
Long time ago

Being left alone, Hunter stares at the closed door for several moments, unable to help his disappointment. He'd thought maybe Katie would stick around at least a few minutes more. This was a crummy way to end the night, for sure.

Taking another swig of coffee, he eyes the cot in the corner of the room. He wasn't tired. He was too keyed up yet. Despite being riled earlier from meeting up with Kyle, though, he really didn't feel very irritated at the moment. Alcohol usually did that to him. Mellowed him out, that is. Oh, he'd get a bit wound up if he was with his buddies, but if left by himself, all he'd do was sink deeper into a pit of melancholy that would coat his bitterness and pain just long enough to fool him into thinking he'd found a cure for his misery. He wouldn't tell anyone that getting rowdy with the boys tonight... wasn't really all that much fun.

Alice's question rings in his years and he tries to block it out, taking another long swallow of coffee. Nothing had happened to him. He'd simply chosen to look out for himself for once and it was quite profitable.

Finished with his coffee, he leaves the cup on the table and wanders to the cot, flopping down. Despite being awake, it was more comfortable here than the metal chair...

"...so we released Brad already an hour ago, but decided to hold Hunter a bit longer." Standing outside the cubicle, Reese hands Katie a file to start. It was the next morning, and TJY was once again bustling with activity. "Since that guy you and Gunner worked on before didn't give us any leads as to whether or not the Agency is present at the races, I want to see if you can get anything out of Hunter. I called Eli McKade and he says Hunter is at almost all the races and popular, so he's in the loop. If anything is really happening there we need to know about, he might be the key. If not, we will probably drop the case and assume that the Agency really isn't involved in that circle at all."

Hunter paces the holding cell like a caged animal, his stomach complaining that it hadn't been fed yet. He checks his watch for the umpteenth time. Why hadn't he been released yet? What was the holdup? No one had checked on him yet today - although he had a feeling that the camera up in the corner was doing its job. But why was he still being held? He didn't get it.

Running his hands over his face, he longs for not only some breakfast, but for his toothbrush. It was bad enough having a headache to remind him of what he'd been into the night before, but added on to everything else, this was a pretty miserable way to start the day.

Eric chuckles softly. "Yeah... when I was younger, I always wanted to stay up late. Now I want to go to bed and can't. Go figure."

Scooting back a few inches from the open door, he leans his head back against the stack of hay and studies Stacy across from him. She'd really had a nice time before? If it were true, he was glad. He'd... enjoyed her company too, as he was now.

Turning his head to look outside again, he sighs quietly. "Nice night out. Reminds me of when I was racing. On bright nights, I'd take a horse and run the track just for the fun of it. There was something special about flying down a dark track. I guess sometimes I felt like I was leaving my problems in the dust."

He grins a little sheepishly and shakes his head. "But that was a long time ago."


Just watching Hunter Katie couldn't help but wonder what made him tick. Was it anger, bitterness, was it everything that had happened in his past. Katie wonder what drove someone to this kind of feelings.

   "They sent me because they needed me. I have many titles, and many things I do. Being able to handle people like you is part of the job."

Thinking for a moment Katie relizes just how much she did do around TJY. She bounced from one thing to the next, to the next. It never bothered her though she enjoyed the change in pace, and always having something else to do.

   "As for anything else, thats a need to know bases and you don't need to know. Have a good night, I have some reports to write up."

Walking to the exit once more Katie throws a look over her shoulder one last time. She kind of felt sorry for Hunter but remembered it was his own fault that put him here. But still...there was a small ping in her heart, there was a feeling.

Wondering over and sitting down next to Eric Stacy lets her own legs drape off the edge of the door. Something about being up here with Eric non the less felt nice. Just siting and enjoying the peace with him was a good feeling...it was calming.

   "Yeah, I was just about done when I saw you up here. Had a nice time last time we sat up here and chatted I just couldn't pass it by."

A small bit of color came to Stacy's face but she meant what she said. She really had enjoyed it, and she had found a friend in someone she never would of guess. It was always amazing how God put people in someones life for reason we didn't know but showed themselves over time. 

   "I can understand what you mean about insomnia. Guess thats why I am pretty good at the night time gigs. Been a long time since I can remember actually getting to bed early. Funny how that happens."


Left alone in the small room, Hunter looks around for a few minutes and finally sits down in the metal folding chair at the table. Folding his arms, he puts his head down, not expecting anyone to be back in again for quite a while.

Hearing the door open again, his head shoots up in surprise and he looks groggily to Katie, his eyebrows raised. "Wow... didn't expect you to come back," he admits. "And with coffee too? You're beginning to make me think you want to see the irresistible sober me."

Accepting the cup of coffee, he's extra careful, his hand feeling rather unbalanced at the moment. Ripping open two sugar packs with his teeth, he dumps in the sweetener and swirls it around before taking a sip. "Mmm... thanks."

Leaning back in his chair, he rocks it back on two legs, studying Katie carefully. "So how come they sent someone like you to handle a bunch of drunks? That your normal routine or are you just good at bringing in guys like me?"

Eric looks quickly to the loft ladder, having not even heard Stacy climb up. A smile spreads across his lips before he realizes it. He really hadn't expected her to come back up here, let alone on her own. But something about it was... nice. The day she'd pulled him over for speeding, he never would have guessed he'd have her for a friend. But today... if he was honest, she really was his friend. And it was a nice feeling.

Giving her a nod, he motions her over. "Don't mind a bit. I'm just trying to make myself tired, but it ain't working too well. The older I get, the worse my insomnia gets." He cocks his head. "Figured you'd be 'bout done with your rounds by now."

Hot Water

Putting Hunter into the holding cell Katie just stands there for a moment and cocks her head. Maybe he wasn't totally drunk just a little tipsy. Letting out a sigh she walks twords him and unlocks his handcuffs. If he did try to run or try to hurt her Hal wasn't far off and would know.

   "I'm not to sure on the irresistible thing, but I do believe you on the not running away at the moment or that would put you in more hot water."

Turning and folding the handcuffs up Katie leaves the holding cell and closes the door behind her before walking out into the main area. Going into the break room Katie spots the coffee. She figured she might as well try and sober Hunter up because that was protacal.

Getting the coffee, a few creamers, and some sugar packets Katie heads back down unlocking the cell once more and entering. At least it had put a little bit of something into her night even if it was with a tipsy fool.

   "Heres the coffee. Not that I think it will keep you from making to much of a commotion but if we plan on releasing you in the morning with only a few tickets I guess it makes sense."

Once again making her rounds Stacy's just tried to enjoy the night. Things were quiet today, peaceful. Coming around one of the barns and glancing up at the sky once again her eyes catch someone sitting in the door of the hayloft. 

Not having to give it a second though a smile spreads across her face as she enters the barn and heads up into the hayloft. Just standing at the top of the ladder for a moment Stacy takes in the sight of Eric just sitting there. Something about the night sky and starts just seemed to lite him up and give her a different look.

   "As soon as I saw someone up here I new it was you. Mind some company for just a little while?"


Hunter finally relents to being taken inside and wobbles just a little as they go through the door and go downstairs. Looking around as they pass through the main floor, he tries to figure out just exactly what this place was. It was quieter tonight than maybe he would have expected. Much more interesting than the downtown police station, for sure.

Regaining a silly sort of grin, he shakes his head as he's taken into the holding cell. "First off, I'm not drunk. I'm slightly intoxicated, which is why I can't shut up. If I was drunk, I'd still be puking in your car, which I'm assuming Brad is doing right about now in your buddy's car. My apologies. Brad can't hold his liquor. And... when I'm sober, I'm not smooth... I'm downright irresistible."

Turning around, he stares at Katie a bit sheepishly. He was indeed a bit tipsy but not so far gone that he couldn't think. He holds up his cuffed hands. "I promise not to run away, especially if you bring me a cup of coffee. Maybe if you can sober me up, we can have a formal introduction, where I promise not to keep talking your ear off."

Eric stares up at the late night sky, letting his eyes study the stars. There wasn't a cloud in sight, making it seem as though there were an extra million points of light.

It was late, but again, he hadn't been able to sleep. The day had been alright. He wasn't sure why he felt stressed. Things were going fine. The barn was running smoothly. Jeff was taking off tomorrow to spend a couple weeks with Jay's family. Dylan was slowly improving. The shock of the news about Wes was wearing off. There wasn't much he should be worried about. Maybe it was just a simple case of insomnia.

Sitting in the open door of the barn hayloft, he had one leg propped up so his knee could serve as an armrest, while his other leg hung out the door alongside the outside barn wall. Unless someone would walk behind the barn and look up, no one would ever spot him.

Drunk Thing

Having Hunter plant his feet into the ground and resist going inside Katie stops short almost running into him. Hearing him try to figure out who she was Katie just rolls her eyes. He sure had a way of talking a lot, Katie wondered  if when he was sober he was the same way.

   "Would you just keep walking before I sick my big friend over there on you, he doesn't play as nice as me."

Pushing him forward Katie could feel the color coming to her cheeks again. His comments were uncalled for but for some reason in a way Katie had found them flattering too. It made her feel good in a way. Since her and Jason had woken up She hadn't gotten many complements from Jason. Maybe he didn't know how to say them or was just use to her knowing. Whatever it was though was something Katie was lacking that Hunter was giving to her.

   "So are you this smooth when your sober too? Or is this just a drunk thing?"

Katie continues to push Hunter forward leading him through TJY and to one of the holding cells.


Scowling, Hunter flops back in the seat again. Wait... had she just said she was a good friend of Kyle's? What were the odds? Tonight, it seemed, all odds were against him, and it was turning out to be pretty lousy.

"I like my life," he mumbles. "And besides, Kyle's had it coming to him for a long time." He looks out the window at the passing lights, his stomach feeling a bit squeamish for the first time since going on the late night binge. "We were best friends once, you know. And tonight I put him on the ground. Figured I'd feel better than this."

As they reach TJY, Hunter suddenly realizes that they weren't going to the police station and he's immediately on edge. Sitting up straighter, he looks around, still confused as he's pulled from the car. Planting his feet, he refuses to move yet, putting his full weight against Katie to resist walking. "Wait, wait..." He squints at the door, finally seeing the Elite emblem, and his eyes then widen. "The Elite? You're an Elite agent? I thought you were just a normal cop." Though his speech was not slurred, his mind was still a bit foggy as he tried to straighten everything out.

Turning around - or at least trying to while Katie was holding him - he furrows his brow. "Friend of Kyle? Elite? You're.... you're...." He thinks hard. "Christine? No... Kathy? No, no..." He shakes his head. "Katie! That's it... you're Katie, aren't you?"

His grin returns as his glazed eyes twinkle with a bit of humor. "See? I'm not all that drunk. Kyle used to talk about you. I must say..." He gives her a once over. "You're finer than I imagined."

"I know." Kyle sighs and gives Alice's hand a squeeze. "I'd never want to go back and change anything."

He looks over at her before reaching his hand up to brush her cheek. "I know I got the better end of the deal... but I never knew he'd take it that hard, let alone stay bitter for so long."

Dropping his hand back to hers, he turns his gaze to the dark street. "I keep thinking about him and me as kids. We really were the best of friends. We did everything together... camped... fished... made stupid pacts. I think we were going to be blood brothers once but neither of us had the guts to prick our finger." He grins at the memory, but it quickly fades. "I guess you never know which path someone is going to take later."

Shut up!

Katie can feel her cheeks grow warm. She didn't want them to but they did. Was this a little bit of embarrassment she was feeling? That meant something though right she was...feeling.

   "I'm not taking you anywhere other than to the station. If you want coffee once your there I might give you a cup but I am not letting you go."

This happened to be one of those times she wished TJY was closer. The quicker she could get this guy booked the better and she could stop listing to him yammer on.

   "Flattery wont get you anywhere either. I can tolerate people's fun but not when they are hurting other. Specialty when your "Old friend" happened to be one of my good friends. I think your the one that needs to get a life, a better one."

Finally getting to TJY and pulling into the parking lot Katie gets out of the car and opens the back door pulling Hunter out. She new Gunner wouldn't be far behind her. She pushes a peace of hair behind her ear as she holds Hunter with her other hand firmly.

   "Now it's time to teach you a lesson..than again I'll guess this hasn't been your first so it might not work anyways. So just shut up, and move."

Hot chick

Behind bars. Hunter cringes a little. "How about taking me home with you instead?" He growls suggestively and gives her a crooked grin. "Nah. You're a cop that walks the straight and narrow and never has any fun at all, aren't you? You're all alike. Never tolerate anybody else's fun and never have any of your own. You totally spoiled my evening. I was just ready to teach an old friend a lesson when you showed up." He sighs. "The timing of you guys is always the worst."

Flopping back in the seat, he sinks down low and manages to curl his long legs up to set his motorcycle boots against the bars. "All I need is a couple cups of coffee." His rambling continues. "Then I'll be totally sober again. How about stopping for a cup and then you won't have to take me in at all? My treat." His feet drop back to the floor and he leans forward again, looking in the mirror. "Come on... live a little, eh? I promise to behave. I'm not ready for the night to end so quick, especially with a hot chick like you."


Throwing a look in the rear view mirror Katie rolls her eyes again. She new Hunter was drunk be his cheesy comments were getting him no where and fast.

   "I'm not dumb enough ride with anyone drunk let alone on a bike. I like living to much. Now sit back."

Living...she was alive but what she was dealing without day in and day out was that really living? Nothing felt the same anymore and it felt hard to simply feel now. Putting her attachen back on the road and giving a sigh Katie shakes her head.

   "When I get out of work thats none of your never mind. You however will be spending the night behind bars. So you best just sit back and enjoy the ride while you can."

Ridding back with Kyle Alice new why he was quiet and she just let it linger. They both were working through what happened tonight. Alice felt worse for Kyle than herself. She new he'd know Hunter longer and they had been pretty close. 

   "I'm sorry that happened tonight Kyle. I could only imagine how it must feel. Seeing a friend take a turn for the worst and destroy that friendship that was build...Not good at all."

Reaching over and laying her hand on top of Kyle's Alice gives a small smile. She wasn't sure everything going on though Kyle's mind but she could take a few guesses. It hurt her to see him hurt, she wished she could just take it all away.

   "If it means anything Kyle, you didn't do anything wrong and there is no reason for Hunter to be bitter twords you."