
I found it!

Following Chance outside Destiny only stops once to take in the nice air. It was nice to just be outside sometimes. Knowing she couldn't just stand there for to long Destiny starts moving twords the SUV again and gets inside.

Just driving with Chance and enjoying the small talk Destiny tried to keep her own nerves down. She couldn't help but be a little nervous about going to the mall even if Chance was going to be with her. But she tried to best to at least be calm a little bit.

Finally getting to the mall and staying in the suv Destiny just figured he was taking everything in and making sure it was ok. Being feeling a strange thickness fill the air of tension Destiny shifts uncomfortably. It was the same feeling she had gotten when she first met Chance, but it had been awhile since than and to have it back was rather unsettling.

As Chance speeds out of the mall parking lot though and his words are short with no explanation Destiny can feel her heart pick up in beats. This was meant to be fun, but something wasn't right. Did Chance see some of the Agency people what was going on?

"Chance whats wrong? I can feel somethings not right...whats going on?"

Hearing Alec Dalton sits up a little straighter. They had an open link, this was the window they needed. Alec he found it, He really had.

"Ok gives me a second to link my computer to yours."

Making the page he was looking at smaller Dalton did a few things a clicked a few buttons before linking his computer to Alec's and getting the information he saw on his computer as well.

"This could be what we were waiting for."

...Time went by and an hour passed Dalton doesn't even bother to knock on Reese door but just goes right in. Knowing this was important and the boss would forgive him later.

"Reese I got what we were looking for. It took some doing but the hackers link was left open this morning."

Holding out a peace of paper to Reese with writing on it Dalton knows it wont make much sense but he gives it to him anyways.

"The hacks are coming from IP address 12.398.00.1.56 and the address linked with that is 45 Dawson Av, and its right outside of town where those new houses were built. I also go times and how long each hack was. If we are quick about it we might be able to watch when he trys to get in again and than get someone over there to nab whoever it is."

No explanation

Pete hides as grin as Nikki returns the tickling to the bottoms of his feet. He hated to disappoint her, but he just wasn't ticklish. Remaining still for a few moments, his foot then begins to move, sliding up just past her ankle before twisting and hooking her foot, dragging her leg out straight just to trap it between his own legs. Continuing to focus on the movie like he wasn't doing a thing, his other foot twists back a little so his toes could tickler her sole again, but this time she couldn't move it away.

"You know me and sleep," Gage responds ruefully. He'd had plenty of sleep... too much sleep... it always cut into his time for other things.

Lacing up his boots, he nods absentmindedly. "Leftovers... got it."

Straightening up, he sighs and just sits there for a moment, fighting a heavy wave of sleepiness that wanted to settle over him. He had to fight it - now was no time to get groggy.

Standing up and stretching, he yawns, then wanders around, collecting anything else he needed, along with his little cooler for his food. Ending up back by Sapphire, he pulls her up, just to take her seat then draw her into his lap. Wrapping his arms around her, he kisses her cheek, then rests his head on her shoulder, just burying his face for a moment. "You're my world, you know that?" he half-mumbles. It was true... without her, where would he be?

Chance laughs and heads to grab his wallet and adjust his holsters. "Alright. Lingerie stores are out."

Coming around near the door to wait, he nods to Destiny with confidence. "We'll be fine. No need to worry about a thing." He tosses her a wink and as she draws nearer, he puts an arm around her waist, placing a gentle kiss on her lips. Tilting back and looking into her eyes, he smiles. "Just a fun day, okay? No worrying about anything because I promise, nothing's gonna happen."

Turning, he opens the door for her, checks once, then motions that she may exit. "Just don't tell Reese." His teasing smile widens.

Once in the SUV and on their way, Chance remains alert as they head through traffic. Always checking his mirrors, he keeps up with smalltalk and aims for the large mall. The further they drive though, he seems to grow just a little quieter and a little quieter.

Finally reaching the expanse of parking lot, Chance drives around a few times before choosing a spot out near the edge. Pulling into the place, he puts the SUV in park, but doesn't shut off the engine yet. His eyes fix on the mall as suddenly he's become silent, his face showing an odd tenseness. For a moment, it might almost seem he'd gotten lost in a trance.

A new nervousness shines through his eyes - one that had not appeared before. A strange, almost eerie tension settles over the vehicle as the motor runs.

Then his voice finally breaks the silence. "Change of plans."

Without even letting Destiny have time to even think of getting out, he's pulling away from the space again and heading back towards the road. His jaw muscles tighten and his fingers grip the steering wheel harder than necessary. But no explanation is given.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa..." Alec sits up straighter in the chair, setting aside his Mountain Dew and staring at the computer screen. He was back on the job with Dalton today and they'd gleaned more information, helping them get closer to their mystery hacker.

"This morning... there's a hack from Gambler just this morning. But look..." He points at the screen. "He forgot to cover all his tracks this time... almost like he was in a hurry." It was the open door Dalton would need, and Alec knew with the big guy's skill, they'd have a location within the hour.

Wont make you

Once the dessert was clear and Carol had gone to her room Nikki was happy Pete commented about a movie. She liked spending time with him, and smiling again with laughing felt all to good.

Watching the movie and getting into it, its not till Pete starts to tickle her feet that Nikki looks to him quickly as she gave a laugh. Seeing as he was playing oblivious Nikki wonders if Pete was still ticklish himself.

Moving her own toes along the bottom of his feet Nikki stops at the middle of his food and wiggles her toes quickly as she wanted him before snapping her own head back to the TV trying her best to contain her smile.

Smiling back at Gage as he comes into the other room once again Sapphire can't help but let her eyes linger on him. She always loved the way he looked and carried himself, and he always smelled good on top if it.

"You have to get at least a little sleep in so you don't get sick. So maybe I will call but later in the day so we can have out."

Giving a smile and just watching Gage for a long moment Sapphire's eyes don't move from his. He gave her a sense of comfort, and a warm feeling inside when his eyes looked back at her. It was a feeling she couldn't describe but like.

"Like I would really say no to spending more time with you? I have no problem driving you in, just don't forget to bring your left overs for dinner."

Coming down the hallways Destiny stops reading her book for a moment just standing in the living room as Chance finishes up his phone conversation. Who ever he was talking to it sounded like they really didn't agree on something. Destiny couldn't help but wonder if it was really about gambling or maybe something more personal. Either way she wouldn't ask because it was non of he business. He often had it out with Toby, and it was a subject she didn't want to keep bashing over the head.

"I guess we have to have rules though. If not that we would all be on a killing spree and no better than the Agency themselves."

Walking into the kitchen and grabbing a bottle of water Destiny takes a swig before rotating her shoulder a little. The sling wasn't on anymore and the Dr said he was healing well but it was still tender and she had to constantly move it so it could get strength back.

"I think the mall sounds like a nice place to be right now as long as you think its safe. Promise I wont make you help me pick out underclothes though ok."

Fulfill my promise

Pete flops back down in his seat and grins at the two women. "Thank you, Carol, for saving me from an unpleasant death."

Taking another bite of the cake, he glances to Nikki, winking at her. Good clean fun was hard to come by anymore, and he was thoroughly enjoying himself.

After dessert, Pete steps right in and helps clear the rest of the table, rinsing a few things and helping Nikki get them into the dishwasher. The evening had extended later than planned and eventually, Pete finds himself curled in the corner of the couch again as a movie played. His feet rested against Nikki's feet as she sat on the other end of the couch and he wriggles his toes to tickle her once, but keeps his eyes on the television, pretending to be totally clueless.

"I don't know," Gage hollers from the bathroom where he was changing clothes. "Call me anyway." If Lonny was there... Gage might very well be enough awake tomorrow to do something with Sapphire again. "Maybe I'm finally getting used to these hours."

Coming back out to the other room, he sits down on his mattress to pull on some clean socks and put on his work boots. "If you give me a ride, we have more time..." He looks up at her and grins, a lock of his hair falling over his forehead as his eyes sparkle.

"But are you sure that-" Chance sighs as he paces the living room, still on his cell phone. It wasn't unusual for him to be talking to an unknown party, though he often mentioned to Destiny that it was about his undercover case and that he was struggling to keep his cover since Toby was putting restrictions on him.

"That's kind of steep," he argues. "Look, I know when to play it smart." He gestures with his arms as he talks, stopping to look out the front bay window. "I'm the gambler, remember? Trust me."

His arm falls back to his side and he bristles. "Yeah, I do have a problem with this one. I don't think it's smart. I'm just getting things stable and you want to risk it all. It's not wise." He grits his teeth as the other end gives him a negative response. "But I don't have any guarantees! No, I'm not backing out. ...This has nothing to do with my loyalty here. Don't put words into my mouth!"

Spinning around, Chance realizes that Destiny wasn't still in her room, but had come down the hall. Trying to calm himself, he turns back around. "Alright, fine. I'll play it one more time. Next time, the price goes up."

Shutting his phone, he sighs deeply. Then turning around once more, he studies Destiny for a moment. "Rules. Regulations. They get tiring after a while."

He shakes his head and glances out the window, then back to her. "It's too nice of a day to worry about what ought not be worried about. How about I fulfill my promise and we go to the mall? Maybe we can get lost in the crowd and forget about reality for a little while."