
One better

Giving a slight nod to Chance once they are at TJY Destiny new this might very well be the last time she had her own thoughts to herself for a while. Though she was surround by people here still, she could think on her own without having someone looking over her shoulder.

Watching Chance walk away Destiny turns and heads to the little room that had been hers for a night. Gathering her items, and putting away stuff in bags till finally she sinks down on the bed. Just to think for a long moment, her mind slowing down enough to do so. What would happen now? And after she didn't need protection anymore, what would fill her time now that her parents were gone. It was a depressing thought thats for sure but it was one that would come sooner or later, but maybe it was best saved for later.

Standing again Destiny heads out of the room once more wondering aimlessly around up and down hallways, and in and out of rooms just exploring, keeping her mind busy. Finally ending at the break room again with her book in hand Destiny sits and opens it to read. It would keep her busy till Chance was ready to go again.

Listing to Leo there was something different about the way he talked about Baxtor now. It wasnt a talk down but more of accepting. Cassy was just happy he wasn't giving up altogether like he wanted not to long ago.

"Well, as long as your happy filling in that I guess thats what matters. I don't care what you say or those snobs over at Baxtor thinks, I still believe your the best partner I ever had."

Continuing to just dance with Leo and let the music carry them Cassy can't help the small chuckle at Leo's comment to her shinning.

"Maybe I shined once upon a time, but I got a bum knee that half the times feels like its getting worse than better, and I couldn't keep up with everyone over there at Baxtor if I tried. I'd probably end up damaging my knee permanently."

Moving instep with Leo Cassy lets him lead her into the slow dip and than back up again before keeping there steps in tune. Drawing to the end and coming within inches of Leo Cassy smiles and cocks her head to one side just a little. Her voice no more than a whisper.

"Thank you though for thinking I shine bright still."

Watching all the commotion Katie gives a small shake of her head. Off to one side she was setting up a few things to help the guys out before scoping the area out herself to make sure there were no blind spots she didn't know about or could end up being dangerous. Katie always like to help out the band but tryed to stay out of the bussle of things not minding sitting back and just watching the others and laughing pulling on Jason's emotions and talking with him silently.

I love watching you guys interact it really is entertaining.

Finished with what she was working on Katie stands and gives over to the small cooler pulling out a bottle of OJ.

Think I can do that for and one better...

Walking over to where Jason was and squatting down next to him Katie smiles holding out the bottle of OJ in one hand and the PB & J sandwich in the other.

"Since you were pretty much with me all afternoon I new you hadn't had anything to eat so I made sure to pack something to at least hold you over till after the concert".

Oh I am

"Alrighty then." Chance pops another fry into his mouth before wiping his hands on a napkin. "Sounds like a royal plan." He cocks his head at her, squinting a little. "Always got to have a plan. That's my motto. Or... one of them at least."

Grinning, he returns to finishing up his food, making sure he gets all the bits of bacon that had fallen from his sandwich. It doesn't take long and they're on their way once again, Chance keeping an ever-watchful eye on their surroundings.

Once back at the house, together it's quick work of putting away all the groceries and then it's back to TJY. They arrive without incident, but it's not until they're in the building does Chance let Destiny leave his sight.

"I'm gonna go check in with Reese and get some things finalized. I'll try to catch back up with you at the break room, okay?"

Leo chuckles and shakes his head as he dances with Cassy, not finding it too difficult to do two things at once. "Oh, maybe I could help with a class or two. I don't think I've outgrown Baxtor though, Cass. I'm grateful for your encouragement but... somebody's gotta stay behind to see the next batch of newbies. Maybe if I worked at it twenty-four/seven I could get good enough for something else, but what's gonna pay the bills in the meantime? I may have a sense of rhythm, but I don't have that raw talent like some of these dancers lately."

Spinning with her to the tempo of the song, he pauses until he is in a good position to speak again. "I'm glad you think I've got what it takes, but I've been thinking a lot lately and... I think it's time I realized that I really don't. I enjoy dancing... I've gotten fairly good with a lot of practice but... I just don't have 'it.' I don't have that spark that makes a dancer go over the top... that makes them special... like you."

Thinking as the music draws on his mind, the dance steps come easily. "I get mad when they bump me down on the performance list, but once I think about it, they're just doing what's best. They put the best dancers in the spotlight and they should. Those dancers who are the top pick... they're there for a reason, and the reason is simply that they're the best in the group. Me... I could show up the average person on the street because I've been practicing for years but against other dancers?" He shakes his head a little again.

Letting the music take over for several moments, he moves with Cassy, one hand in hers, the other around her waist. His tone is thoughtful but not depressed like it had been the week before. "I'm just not in the same league as the others... as you. But... I'm learning to be okay with that. Baxtor will always need the fill-ins... those who can manage a lead if they practice enough and if the top picks can't make it... those who can run lights or push props around. At this point in my life... I would have to dance every day, all day, literally to get any further than I am and... it's just not possible."

Lowering Cassy into a slow dip, he sweeps her gracefully back up and around, his eyes connecting with hers. "I'm glad for a while we were both novice enough to be teamed up. I always had fun being your partner. But Baxtor is growing up and out, and all I can do is tuck away the memories and be satisfied with what I got now... which is a set of average dancing feet and hands that do better in a car engine than in a dance partner's hands."

As the song begins it's approach on the final notes, Leo brings Cassy face-to-face with him again, both of his hands in hers between them, bringing them only inches apart. "But I'm okay with that," he assures softly. "I'm okay being average. If it weren't for people like me... people like you wouldn't shine so brightly."

"Jason... helloooo, earth to Jason."

Jason snaps to attention as Jen's hand waves in front of his face. JetStream was trying to set up in the community auditorium, but Jason's mind had been far from where it ought to be. "Huh?"

Jen smirks and wheels around in front of him. "You only have one boot on. Are you going to get fully dressed or... are you sporting a new style?"

Jason looks down to his black cowboy boots - one on his foot and one in his hand. He gives Jen a sheepish grin. "Who knows... new style might catch on."

Jen giggles and shakes her head. "Don't forget to slap some of this in your hair after we're done setting up." She hands him some hair gel. "Your hair is the perfect length to give it a little spike."

"Oh, really?" Jason quirks an eyebrow at her. "Miss style tonight, are we?"

"Tonight? I always am."

Jason laughs and stands up, pulling on his boot. "This is true." Jen had always had a sense of style and had always steered the band's attire and hairdos before a concert - and none of them minded because nine times out of ten, she was right.

"At least you finally learned how to dress," Jen teases.

Jason looks down to his form-fitting jeans and black tee. "At least Katie should appreciate it."

"Yeah," Jen smirks. "And every other girl in the audience."

"Oh, stop." Jason ruffles her hair playfully. "You know I can't stand a compliment."

Jen cocks her head as he walks away, giggling again. "Keep walking, Jase..."

Spinning around, Jason can feel heat in his face, but he knew all the teasing was in good fun. He and Jen were more like siblings than anything else, though she had no problem telling him when he looked good. "Watch it."

"Oh I am." She nods vigorously. "Trust me."

"I..." Jason shakes his head, giving up. He wasn't thinking fast enough tonight to win this one.

"Think fast!"

Jason ducks as a roll of tape comes flying in his direction. Catching it in one hand, he looks over to Phil. "You trying to take somebody's head off or what?"

"Only those slow enough not to see it coming."

"Phil!" Mike wails. "Where did you put that cord?"

"What cord?"

"The orange one."

"This one?"

"That's yellow."

"What about the green one?"

"Did I not say orange?"

"Like... orange orange or more red orange?"

"Orange, Phil! Just orange!"

Phil throws up his arms. "Well how am I supposed to know which one you're talking about? We packed ten more than we really needed."

"Yes, but I want that one."

"Which one?"

"The orange one!" Mike hops offstage and comes up to Phil, taking him by the shoulders and manually moving him to the side. Looking down, he spots the cord he was looking for in one of the boxes. Picking it up, he rolls his eyes. "How about this one, genius?"

Jason grins and wanders back into the small commotion to continue setting up.
Mmm... concert nights. Wouldn't trade them for the world.
He kneels on the floor and begins to tape down some of the cords to avoid anyone tripping over them.
Hey, Hero... bring me that bottle of orange juice, would you? I forgot to eat anything before we came.

Help Teach

Taking another bit of her own food Destiny gives a smile at Chance. The first night meeting him she had been a little worried and on edge about him, but now he didn't seem so bad and for the most part it would seem they got along. In a few days who new how they would feel but for nice it was nice.

"Well I am happy I could help you keep your job than."

Reaching for her drink and taking another sip Destiny continues to watch Chance across the table. Studying him for a long moment, trying to understand who he was. Finally though when she is done with her drink he gaze is broken and she throws her napkin into the tray along with her other paper.

"I don't think I have any where else to go today. Got all the personal items I needed from the store today. Really all thats left at TJY for me is my clothing and other things. I have a few books back there for me too so if you have to do some other work I can sit around and wait."

Moving in tone with the music next to Leo, Cassy lets him move as she follows. Today she had picked a softer song that she new didn't have the upbeat parts. Her knee was hurting from yesterday and it would be best just to take it easy, but a little practice was better than nothing and with Leo she wouldn't want to pass it up.

"Maybe you have out grown that place, not them out growing you. I know you got talent, and I can tell just from helping me practice you still have what it takes. Maybe you could look for positions else where."

Continuing to move with the music but her eyes never leave his. Watching in tune with his own and her's just letting the music carry them as they talked.

"Hey, I might need help teaching class here if you wanted. I know its not actually dancing in one, but you could help produce and than at the end we could even have our own dance number. Different, but it might be fun."

Once upon a time

Chance pauses his eating for a moment to rest his elbow on the table, his chin nestled in his palm as he listens to Destiny. His eyes don't leave her face as he takes her voice in, mulling it over and letting it mix with the words she was speaking.

A little grin forms on his face. A substitute teacher, huh? Interesting. He wasn't surprised to find her parents had been fairly well off and that she'd been close to them. It could be hard living off a substitute job without some other means. What would she do now? He wondered. His grin widens, thinking about stuffed turtles.

Chuckling, he straightens and picks up his cheeseburger again. "Staying alive is definitely an art," he agrees. "Some have a talent for it and others don't. Some can learn it and some can't." He would have a hard time locating all the wounds he'd received from getting nicked with bullets or swiped with knives. Toby had kept him on the force because he'd walked away from situations nobody should have. Shot, beat up, kicked around and thrown off a cliff - all with the result of him being able to walk away on his own two feet.

"I suppose if everybody could do it on their own, then people like me would be out of a job." His eyes seem to smile at Destiny. If she had eyes in the back of her head, he wouldn't need to be here now. Which... would mean he'd be back where he wanted to be at this point, but it hadn't been too unpleasant for the first day so far. And at least it kept him out of Toby's hair.

Chewing another french fry, he glances at his watch. "Guess after this, we'll head back to the house and get the groceries put away. Then we'll go back to base and see what's happening so we can load up anything else we need to bring back to the house... unless you need to make any other stops."

Leo glances over his shoulder to see Cassy disappear, and shakes his head a little before continuing to paint. A few more minutes and he'd take a break. Then he should be able to finish up in no time...

"So I wound up so far down on the list that now I'm running lights." Leo steps lightly beside Cassy, stopping and letting her twirl out to his fingertips then back again as he danced with her. After he'd finished outside, as promised, he had changed shoes and was helping her practice. He wasn't quite as limber in his jeans, but it was good enough.

He rolls his eyes a little at his own news. "Which means for the next four weeks, I get to help with props and wiring instead of practices. I'm thinking maybe they like me there better... and maybe I need to just be satisfied with knowing I was in a few productions once upon a time and leave it at that."