
Did I really?

"Mmmm. Coffee." Pete grins, grateful for the extra boost he needed this morning. "Thanks, Nikki." Returning the quick kiss and hug, he's out the door, walking quickly, but carefully to the car with his coffee. Sliding in over the door, he starts on his coffee before even pulling out...

An hour later, Pete is skidding through the door at TJY onto the main floor. He didn't know how he'd made such quick work of going home, showering, dressing then getting over here. He'd had to skip breakfast but he did that about half the time anyway.

Wandering down the line of cubicles, he enters his own that was beside Katie's. He usually kept to himself, so it wasn't strange for him to be fairly quiet as he got started. Turning on his computer and trying to get his bearings, he sifts through some paperwork and tries to figure out if he was supposed to be out on the street today or back here again. Lately, things seemed to be shifting around again, from Hal moving to full-time security, to Con doing more of the in-custody watchdog tasks, to Gunner doing more investigative work. Oh, well. Pete didn't always like being on the street anyway. Sometimes it was nice to just spend some time back in the office.

As his computer boots up, he leans back in his chair, putting his hands behind his head. He might go and check on Trey in a bit... see how he was doing. If he got enough work done, maybe over lunch, he could...

Pete's mind snaps back to the subject of Nikki. If she called, they might do lunch, depending. His eyes stare at his computer screen that was awaiting his password, but suddenly, it was as if his brain had gone completely blank. He'd been in such a rush to get here that he hadn't stopped once to think about yesterday or last night.

"Holy crap..." The words slip out without him realizing it. One evening... just one evening with an old friend and all of a sudden, they were an item. Just like that. Boom. No getting to know each other again... no spending time together first... no nothing. Just totally and utterly spontaneous.

He blinks, talking aloud to himself as the new wave of shock hits him. "Did I really kiss Nikki Keller?"

Leo manages to smile the best he can, letting himself see the humor Cassy did. "Yeah... always wanted to play the part of a raccoon. I just didn't know how painful it would be."

Aiming for the door, he walks slowly. "I don't know... anything is alright with me, really. We could go to Mom and Pop's for a pizza if you want."

Holding the door for Cassy, he eyes her as she passes him to exit onto the sidewalk. Another little grin quirks the corner of his mouth. "And by the way..." He'd been wanting to say something for a long time and now he could. "Whatever you always use on your hair smells amazing."

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