
Can I?

"I make them up spur of the moment. It's easy when there is someone like you who I can give them too."

Walking over to the bike Chuck picks up the extra helmet and hands it to Susanne before taking his own. Looking back to Susanne and giving her a wink Chuck can't help but smile again.

"Did you want to go home first or go right to dinner?"

Looking back at Carson and hardly flinching as he told her all he new even if she was breaking on the inside she wouldn't let it show. Alec had killed, he was with this other woman and what else was he doing?

Hearing Carson was leaving to go out of town soon Ryan straightens a little. So Carson was going to try and help Alec before anyone else could get to him. So Carson did care, in a way it shocked Ryan. Hearing him ask her to come along Ryan was surprised once again. Could she walk away once she saw Alec? If he didn't come back and was bound to that life again would she leave?

"Yes I want to come with you, and yes I can walk away if I have too."

Up to you

Though Susanne rolls her eyes, her cheeks do flush slightly. "Do you have a list of lines you practice or do they just come to you on the spur of the moment?"

Her head leans into his hand a little bit. "I don't think I feel qualified to be shown off, but I'll tag along at least." She bites her lower lip. She was just an unattractive homebody... Chuck on the other hand... well... he was the one that could be shown off.

Carson isn't surprised at Ryan's words and he gives her a short nod. "Yeah, that's what I figured."

He sighs deeply. "I was at Alec's apartment today. Did a little more nosing around. Put a few more pieces together in my mind. And... I think there's a good chance Alec is innocent, as far illegal activity goes." Alec's shenanigans with Yvette were beyond a doubt, but as far as leaking Elite information or killing anyone... that was up for debate. "I think Reese might agree with me on a certain level, but the Elite's hands are tied."

Carson looks Ryan in the eye, not wanting to spare her any details. "He and/or Yvette have killed - the count is four so far and we're pretty sure there will be more. Cheating on you is the least of the Elite's worries. And what they want to do is go in and extract Alec, no matter the cost. If he lives, he'll be contained, and if he dies, he's one less thing to worry about. But they are going to go in after him. He knows far too much about the Elite to allow him back into the Agency. Right now, we just hope he hasn't shared too much. Personally, I think he must have good reasons for taking off and he's just biding his time."

Carson pauses again. "In one hour, I'm heading out of town and going north. Ty helped me get into the TJY records to find out where they've been tracking Alec and we think he's going to be in Wyoming next - where, exactly will be tricky but I think we can find him, though it'll take a few days." He'd already told Misty and she knew he was inserting himself into this case for the sake of Alec - she and Ty were the only ones that knew though. Those running the restaurant only knew he was on a TJY case and that was it - not even Dani was aware of his plans. He knew Reese would try to stop him if word got out.

"I'm giving you one chance to go with me - I'd rather have you in my sights than off on your own getting yourself killed. If we find Alec and he does want out like I think he does, we can bring him back. And if we find out that he truly has turned, then we leave him for the Elite to handle."

Carson cocks his head, giving Ryan time to process the information. "Up to you. But if you decide to come, I have to know that you can walk away if we don't find what we want."

Looks of the past

Crossing his arms over his chest Chuck does his best to try and hide the smile that wanted to come through so badly. But even if he held his lips from moving his eyes betrayed him as they did all the smiling.

"Yeah there was this woman I was waiting for. Something about dinner and a movie tonight."

Not being able to help it anymore the smile finally spreads across Chuck's face and he lets his arms fall to his side for a moment. Than bringing a hand up to Susanne's face he gives her cheek a gentile brush with his hand just feeling her soft skin under his fingers.

"How could I not be excited about getting to show someone as pretty as you off?"

As the strong arm goes around Ryan's neck she gives a little gasp taken by surprise. Bringing her hands up to the arm she can feel her heart start to race as the cold barrel of a gun is pointed at her head. Hearing Carson's words that followed and than being shoved Ryan turns around quickly and glares at Carson.

Looking to Ty as he says his sorry and he didn't want her to get hurt a look of pain flashes in her eyes. She should of known better than to try and trust someone linked with the Elite.

Turning her attachen back to Carson Ryan's eyes were filled with pain, a little of everything that had been wearing on her. She had to know for herself about Alec, she had too.

"I will find Alec. I won't rest till I do. Nothing adds up and I need to know why. I can't wait for weeks on end. So I can rest in peace I need to know sooner. So stay out of my way, or help me."

Ryan's look was full of determination. Maybe a look that had been seen in others faces of the past as well. The love for someone over taking all reason till the truth would be revealed. Something so many in the past had faced as well.

You're dead

The door to TJY opens and Susanne wanders out, scanning the parking lot. Spotting Chuck, she grins. Wandering over to him, she gives him an obvious once-over before looking up at him. "You look like you're waiting for someone," she muses.

After tucking a strand of hair behind her ear, she folds her arms. "Seems to me you're rather enthusiastic about picking someone up."

"Ryan... hi." Ty leans on his broom, studying her for a moment. "Yeah... I think I got what you need. I got a name of someone you should get in contact with."

Before anything else can be said though, a figure slips from a cubicle without any warning. A strong arm wraps around Ryan's neck from behind in a chokehold, while at the same time, a pistol barrel is pressed to her temple with a sickening click as it's cocked.

Ty doesn't flinch. He does nothing but stand still, his face lacking expression.

The unseen figure gives Ryan a little jerk before pulling the trigger. But all that comes is a sturdy click. The gun was empty. "Bang... you're dead," Carson hisses. Releasing her and giving her a little shove towards Ty, he returns his gun to his side before setting his hands on his hips. His eyes glare at Ryan. "You think this is a game? You think being all brave and wanting to face the Agency is a good idea? Do you even realize how quickly you would be dead?" He snaps his fingers. "Just like that. As easily as I caught you here, they'll put a bullet in your head and then you'll never have the chance to find out what's really going on."

Ty gives Ryan a sidelong glance. "I'm sorry. But I didn't want to see you hurt. So I told Carson what was going on."

Day and Night

Sitting outside TJY Chuck waited for Susanne knowing she would be out soon. They were going to be going to dinner and than the movie Susanne wanted to see. Chuck was excited even if it was a chick flick. Spending more time with Susanne was always a plus to him.

Putting the kickstand down on the bike and getting off Chuck's leather jacket crinkles a little bit as he straightens it. Running a hand through his hair he makes it stand on end. Even if he was going to put the helmet on again at least he would look good for a few moments when Susanne first saw him.

Later that night....

Entering TJY Ryan slipped her hands in her hoodie pocket her keys only giving a soft jingle as she walked. It was late, but the time Ty had told her to come. He's have the information for her and than she could move on figuring out where to go from there.

Stepping onto the main floor and seeing Ty Ryan's lips curl up a little bit. He was right there like he'd said he would be. Not that Ryan didn't believe him but she thought for sure he would back out.

"Ty, hey. Your right it does seem a lot quieter this late at night. Got the information for me?"