each other even if he didn't understand the reason totally for his chooses.

   "Hey Carson, Its good to see you man. How ya holding up yourself?"

Shifting a little Dalton trys to get comfortable and see Carson a little better. He new he's told Dani to go home because she needed to sleep too but he was slightly lonely now. So having someone there with him was nice.

Ryan can't help but laugh as Eli's presence is known. It always made her laugh with how much of a drama queen he was when she new darn well it didn't bother him as much as he played it up.

   "I saw we keep going too. I've walked in on him a few times making out with Scarlet...so...ya."

Leaning up and giving Tal another kiss before pulling away Ryan cocks her head a little looking up at him. She was so happy he was willing to give her another chance. She wasn't ready to lose this, to lose this feeling, and the peace she felt. This to her felt right and she wanted to really know where it was going.

Everything happened so fast all Ryan could do as Tal fell was shreek a little that was followed with a a laughter that rang out so loud she couldn't help it as she leaned over the edge of the couch trying to gasp for air and as if he was ok. 

   "Oh my gosh...Tal...Tal...can you hear me down there."

Rolling backwards on the couch again and bring her legs up a little it as she continues laughing Eli's comment just sends her into another fit of laughter. Tears started to roll from her eyes before finally looking over the edge again she looks back to the doorway at Eli.

   "No...No..He's still here just...but I bet now he wasn't."

Shaking her head continuing to look down at him Ryan couldn't whip the smile off her face. Things just seemed good right now to do something as silly as that. Cocking her head to one side her eyes twinkled with love, laughter, and thankfulness Tal was here.

   "Now that I am done laughing...are you ok?"