
Tell me all your problems!

Giving a laugh at Rick and a wave she mouths thank you before sliding her arm around Carson's wast and walking out of the infirmary with him. Giving a small laugh even though Rick always acted like he hated there affection she could see the glimmer behind his eye.

Stopping before getting into the passanger side of the car Misty looks over at Carson for a moment thinking. He must be talking about Justin.

"Oh, thats Justin...He's trying to help Scott. He's a councilor but not really. He only takes certain jobs when other options dont work. He seems like a nice guy and if he's trying to help Scott than thats a plus."

Looking up from her desk Angelica gives a smile as Reese enters and sits down. She always liked when he came to see her even if it was just for a little peace and quiet it was still nice to think he found that with her.

"Well I guess that would be simple to answer because you have so many different kinds of people who work here that not everyone is going to mesh well. Not that its a bad thing we just have to learn how to give a little with everyone because they are all so different."

Leaning forward on her desk a little Angelica watchs Reese as he sits in the chair across from her. She could see the stress on his face and she felt bad for him.

"How about we get out of here for an hour and have some lunch? It might do us both some good! What do you say? Than you call tell me all your problems!"


Rick turns to look over his shoulder, one eyebrow quirked at a peculiar angle. "Please... please go," he begs. "Before I throw you two out."

Carson stifles a laugh and kisses the top of Misty's head before pulling her towards the door. "We can't go against doctor's orders."

"You always do when you're injured," Rick mutters.

"What was that?"

"Nothing, nothing. Go on. Get out of here."

Still grinning, Carson aims down the hall with Misty until they've made their way outside and into the parking lot. Pausing before getting into his car though, he looks at her with question. "Who was that guy talking to Sapphire?"

"Oh, sure." Justin nods readily. Looking around, he spies a notepad and pen in Sapphire's cubicle. "Ah. Here." Taking the pad, he makes a quick job of the directions which were really quite simple. "Here you go. When you get there, they'll stop you at the gate and take your name and ask what your business is. Just tell them you're visiting a patient and they'll let you in."

Handing her the paper, he smiles. "I'll see you tomorrow then."

"Knock knock." Reese lets himself into Angelica's office after he hears her voice. Sinking down in an extra chair, he sighs deeply. "This is still the quietest spot in the building," he muses.

Rubbing a hand over his face, he lets out a little groan. "Can I not have just one day where someone is out to kill somebody else? I mean really... is that too much to ask?"


Stairing up at Carson Misty smiles before looking over at Rick for a moment and than back at Carson.

"As long as Rick doesn't need me I have some over time I need to cut so I could. So going to the last sounds great."

Turning and going over to Rick Misty smiles at him sweetly already knowing more than likely he would say its ok with out her looking extra cute.

"Rick do you mind if I extend my lunch a little so Carson and I can go up to the lake? If not thats ok we will just smooch here in the corner."

Sapphire gives a nod to Justen happy she had asked if she wanted to see Scott. If he hadn't she probably wouldn't have gone on her own to nervous.

"Ten o'clock I can do that, with mountain dew in hand."

Giving a nod and starting to turn Sapphire stops before remembering she really didn't know where this place was.

"Just you wouldn't happen to be able to draw me a map would you? I'm not sure where I am going."

No substitute

Carson grins and puts his keys in his pocket, waiting patiently for Misty to finish. He nods to Rick but doesn't interrupt the work he's doing either.

Leaning back against Misty's desk, he waits until she's done. As she comes to give him a kiss, he automatically draws her close, smiling as he kisses her back. "Mm... amazing how much I can miss you in one morning."

Straightening up, he slings an arm over her shoulders. "If you can get away long enough today without getting fired, I say we go up to the lake. I'm so sick of Italian food I gotta have something else."

Justin shakes his head slightly. "Scott and food aren't on speaking terms just yet." He smiles and is quick to follow up with positivity. "But morning would be great. And... if you want to bring something... go for his favorite. I have yet to see him turn down a can of Mountain Dew."

Looking towards the door, he gives Sapphire a little nod. "How about ten o'clock? I'll meet you in the parking lot and we can go to Scott together, alright?"

He cocks his head a little again to see her eyes. "We'll do it together, okay? And I promise... no matter how tough it might get... good will come of tomorrow. There's no substitute for love."


Looking up from her desk as Carson enters Misty smiles. He was right on time like she new he would be. Today the restront was closed so when it was like that he was rarely later.

"Your on time, and this time I'm not ready. Give me like five seconds here."

Misty gives a little chuckle looking down at her paper work Misty writes a few more things down, before glancing over in a book, some photos and than writing a few more things down again before closing the file.

"Ok, I think I am ready now."

Standing Misty comes around her desk to Carson and wraps her arms around his neck planting a kiss on his lips.

Giving a nod Sapphire shifts a little and things for a moment. Tomorrow that was sooner than she though but she really didn't have much going on.

"I have off tomorrow and am not doing anything till later in the evening so I could meet you there in the morning."

Thinking again for a moment Sapphire cross her one arm over her chest and holds onto her other arm. Looking away for a second and than back to Justin she gives a small smile.

"Should I bring anything? Maybe some breakfast or something?"

She was trying really hard here she wanted to be close with her brother because she did love him, so many if she brought something he would see she cared.


Dani manages a smile and she nods again. "Six sounds good." She chuckles. "Pick up some ice cream too."

Letting him go and heading for the door, she turns around one more time, just studying him for another moment. "See you later, Dalton."

Exiting his office, shes only walked a few strides before bumping someone's shoulder. "Oh, I'm sorry, I-" Her eyes fall on her brother and she backs up, now even more startled. "Carson, I... I... oh."

Carson's eyebrows rise as he reaches out to steady his sister. "Whoa. What's your hurry?"

"No... no hurry. I just..." She puts a hand to her head as a terrible feeling comes over her. "I have to go. I was just here seeing Dalton."

Carson grins. "Well I assumed that much." He cocks his head. "You alright?"

"Yeah." Dani smiles "Yeah, I'm fine." Her whole brief plan to go see him later vanished. "Still want me early in the morning at the restaurant?"

"If you can make it."

Dani nods. "I'll be there with bells on."

Carson laughs. "Alright. I'll see you then." Watching his sister walk away, he got an odd feeling that something was just... peculiar about her. But shaking it off, he continues his route to the infirmary to pick Misty up for lunch.

Justin nods with confidence. "I think it would be okay. There's still gonna be pain on both your parts - I won't tell you it's gonna be an easy visit. But the ice has got to break sometime and... I think he's ready to see you. Nothing much but... he's been alone quite a bit and I think it would do him some good."

He's quite for another moment, taking this whole thing nice and slow. "Do you want to meet us up there tomorrow, or is that too soon?"

One of those days

Cocking his head a little and feeling his cheeks turn slightly warm from the kiss Dalton gives another smile to Dani. He could tell something was different today though not sure what he figured it was just one of those days, though it did put a little confusion in him, he let it pass.

"I think I'm starting to be in a better mood alright because you here."

Bringing his hand to the side of her face and gentile running her find along her cheek Dalton thinks for a long moment on her question.

"Well after work I'll stop by the store and see what I can pick up for dinner, so how about six? I don't think that will be to late."

Sapphire gives a short nervous laugh. She was happy Justin didn't think it would do any harm for her to go see him felt good, but Sapphire still had the little bit of doubt.

"Well what if he dosnt want to see me? It'd hurt more having him send me away? He wasn't all that happy with me the last time we talked."

Stopping and thinking again Sapphire did miss Scott very much and she would like to see him again. She'd be nervous but maybe it would do them both some good.

"If you think it would be ok...maybe I would like to come and see him. I'll just get over my nerves."


"Okay..." Dani nods. If Dalton still felt up to spending time with her after whatever it was had happened, then she wouldn't deny him that time. Since Carson wasn't around anymore, the evenings were quite lonely if she wasn't with Dalton.

Being drawn into his arms though, Dani stiffens for the first time. Her own tension confused her and she forces herself to wrap his arms around him anyway and rest her head on his chest like she always did. "Maybe by the time we part tonight you won't be a bear anymore."

Backing away a little, she stands on her tiptoes to give him a peck on the cheek. But looking up into his eyes after she'd come back down, she just stares into them for the longest moment as if something just wasn't right. "Um, I... I think I'm gonna go stop by and see Carson sometime later... so... what time you want me at your place?"

Justin puts his hands behind his back and cocks his head at Sapphire, sorting through all the things he saw on her face... in her eyes... and what he heard in her voice.

His own voice comes out slow and non-threatening. "How about... you let me take the responsibility for deciding if it would be wise? I wouldn't ask you to come if I thought it would do harm. You yourself are not a visual trigger, so I have strong doubts that seeing you would do anything more than help Scott see that his sister still cares."

He pauses, letting her process what he was saying. "I won't let you do it alone, ya know. I'll be there. But it's entirely up to you."

Big Bear

Hearing the tap on the door Dalton lets out a sigh wondering who it was no coming to bother him. But as the door opens and he sees Dani a small smile forms on his lips. This was one person right now he didn't mind seeing.

"I am happy you did stop by, seeing your face is always nice."

Standing from his desk Dalton comes around to the other side stepping over the bits of the stapler, he'd pick them up in a little bit. Reaching out to Dani he pulls her to him as gently as he always did. Nothing could bother him enough that he would ever hurt Dani.

"As long as your don't mind spending time with a big old bear I'd like to still have dinner with you. I think some cuddle time might do me good."

Hearing her brother was doing ok made Sapphire smile a little more, though she caught the look in Justin's eye that things were going as well as he hoped. Any good news was important though and it was better than reporting bad news. At least now she had a little something of hope to report to her parents.

Coming back around in a full circle on Justin's comment about her going to see Scott she things for a long moment. It would be great but, would it be a good idea?

"Oh Justin it would be wonderful if I could see Scott but...I don't think it would help his recovery at all. I think I should wait till he's better. The last thing I want is for him to see me, and think about Gage and throw him into a fit or something."

Never would Sapphire do anything to harm her brother and the though of many showing up and seeing him but a little damper on things. The last thing she wanted to do was make Scott worse, and seeing her...well that could defiantly do it.

Strange sensation

Justin is a little surprised when Sapphire stops him. He'd figured nobody would want to talk to him today, but maybe he was just feeling sorry for himself. Overcoming his personal feelings, he halts his route to talk with her.

"Hi there." He smiles gently. "Your brother is doing as well as can be expected." Searching Sapphire's eyes, he finds the same sorrow he had the last time he'd been here. He had to give her something positive... he just had to.

"He's responding to me well and we've talked a lot. We're also starting to touch on the Agency data." Talk had been less than productive and they'd barely even tried with the data, but it's all Justin had.

Continuing to look in Sapphire's eyes, he wonders if his next suggestion was even wise. "Would you like to come see him sometime?"

Chance scoffs at Destiny's implication. "You kidding me? A princess is a title earned, not a ticket to be a brat." A grin remains on his face. "Unless of course, you're going to buy enough things that we'll need to call in another officer to help carry everything. In which case, I would gladly watch and see how they do it while I hold doors for them."

Dani fumbles with one hand inside her purse as she tries to drive and find her ringing phone at the same time. It didn't work very well, so by the time she finally retrieved it, she sees she's missed a call from Dalton. Grumbling to herself, she's just about to call him back when the voicemail tone rings. She might as well listen to the message. Hearing his voice, she smiles, but his message made her wonder what had happened.

Stopping at an intersection, she finishes listening to his message. Odd. What was with the stapler? Had it been an accident or on purpose? If it had been on purpose, what had been the cause?

Her thumb hovers over her phone's buttons, but as she glances down the street, another thought comes. She'd been out running errands and had been on her way home. But TJY was right close, and if she turned left here instead of right, she could just go see what was up instead of relying on another phone call. Besides, any excuse to see Dalton was a good one.

Flipping her phone shut, she continues driving until she'd reached TJY. Making her way inside, she passes Sapphire and a man she didn't know, but she nods politely before heading for the hallway. Stopping in front of the office door, she finds it a little strange that it's closed all the way - Dalton usually kept it partway open.

"Dalton?" She taps on the door and opens it a little ways to peek inside. Seeing he was alone, she smiles and lets herself all the way in, leaving the door slightly ajar.

"I was out and about when I got your message a few minutes ago so I decided just to drop by and..." Her voice trails off as her eyes drift to the floor to see bits and pieces of metal, plastic and staples. Her expression shifts and she looks back to Dalton quickly. It had been on purpose, and apparently with quite a bit of force to have broken the stapler that severely.

"Um..." Her thoughts seem to have completely left her and she falters for a moment, not really even sure why, but quite suddenly, she could feel herself suppressing something in her mind that she didn't want to see. It caused a little lurch in her stomach and she clears her throat, trying to shake whatever the strange sensation was.

"If... if you want to have supper back at your place, that's fine with me." She nods. It wasn't about where they went anyway - it was just about spending time together. "Or..." Her eyes drift to the mess again, then back to Dalton, a strange new timidity in her voice that she didn't even realize was there. "If you don't feel like supper at all, that's okay. We can do it later this week."


As the door is closed Dalton's refelxs kicking as he takes it out on a stapler that was next to him. Flinging it across the room with his own short yell it hits the wall with a loud tump shattering into many peaces.

Going back to his work Dalton tried to concentrate but it just didn't work. Thinking for a long moment and weighing the options. Picking up the phone he dials Dani's number waiting for her to answer but only getting the voice mail.

"Hey Dani, I was wondering if you'd like to do dinner at my place tonight instead of going out. I know you were looking forward to it but I already busted up a defenseless stapler I'd hate to break anything else. Just let me know and we can figure out something to make. Thanks, talk to you soon."

Destiny lets out a playful gasp as Chance turns down carrying her bags. Giving him a side long glace.

"But...You said so yourself I'm the princess doesn't that mean you do have to carry them?"

She wasn't sure why but it was fun teasing Chance maybe because he teased a little back too, but whatever it was it did help her smile even if she was terrified on the inside of doing anything. She was just good at covering it up and making the best of it.

Looking up from her desk and seeing Justin Sapphire gives a small smile and a wave. Standing and exiting her cubicle she makes her way over to Justin not wanting to make him coming back over to her side when he had just passed.

"Hey Justin."

It was good to see him, and Sapphire was happy to see that he was still hard at work to help her brother and hadn't given up yet.

"It's nice to see you again. Hows my brother doing?"