

"Yeah.... I'm coming." Alec bends down to retie a shoelace then sprints after Ryan. Once they're out the door, he follows to her car again, lapsing into quietness on the way back to the auto shop. Everything was so different now. Even individual circumstances in the same day. One minute he was in TJY's custody, the next he was free for an hour. One minute, he was being totally ridiculous with Ryan, the next it was back to reality and seriousness. He wasn't sure if he liked that about life now or not.

Arriving back at the auto shop, he throws Ryan a sidelong glance and half a grin. "Let me walk you in... I don't want to face Jason yet." As if he were scared of Jason. He wasn't a bit, but at the moment, he wasn't ready to let Jason be in charge quite yet. And if he took his time, it would prove his point.

He gets out with Ryan and wanders into the shop with her, through the open bay door where the other guys were working. Some had taken lunch breaks and were back already. Jed had left late and wasn't even back yet.

Jason watches from the end of the parking lot, sighing and rolling his eyes as he sees Alec walking back in with Ryan. They were already late.

I hate being a babysitter. How did I wind up with this task anyway?

Leo glances up from his car and sees Alec following Ryan into the shop. The hair on the back of his neck stands up and he straightens, waiting to see if Alec would turn around and leave right away, or linger. Unfortunately, it was the latter. Leo's anger started to boil for more than one reason. Besides his personal feelings about Ryan and that whole mess, this guy was a crook. Darrel was gone and Leo wanted no part in having Alec around the same shop he'd tried to rob at one time.

Ambling around the car, he wipes his hands on a rag, clearly irritated as he approaches Ryan and Alec. "Well, Ryan... I see you brought your friend." He gives Alec a once over. "You're not welcome here," he states flatly.

Alec quirks an eyebrow, cocking his head. "I think I remember you..." He looks to Leo's uniform. "Leo."

"You should," Leo retorts. "Jaw feeling better?"

"Mmm..." Alec rubs his chin thoughtfully, totally ignoring Leo's irritated tone. "Yeah. After spending some time with this girl, everything feels better."

Leo can feel his whole body tense. "Get out," he hisses.

"I'm not gonna steal anything." Alec holds out his arms and gives a short laugh. "Settle down."

"You've already stolen enough," Leo returns coldly.

Understanding flickers in Alec's eyes and he looks to Ryan and Leo again. "Ahhh...." His mouth quirks into an amused grin again. "You're the ex, aren't you?"

Leo's hand balls up at his side, his jaw tightening. "I've told you to get out twice now," he warns. "We don't want thieves in our shop. Now go before I call you in for harassment."

"Who am I harassing?" Alec laughs again. "I walk here all calm and-"

Leo's fist comes flying in Alec's direction. Alec is trained too well though, and ducks, giving Leo's fist nothing but air to hit. "Heeeey, now that was uncalled for." His tone is still laced with amusement though his eyes warn that he's getting fed up.

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