

Setting a few items on the shelfs and at least getting the products she could put up on her own up it was a start. Her knee was a little extra sore tonight after doing and therapy but she did her best to just try and ignore it for now. Leo was coming to help and her couldn't crap out now.

Hearing the loud knock on the metal doors Cassy gives a little jump being so lost in what she was doing she had lost track of time. Knowing it was Leo though the feeling pass as she goes and opens the door.

"Well I'll be, you did end up coming after all. Thanks so much again."

Stepping to the side a little Cassy leaves room for Leo to come in as she closed the door behind him.

"I figure I would give you a quick tour of the place so you know where you gone, I'd order the pizza, and than we can start working until they food got here."

Cassy was obviously excited to having Leo's help not to mention the twinkle of passion that shown in her eyes for the studio.

"This is the waiting room. Parents can wait for there kids, other wait for there lessons to start."

The first room was easy to tell it was a lobby, Chairs were set up to both sides of the wall along with shelfs that held dance shoes, tights, and attire for younger kids, to adult sizes as well. A large desk, with cash register was straight ahead and than on the left and right side, men and woman bathroom.

"Than over here, its far from done but its where you come in to help me, is the studio. You don't have to worry about taking your shoes off with the floor. The whole thing is going to be replaces once the rest of the mirrors and what not are up."

Entering into the much larger room, windows lined the wall straight on. White curtains covering them up along with shades for privacy. On the left side was a beam that stretched across the wall. A dark red oak color rich with color as if it had just been finished. The right wall had the start to being covered in mirrors that stretched from the floor up to the ceiling.

Stopping in front of the mirrors Cassy looks at them for a long moment before half turning to see Leo smiling again.

"The guys that were putting up the mirrors quit on me this morning. They said I was being to picky and didn't seem to understand why they had to be straight. So thats out project tonight, I was hopping you could help me up the rest of the mirrors up. They are way to heavy for one person, specially when one is cripple."

Cassy gives a small chuckle as she completely turns to Leo her hands folded in front of her. She new it was a lot to ask but she was hopping Leo wouldn't mind.

Stopping at the gas station to pick up the pizza and wings Dalton pulls out his phone. Dialing Dani's number he waits to hear her sweet voice.

"Hey Baby, I am getting the pizza's now. I should be there in five minutes."

Giving a smile, hanging up and getting the pizza Dalton is right on time five minutes later giving a strong knock on the. Standing outside with food and pop in hand he waits at the door for Dani. In his other hand was a little extra surprise of flowers for her.

Leaning up from her engine and seeing her brother a smile spreads across Ryan's face. Tonight she donned her own leather jacket, tight jeans, and her hair was tied back in a low ponytail to stay out of her face, a few lose strands falling in her eyes.

"Or, it was no normal than any other day lately. When am I not up to race?"

Ryan throw her brother an odd look as if he should know better than think something was wrong enough for her not to race. This was her out, her rush where she could lose her mind.

Finally throwing the rage down Ryan moves around the car and gives her brother a hug. This was the first time today seeing him. She'd left a little earlier than normal to get to the race track just missing her brother, so the hug was a little extra tight.

Pulling away Ryan gives a grin as she looks up at her brother folding her arms across her chest and giving a small laugh an unknown humor glimmering in her eyes.

"I hope you didn't go home and look for the chocolate cake...because..there is none. Finished it off earlier today."

Giving a smile at Scott from the other side of the table Hope takes another bit of her dinner. So far the night had been pretty good with Scott. Quiet but good non the less. Taking note Scott didn't eat much Hope didnt say anything. At least he was trying to eat a little, that was a good thing.

"Well I figured a movie that can make us laugh would be good so I picked out Robin Hood Men in Tights and there is ice cream too we can pig out on."

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