
Did I really?

"Mmmm. Coffee." Pete grins, grateful for the extra boost he needed this morning. "Thanks, Nikki." Returning the quick kiss and hug, he's out the door, walking quickly, but carefully to the car with his coffee. Sliding in over the door, he starts on his coffee before even pulling out...

An hour later, Pete is skidding through the door at TJY onto the main floor. He didn't know how he'd made such quick work of going home, showering, dressing then getting over here. He'd had to skip breakfast but he did that about half the time anyway.

Wandering down the line of cubicles, he enters his own that was beside Katie's. He usually kept to himself, so it wasn't strange for him to be fairly quiet as he got started. Turning on his computer and trying to get his bearings, he sifts through some paperwork and tries to figure out if he was supposed to be out on the street today or back here again. Lately, things seemed to be shifting around again, from Hal moving to full-time security, to Con doing more of the in-custody watchdog tasks, to Gunner doing more investigative work. Oh, well. Pete didn't always like being on the street anyway. Sometimes it was nice to just spend some time back in the office.

As his computer boots up, he leans back in his chair, putting his hands behind his head. He might go and check on Trey in a bit... see how he was doing. If he got enough work done, maybe over lunch, he could...

Pete's mind snaps back to the subject of Nikki. If she called, they might do lunch, depending. His eyes stare at his computer screen that was awaiting his password, but suddenly, it was as if his brain had gone completely blank. He'd been in such a rush to get here that he hadn't stopped once to think about yesterday or last night.

"Holy crap..." The words slip out without him realizing it. One evening... just one evening with an old friend and all of a sudden, they were an item. Just like that. Boom. No getting to know each other again... no spending time together first... no nothing. Just totally and utterly spontaneous.

He blinks, talking aloud to himself as the new wave of shock hits him. "Did I really kiss Nikki Keller?"

Leo manages to smile the best he can, letting himself see the humor Cassy did. "Yeah... always wanted to play the part of a raccoon. I just didn't know how painful it would be."

Aiming for the door, he walks slowly. "I don't know... anything is alright with me, really. We could go to Mom and Pop's for a pizza if you want."

Holding the door for Cassy, he eyes her as she passes him to exit onto the sidewalk. Another little grin quirks the corner of his mouth. "And by the way..." He'd been wanting to say something for a long time and now he could. "Whatever you always use on your hair smells amazing."


Being woken up softly but abruptly at the same time Nikki sits up and gives a blink for a moment completely forgetting where she was and that she had even fallen asleep on the couch. Keeping Pete talk though Nikki gives a jump standing quickly though looking at him. Slowly thought everything comes back to here and the smile spreads on her face. She must have been so comfortable she didn't even know she fell sleep.

"Oh yes, yes...hurry before you late Hun. Sorry...I didn't even know I was that tired."

As Pete gets ready to leave Nikki hurrys into the kitchen and grabs one of the throw away coffee cups pouring a cup for Pete and adding a little sugar and milk. Meeting Pete in the hallway she hands him the cup.

"Here your going to need this. Its an automates coffee pot my mom always sets before bed. I'll call you a little later. Have a good day."

Leaning into Pete Nikki gives him a kiss and a hug before closing the door behind him. Leaning against the door the smile stays on Nikki's face as her heart thumps before she moves again ready to start her day.

Hearing Leo in the outer area Cassy opens the bathroom door her hair still damp and the small of soap following her out. A nice tshirt and jean that were clean was her attire.

"Hey there. I'm ready as long as you are, you came at just the right time."

Coming closer Cassy gives Leo a once over, before doing it again and than leaning in for a gentile kiss.

"You look amazing, even with two black eyes."

Cassy gives another smile showing she was just teasing Leo a little bit but not to be hurtful. She was just trying to make him feel better, but she did mean it he did look a lot better than he had this morning.

"So where would you like to go to lunch today?"


Pete grins and grabs the remote. "Sounds good to me. I wanna know what happens, too."

Settling back while keeping Nikki in his lap, no more is said regarding their affections, but it's okay. Maybe there were some questions, but as far as Pete was concerned, he would learn as he went and not worry so much about the whys of it all...

...Pete's eyes crack open and roam the room that seemed to be familiar, but it didn't feel like where he was supposed to be. There was light coming in through a window... sort of a warm glowing light, resembling that of the morning sun.

Pete's eyes fly all the way open. Morning. "Oh crap."

Throwing off the blanket that he didn't even remember being there, he realizes that Nikki had been snuggled up with him, apparently all night. He didn't really remember the end of the movie - they'd watched the ending again but he'd been so weary and comfortable, that things after that got a bit foggy. Why hadn't Nikki woken him to go home?

Sitting up, he gently rouses Nikki as well, trying not to jostle her around too much, but knowing he needed to be quick about getting home. It was almost seven and he was going to be late for work.

"Nikki..." He pushes her hair from her face. "C'mon, Babe, wake up. Sorry."

Getting her to sit up on her own, he bends down to locate his sneakers before slipping them on, still half asleep and hardly able to tie his laces. Yawning, he tries to wake up. "I'm gonna be late..." Turning around, he givers Nikki's lips a quick kiss. "Call me later."

As promised, Leo arrives at the little studio right on time. He's just as glad no one else is around at the moment... He looked better than he had earlier in the day - a little more alert and his eyes a little brighter - but he still looked like a truck ran over him. At least he'd changed into his everyday jeans and a better t-shirt.

Getting inside, he glance around, walking slowly with one arm tucked around his sore ribs. "Cass?" he calls, "You ready for lunch?"


Being swing around in Pete's lap Nikki found it a little funny though she had no idea why. Maybe it was because Pete was strong enough to lift her without much struggle and did it in one swift movement. Leaning her head on his shoulder Nikkie turns her face to see the credits. Not being able to help it she breaks out in a laugh that last for a few moment before remembering her mom might be asleep.

Pulling away from Pete a little she smiles and gives a shake of her head the laughter still in her eyes easy to see.

"How about we rewind the movie and watch from where we left off. I never saw this one before and I am dieing to know the ending."

Giving another smile and standing walking to the door with Leo Cassy was happy everything worked out. The worst fear today was not what Leo did, but that he would of walked away today and than it would of been over. She was happy it didn't work out that way.

"You were just yourself Leo..thats what you did to deserve me. And thats all I ever want you to be is yourself."

Giving him another light kiss Cassy waits for him to get to his own car before closing the door behind her. She had to finish getting ready for work along with bringing an extra bag of cloths to change into for lunch.

Scratch that

Had they always had some kind of feelings for each other? Pete wondered. He'd always liked Nikki... but in the little sister way. Though he couldn't deny that he did remember while she was in high school that she'd been turning into a very pretty young woman. They'd been just far apart enough in age though that he'd stopped any thoughts before they even had a chance to form. Her, on the other hand... he had no idea if she'd actually liked him more or not. Perhaps she had and he hadn't known.

Chuckling again, his movement jostles Nikki just a little bit as she lays on him. "Okay. I haven't had any better offers lately."

Grinning, he taps her nose with his finger. Rolling over, he would have dumped her right onto the floor, had he not had a firm hold around her. Sitting up, he pulls her sideways onto his lap, wrapping his arms around her. "Shh..." he whispers. "We're missing the end of the movie."

Quirking an eyebrow, he stares at the credits that were rolling. "Scratch that. We already did miss the end of the movie."

"Okay." Leo smiles the best he can under the circumstances. He still hurt all over and he still felt like a loser but... Cassy had a way of helping wipe away those bad feelings.

"I'll pick you up at the studio," he agrees. "I don't work but... I got some stuff to clean up... including myself, I guess."

Once finished with his lip and the bleeding has stopped again, Leo finds himself at the front door again, ready to leave. "Thanks, Cass... for... for everything. I don't know what I did to deserve you but... I'm glad you put up with me."

Run together

Nikkie can't help the smile that broke out on her face, and the lines she new formed at the corner of her eyes from smile as well. Hearing Pete's comment about breathing just seemed to tickle her inside.

"Breathing is so over rated you know."

Leaning on him just a little more she rests her hand one of her arms that was on the back of the couch. Just looking down at Pete studying his eyes and his face. He's changed so much over the years and became even more handsome, yet still the younger boy she once new was still there only matured now.

He's always been there as there protection, and when having a problem they just needed to call on him. Pete had life and new where he was going never looking back, unless it was to make sure they were still following. It was a feeling now that Nikki new if this was really true he'd never leave her in the dust.

"I am pretty sure a feeling like that couldn't be made up in a dream, and this really is us. And tomorrow...I believe the feeling will still be there. I think the feeling really always has been there, but we were so young, and...I think we just didn't see it, least of all understand what it was."

Leaning down again and giving the tip of Pete's nose a kiss before drawing away and smiling she gives a little chuckle.

"I'm willing to try and see what happens, if you are."

A shadowy figure in the door way movies. The smile on Carol's face could light up the dark. Tired but satisfied now she headed to her room. Her mind was at rest, her daughter had found her friend, and maybe more. One thing was for sure though She didn't have to worry about her daughter being along anymore. When her time was up, and God was ready to take her home, she didn't need to hold one.

Cassy gives a chuckle as she continues to clean Leo's lip. Maybe he was right and it was best if he didn't come this once. The last thing she needed was the parents thinking she beat people when they did something wrong. THough she really didn't think she had to worry about it she did understand if Leo didn't want to come this time around.

"Mmmm...Lunch sounds perfect than, and if you wanna pick me right up from the studio that would be great. The other bathroom has a shower in it, so I can just change and wash up there."

Giving a smile to Leo, and leaning in for the soft kiss she makes sure she didn't press to hard. The softness was perfect and it made Cassy feel so good. It was a different kind of good, one she hadn't felt before and she liked it.

"Next time you feel like running just let me know. We can run together because well...you wont have to do it alone."


Without any time to respond before Nikki returns for another kiss, Pete lets her as his arms slide around her gently. Somewhere in the back of his mind, he remembers telling someone something once about not kissing on first dates, and this hadn't even been a date... not really anyway. So where on earth had this even come from and why on earth was he enjoying it so?

He grips Nikki a little tighter as the kiss grows with passion. All the memories from the past were flooding Pete's mind, yet at the same time, all he could see was who Nikki was today... a beautiful young woman with a heart just as warm and bright as it had been when she'd been younger. He could remember her love for life and the way her faith shone through everything she always did, all through school and beyond. And she still had that quality about here. There was still that joy... that peace. Despite any hard times she'd gone through or was going through now, it still shone.

And in this moment, Pete felt the most privileged man alive - to be holding that light in his arms right now, receiving the affection from her, when it was she who shone the brightest.

"Mmm," he murmurs, pulling back a little and finally breaking the kiss. Breathing heavily, he can't help the silly grin. "I gotta breathe."

Chuckling softly, he pushes aside Nikki's hair from her face before his thumb trails down her cheek. "Am I dreaming? Or is this really us? And if it's really us... will this feeling be here tomorrow?"

Standing with Cassy, Leo winces a little as the cold cloth touches his lip, but he lets her clean it and try to stop the slow bleeding.

"I'd... I'd come today but... I probably shouldn't when I look like this. They might think you're one tough teacher."

He laughs at his own joke but winds up cringing at the pain, which made him feel even sillier, making him laugh all the more and then hurt all the more.

Holding his sore ribs, he gives Cassy a wry grin. "I'll do lunch though. I can pick you up if you want."

Searching her eyes, he takes her hand with the cloth for a moment, lowering it from his face and just holding her hand tenderly. He didn't care if his lip hurt. "Thank you... for believing in me when even I don't."

Bending sightly and cocking his head, Leo ignores the pain he's in for just a moment as his lips lightly brush hers for the gentlest kiss, meant only for someone as important as she'd become in his life. "I won't walk away again," he promises quietly.

Always nice

Nikki grins at the comment of not surprising a guy like she had. Giving a small chuckle she was going to say more but stops as he wraps his arms around her wast and pulls her on top of him. All she can do is give a little giggle as she looks down into his eyes.

Feeling his lips against hers again so soft, and much different Nikki's eyes drift shut wrapping her arms underneath him pulling him close to her, and just soaking in this moment. She certainly had not intended this to happen, but how she felt she could not look past it. He made, her heart race, and warm and tingly, it was a feeling she'd been searching for but never found till now.

As the kiss ends the smile spread on Nikki's lips again as she searches Pete's face. Was this to fast? She'd known Pete for a long time, but this was different now, this was more than a friendship, what was this and would something really come out of it?

"Wow...that was....amazing."

Not really sure what else to say Nikki comes back to Pete's lips and brushes them softly before moving her head and turning it the other way and returning for another kiss. Letting it start slow and soft, but with all the feeling she could. She didn't know what Pete though or if he even felt the same. She thought he did, but it just seemed words right now wouldn't come and the only expression was the kissing.

"Mmmm...grilled steak that sounds great."

Giving a smile a little wave Ryan was thankful for her brother and his willingness to be there for her. She was happy they had been rekindled it was like they never left, and to know he was there, it was a good feeling.

"I'll pick up some more beer on my way home, and something to go with the steak."

Cassy smile grows leading Leo into the kitchen again. Going to the one of the draws she pulls out a soft cloth and runs it under some water. Bringing it to Leo's lip she press it there gently knowing it probably hurt, but would stop the bleeding.

"Yeah I do have to go to the studio for a few hours and work on some stuff. I have one afternoon class too at eleven too. Your more than welcome to come with me, and if not than we can meet for lunch at noon."

Cassy did want to spend some more time with Leo, and she hoped he would agree to lunch. This was the start to something new, something she had been waiting for. They were going to walk through this together, no matter how slow of fast they wanted but the good news was...they were together now.

"I'm happy you did come to see me Leo, and I don't think your a bother at all. Your always more than welcome to come along with me. I know you like dancing just as much as I do and an extra pare of strong hands is nice."

...like kissing a sister

The butterfly kisses send a smile to Leo's face, though he winces and then laughs a little at the fact that he can't even smile right now without it hurting. "You're not an idiot," he replies quietly. "You just know how to make me feel good."

His fingers wrap around Cassy's as she takes his hands and he looks down into her eyes, knowing she was telling the truth and knowing that deep down, this is what he wanted too.

Almost chuckling again, he nods. Though embarrassed, it was turning into sheepishness that would eventually dissolve. He'd been stupid this weekend, but Cassy was forgiving and still wanted him. "Yeah...I better take care of this lip. Eli did a good job of it last night, but he's no nurse."

Giving her a rueful look, he glances at a nearby clock. "Well, we can do lunch, but for the next few hours I better leave you alone and not be a bother. I know you got things to do, I just... I wanted to make sure that I came to see you."

"Yeah, okay." Eli knew well enough when his sister was finished talking, and now was one of those times. He lets her go and returns to his coffee to down the last few swallows. He needed to get to work too.

"Maybe I'll grill those steaks we got in the freezer," he suggests. "I'm not going out tonight or anything so... maybe we can just have a good ol' time with just the two of us."

Being drawn closer to Nikki, Pete was surprised, but he lets it happen, unsure exactly what her intentions were. Without warning, her lips are pressing against his and his eyes widen in shock. Blinking as she pulls away, he just stares at her for several long moments.

His voice comes out almost a whisper. "Holy cow..." He may never have had any feelings towards Nikki before, but tonight he could not deny the chemistry that had been there ever since earlier tonight. And now...

Still quite shocked his hand rests still on her head, his hand having stopped moving as he looks at her. This was happening way too fast... right? Sure, they'd known each other for years but... but that was a long time ago. And they'd only spent one, count them - one, evening together. And she was kissing him already?

Pete's heart pounds. If it was so crazy, why did he like it?

"Don't you know you're not supposed to surprise a guy like that?" His voice is quiet so as not to alert her mother down the hall. A grin finally resurfaces as a mischievous spark enters his eyes.

Not giving Nikki any time to think or react, Pete sits up straight, takes her around the waist and slides down on the couch, easily pulling Nikkie back down with him so she's resting on his chest. His hands slide up to cradle the sides of her face and he searches her eyes. There was only one way to tell if there was something more here than the brother/sister relationship they'd had as kids.

Bringing her face closer, he cocks his head, returning to her lips. His kiss was soft and he lets it linger for just a moment longer than the last before drawing away, his head leaned back on the armrest. Nope, it was definitely not like kissing a sister. His gaze fills with question. Did she feel the same way?

Butterfly Kiss

Closing her eyes for a moment and leaning her head into Leo's hand she just soaks up the moment. They were rough proving he worked hard, but they were soft showing he had a gentile side and a lot of love to give someone. Opening her eyes again Cassy gives a smile to Leo at his last statement. See could see his lips was split open again and she felt bad to have made him talk and do that.

"You don't have to use your lips to kiss."

Bringing her hands gently to Leo's face she places one on either side doing her best now to hurt the sore stops. Bringing her face really close to his Cassy tilts her head and lets her eye lashes brush against Leo's cheek softly for a few moment.

"It's called a butterfly kiss, because it feels like the gentile beating of wings."

Pulling away Cassy gently with great care takes Leo's hand in her own as a little bit of color comes to her face feeling completely silly.

"Now you don't have to be an idiot alone, because I think I did a find job of just making myself look like one."

Looking down for a moment at Leo's hand Cassy runs her finger over the cuts and bruses on his hand before looking up at him again.

"You don't have to be scared alone anymore, or hurt alone, we can do it together, and heal our wounds together too. I wanna be there for you Leo, and makes mistakes together and fix them together. When I feel like giving up I want you to kick me in the butt, and when you feel down on yourself I wanna shake you.n I want you to be the other half I've been missing."

Searching Leo's eyes Cassy gives a small smile as her eyes give a twinkle. Despite her pain so much life still lived in them. Life she wanted to share with Leo.

"How about we get a cloth for that lip huh and maybe a little lunch?!"

Leaning back into her brother Ryan can feel another tear coming. His strong arms wrapped around her, a shelter offering her strength. This is where she felt the safest was in her brothers arms.

"Ha, you know who your talking to right? I'm always ok."

Though her voice was a little shaky still Ryan flicks the tears from her eyes. Just some days were harder than others and simply moving through the day became difficult. It was mostly when she was alone, or on her own everything seemed to sink in.

"Thanks Bro for everything, I mean it. If I don't get to work, Its just gonna add another reason for me to cry because I am gonna be jobless. I really have to go. See you at dinner tonight and we can talk more...ok?"

Giving a laugh that makes her eyes sparkle even more Nikki continues to run Pete's arms gently thinking for a moment a hmmm...sound coming from her mouth.

"I...do believe we are. I...kinda like it though, It kinda gives me a fuzzy feeling."

Stopping rubbing his arm for a moment Nikki looks up into his eyes and brings her hand to the side of his face just mapping his cheek for a moment. Before slipping her hand behind his head and bringing him closer to her face.

Biting her lip for a moment she's not sure whats come over her but in the next moment as her heart races her lips press against his lingering for a moment before letting him go. She she be sorry? She wasn't sure how he'd react.