
Saved you

Looking up from his computer at Dani Dalton quirks an eyebrow at her good moon. Not that Dani wasn't in a good mood often just something today was different. Looking down at the computer again Dalton types in a few things. Wish Scott gone things were quiet, things were lonely the office was...bear. He missed his little buddy.

"Your in rare form today."

Looking up again his mouth turns up into a bawd smile. He liked it when Dani came to see him, and when she was so excited about spending time with him. It really did make Dalton feel good.

"How about your place tonight its more comfortable there, and I'll be up the pizza and wings on the way. What movie is this anyways? Is it a girly gonna make me cry one?"

Dalton's voice had a teasing hint to it though Dani new good and well he wasn't like a normal guy, he actually liked watching chick flicks. Though it was rare to see him cry over them.

A look pass through Ryan's eyes at Leo's comment, a mixture of being hurt, and irritation with the whole situation. Receiving the kiss from Alec and watching him walk away Ryan looks back to Leo and shakes her head.

"Think what you want Leo but I just saved you from getting your face smashed in because you wanted to start a fight and take the first swing."

Taking her jacket off so she could get back to work Ryan stops again and lets out a sigh.

"As for telling Darrel be my guest in telling him Leo was here with me, but Alec doesn't steal anymore, and all he was doing here was walking me inside. He made no threats what so ever and would of left in a few seconds if you had just left him alone."

Not wanting to deal with this anymore after having a nice lunch Ryan looks to Axel and gives a shake of her head. She really didn't want to talk about what had just happened, maybe later. Axel was her friend and she could talk to him about anything but would he be able to understand Alec was changing or would he be against her too?

Going back to her car Ryan starting to tinker with the engine. She needed to get this done asap so she could leave a little bit early to get ready for the race tonight.

Luck of the draw I guess. I'm sorry Reese stuck you with babysitting Alec J.

Katie sits at her desk hard at work. Being back was nice, it felt good to be working again even if there was a huge mountain of paper work waiting for her. It gave her all the more to considerate on and get done.

At least he's not trying to run away anymore so you would have to chase him.

Katie pulls on Jason's humor emotions her teasing words being pushed to him.

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