
Your time

"Sounds good to me. Take care and see you soon Dylan."

Giving a smile and turning to leave Ashlee gives one last glance over her shoulder before slipping out the door softly shutting it behind her. Walking into the kitchen again Ashlee stops and looks at her mom for a second before going over to her and giving her a big hug.

"Thanks for letting me see Dylan for a little bit."

Stacy wraps her arms around Ashlee and gives a smile. Her daughter was growing up so fast in front of her it was hard to think soon she would be gone. So much time had been gone by. It sometimes felt like just yesterday Stacy had help Ashlee in her arms at the hospital. She sure would miss her.

"You're very welcome sweetheart. I figured right now the best thing for Dylan was to have his friends around. You have a good heart, I new I could trust you to make a judgment call."

Dalton gives a thoughtful not to Scott as he leans forward on his desk. He understood Scott's fear. If he was in his place he might even feel the same way. But Dalton also new about how much Hope cared for Scott and something told him she'd wait forever to him because her heart would never belong to anyone else and she'd never regret a moment.

"Just give you and Hope time. If will go the way God wants it too."

Hearing Scott mention working again a small smile spread across his face. He couldn't wait for when Scott could come back to work. It was always fun when Scott was there. He seemed to fill the down time with challenges to each other and just talking. That was what Dalton missed the most.

"Work will come in time and when it does, your desk is still waiting for you along with your name plates. Take it slow, maybe one day a week or something but only when you think your ready. Don't push to fast were are not going anywhere and will always be waiting. I know Reese will offer your job."


Dylan glances down at Ashlee's hand, finding her touch as surprise. She really did care, didn't she? He wasn't sure why. He'd hung out with her a bit... tried to be nice to her too... but why did she feel strongly enough to come see him today? If he were in his shoes, he'd be a bit leery of someone like him after what he'd been into. But not her. He'd suspected she had a bit of a crush on him, but there was more than that to her. She wasn't shallow. No... she was a pretty smart cookie. Maybe her mom had something to do with that.

Looking back up at her, he nods. "Okay." He knew in a couple more days he'd be well enough to get back outside and start trying to rebuild a routine again. A thought strikes him that Ashlee's birthday was supposed to be sometime around here. Had he missed it? He didn't know, but didn't think he should ask.

"I'll see ya around, Ash. Thanks... for coming to see me."

Scott was grateful for Dalton's offer and he knew that probably he'd take him up on it at some point. He wanted to try being alone again. He wanted to give it his best shot. But he also knew that it wasn't going to be easy. He trusted Justin thought, and if he said it was time, then he'd try.

A half a smile emerges and he nods about Hope. "Yeah... I just... she's willing to go slow, but I'm not sure that it's headed to anything more than this," he admits. "I mean... I miss... what we had and all but..."

His face reddens slightly. He hadn't said this to anybody, and his gaze lowers. "But I guess I'm not so sure I'll ever be ready for that again. I just don't want to string her along or... or keep her waiting forever if I'm... if I'm never going to get to that point again."

He bites his lip and dares a look back up to Dalton. "But there's a lot of things I'm not so sure of. Like working." He runs his hand along the desk's edge. "I'm afraid of days of doing nothing. The Elite is... well, they're taking care of me, ya know... since I was on a case when all this started. But I don't wanna get bored. My mind wanders too much."

He eyes the computers. "But I'm not sure I can handle doing anything but nothing."


Dalton gives a nod as he listens he thought Scott was doing better and maybe being on his own was good. The most important thing though was if Scott could think he could do it. There was a look of determination in his eye now and Dalton new He was going to try his best.

"You might still have somethings to work through but than again we all do too. If you're by yourself Scott and you ever need someone you know you can always call me. Even if its just to sit with you. I don't mind at all. After all your my little buddy and its never a dull moment with you. Who else can I talk computers, and codes with."

Hearing that Scott had been seeing Hope a little a new smile spread across his lips. Even if it was only as friends that was a great start and Dalton was happy that there was still a friendship there. He wondered though if Hope was disappointed there wasn't more there.

"Oh on her end maybe there is a little bit of sadness but I bet thats overruled by the pure joy she has that she gets to at least spend time with you and be friends. Hope's pretty understanding, and I know she cares enough about you to go as slow as you need again."

Dalton offers a smile to Scott and gives a small nod. He new maybe it was hard for him but Dalton new everything would work out. They had so far and now Scott was here and doing a little better than he was for sure.

Continuing to smile Ashlee sways back and forth a little bit her hands folded in front of her. She didn't feel very awkward but she did feel a little sad. Dylan looks so hurt laying there in bed though she'd been told it was a lot better than he had been looking it still made her slightly sad. Though she wouldn't let the look slip through. She didn't want to make Dylan feel worse anymore than he was feeling already.

"Once a friend always a friend. I could never dream of leaving when you needed friends the most."

Reaching out and laying her hand on Dylan's for a moment Ashlee new her visit was short but it was going to be over soon. Dylan needed he sleep, more time to recover and if she was there it probley wouldn't happen. She just didn't feel ready to leave yet. She felt like there was so much more to say but she wasn't sure how to say it.

"I'm proud your fighting through this keep up the good work. I'll be waiting for you when you can brave the out doors again ok?"


As Dalton returns to his desk, Scott wanders forward a little to continue the conversation, but not wanting to invade. It felt strange, knowing that this wasn't his own office too.

"Wow... that's great." He'd wondered about Dalton and Dani and was glad to know they were still together and doing so well.

What had Scott been doing? He shrugs as his eye wanders the office. "Not much. Just, um... trying to reintegrate myself I guess." It wasn't like it was a secret he'd spent a year in a mental hospital. There was no point in acting like he hadn't. "There's been a guy from Brookshire staying with me. Brian. But Justin's been talking to me this last week about me trying it on my own. I... I still got some problems, ya know?"

He pauses, studying the computers for no real reason other than he was too embarrassed to look up at Dalton yet. He shrugs again. "I've been seeing Hope a little bit though. Not dating or anything - just hanging out. It's been good, but... I think she's disappointed."

Dylan was just setting aside his empty plate and sliding down a little in bed when Ashlee enters. He couldn't help it that he was surprised. First, that she'd want to be here, and second, that her mom had let her. "Hey..."

Accepting the card, he runs his finger over the colorful picture, feeling rather undeserving of Ashlee's efforts. It wasn't like he had the flu. He was here because of his own stupidity. Did she know that? Most likely. She was smart enough to figure it all out.

"Thanks..." He nods and looks up at her with appreciation. "You're pretty artistic. That's cool."

Keeping the card with him, he lays his head back in his pillows, still turned to see Ashlee. He knew he must look awful. He felt rather awful still. Not as bad as he had, but he had no desire to get up and do anything.

Studying his friend for a moment, a new kind of feeling descended. Guilt. He'd run away, he'd gotten into bad stuff, he'd got himself hooked on drugs, and he'd tried to hide it from everybody, including her. That made him a pretty lousy friend.

He swallows hard and drops his gaze. "Look, um... I... thanks for... for still being my friend, I guess. I mean... after all this."