

Being woken up softly but abruptly at the same time Nikki sits up and gives a blink for a moment completely forgetting where she was and that she had even fallen asleep on the couch. Keeping Pete talk though Nikki gives a jump standing quickly though looking at him. Slowly thought everything comes back to here and the smile spreads on her face. She must have been so comfortable she didn't even know she fell sleep.

"Oh yes, yes...hurry before you late Hun. Sorry...I didn't even know I was that tired."

As Pete gets ready to leave Nikki hurrys into the kitchen and grabs one of the throw away coffee cups pouring a cup for Pete and adding a little sugar and milk. Meeting Pete in the hallway she hands him the cup.

"Here your going to need this. Its an automates coffee pot my mom always sets before bed. I'll call you a little later. Have a good day."

Leaning into Pete Nikki gives him a kiss and a hug before closing the door behind him. Leaning against the door the smile stays on Nikki's face as her heart thumps before she moves again ready to start her day.

Hearing Leo in the outer area Cassy opens the bathroom door her hair still damp and the small of soap following her out. A nice tshirt and jean that were clean was her attire.

"Hey there. I'm ready as long as you are, you came at just the right time."

Coming closer Cassy gives Leo a once over, before doing it again and than leaning in for a gentile kiss.

"You look amazing, even with two black eyes."

Cassy gives another smile showing she was just teasing Leo a little bit but not to be hurtful. She was just trying to make him feel better, but she did mean it he did look a lot better than he had this morning.

"So where would you like to go to lunch today?"

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