

The smile stays on Kaite's face as her eyes fall shut again just enjoying Jason running his hand through her hair. She loved these quiet moments just as much as the up beat ones. Just being able to enjoy there slow emotions.

"Mmmmm...I think we could survive a few days apart, maybe."

Katie gives a laugh her eyes still closed her hand finds Jason as she brings it to her lips and than rests her head in his hand as she gives a content sigh. Though she'd like to spend the whole time away from Nevada with Jason she understood Reese might have him doing a few things. She couldn't hold that against him nor would she even want to.

Receiving the playful gesture back Destiny's smile grows a little bit more as she returns the nudge once again herself. Chance really was a nice guy who genuinely seemed to care, Destiny liked that.

Sitting up and drawing her legs to her chest Destiny's skin had not taken on a light bronze color from sitting out in the sun. Resting her head on her knee for a moment she gives a little nod.

"Right about now ice cream would really hit the spot. You just know how to keep making things get better and better don't you? One of your hidden talents no doubt!"

Giving another smile the sun reflects off her eyes for a moment as she swings her legs over the reclining chair and she slips on her sandles before leaning forward a little a stretching her back out.

Hearing the beep of her phone Ryan pulls it out and takes a look at it. A smile cross her face but she doesn't reply again for the moment. Looking over at her brother she gives a slight nod.

"Alic said after dark he'll be at our place. So it sounds like we are good to go."

Ryan was happy Alec would be coming again tonight, and she had liked he had been coming to visit more often she only one of these days Reese wouldnt get fed up with him sneaking out and put a lock on his door.


Jason leans back against the tree, his fingers running through Katie's hair. He'd shut his cell phone off on purpose, having no intention of having Reese call him back to the office.

Glancing down at Katie, a smile creases his lips. He knew sometimes she missed the ranch, and he couldn't blame her. "Texas vacation, huh?" He breathes in the fresh air deeply, leaning back again and closing his eyes. "I might be able to do that. I don't think Reese wants me to go anywhere right now though. Might have to wait a while."

He resumes running his fingers through her hair. "I don't mind if you take off though, if you wanted to go sooner. I don't know how I'd survive, but I'd manage." His emotions are just a little silly, wanting Katie to know that he'd miss her, but he wouldn't protest her leaving.

Relaxing in the chair next to Destiny, Chance lets himself dry off from the swim. Thought it would be easy to close his eyes and doze in the warm sun, he forces himself to sit straight and keep an eye on the pool and their surroundings.

Hearing Destiny's thanks, he turns to her, squinting one eye in the sunlight. A grin emerges. "No need to thank me. Not like I've hated getting out of the house for a while."

He nudges her arm back. "I some ice cream might be in order though. My treat... if you'll let me."

The phone in Alec's pocket beeps to let him know a text message has arrived. Glancing to the side, he sees Hal giving him an odd look. "What?" Reese had asked Hal to babysit Alec for a while in the control room and Alec was bored and just about ready to walk out. "Problem?"

Hal quirks an eyebrow. "Since when do you have a phone?"

"Since I got one."

Hal holds out his hand.

"Aww, no."

"You can't tell me Reese approved that."

"I've had it for a week and nobody noticed! Come on, Hal... just let it go, huh?"

"Give it here."

Scowling, Alec knows he doesn't have much choice. Digging the phone from his pocket, he slaps it in Hal's palm grudgingly.

Hal flips it open and reads the message. Scanning the words, a little snicker slips out. "Hot stuff?"

"Give me that." Alec snatches it back and reads the message from Ryan, knowing it was about getting Roth's car back to the garage.

"You know, Reese could think that was an Agency encoded message, right?"

Alec scoffs. "As if I'd have them contact me by cell phone."

"So what do "Ry" and Eli need an extra pair of hands for?"

Alec's eyes narrow, his voice lowering. "I wouldn't want to shock you." Getting up from the chair, he leaves the control room without permission to head downstairs. Once on his cot, he flips the phone open again to reply to Ryan.
Gotta shake the dogs. After dark. Your place. I'll be there.

Justin's eyes scan his computer screen, the words blurring after hours of reading. The story was the same though, every time he found it.

Shutting his laptop, he leans back in his chair, his hand automatically falling to the side and landing on Danitza's head. So that was it. That was what Beth's past was all about. Losing both parents. A murder and suicide. And Sarah had been there and that's why she was now at Brookshire. If Beth had been there that night too, she probably would be in a hospital as well.

Justin heaves a weary sigh. It was late and he needed to head to bed. It was hard though, realizing all that Beth must have gone through. It had been a tragic enough story that it had made headlines for a week. It hadn't been some little hurt in Beth's life that had made her feel sorry for herself. It had been more, just like his uncle had implied. Had Justin known, he would not have said the things he said... eventually maybe, but not as soon as he had. It was obvious now why she had responded negatively.

Standing up, Justin wanders into the kitchen for a glass of water before bed. Now what? Beth was an even tougher case than he'd thought. What did he want from her? A friendship? Acquaintance? More? Less? He had thought that if he could get her to trust him, then they could form a friendship. But maybe that was simply too much to ask. She was set in her ways... used to being alone and like she'd said... she liked it that way and had no time for letting other people into her life.

Taking a swallow of water, he sets the glass in the sink and looks out the window at the dark yard. He'd dealt with trying to help people before, looking for friendship and hoping for that trust one day. But all it did was cause strain and frustration on a relationship that never would be. He wasn't going to do that to himself again. It looked like it was going to be a surface relationship with Beth after all. And he'd just have to be satisfied with that. If she moved forward, so be it. But if not, he wouldn't push.

Text Message

Ryan can't help but laugh again as her brother takes the pictures. This was defiantly a memories worth having not to mention Scarlet couldn't miss out on it. Pictures were better than nothing.

"This is going to be great, totally priceless. He sure will learn not to mess with a McKade, or anyone we care about."

Taking another look at the car and letting her brother snap more pictures Ryan places the tarp over the car again. It didn't even look like the same car anymore except for the license plate that was Roth's trade mark.

Pulling out her cell phone she gives a smerk to her brother. Ryan had given Alec one of her old phones to barrow so she didn't have to go through TJY lines whenever she wanted to talk to him.

"I'll text him and see what he says about coming out tonight."

Hey Hot stuff, Eli and I were wondering if you were gonna make it tonight. Have some stuff we could use an extra pare of hands on and were hopping that would be you. Let me know...ttyl ~*~Ry~*~

Ryan new her message was a little cryptic but Alec would understand. That way if anyone happened to intercept it that wouldn't know what was going on.

"Ok, its sent now I just need to wait for a reply. Are we finished here or do we have more to do? You've deprived me of lunch and now I am starving."

Laying in a grassy spot by the lake Katie's head rested in Jason's lap as the soft breeze blew. Lunch had of been good and now just a little time to relax was even better. Turning her head to look at Jason just a little Katie smile her eyes twinkling in the sun.

"So I was thinking about taking a few days vacation time and maybe going out to the ranch just to see everyone. I though maybe you would like to come too. Seeing your mom would be nice and maybe having dinner with her even better since Wes was gone. What do you think?"

Katie new Jason liked seeing his mom and she liked seeing her family too. Not to mention she had been missing them a little with the nice weather coming. If Jason would come too it would be all to perfect but she wasn't sure if he wanted to or not.

Laying in one lounge chairs by the pool after swimming for at least an hour now Destiny was just relaxing and soaking up some sun. Her eyes closed but far from sleeping her mind was just traveling from one thing to the next. Tomorrow, tonight, The Agency, what would happen when this was all over.

Moving her head a little and opening one eye to look at Chance she gives a smile before reaching out and giving his arm a little push.

"Hey, I just wanted to say thanks for this. Its nice to free my mind even if its just for a little bit."

She was thankful for it, and thought it was pretty nice of Chance to get her mind off things. Not many people would of thought of that, but he had.


Justin gives Beth a little wave, waiting to sigh until she was gone. Zora rests her head on his lap and gives a small whine. He pats her and nods. "Yeah... I know. This one's gonna stay at arm's length, isn't she?"

He stares after Beth, his mind wandering. He would probably continue to ask her if she wanted to do things with him... but he wondered if it really was just wasting his breath. Whether he'd made a mistake yesterday or not, he was convinced that even if it had never happened, nothing would be different anyway. "I don't know if I should try for more or not. I guess if she wants to stay away then there's not much I can do about it, huh?"

Zora licks his hand and cocks her head as if wondering what exactly he was talking about that shifted his mood.

"Why can't I just let things go, hmm?" Sighing again, Justin finally stands up, gathering his backpack and leashes. "Come on, girls. Lets go home."

Eli grins and moves to the side where he retrieves a camera. "She won't be back by race time tomorrow... but that doesn't mean she won't get to visualize Roth's face when she sees our beautiful artwork."

Stepping back a couple paces, he snaps a few pictures of the car at good angles to catch the flowers and especially the hood. "Captured in time forever. Priceless. Now... can you get a hold of Alec to see if he's gonna make it tonight? You and I can pull it off ourselves but it would be nice to have a third person and if he can't sneak out, we need to nab someone else."

Reese makes his way from Angelica's office, grinning a little to himself before getting his mind back on task. Heading to his own office, opening the door, he stops short, seeing Alec at the filing cabinet. "Oh, I didn't realize this was public property."

Alec looks up casually, folder in hand. "It's not. I was snooping."

"And may I ask what for?" Reese does his best to keep his temper as he crosses his arms.

Alec shrugs. "Wanted to finish up that report but I forgot the names you wanted me to check into. You were gone so I figured I could find it in here somewhere." His eyes go back to the file he was holding. "You know, I did find it interesting that-"

"I don't care if I'm gone or not," Reese cuts him off sternly. "You do not come in here and just start taking things." He approaches and grabs the file out of Alec's hand to see what it was. It wasn't anything too important, but it was the principle of the thing.

Alec shrugs lamely. "Whatever. Get me the stuff then."

Reese's eyes narrow. "You know... I'm this close to letting you go, but with an attitude like that, you're not making it easy for me."

Alec holds up his hands then lets his arms drop. "I don't think I'll ever please you, Reese, so maybe you should just stop trying to make that happen." He scowls, frustrated with his whole situation. "I'll be downstairs if you want me to ever finish that project." Spinning on his heel, he stalks out.

Reese groans and tosses the file aside, flopping down in his chair.