

Just listing to Travis Angel wished she could take away his pain and make things easier for him. She new this whole thing was so messed up and his world really was flipped. Did she have good words, or would it make it worse.

   "You always have other options Travis. You are old enough to decied what you want in life. No matter if its here, there with your mom, or somewhere else. You can take all the time you need too. Just because you are here for a while, dosnt mean you cant leave, and even if you go back with your mom dosnt mean you cant leave again too."

Angel falls quiet again searching his face and thinking about what had happened a few days agos. She didn't want to pry, and she new it wasn't her place but she wasn't one to really hold things back ye either.

   "Nothing will probley be the same anymore. That's life. We all have our story here, we all gave traveled rough roads, and we have all been lost...even me. But here we are..we all had to move forward and not stand still. You are far to young Travis to let your life stop..agency, danger, long lost family. Don't stop living, dont forget to enjoy the road. Do what you want to do with life, and not what everyone wants you to do. This is your story...so dont hesitate to write it."

As Garret opens his eyes again and the cloth falls to the floor Maggie is quit to put it up and get another one. Hearing him talk to her she smiles just a little and gives a nod of her head. She had been there this whole time. Even after Nate had told her he'd take over for a little bit she had insisted to stay. 

   "Uh-huh...I have to make sure you get better, I have to make sure you are already. Nate said it was my job to keep the cloth on you. I cant let you die...you are the only friend I've got."

A tear rolled down Maggie's cheek. It was hard for her to tell when something was serous and when something wasn't. Even when Nate and Laura got sick it was hard on her. The only thing she new was when she was sick, she had to go to the hospital and it was bad, she always was in danger of something worse happening...it was just hard for her to see the difference. 

Standing there for a few moments longer Adison considered what Kirk was saying. Who was she to just roll over when someone pushed her. She didn't want Kirk in trouble, but he said he didn't care already. She hated it but she couldn't give in and just accept someone treating her like that.

Leaving the water cooler Adison walked straight to Tod's desk and leaned on it glaring down at him. She was in no mood for messing around.

   "I've changed my mind. I'm not going on a date with you tonight."

   "Soo...you want me to tell the boss than about the paper work?"

   "I dont care who you tell Tod, but so help me..."

Adison leaned in closer to her that fire that had been in her eye before was still there, she was mad and she was done with games.

   "...If you ever dare to black mail me, or ANYONE else into doing something they dont want to do my fist is going to be shoved so far down your throat you wont be able to talk again."

Turning and leaving his area Adison went back to her own. She didn't care who had heard, and she didn't care what people thought. She was done!


At first, Garret wasn't even sure what Maggie was talking about. He was sick, someone hadn't hurt him. Wait. Have all of what? He furrowed his brow, trying to think through the fog. 

Oh. The scars. 

His lips almost formed a wry sort of smile. "If I told you about each one, you'd be here all day." Seeing the worry on her face though, he softened just a little. "Don't worry your head about all that." He sighed. "They're scars 'cause they're old... Which means we can forget about them." 

In reality, each one had memories connected to it. Some injuries had been received on assignments. Bullet fire from who knows where. Knife wounds from close combat. The list was long. Then other wounds had been received from people he was supposed to trust. Superiors who were trying to teach him a lesson. He'd been punished for mistakes. Punished just to keep him hard. Left to fend for himself and see if he could survive. Yes...each scar had a story. And some stories were too painful to be talked about.

Without realizing it, his eyes had fallen shut again as his body forced him into more sleep. He drifted in and out all morning, barely remembering when Nate came to check on things, or when Laura came to take his temperature. By lunchtime, his fever had finally lowered some - enough that at least he was out of the dangerous range. 

Prying open his eyes once again, he rolled onto his side, accidentally dumping the cold cloths on the floor. He looked a bit groggily at Maggie, though his mind was much clearer than earlier. Why on earth was she still sitting here trying to take care of him? Surely she had plenty of other things she'd rather be doing. "You still here?" 

Kirk frowned and tossed his own cup away before setting his hands on his hips. "Of all the... Tod's a jerk," he stated flatly. "I don't care if I get in trouble. I'm already in enough that a little more won't hurt. Don't let him bully you into doing something you don't want to do." 

No matter what he said though, he knew Adison had a mind of her own. He could tell her all he wanted to that it was stupid, but if she wanted to keep Tod's mouth shut, then she'd probably wind up going just to try and handle this thing. "He's a trouble maker and that's all. Just..." He sighed and rolled his eyes. "Just don't go if it bothers you. It's not worth it." 

Shaking his head, he respected her steering the conversation and moved on. "Oh, I'm in over my head with a case downtown. I skipped over some red tape and now the D.A. has gotten involved and they're blaming me for some tampered evidence." He shrugged. "It'll blow over. I've dealt with worse. But now he's got the whole Elite case and he's in a rotten mood, which doesn't help things." 

As someone walked by, he stepped back, then glanced at his watch. They shouldn't stand here too long lest they both get in even more trouble. "I'm not worried about it. I'll be fine. You, on the other hand..." He headed back to their office space and walked backwards as he talked. "...need to tell Mr. Jerk Face to shove his threats where the sun don't shine." 

Travis sighed deeply and wandered over to an extra chair where he sat down - carefully. He was pretty sore after all the walking around he'd done today. "Dad...you know he talked to me this morning. Told me more about the whole history of him and this place and the Agency and all that. Tried to convince me he'd done the right thing by keeping it all a secret." 

He shrugged lamely. "I'm mad he didn't tell me I had family, and I'm mad I never knew our lives were in any danger. But I get it. I won't turn my back on him for it, I just need some space til it all sinks in." He paused and chewed on his lower lip. "But now I don't know what to do. My mom and I aren't getting along, my dad is probably gonna stay here and...I have no other options. He said I can stay here too but... I just got here, ya know? I don't really know any of these people. Seems like a nice place and all but... but I was just abducted, beat to a pulp, and brought to a strange place. Last I knew, I was gonna live with my mom, get a job and figure out what college I wanted to go to next year. Now it's all...upside-down. My whole life totally changed within a week's time. Done. Nothing is the same." 

He knew it was a mess and his thoughts were all jumbled up. But he didn't know who else to talk to. "I...I don't belong here. But...I don't belong anywhere else either."

The Barnes

Hearing Garret's voice Maggie sits up and gives a small smile. She wondered if Garret would remember when they had talked about yesterday. She new he had been tired, and out of it.

   "A promise is a promise, so as long as you keep your end, I have too."

Reaching out and feeling the cloth once more Maggie takes it off Garret before getting another one and replacing. Before putting it on him again though she takes note to all his scars. She couldn't help but wonder about them all, and why someone would hurt him so. It didn't make sense to her, and it made her a little sad.

   "What happened that you have all these? Did someone hurt you?"

Putting the cloth back on his she looked at him with serous eyes. She new so little about him, but cared so much. She was so important to him without even hardly knowing it. Her the wheels in her head turned searching his face.

Hearing the commotion from Barne's office Adison could only guess things were not going well with Kirk in there and she felt so bad. He'd tried, he really had and he had done his best. That's all anyone could ask for  but sometimes that wasn't even enough for the boss.

Getting to the water cooler and tapping the side of the jug Adison didn't answer Kirk's question right away. He new her to well for her to hide anything from him, at the same time though she didn't want him to feel bad for what was going on. She had her own free will, and it had been her own fault those papers hadn't been signed. She should of been paying more mind to her work.

Finally letting out a sign though and giving a quick glance around to make sure no one was in ear shot she she spills it all. She can't help the tone of anger in her voice, not for Kirk, but for Tod.

   "I forgot to sign some important papers yesterday, and Tod blacked mailed me to go on a date with him tonight and he wont tell the boss about them. I agreed because if I didn't and Barne's questioned me it would lead back to you and you'd get in trouble for having me help with your case."

Stopping to take a breath she lets it out and takes another sip of water before throwing the cup in the trash can. This whole thing with Tod really was bothering her more than it should. She should just deal with it, go on the date and be done with it. But for some reason it did bother her and she felt like Tod was going to get the wrong impression or something.

   "I just need to suck it up and get it done and over with, but its really bothering me. "

Looking to Kirk again she was sorry she was rambling when he had his own problems that were probley far worse than her own.

   "So what were you and The Barnes yelling about? Seemed heated."

Looking up from her desk Angel smiled at Travis. Seeing his look she new something was up and she could guess it had something to do with the conversation he had earlier with his dad. She felt bad for both people involved. But she would always listen with open ear, and offer any advice she could.

   "Of course you can. What's going on?"



Laura melted into Nate's arms and just buried her face against his chest, soaking up his embrace. "I don't have a lot to do with it. She's amazing...all on her own." Hearing some more muddled words coming from the room, she bit her lip to keep from laughing again. Glancing up at Nate, she grinned. "That sounded more like German this time. I wonder if he's giving away Agency secrets." 

In reality, Garret didn't even realize he was talking much at all, let alone in other languages. Something felt off, though. Different. The room had a different feel to it all of a sudden. He cracked his eyes open to find Maggie sitting beside the bed again, and he sighed deeply. Out of everybody he'd met so far, she was the most mind boggling. "I kept my end of the deal," he mumbled. "Did you?"

It was nearing lunchtime, and there had been no sign of Kirk all morning. Someone thought he'd been called out on a case, but no one was quite sure. Eventually he made an appearance, but went straight to Barnes' office where the door was closed. Voices rose so loudly that agents at their desks lifted their eyes in surprise, but no one dared interfere. Kirk emerged, his face showing tension as he barely managed to shut the door behind him without slamming it. Going to his own desk, he flopped down in the chair and stared at his computer's screen saver. Only after he'd calmed down did he dare a glance over to Adison. Something wasn't right there, either. 

Standing again, he headed for the hallway, purposely passing by her desk on the way - she'd know he was aiming for the water cooler. Once there, he did grab a cup and pour some water just to keep himself busy and not be accused of slacking off. When Adison arrived though, he leaned back against the wall and closed his eyes. "Looks like you've had a fine morning," he commented dryly. "Can't be Barnes though - he's using all his energy up on me." He opened one eye. "Anything I'm not supposed to know?"

Unable to get much of a word in, Travis blinked at Ashlee and just gave a little wave. "Goodnight..." When she disappeared inside, he couldn't help a short laugh as he shook his head. He knew what she'd meant to say, and thought it was rather cute that she'd gotten so flustered. 

Wandering back towards Angel's, he suddenly realized just how tired he was. It was easy to fool himself into thinking he felt perfectly fine, but he wore out so quickly that it was obvious he still had a few days worth of healing to do. The question was...what about after those few days? 

Getting into the office to aim for his temporary bed, he stopped short, not having thought Angel would still be here. "Oh...hi. I was just...gonna call it a night." He started for the side room, but then stopped and turned around. "Hey?" He paused and looked at the floor. "Do you... have a couple minutes? I just... I need to talk to someone other than my dad."


Once Kirk was gone Adison went out to her car and grabbed her extra set of work clothing she kept there for emergency. Going back inside she was showered and grabbed some of the cereal Kirk had in the pantry before putting her hair back neatly.

About fifteen minutes later she was pulling into work. She wondered how Kirk was making out and hoped maybe he was having a better day. Going inside and slipping past Tod's desk she hoped he had not noticed her. Sitting down Adison let out a breath.

   "Late again?"

Rolling her eyes Adison turned to see Tod standing there. Would he ever get the point of leaving her alone. What was his doing watching her every movie.

   "Tod, you do know that's creepy right?"

   "It's not my fault I had some paper work I needed you to sign."

   "Why do I have to sign it?"

   "Because you forgot to yesterday."

   "Oh well...I'm here now just give me the papers and I'll do it."

A grin formed on Tod's lips as he held up the papers and looked down at her. The wheels in his head turning.

   "I haven't told the boss you forgot....I figured I'd save you the lashing. But...I could tell him, unless you go out with me tonight."

Just staring at Tod a fire of anger burned in Adison's eyes. Was he really blackmailing her? If he didn't agree the she new Tod would tell the boss, she would get in trouble and than Kirk would be outed that she had been helping him. If not for her sake, at least Kirk's she had to agree.

   "Fine...I'll go out with you once...but you better not try anything or I'll break your jaw. Now give me those papers so I can sign them."

Hearing she could help Maggie left the room and came back pulling her saucer chair. Putting it next to the bed she made sure it was in arms reach. Looking to Garret and than Nate and Laura her face was very serous.

   "Make sure the cloth stays cold. Got it. I can do it."

Reaching out and checking the cloth Maggie feels its still cold and sits back in her chair and waits...watching Garret with intent eyes making sure she didn't miss anything.

Nate looks to Laura and smiles leaving the room. Once in the hall he pulls her into a big hug and kisses the top of her head. He helped her so much with himself, and with Maggie too. 

   "She is turning into quit the young woman. Thank you for being such an amazing roll model to her."

   "Well...You can help by keeping me company..that's always nice too."

Getting to the bunk Ashlee didn't feel tired but she new she better rest. If Travis was going to help in the morning she didn't want to be crabby. Looking at him she smiles.

   "I'm happy I helped make your day better. Tomorrow its a date...well not a date date....GAH...you know what I mean. I gotta go before I look like even sillier than I do. Have a good night Travis."

Walking up the steps her cheeks felt like there were on fire. How dumb she must have sounded. Why did she have to correct herself. He problem new what she originally meant and now it was awkward. Oh well, what was done was done and tomorrow was a new day.

Wrong Impression

Kirk came back to grab his bag and keys, and slipped his wallet in his back pocket. "Tell them if they don't get that hot water fixed soon, an FBI agent is gonna show up at their door." 

He grinned and tossed Adison a wink. "Stay as long as you need." Opening the front door, he paused to glance over his shoulder. "Oh - I gotta do laundry, but there should be a clean towel in the hall cupboard. Help yourself to whatever." 

Stepping outside, movement caught the corner of his eye and he realized an elderly woman was peeking out her own front door. Her scowl was enough to kill someone. Kirk just grinned. "Good morning, Mrs. Trindelmire." 

She peered over her glasses and shook her head at him. "You ought to know better, young man," she reprimanded. "Disgraceful."

"But Mrs..." Kirk let his sentence trail off as she disappeared and slammed her door shut. Laughing and rolling his eyes, he just continued his route to his car. She was a dear woman...who had a very wrong impression about his relationship with Adison. He admired her conservative nature, but if she'd turn up her hearing aid, he might be able to get through to her that even if Adison spent the night, there was nothing else going on. 

Once in his car, he slipped on his sunglasses and turned up the radio. This day...was going to be interesting. He honked the horn as he pulled away, knowing Adison would hear it. And it made him smile. 

Laura thought for several long moments and gave Nate a leery glance. Would it really be okay to leave Maggie in here? What if she startled Garret? What if he reacted like he had with herself? Would Maggie be able to recover from something like that? But last night, she'd seemed okay with him. And he wasn't fighting them this morning - he was too out of it. 

She looked back at Garret with sympathy in her eyes. Nate trusted him enough to have him in their home. She needed to afford him the same. So she would. If anything happened...they'd deal with it. If Nate thought there was any chance at all that Maggie would get hurt, he wouldn't have even considered this an option. 

She finally nodded. "It's okay with me." Her eyes went to Maggie next. "When the cloth isn't cold anymore, take it off and put it in the ice water. Take one that's already in the water and wring it out, and put it back on him. That's all you have to do, okay?" She smiled. "And if you need any help at all, or you think Garret needs help, just holler." 

Hearing his name, Garret managed to partially open one eye. What exactly was going on? He couldn't remember ever feeling quite so hot. But whatever they were doing to help sure felt good. He thought he said, "Thank you," but when Laura chuckled, he gave up. 

Laura put a hand to her mouth - she couldn't help it that she thought it was funny. "He's not speaking English right now," she explained to Maggie. Maybe...that was a good thing. They might not want to know what he was saying in his state of mind anyway.

"I...would love to help with chores," Travis agreed. "That is...if I can." He glanced to his wrapped arm - and didn't mention his ribs. "I could probably help with some feeding at least." He liked horses a lot and always loved helping his dad whenever he spent time with him at the cattle ranch. This would be fun. 

Walking back with Ashlee, he followed her lead to where she and her mom lived, and stopped at the bottom of the porch steps. Turning to her, he smiled. "Thanks. My day was kinda crappy so this was nice. I'll, um...see you in the morning then?"

A couple bunks down, Dylan sat stretched out over the top step of his own porch. He'd seen the two walk by and had seemingly gone completely unnoticed. Where had they been anyway? Not that it was any of his business, but he found it a little interesting that Ashlee seemed so drawn to the newcomer. Travis seemed alright enough, but what was so intriguing about him? He shrugged it off. Ashlee was nice to everyone. 

To worried

   "Depending what happens maybe you will be able to mend some bridges. It's just a shame people cant get to know you like I do. They'd see you have a heart of gold."

It was the truth. Though work was most important to them both it just took some time to see deeper with them. Kirk had a big heart. Once you became his friend you were a friend for life and he'd give his own shirt off his back for you. Adison new one day a lady would be lucky enough to catch him.

   "Oh...I need to get into the office soon myself. I might take a shower here after you leave though. My hot water at home is still not working. I'll see you at the office in a bit though."

Doing as Laura said Nate followed her direction. He new how to take care of someone who was sick but she was better at it. He was so very proud of her for all she was doing for Garret. He new how hard this was for her, and yet she did it anyways. How strong she had become over the years, and he was so proud to call her his own. The saying "Behind every strong man was a good woman" could not be more true in this situation. 

Hearing someone was going to have to change his cloths in and out Nate just stood there for a moment. He did have some work he needed to do, but he didn't want to burden Laura with that task right now. She was still dealing with all that happened yesterday.

   "I can do it."

Maggie peeks her head in the door having been listing as she wanted to check to make sure Garret was ok. She didn't have school today and it was pretty cloudy out to play. Not to mention she was to worried about Garret to do anything fun.

Nate looks to Maggie, than Laura and back to Maggie. Well if they kept the door open he'd be right down the hall in the office if she needed anything. Not to mention Maggie just had a way with Garret. Something about there interaction was just different, and it showed just how much of a heart Garret had.

   "I don't have any issue with it if Laura thinks its ok too. I'll be right down the hall. What do you think?"

Looking at Travis and his offer she chuckled a little. In no time he'd know this place like the back of his hand. It was easy to get around once you made landmarks, and new where everything was. He was pretty smart she could tell, so she had no doubt he figure it out.

   "I'd like that, and I don't mind leading...at least this time. But next time..you better know where you are going."

Sliding odd the log she waited for Travis before starting to walk again. It wouldn't take long to get into the main yard again so she wasn't worried. Not to mention her mom was around somewhere keeping a look out. That made her feel safe as she new how good her mom was at her job.

   "So I know you are not a morning person, but I think I would like to get to know you better. Would you like to help me in the barn tomorrow? I have to feed the horses, and clean some stalls. Not the most glamorous job but I like it."

Special Someone

Kirk just grinned and shook his head at Adison. He was glad she was comfortable enough here to just fall asleep and not think a thing of it. If ever asked, he'd have to admit it was kind of nice to have her around as much as she was, and...in the back of his mind, he always knew if she found that special someone, this would be over. So he needed to enjoy it while it was here. 

"Yes, I do know you, there's nothing to be sorry about and yes, I finished my report." He patted her leg before standing and going over to his desk to print out his papers. "It is what it is. I was honest on all sides, and even though I wasn't directly asked for a recommendation, I slid a few little ones in here and there. So...I think I've done all I can." 

He gathered the printed pages to put in his work bag, then retrieved his own cup of coffee that was half gone by now, from the table, and returned to stand by the couch. He took a slow sip and sighed. "So...that's that." His fingers tapped the mug absentmindedly. "I put Mike Reese through the wringer yesterday." A frown emerged. He hadn't liked using that tactic on the man. "I know I'm good at it, and I don't mind it when we're trying to get intel from a criminal, but..." He shrugged. "I don't think Reese has done anything wrong intentionally, and I just...don't like the person I am when I do that to someone. I'll be lucky if he ever even acknowledges me on the street now."

He downed the rest of his coffee and took the mug to the kitchen to rinse it out. "I gotta get going," he called over his shoulder. "If you're not ready to go, just stay then lock the door when you leave - I don't care." 

Feeling a kiss to his forehead, Garret's eyes flew open, and his face gained such a look of confusion, one might think the world had just stopped. What had that been for? Too tired to ask, he just watched the two leave before drifting off again. What a strange, strange world this was... 

Early morning. Garret was barely aware of his surroundings. Though having slept hard for several hours, the rest of the night had been spent tossing and turning and kicking the blankets to the floor. His fever had not broken, but had worsened, leaving him hot and even more lethargic than the night before. 

Laura stood near the doorway with Nate after helping check on Garret, and she shook her head. "He's burning up...we need to do something different." She was still a bit shaken up from yesterday, and she'd needed Nate's strong arms last night as she had cried, but today was a new day, and as long as Nate was close by, she was okay for now. She could do this...Garret needed them. 

"Come on." She led the way to the kitchen and had Nate help her prepare a large bowl of ice water, then grabbed a couple hand towels from the bathroom. Back in the bedroom, she set everything to the side. "Help me get his shirt off." 

Garret didn't like being touched, but something inside of him knew that he was to the point he couldn't do this on his own. He knew he needed help, and though in a fog, his good sense understood that fact. For now, his fight mode was shut down. 

Getting him to sit up, Laura let Nate help him get his shirt off. She hadn't known what to expect, but when she saw the scars, she sucked in her breath. What had this poor man been through all these years? She'd caught sight of a scar on the back of his neck before, but she had no idea it went all the way down through his shoulder blades. It was accompanied by various smaller scars from who knows what. His chest and sides were no different, and Laura recognized some scars to be from bullet wounds. It looked as though he'd been through war...and her compassion grew. 

Recovering quickly, she pointed to Nate. "Lie him on his back. We're going to cover his head and chest with these cold cloths." 

Garret didn't resist as he was sat up, moved, put back down, and a thermometer was slipped in his mouth. His eyes slit open just enough that he recognized Nate and Laura, but he really wasn't quite sure what they were saying. He opened his mouth to respond, but whatever he said didn't sound quite right.

Laura caught the thermometer before it was spit out on the floor, and she almost giggled. "I could be wrong, but I think he just said something in Russian." She shook her head as she looked at the temperature. "Somebody needs to sit with him and keep changing out these cloths to keep them cold at least until his temperature comes down a little." If she had to, she would, but she wasn't so sure she was ready to be left alone with him again. 

Travis turned a little so he could see Ashlee better, and cocked his head. She really had a nice depth to her thinking. There was a lot to her - he could see it already, even if they'd just met. 

"Well... I'll be around for a few more days until Angel's happy at least. So... you have a little while to get to know me." His smile returned. "After that..." He shrugged. He wasn't yet ready to voice to her what was really going on. And that was he now had the choice of staying here. Living here. And he had no idea what to do. 

Realizing it was starting to get dark, he sighed. "Can I walk you back to your bunk?" He chuckled. "Or I guess since I don't know which one is yours, technically you'd be leading me, but I can pretend."


Opening her eyes slowly to the sound of Kirk's voice Adison squints in the sun light. Had she fallen asleep on Kirk. As her eyes focus and a smile spread across her lips.

   "I'm not sure if you or the coffee smiles better at the moment."

Moving to sit up Adison takes the coffee from Kirk and smiles her fingers brushing his for just a moment. Taking a sip she closes her eyes again for a quick second. 

    "Do you know me, or do you know me. Thank you for the coffee. I guess this morning I wont make you cook for me."

Work was not far away and she new she still needed to get dressed and ready too. It was a good think her own apartment wasn't far from his. Pulling the blanket off and taking another sip of the coffee before streching and looking back to Kirk.

   "Sorry I fell asleep on you. I hope you got your report done ok,"

Just watching the fire flys as the spotted the night with light Ashlee felt content. Even with having someone there she just felt comfortable. Setting her hand down next to her, her hand brushed Travis and she withdrew it quickly not know what else to do. She gave him an apologetic look. She didn't want to offend him.

   "The city is nice, but I don't think I'd want to live there. Maybe a small town, or here, but not the city. I like the quiet sometimes."

Quiet again to listen Ashlee let Travis talk. She could always sense his confusion, and maybe even a little hurt. She felt bad for him. He seemed like such a nice guy.

   "An undiscovered road can be fun sometimes. Scary but fun depending who you travel it with. When my mom an I first moved here I was scared, I didn't know what to expect. Than when she started dating Eric I was scared too. Ever since I was born it had just been me and her. I never new my dad, and I didn't know what it would be like to have someone else in her life. I hurt some people on the road to trying to figure it out but, I mean so far it turned out ok. I hope..."

Ashlee looks at Travis again and smiles.

   "...I hope everything for you will turn out ok too. All in all...I think its been nice having you here..even if I dont know you all that well yet."

Ruffling his sisters hair he nodded at Garret. Maggie sure was something and he loved every bit of her. She brought so much joy into his life, and from time to time even had something to teach him. Nodding at the door he started walking twords it stopping and waiting for Maggie.

Getting up from the beg Maggie smiles at her brother and than looks to Garret. Placing a hand on his shoulder she leaned over him and put a kiss on his for head and patted his shoulder lightly. Turning to leave the room she just looked back at Garret one more time before exiting the room.

Closing the door behind him Nate exits as well walking along side his sister. Putting his arm around Maggie he pulls her in closer.

   "You did good you know that?"

Looking up at Nate Maggie smiles though her eyes still held worry.

   "Will Garret be ok?"

   "He should be sweety...you just keep on him about eating, and taking those meds ok?"