
You're dead

The door to TJY opens and Susanne wanders out, scanning the parking lot. Spotting Chuck, she grins. Wandering over to him, she gives him an obvious once-over before looking up at him. "You look like you're waiting for someone," she muses.

After tucking a strand of hair behind her ear, she folds her arms. "Seems to me you're rather enthusiastic about picking someone up."

"Ryan... hi." Ty leans on his broom, studying her for a moment. "Yeah... I think I got what you need. I got a name of someone you should get in contact with."

Before anything else can be said though, a figure slips from a cubicle without any warning. A strong arm wraps around Ryan's neck from behind in a chokehold, while at the same time, a pistol barrel is pressed to her temple with a sickening click as it's cocked.

Ty doesn't flinch. He does nothing but stand still, his face lacking expression.

The unseen figure gives Ryan a little jerk before pulling the trigger. But all that comes is a sturdy click. The gun was empty. "Bang... you're dead," Carson hisses. Releasing her and giving her a little shove towards Ty, he returns his gun to his side before setting his hands on his hips. His eyes glare at Ryan. "You think this is a game? You think being all brave and wanting to face the Agency is a good idea? Do you even realize how quickly you would be dead?" He snaps his fingers. "Just like that. As easily as I caught you here, they'll put a bullet in your head and then you'll never have the chance to find out what's really going on."

Ty gives Ryan a sidelong glance. "I'm sorry. But I didn't want to see you hurt. So I told Carson what was going on."

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