

Leo smiles as he's led around by Cassy, finally able to be distracted by something. He takes in all the sights and smells, feeling quite at home in these surroundings. Ambling behind her into the studio, he surveys the walls and the mirrors.

Grinning a little at the hope in Cassy's eyes, he shakes his head in amusement. "As if I could say no to that look." He chuckles and glances back to the mirrors. "I think we can handle it."

Shedding his jacket, Leo tosses it to one side and rubs his hands together. "Alright. I'm hungry for pizza so let's get this show on the road. Please tell me you have a radio though. We've gotta have music or else you'll be witness to one lethargic helper."

Bouncing to the door, Dani opens it wide, her hair being a little unruly and getting in her face today. "Hi!"

Gesturing for Dalton to come in, she shut the door behind him and follows to the living room, her stomach growling at the smell of the food. Spotting the flowers in Dalton's hand, she starts to grin, her eyes twinkling. "Aw, the people at the gas station much like you very much to give you flowers. How sweet of them."

Eli hugs his sister back, not caring a bit at showing her affection in public. He had too much respect for anybody to even think about teasing them. Hearing about the cake, he quirks an eyebrow. "I... did happen to notice it was gone, yes." He blinks a little. "You apparently had quite the appetite today."

A short ways away, a newcomer walks slowly around the cars and people, his eyes taking in everything around him. Though no one knew him, no one approached him either. His shoulders were square and the look in his eye was one that no one wanted to confront. Alec searches for the one person and car that would be familiar, scanning the crowd.

Finally spotting Ryan, he swings around to come up behind her, seeing the man she was talking to. He knew this had to be Eli... there was definitely a family resemblance, and the way they were chatting with relaxed body language gave it away. Alec puts a finger to his lips, motioning Eli to say nothing.

Approaching from behind, he stands behind Ryan and gives her a nudge to the back of the knees. "What? I came all this way just to see you standing around and talking?"

Scott manages a smile and nod. "Okay, sounds good." Eventually he gives up trying to eat anything more and takes his plate to the counter, not wanting to make it obvious how much food had been left.

Once everything was cleaned up and they'd gone to the living room, he settles down on the couch with Hope and Domino to watch the movie. Though he smiled a the funny parts and maybe chuckled once in a while, it was apparent that he wasn't getting into the comedy as much as he usually did. Half an hour into it though and anyone would realize why he'd grown quiet.

Leaned back, Scott's eyes had fallen shut and sleep had taken over.


Setting a few items on the shelfs and at least getting the products she could put up on her own up it was a start. Her knee was a little extra sore tonight after doing and therapy but she did her best to just try and ignore it for now. Leo was coming to help and her couldn't crap out now.

Hearing the loud knock on the metal doors Cassy gives a little jump being so lost in what she was doing she had lost track of time. Knowing it was Leo though the feeling pass as she goes and opens the door.

"Well I'll be, you did end up coming after all. Thanks so much again."

Stepping to the side a little Cassy leaves room for Leo to come in as she closed the door behind him.

"I figure I would give you a quick tour of the place so you know where you gone, I'd order the pizza, and than we can start working until they food got here."

Cassy was obviously excited to having Leo's help not to mention the twinkle of passion that shown in her eyes for the studio.

"This is the waiting room. Parents can wait for there kids, other wait for there lessons to start."

The first room was easy to tell it was a lobby, Chairs were set up to both sides of the wall along with shelfs that held dance shoes, tights, and attire for younger kids, to adult sizes as well. A large desk, with cash register was straight ahead and than on the left and right side, men and woman bathroom.

"Than over here, its far from done but its where you come in to help me, is the studio. You don't have to worry about taking your shoes off with the floor. The whole thing is going to be replaces once the rest of the mirrors and what not are up."

Entering into the much larger room, windows lined the wall straight on. White curtains covering them up along with shades for privacy. On the left side was a beam that stretched across the wall. A dark red oak color rich with color as if it had just been finished. The right wall had the start to being covered in mirrors that stretched from the floor up to the ceiling.

Stopping in front of the mirrors Cassy looks at them for a long moment before half turning to see Leo smiling again.

"The guys that were putting up the mirrors quit on me this morning. They said I was being to picky and didn't seem to understand why they had to be straight. So thats out project tonight, I was hopping you could help me up the rest of the mirrors up. They are way to heavy for one person, specially when one is cripple."

Cassy gives a small chuckle as she completely turns to Leo her hands folded in front of her. She new it was a lot to ask but she was hopping Leo wouldn't mind.

Stopping at the gas station to pick up the pizza and wings Dalton pulls out his phone. Dialing Dani's number he waits to hear her sweet voice.

"Hey Baby, I am getting the pizza's now. I should be there in five minutes."

Giving a smile, hanging up and getting the pizza Dalton is right on time five minutes later giving a strong knock on the. Standing outside with food and pop in hand he waits at the door for Dani. In his other hand was a little extra surprise of flowers for her.

Leaning up from her engine and seeing her brother a smile spreads across Ryan's face. Tonight she donned her own leather jacket, tight jeans, and her hair was tied back in a low ponytail to stay out of her face, a few lose strands falling in her eyes.

"Or, it was no normal than any other day lately. When am I not up to race?"

Ryan throw her brother an odd look as if he should know better than think something was wrong enough for her not to race. This was her out, her rush where she could lose her mind.

Finally throwing the rage down Ryan moves around the car and gives her brother a hug. This was the first time today seeing him. She'd left a little earlier than normal to get to the race track just missing her brother, so the hug was a little extra tight.

Pulling away Ryan gives a grin as she looks up at her brother folding her arms across her chest and giving a small laugh an unknown humor glimmering in her eyes.

"I hope you didn't go home and look for the chocolate cake...because..there is none. Finished it off earlier today."

Giving a smile at Scott from the other side of the table Hope takes another bit of her dinner. So far the night had been pretty good with Scott. Quiet but good non the less. Taking note Scott didn't eat much Hope didnt say anything. At least he was trying to eat a little, that was a good thing.

"Well I figured a movie that can make us laugh would be good so I picked out Robin Hood Men in Tights and there is ice cream too we can pig out on."

No appetite

Dani smirks and reaches over to whack Dalton's arm. "No." She rolls the chair closer to show him the movie. "It's the one you wanted to see."

Grinning, she rolls her eyes. "As for the rare mood, maybe it's because I got out of work early."

Swiveling the chair a little, her eyes dance. "Okay. My place. Sounds good. I'm sure you have to get back to work, so I'll leave you to it." Standing up, she bends down to give Dalton's forehead a kiss. "Don't work too hard. Call me when you get out so know when to expect you."

The day moves on, too slowly for some, to quick for others. As far as the auto shop went, things seemed to be quieter than normal in the afternoon. Leo spoke little to the guys and said not a word to Ryan for the rest of the day. Once it was time to leave, he hit the time clock and left without so much as a bye to anyone still there. Going home first, he changed his clothes, and almost considered calling Cassy and backing out of tonight. He wasn't much in the mood for company tonight, let along being good company himself. But he knew she needed the help and he'd said yes, so he doesn't call. Instead, he follows her directions, making it to her new studio in good time.

Parking alongside the curb, Leo takes a deep breath, letting it out slowly. He was in a downright sour mood and needed to get over it quickly. Cassy was too nice for him to be grouchy with her.

Finally getting out of his car, he sees the truck and wanders to the building's front door, giving it a hearty knock.

Dani stretches and yawns on the couch, having fallen into a nap that afternoon after getting things ready for Dalton to come over. She'd gotten way too comfortable and just hadn't been able to pass up a quick sleep. Now though, she knew Dalton would be arriving soon so she better get up and moving. Just... five more minutes.

A motorcycle engine revs as pulls slowly up to that night's gathering. Eli steers around the crowd, finding a good spot to park up near the action. Cutting the engine, he puts his kickstand down and takes off his helmet, shaking out his hair.

Standing up, his leather jacket and chaps creak a little, and he looks around for his sister. Spotting her car, he wanders through the people, nodding or waving to others who acknowledged his presence. Ever since taking on Roth, he had quite the nice respect going on around here, making it a nice place to hang out on race nights.

Finding his sister, he leans against her car casually. "Hey, Speedy. Heard you had an interesting day. You up for tonight?"

Scott liked Hope's cooking. He really did. But his appetite just didn't want anything. Sitting at his little kitchen table, he plays with some of his food before forcing himself to eat a little bit for Hope's sake. He didn't want her to think he didn't like it.

Looking over to her, he tries to make it quickly through the meal. "Did you decide what movie you wanted to watch?"

At least his house was cleaned up better than it had been earlier. Pictures weren't strewn everywhere. It was messier than normal though and he just hoped that Hope hadn't noticed.

Saved you

Looking up from his computer at Dani Dalton quirks an eyebrow at her good moon. Not that Dani wasn't in a good mood often just something today was different. Looking down at the computer again Dalton types in a few things. Wish Scott gone things were quiet, things were lonely the office was...bear. He missed his little buddy.

"Your in rare form today."

Looking up again his mouth turns up into a bawd smile. He liked it when Dani came to see him, and when she was so excited about spending time with him. It really did make Dalton feel good.

"How about your place tonight its more comfortable there, and I'll be up the pizza and wings on the way. What movie is this anyways? Is it a girly gonna make me cry one?"

Dalton's voice had a teasing hint to it though Dani new good and well he wasn't like a normal guy, he actually liked watching chick flicks. Though it was rare to see him cry over them.

A look pass through Ryan's eyes at Leo's comment, a mixture of being hurt, and irritation with the whole situation. Receiving the kiss from Alec and watching him walk away Ryan looks back to Leo and shakes her head.

"Think what you want Leo but I just saved you from getting your face smashed in because you wanted to start a fight and take the first swing."

Taking her jacket off so she could get back to work Ryan stops again and lets out a sigh.

"As for telling Darrel be my guest in telling him Leo was here with me, but Alec doesn't steal anymore, and all he was doing here was walking me inside. He made no threats what so ever and would of left in a few seconds if you had just left him alone."

Not wanting to deal with this anymore after having a nice lunch Ryan looks to Axel and gives a shake of her head. She really didn't want to talk about what had just happened, maybe later. Axel was her friend and she could talk to him about anything but would he be able to understand Alec was changing or would he be against her too?

Going back to her car Ryan starting to tinker with the engine. She needed to get this done asap so she could leave a little bit early to get ready for the race tonight.

Luck of the draw I guess. I'm sorry Reese stuck you with babysitting Alec J.

Katie sits at her desk hard at work. Being back was nice, it felt good to be working again even if there was a huge mountain of paper work waiting for her. It gave her all the more to considerate on and get done.

At least he's not trying to run away anymore so you would have to chase him.

Katie pulls on Jason's humor emotions her teasing words being pushed to him.

Tide you over

Having Ryan step in between them, Leo aims an icy glare at her. "I was so wrong about you."

Watching them, Alec's smile is gone, replaced by a not-so-happy expression, but he doesn't step in again. It wasn't worth it. Nodding to Ryan, he backs off. "Yeah... if I can convince Reese to let me out for a while, I'll find my way there."

Ignoring Leo, he puts a hand to Ryan's face, leaning in to kiss her lips. "To tide you over." He winks and finally turns around, heading outside.

Leo's angry stare watches him leave, then snaps back to Ryan. "Darrel is going to hear about this," he threatens. "He won't be so quick to let a thief back in this shop."

Axel is sitting quietly in one of the corners, having observed the entire scene unfold. He remains silent though, knowing what was and wasn't his business. If Ryan brought up the subject to him, he might give his two cents worth, but until then, he should just stay out of it.

Alec ambles to Jason's truck and gets in, going for his seatbelt.

"You're late," Jason mutters.


"So it's on my head." Jason spins gravel, leaving the parking lot and hitting the road. "If I woulda known you were gonna sneak off with a girl, I wouldn't have brought you."

"Hey - there was no sneaking," Alec defends. "You coulda come with. Though you mighta had more of an experience than you wanted."

Jason rolls his eyes. "I don't wanna know, alright? Let's just get you to the station and hope Brown is in good humor today." He gives Alec a sidelong glance. "Is that the shirt you were wearing earlier?"

"Nope." Alec grins slyly. "I just needed a clean one after all the-"

Jason holds up his hand. "Forget I asked."

Dani flops down into the empty chair behind Dalton's desk and holds up the movie she'd rented that he'd been wanting to see. She smiles from ear to ear, not even giving him a formal greeting after just dropping by. "Your place or mine tonight?"

She swivels in the chair, still grinning. "Pizza and wings too."


Getting back to the stop and going inside with Alec, Ryan couldn't but feel a tiny bit of pride having a man walk her back to work. Even if it was because he didn't want to go back to Jason yet it still felt nice.

Turning to tell Alec she might see him later at the race if he can get away she stops hearing Leo's voice and seeing him coming over them them. Rolling her eyes to herself she stays standing next to Alec with her arms crossed over her chest.

Just watching them Ryan's own irritation shown on her face. This was rediculace and Alec wasn't doing anything wrong.

"Leo, stop..he's here because I said he can be here. He's not doing anything wrong but being a gentlemen and walking me inside so chill out."

Going to turn back to Alec again Ryan stops once more as Leo continues. Letting out a heavy sigh Ryan is about to say more then Leo's fist goes flying at Alec. Seeing Alec moves out of the way and miss it Ryan's eyes widen.


Moving quickly herself she steps between Alec and Leo putting her hand on Leo's chest turning to look at Alec to make sure he was ok, before looking back to Leo again.

"Are you crazy Leo...are you insane? Stop acting like this."

Turning to Alec again Ryan gives a nod to him and a smile smile.

"Alec, Jason is waiting...I'll see you tonight at the race ok?"


"Yeah.... I'm coming." Alec bends down to retie a shoelace then sprints after Ryan. Once they're out the door, he follows to her car again, lapsing into quietness on the way back to the auto shop. Everything was so different now. Even individual circumstances in the same day. One minute he was in TJY's custody, the next he was free for an hour. One minute, he was being totally ridiculous with Ryan, the next it was back to reality and seriousness. He wasn't sure if he liked that about life now or not.

Arriving back at the auto shop, he throws Ryan a sidelong glance and half a grin. "Let me walk you in... I don't want to face Jason yet." As if he were scared of Jason. He wasn't a bit, but at the moment, he wasn't ready to let Jason be in charge quite yet. And if he took his time, it would prove his point.

He gets out with Ryan and wanders into the shop with her, through the open bay door where the other guys were working. Some had taken lunch breaks and were back already. Jed had left late and wasn't even back yet.

Jason watches from the end of the parking lot, sighing and rolling his eyes as he sees Alec walking back in with Ryan. They were already late.

I hate being a babysitter. How did I wind up with this task anyway?

Leo glances up from his car and sees Alec following Ryan into the shop. The hair on the back of his neck stands up and he straightens, waiting to see if Alec would turn around and leave right away, or linger. Unfortunately, it was the latter. Leo's anger started to boil for more than one reason. Besides his personal feelings about Ryan and that whole mess, this guy was a crook. Darrel was gone and Leo wanted no part in having Alec around the same shop he'd tried to rob at one time.

Ambling around the car, he wipes his hands on a rag, clearly irritated as he approaches Ryan and Alec. "Well, Ryan... I see you brought your friend." He gives Alec a once over. "You're not welcome here," he states flatly.

Alec quirks an eyebrow, cocking his head. "I think I remember you..." He looks to Leo's uniform. "Leo."

"You should," Leo retorts. "Jaw feeling better?"

"Mmm..." Alec rubs his chin thoughtfully, totally ignoring Leo's irritated tone. "Yeah. After spending some time with this girl, everything feels better."

Leo can feel his whole body tense. "Get out," he hisses.

"I'm not gonna steal anything." Alec holds out his arms and gives a short laugh. "Settle down."

"You've already stolen enough," Leo returns coldly.

Understanding flickers in Alec's eyes and he looks to Ryan and Leo again. "Ahhh...." His mouth quirks into an amused grin again. "You're the ex, aren't you?"

Leo's hand balls up at his side, his jaw tightening. "I've told you to get out twice now," he warns. "We don't want thieves in our shop. Now go before I call you in for harassment."

"Who am I harassing?" Alec laughs again. "I walk here all calm and-"

Leo's fist comes flying in Alec's direction. Alec is trained too well though, and ducks, giving Leo's fist nothing but air to hit. "Heeeey, now that was uncalled for." His tone is still laced with amusement though his eyes warn that he's getting fed up.


Receiving the kiss that was softer than all the rest, sent a different emotion in Ryan. It was the racing heart, and emotions the coursed through her but it was in a softer way. Maybe thats what was different about Alec, He could be rough, cocky, and soft at the same time balancing each other out.

As the kiss ends Ryan takes a few steps away from Alec and cocks her head a little as he puts the shirt on. Today had been a good day, and if he ended up making it to the race tonight that would be fun to.

"As long as Eli doesn't come home from work early, our secret is safe."

Exiting the living room and grabbing her keys Ryan leans around the wall back into the living room giving a smile and jingling her keys.

"The bus is moving out, I don't want to hold you any longer and Jason get mad so they wont let you out for experiments again."

Ryan disappears around the wall heading for the door again, waiting there for Alec to join her.


Feeling Ryan's hands move over his skin, Alec closes his eyes for a moment, taking a deep breath and smelling her shampoo. Her words of thanks make him pull back slightly and look down into her eyes, searching for the meaning... the sincerity. She was really thankful he'd come? Really? Honesty shone in her gaze. She was.

It was another new sensation. It was one thing for a woman to enjoy his company then part ways and say thanks for the good time, but for Ryan to be thankful for a day like this... when all they'd done was play around and be ridiculous... he didn't know someone could be grateful for that. He was, but he had thought he was the unique one. Maybe... she didn't need what all the other women had been after in order to want his company. It felt... different. It felt... good.

"I don't know," he replies softly. "I'm beginning to think you're what I needed too." His tone was serious, but almost confused as if he thought he might be crazy or that these feelings were so foreign to him.

Leaning down once more, his kiss is gentler this time, his hand holding her palm to his chest where his heart thumped. Pulling away, he finally relents and accepts the shirt, slipping it on over his head. "Okay.... I guess I'm ready now." He glances to the kitchen where he knew she'd have to clean up later. "Our little secret."


Being pulled to Alec Ryan wraps her arms around his wast. Just feeling his muscles under her touch. Returning the quick kiss Ryan pulls away a little to look up into Alec's eyes.

"I don't want you to go ether."

Her words were a whisper, she'd enjoyed today very much, and had enjoyed being free with Alec. Would there be more times like this? When Alec got out would the world really be theres like he had said? Ryan could only hope.

"Guess I should get you back though."

Absentmindedly Ryan runs her hands along Alec's back till them move to his side. On the left her fingers run over something rough that she could guess was a scar. Continuing to run her fingers along her her other hand finds the front of his chest, her fingers just resting there. Looking up in to Alec's eyes she'd drawn into them for a moment.

"Thank you, for coming to me today. Your defiantly what I needed."

Just as sweet

Alec grins a little, running a finger over the faces in the photo. "You were cute," he teases.

Setting the frame back down, he reaches for the shirt, but takes Ryan's hand along with it, pulling her to him. "Tell me we have to leave," he begs. "I don't want to."

Tilting his head, he leans in to give her a kiss, wrapping his arms around her. "Mmm.... no whipped cream, but just as sweet." He runs a hand through her damp hair, just looking down into her eyes. "Better say goodbye now," he warns softly. "Jason is going to kill me for getting back so late."

Scott nods and slides from his seat to stand. "Yeah... yeah, I was working on something earlier I want to finish up. And if you're coming over, I better clean up - I have stuff all over the place."

Bending down, he gives her a last kiss. "I'll see you later then."


Hope gives a little scoff and a smile. She wanted to stay here longer with Scott if he was going to stay.

"I am working out of my house right now. I couldn't stand being in the room thats not really an office any longer. If anyone needs me they know my number. If you need to go though I understand."

Hope gives a small nod again the smile still on her face. She was happy that tonight she would be able to spend time with Scott. It would be nice to do that again and she hoped there would be more time and not another ten days.

Giving a laugh as she is swatted out of the kitchen Ryan heads up the small set of steps trying her best not to get cake and whip cream all over alone the way.

Entering her own room first Ryan thought it bed to clean herself up before making her way into her brothers room where she might track a mess. Getting some new clothing out Ryan gives to the bathroom first where she sheds her cloths in a heap and hopes into the showing.

It doesn't take long before Ryan it out of the shower again, dressed and running a comb through her wet hair. Ambling out of the bathroom and into her room once again Ryan throws the cloths in the wash and grabs the black shirt for Alec heading down the steps again.

Glancing into the kitchen quickly and not seeing Alec Ryan turns to head back into the living room. Stopping in the doorway she just stands there not saying anything for a long moment. Ryan new Alec was muscler from when she had run her hands down his shirt, but now seeing him with his shirt on, took her breath away.

Giving a she of her head she enters the room more closely coming up next to Alec looking down at the picture. It was the only one she had of her dad, and so so dear to her. Pointing to the boy in the middle Ryan offers a little information.

"Thats Eli there, and the one on the right thats John and that handsome guy holding me is my dad."

Giving a smile to Alec Ryan holds out the shirt thought she really didn't want him to put it on, or have that she had to go back to work she new both had to go there own way.

"Here you go. I'll let Eli know you have it."

Wandering around... shirtless O.o

Something about Ryan's words struck a chord deep down in Alec. They both had something the other needed. Was that true? Was she actually filling a void? If asked, he would have denied having a void at all... but the thought of not seeing Ryan at all anymore... it did leave a strange pang.

Seeing Ryan try to get up just to fall again sends Alec into another fit of laughter. He didn't know if he'd ever been quite so silly in all his life. A grown man... criminal... murderer... sitting here on the floor covered in food and actually thinking it was funny. It couldn't get much stranger.

Still laughing, he grabs Ryan and pulls her onto his lap, grinning at her. "I guess maybe a meeting with the chief of police does call for attire not of the edible kind."

Leaning in, he gives her a nice long kiss on the lips that tasted oh-so-sweet with all the cake and whipped cream that lingered. He could spend all day with her, but even if his spirit was rebellious, he knew better than to test his luck today. He was already going to be late, but better late than not at all. This meeting with Brown could be his ticket out.

Sighing in surrender, he shifts around to get up and help Ryan up too. Sending her off towards the hallway, he gives her bottom a backhanded whack before she disappears. Still grinning, he shakes his head and goes for the sink. He sheds his shirt that was full of the gooey mess and leans over the sink to rinse not only his face but his hair and neck too - everywhere that had gotten sticky. He knew Ryan was probably getting cleaned up too, since she had to go back to work.

Finally all rinsed off, Alec finds a towel and dries his hair and face. Still alone for the moment, he wanders into the living room to take a look around since he hadn't yet had a chance. He takes note of the fairly-neat room, the shoes over in one corner that must be Eli's, and the nice television set. Ambling over to the couch, he spies a framed picture on the end table. Picking it up, he sees Ryan when she was very young, along with two boys and a man. Their father who had died? Her brothers? He wondered which one was Eli.

"Don't be sorry." Scott sighs. "It's me, I know. I'll plan on your coming over tonight then... Domino will be happy - I think she's missed you too."

Taking note of the time, Scott straightens again, his fingers slipping from Hope's. "I guess you need to get back to work, huh?"


Cake, and whip cream going every where Ryan doesn't even care. She would clean up the kitchen later after she got back from work. Eli wasn't meant to be home till closer to her race time anyways so it would give her plenty of time to clean up.

Ending up on the ground with Alec Ryan can't help her roar of laughter seeing Alec laughing made her feel good. He was having a good time, and Ryan was having a good time that was all that mattered at that moment.

Finally panting trying to calm her laughter Ryan leans against the cupboard next to Alec the smile still large on her face. Turning her head slightly to Alec at his question her eyes spark.

"I believe we were trying to figure out if you had, what I needed. And under close examination of this experiment I would say we both have something the other needs in there life. So this experiment was a success."

Falling silent once again and giving Alec a once over Ryan shakes her head. Going to stand up she slips on some whip cream and falls down next to Alec one more giving another laugh.

"If you want to help me up, seeing as I can't do it on my own I'll go get you one of my brothers shirts so you can be half way decent looking for your interview with Brown."


Receiving the cake to the face, Alec blinks at Ryan, something twinkling in his eyes, dying to be let out. A grin pulls at his mouth and he leans forward, swiping Ryan's face with his own, to leave behind cake on her as well.

Straightening, he surveys his handiwork, viewing the mixture of whipped cream and cake all over Ryan's face. He knew he must look just as bad. His grin starts to grow, gradually spreading into a full smile. Leaning forward, he licks off some of the sugary treat from Ryan's cheek as some cake falls from his own face. A chuckle starts way down deep, starting to build. Grabbing the can of whipped cream again, neither needed to say it - the war had begun.

The next few minutes was total chaos. Whipped cream flew, cake flew. The small chuckle that had started so faint built up to genuine laughter coming from Alec as he partook in the food fight. Somehow or another, he wound up dragging Ryan from the counter, only to slide on some whipped cream that had ended up on the floor, and he winds up pulling them both down. Cake was everywhere. Whipped cream was everywhere.

Totally out of breath, Alec leans back against the cupboards, still trying to control his laughter. He sprays the can one more time, only to have just a little fluff come out, just increasing the cause for laughing. In the shape Ryan was in, he knew he must look just as bad, if not worse. It was all over his face, in his hair and on his shirt. And he couldn't remember the last time he'd had this much fun. Maybe he remembered how to laugh after all.

Breathing heavily, he finally gains a little bit of control, though doesn't bother trying to get up off the floor. "What was... this experiment again?"