

Ashlee can't help but laugh at the thought of counting flowers out in the yard. A little bit of her wanted to say she wanted to do that just to see if Eric really would, but she wouldn't torcher him that much. Not after everything he'd done and continued to do for her.

   "Mmmmm...How about clean some tack? I always like the smell of the tack room. I don't know why its just...nice."

Opening the door to the bunk and seeing Ashlee was gone Stacy was thankful. She wanted to wrap her daughters gift and sign the card she had gotten her but she needed Ashlee not to be around and now was the perfect time. 

Pulling the boots out from the closet Stacy also grabs the back and tissue paper. Neatly setting some inside the bag and than wrapping some around the boots she places them inside as well. Fiddling with the bright yellow paper inside the purple bag she wanted it almost perfect. Taking a ribbon and the card she ties the bag shut.

There was going to be a little birthday surprise in the mess hall once all of the guest cleared out. Cake, some balloons and that's when Stacy would also give Ashlee her gift. Than tonight would be a trip into time for dinner. Stacy was going to see if Eric could come but it had slipped her mind. She would have to see maybe at lunch. Ash new about the dinner and asked if she could ask Dylan to come too. Stacy didn't mind but she didn't know if he would or not. She did know though that Ash wanted him to go so she hoped he would say yes.

Giving a laugh and a shake of her head Hunter was right she did think to much. But sometimes that was a good thing. Hearing tease about Jason Katie rolls her eyes. If she had known Hunter a little more she might have wacked him over the back of the head.

   "Yeah, Don't want to get your but kicked by another girl's man. Though it might help your image with your friends."

Though it was sad it was slightly funny too. Taking the number and putting it into her pocket Katie would put it into her phone when she got home. Grabbing another napkin she jots down the number and hands it to Hunter.

    "There you go its my cell too. I pretty much answer text or calls any time of night. I'm not to sound of a sleeper. I just might do that...Thanks Hunter for the nice time."

Putting her jacket on Katie new the night had to end. It had been fun though better than planned and for a few hours she had forgotten about the hardships of life and just had fun. 

Your Day

Hunter rolls his eyes but doesn't argue with Katie about paying. "You women think too much." 

Being asked for his number, a little grin emerges. "Better not tell your boyfriend you're going around asking for guys' numbers," he teases. Grabbing a napkin, he fishes a pen from his jacket and jots down a number. "That's my cell phone." He gets another napkin and pushes it towards her with his pen. "Your turn." He wasn't going to let her get away with taking his number and leaving him empty handed. Maybe he was being flirty again, but in reality, he really had had a good time, and figured he could go for an evening like this again. Hanging out with his rowdy friends had its benefits, but... maybe deep down he missed some of the quiet. This had been nice. No shouting, drunken stupidness, girls or riding the fine line of the law. It had been a long time since he'd had an evening with someone away from all that. This... reminded him of being with his close friends from Break Out. With friends like Kyle. And Alice.

Shoving aside those memories, he forces another smile. "Next time your boyfriend makes you feel like crap, just give him a slap upside the head or something. Then call me and he can stew about it while we have dinner again."

Turning around in the barn aisle, Eric gives Ashlee a smile. "Hey there, birthday girl." He chuckles. "Thought you might sleep a little longer on your day off school." 

He shakes his head in amusement. Her enthusiasm for being in the barn never ceased to amaze him. "Today.... we take it easy." He gives her a knowing look. He was aware the she knew his leg was bothering him, so there was no need to go over that again. It was a good excuse to let her have a fun day though. The hardest part would be keeping riding lessons a secret until she got her boots. At least, that was his plan. 

"So - we can clean some tack... we can scrub feeding buckets... we can do some grooming... or we can go count dandelions in the yard." He tosses her a wink. "It's your day today, so you get to decide."


Wondering into the barn Ashlee hada smile on her face. It might be her birthday but that didn't mean she was going to skip out on her work. She enjoyed it and that always made the day better and today wasn't going to stop her from doing what she did every morning. 

Looking around the barn and finding Eric Ashlee walks up to him and gives a little wave. She new he wouldn't be doing to much today because of his leg but even if they said and oiled some leather it would be well worth it to her.

   "Good Morning Eric! I was hopping I'd find you here this morning. What tasks do we have in front of us today?"

Taking a bit of her shrimp Katie can't help but close her eyes as a smile spreads across her lips. This had to be some of the best, fresh shrimp she had, had in a long time. Every bite she wanted another and another thankful this was the item she choose.

As she eat Katie listened to Hunter intently just learning a few new things about him him. Racing kind of sounded like fun though Katie wasn't to sure she'd ever want to go to one. The crowed sounded rowdy and just some place she might not fit in, but who new she might check it out...at least once. His friends...the sounded dumber than she had thought though she hadn't voiced that to Hunter, those were definitely not people Katie would hang out with if she didn't have too.

Once the check had come and Katie had gotten her extra food in a container she digs into her jacket pocket to pull out some money. Tonight had been well worth it and enjoy some time with a friend had been good too. Katie was happy she had met up with Hunter in the store and they had the chance to try and work on a friendship.

   "I am sure I don't want you to pay. You don't have to buy me food to say thank you. I think simply saying "thank you" works good. Also you keep me company too so that seems pretty fair...but you want to do something extra...how about a number I can call you at in case I want to hang out again."


Hunter accepts Katie's addition to the toast with a wide smile. This might be the fastest friendship he'd ever formed, not to mention the most odd. What were the odds he'd be having dinner with the same woman who had arrested him? That was fodder for a sitcom, not real life - not his life anyway. It was also the first time his stupid flirting had led to anything but shallow conversation over a couple of beers. Katie wasn't shallow though - that much was obvious. She was different. She was... the kind of company he used to keep. And in a way... it made Hunter miss his old life away from the glamor, meaningless relationships, competition and showing off. Katie was real, and she looked right past his attempts to impress with cockiness. 

Clinking his glass on hers, he takes a sip then smacks his lips. "Ahhh.... and now...." He sets his drink down and picks up his knife and fork. "We dine before my stomach eats itself." 

Cutting off a piece of juicy steak, he dips it in barbecue sauce before taking a bite and murmuring with content. "This place's steaks are the best kept secret in town," he muses. 

While eating, conversation naturally slowed, although Hunter keeps it up just a little with light chatter about his racing mostly, or the kinds of idiots he hung out with. By the time the check came, he was leaned back in the booth with an empty dinner plate in front of him.

It was getting late in the evening, but he didn't really want it to end. Sighing, he eyes the check then looks over at Katie. "You sure you won't let me pay? I promise I won't call it a date. I just want to thank you for keeping me company."

Today was a day Eric would have stayed in bed. Should have stayed in bed. His leg was killing him, and Angel had confirmed that an infection had started once again. Hopefully they'd caught it fast enough this time though, so he was back on antibiotics to take care of it. She'd warned him to take it easy, so... he would... but he wasn't going to stay inside all day. Not today, of all days. 

Rising early, he'd gone straight to Moonbeam's stall. The little bay mare had loved the extra grooming, and Eric had brushed her coat until it shone, her four white socks standing out brightly. Afterward, he'd chosen some easy tasks, helping feed but leaving the stall cleaning to Dylan. He kept his eye on the doorway though, waiting to see when Ashlee might come wandering in. There would be a little party later at lunchtime in the dining hall, but he wanted to be sure to wish her a happy birthday if he saw her beforehand.

Deep Down

Katie gives a little grin as she looks up at Hunter. It was strange she called him a friend but maybe its that softness in his eyes, and the concern he'd showed her that made her feel like she could be a friend. The act, being drunk, hitting on her...maybe he was like her and just searching for something he'd lost...searching for the peace of himself that was missing.

   "Eh, I can't handle both those things as you could tell. I don't know...maybe your just...not that bad after all.  I think your just hiding behind your masks but deep down...I think your a pretty ok guys who really does car."

Leaning back as the plate was put in front of her Katie could feel her stomach rumble. The steak and breaded butterfly shrimp smelled amazing and made her realize just how hungry she was tonight. It was definitely better than anything she would of gotten at the store thats for sure and probley a little more exspenceve but..thats ok.

Seeing Hunter raise his glass and make his toast Katie can't help but smile a little more raising her own and clinking it gently against his. That was a nice gesture on his part, and it gave Katie a little hope that there would be righter days to com...just one day at a time.

   "And to friendship...what helps us get through the crappy times...together."


Hunter's eyes remain soft as he listens to Katie. She just looked so... sad. It was a stark contrast to the strong Elite agent who had arrested him. She was... hurting. And whether Hunter realized it or not, his deeply buried sensitive cord was struck. He hadn't allowed it to surface in a long time. 

Furrowing his brow, he dwells on her words of Jason. The whole thing confused him, but he wasn't going to ask her to explain it. It appeared to be rather unexplainable anyway. All he knew was, they were able to feel each other's emotions and telepathically communicate. And now they couldn't. He wondered if it was like some cases of twins that were so close that when one died, it felt as though the other would too, just because of the sudden void.

"Friend, huh?" He gives her a wry grin. "You arrested me and I hit on you mercilessly. Either you've got bad taste or I'm not as bad as I thought." 

Cocking his head, he continues to just study Katie, probing her eyes with his own, as if searching so deeply for answers. "You are feeling," he observes quietly. "You're feeling a lot." He couldn't even begin to understand all of this - it was beyond him. But he did see plenty when he looked at Katie's eyes. 

"Problem is... obviously none of it feels very good." He doesn't break his gaze but continues to study her intensely. Were she and her boyfriend the same? Was Jason going through the same thing? If so, that would be a doozy of a thing to deal with, as far as their relationship went... right? He didn't even know if that was correct. 

Interrupted by the food arriving, Hunter sits back to make room for his plate. Breathing in deeply the smell of his steak, he nods with satisfaction. "Much better than sitting home alone with chips and salsa." 

Lifting his glass of coke, he aims it in a toast. "To a crappy world - may be it be kinder in the days ahead. And to good feelings - may they return quickly to put the spark back in your eyes." 

Left Behind

Stacy gives a nod. She had no doubt that he would live up to her trust in him. IN a way it was so strange that she trusted him so much with Ashlee, or trusted him at all. The way her heart fluttered, the way her stomach turned in knots, everything about Eric made her feel like a little kid again it was hard to accept she could feel this way.

   "I'll save you a spot at the table with Ash and I."

Giving a smile Stacy turns to head out of the barn. The rain would pick up soon and she wanted to finish her afternoon rounds before it got to bad. Though she did want to stay there and watch Eric. Stopping at the door and turning to look at him Stacy almost has to force herself to leave. Why did it feel like she was mush when she was around Eric. It was a feeling she would have to ponder even though the answer was simple!

Looking up at Hunter Katie could see the questions written all over his face and for a moment in his eyes she saw a softness, the silly, over confidant look was gone and it made Katie wonder was this the real Hunter? Once again his personality had changed and Katie couldn't help but wonder if it was just a mask or real this time.

Shifting a little and searching Hunter's face for another moment Katie finally shakes her own slightly at his question. She wished there was something he could do but really there wasn't. She had to work thought this herself, and try to figure everything out. It's just how it was.

   "You are doing something, your having dinner with me. Other than that I have to work through it myself. Rick, the Dr in charge of Jason and I's care said it will just take time to start feeling again. It just...it feels like Jason is moving, spending time with friends, laughing having a great time and I'm just...getting left behind."

Looking down at the table again Katie lets out a small sigh. Thinking about it, and admitting it was so different. Actually coming out and saying how Jason made her feel seemed to hurt more than just pretending it didn't happen.

   "I know he didn't mean to make me feel that way, at least I don't think he does. It's just one of those things ya know? I don't know I am sure things will work out just till than...at least I have a friend to hang out with now too. So thanks and I mean that."