

Sitting down with Scott Hope takes a sip of her tea. It was late, and she new tomorrow would be an early day for her, so drinking coffee at this time was probley not the best thing. So tea was a second choice but tasted just as good.

Studying Scott for a long moment Hope is quiet. So many things she wanted to say but the option at the moment of saying nothing seemed right. She'd wondered how Scott was but asking that seemed so silly to her and yet so big at the same time. Maybe it was more of just soaking up the moment that kept her quiet since Scott had not actually talked, or spent time with her at all.

Finally hearing Scott speak a small smile spreads across hopes lips. Giving a small nod as she takes a sip of her tea before replying.

   "Well we haven't talked in a while, and most of the time that starts the conversation for how are you. So you don't have to ask, I'll just start."

Hope smiles again. She was trying to make this a little less awkward but felt as though she was failing.

   "I'm doing pretty good. Some days are better than others but I can't complain. I am doing a lot better than I was so thats a good thing. Most of my days are spent with, work, work and oh ya more work, and every now an than a cup of tea or coffee with a friend."

Ashlee stops for a second before helping Dylan with another bale of hay deep in thought for a second. Dylan did make a good point, and it probley had nothing to with her her mom, and herself but still there was a linger doubt, or wonder. Would it always be this hard? When he would leave again, but it always seem as tough and confusing?

   "Yeah, I know your right. I guess there is just that linger feeling in my head. I mean my dad left a long time ago, so I guess I just think one day Eric will too."

Giving her head a little shake Ashlee goes back to work.  She as she got older those kinds of things, like questions about her father bothered her more and more but she didn't like talking about them, or thinking about them, and the last thing she wanted to do was ask her mom about them.

   "Sure, I'd like to ride with you. I'll do anything to stop my brain from running away with itself."

Getting up for a drink of water Bree checked the living room to see if Gunner was still sleeping. Not seeing him on the couch she wondered where he could of gone. Seeing the back door was open a little bit Bree pads across the tile floor. Stopping at the screen door for a second she just watches Gunner before finally opening the door and walking down next to him. Sliding her hand into his she says nothing but looks up at him with a small smile. Maybe quiet was not a bad thing sometimes, and maybe the silence could speak louder than any words.