
Hot Water

Putting Hunter into the holding cell Katie just stands there for a moment and cocks her head. Maybe he wasn't totally drunk just a little tipsy. Letting out a sigh she walks twords him and unlocks his handcuffs. If he did try to run or try to hurt her Hal wasn't far off and would know.

   "I'm not to sure on the irresistible thing, but I do believe you on the not running away at the moment or that would put you in more hot water."

Turning and folding the handcuffs up Katie leaves the holding cell and closes the door behind her before walking out into the main area. Going into the break room Katie spots the coffee. She figured she might as well try and sober Hunter up because that was protacal.

Getting the coffee, a few creamers, and some sugar packets Katie heads back down unlocking the cell once more and entering. At least it had put a little bit of something into her night even if it was with a tipsy fool.

   "Heres the coffee. Not that I think it will keep you from making to much of a commotion but if we plan on releasing you in the morning with only a few tickets I guess it makes sense."

Once again making her rounds Stacy's just tried to enjoy the night. Things were quiet today, peaceful. Coming around one of the barns and glancing up at the sky once again her eyes catch someone sitting in the door of the hayloft. 

Not having to give it a second though a smile spreads across her face as she enters the barn and heads up into the hayloft. Just standing at the top of the ladder for a moment Stacy takes in the sight of Eric just sitting there. Something about the night sky and starts just seemed to lite him up and give her a different look.

   "As soon as I saw someone up here I new it was you. Mind some company for just a little while?"

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