

Just continuing to watch Eric intently Ashlee didn't look at him much but just watched his hands as they worked at the leather. Listing to Eric talk to her about how to keep the leather in good condition. It was easy to tell her was listing closely, and really was interested in what Eric was saying.

"I love the way the oil and leather smell together. It's almost like a calming smell. I like it."

Pulling her knees up to her chest Ashlee just watches as Eric brings the one saddle to hang it up and than seeing him bring the other back and set the one in front of her Ashlee looks to it and than looks to Eric. He was implying she would be able to ride too? Really?

"You mean...I can..ride too?"

Reaching out and taking the rag from Eric Ashlee remembers how she saw him do it and dips the rag into the rag just a little bit. Bringing the rag to the leather she runs it alone the saddle making sure to get it in good and work it. Looking back to Eric as she worked she gave a wide smile.

"Am I doing it right?"

Getting the food and going back to the car again Ryan rides in silence with Tal not knowing where they were going but not caring either. Watching the scenes pass by it was a nice view that was for sure.

Taking the food and following Tal keeping up the small talk Ryan still does not as where they were going. Getting to the spot though and seeing the view it became clear why Tal had come here and Ryan was in aw. Sitting down with him and preparing to eat Ryan looks out at the city again before looking back to Tal once more.

"No, I don't mind at all. This is am amazing view. How did you find something like this Tal?"

Heading into the kitchen Beth starts up the pot of boiling water and puts the spaghetti into it. Than garbing another pan and the ground turkey she adds a few things before rolling them into balls and tossing them in the pan to bake. It dosnt take long before dinner ready and Beth dishes them out onto the plates along with some garlic bread.

"So you said people kept calling you? Anything important?"

Coming into the living room with the plates Beth disappears again for a moment to grab napkins and the drinks before settling down on the couch with Justin. Saying a prayer with him she starts to eat the food and gives a smile. Today they seemed to tastes extra good.