
One fish, Two fish

Sitting comfortable on a couch in the rec room with Sarah Beth holds a book and reads to her. It was only a Dr. Seuss book but she looked so content just reading to her.

"One fish, two fish....red fish, blue fish. There is no yellow fish though. They diffidently should have put in a yellow fish don't you think?"

Giving a smile is was a real genuine smile. Beth could read the same book over and over again every day and she wouldn't mind. Being with her sister was something she loved, and being able to just let her listen to her voice so Sarah new she wasn't alone Beth wanted nothing more.

Feeling someone watching them Beth looks up and to the door. Seeing Justin she knows he was done with Scott and that meant they would be going to the pond now. It was always hard to say good bye to Sarah but there was always the promise of seeing her tomorrow.

"I just need to bring Sarah back to her room. Than I'll be ready."

Standing Beth helps her sister up and walks slowly to the door with her. The look on Sarah's face was blank like normal. The life once found in the girls eyes had been whipped out, and no movement caught them, no wonder of the new people entered. But non the less Beth stops in front of Justin and gives a small smile as she holds her sister hand.

"Sarah, this is my new friend Justin. Justin this is my sister Sarah."

Giving a laugh and putting her arm in return around Chance's wast Destiny leans into him. She couldn't help but find humor in the face that Toby kept Chance busy. Ether he was good at doing more than one thing or Toby really did dislike him and want him to quit.

"Mmmmm...I a hot shower and than snuggle with you to watch a movie sounds like a perfect ending to a great day."

Getting into the SUV Destiny waits for Chance to join her before she buckles up and slips her sandles off just while she sits in the car. Leaning her head back to rest against the seat Destiny lets out a small content sigh. The day had been a good distraction.

"You get to pick the movie this time though, I got to last time."


"Okay." Justin nods in agreement, not overenthusiastic, but enthusiastic enough for Beth to know he was glad she'd said yes. He was proud of her for not only recognizing that she wouldn't return if she left now, but that she was brave enough to overcome it and stay to force herself to go with him later. "I'll find you when I'm through with Scott."

Movement out of the corner of his eye catches his attention and he turns to see Scott a ways down on the sidewalk, standing and looking towards them as if trying to figure out if it was Justin or not.

"Speaking of which... that's my cue." Justin stands up and looks to Beth one more time. "I'll see you later then." Clicking his tongue to the dogs, both stand and move to his heel, ready to follow.

Ambling down the walk, he approaches Scott, offering a smile of encouragement. "Hey. How are ya?"

Scott shrugs, his eyes so weary. "For being up sick half the night I guess I'm okay."

"Good. You ready?"

Scott swallows hard, hesitating. He looks around Justin to see the young woman going the other way. "Girlfriend?"

Justin chuckles. "Hardly." He tries again. "What'll it be today?"

Scott bites his lip, trying to decide. "Matching game."

"Okay." Justin would neither argue or push. "Let's head over to the table."

It was the same routine as before. Starting out, Scott had difficulty focusing again, and Zora chimed in like a trooper when she was needed to snap Scott out of his ramblings of data.

Scott turns over another card, in the lead as far as matches went, but sweat poured down the back of his neck and his stomach churned. Another face stared him in the eye and he fights as hard as he can not to let the data spew from his mouth. Staring to speak, Justin cuts him off.


Scott blinks and looks to Justin before he could react to the data. "What?"

"Fruit. Or whatever your pleasure. Next time you turn a card over and I speak, I want you to say the first word that comes to mind - not in regards to the data, but in relation to what I'm saying."

Scott swallows and nods. He knew Justin was trying to help him divert the data by thinking of something else when he saw the images. Reaching for a card, it's a man who he's now seen several times on the cards. He opens his mouth, but again Justin cuts him off.


"Uh-" Scott falters and closes his eyes, trying to focus. "Bed."

Justin smiles. "Very good."

A new card.


"Hope." Scott swallows hard.

Justin helps him move on quickly by taking his turn with the cards. This time it was a blonde woman. "Sky."

"Agent four three seven, class-"


"Class two-" Zora barks, making Scott jump.

Justin repeats himself. "Sky."

"Freedom." Scott lets out a slow breath, trying not to get sick again.

An hour later, the table was empty once again. Scott eases down on his bed, lying on his side and closing his eyes. Jenny was going to bring him some juice and crackers in hopes he could keep it down, but he had his doubts. The second session with fighting data had exhausted ever fiber in his body. Clutching his pillow tightly, a tear escapes to dissolve into the cotton fabric. He wanted a hug.

Justin takes a deep breath, trying to regain his own energy after sitting with Scott for so long. Each time Scott didn't have an episode, Justin was relieved. He knew that his tiredness was nothing compared to Scott's though. And though he'd like to go up and make sure Scott was okay, he knew his job for the day was done. Jenny would have to handle it from here until tomorrow.

Heading down the sidewalk, Justin shifts his mind to concentrate on the rest of his day. There was more ahead and he needed to be alert for it too.

Keeping a firm hand on Danitza and Zora's leashes, he heads into the other building where wards were kept under a higher security than where Scott was. After inquiring at the desk and getting approval for his dogs, he wanders down the hall, until he'd reached the quiet rec room.

Standing in the doorway for a moment, he finds Beth and just waits, watching her interact with her sister.

Chance rolls his eyes at Destiny's comment. "The work Toby gives me is always really odd. He likes to throw me the leftovers - stuff nobody else wants to do." A wry grin surfaces. "I guess I don't mind though. Keeps me on my toes. Would you believe he's got me going on three different things at once, even while I'm here?"

Shaking his head, he stands up with Destiny, stretching and yawning. "Sounds like we had quite a productive day," he muses with humor. "I don't think I'll report all this to Toby - he might not think I'm busy enough."

Grinning, he slings an arm around Destiny's shoulder to lead the way back to the SUV. "I'm thinking we might have to stop and grab a movie to watch tonight."

"That's the second time this week." Reese shakes his head in bewilderment. "We've got them cornered, pinned down, everything is set, we get there and they're dead."

"I know." Wyatt throws up his arms in frustrating after having just returned from an assignment to arrest someone they knew was Agency.

Reese paces his office, racking his brain. "But why?"

Wyatt shrugs. "Maybe the Agency wants to make sure they don't talk."

"So they kill their own men before we get to them?"

"It's the only thing I can think of."

"But then... how do they know we're getting close?" Reese searches Wyatt's eyes. "I would stand behind any man or woman in this department, you know that."

"But it sounds like we have a mole."

Reese grits his teeth. "Impossible. There's got to be some other explanation."

"Like what? Twice now, we've finally gotten leads on actual Agency men. That in itself is a feat but we're learning how to track them. And twice, they've been dead before we get there. Somebody knows what we're doing and what our plans are. How else would you explain it?"

Reese sighs deeply. "There's only one person around here that would be feeding the Agency information so they could kill their men to keep from talking."



"What are you gonna do?"

"At the moment? Nothing. We're going to wait until we have another lead, then watch him like a hawk. He'll hang himself if we give him enough rope. And Wyatt... don't tell anybody about this."

Won't come back

Eating her ice cream while Chance was on the phone Destiny's eyes scan the area. Doing her best not to listen in he was there after all so she could hear his conversation. Nothing thinking much of it other than it being work and sounding a little strange Destiny just lets it go till Chance sits down once more.

"Sounded like quite the conversation. Toby has you doing some ether really odd work, or exciting I haven't figured out what one I would choose yet."

Giving a chuckle and scraping the rest of her ice cream out of the bowl Destiny gives a grin to Chance before standing and throwing the bowl into the trash and than returning to the table.

"Well, we went for a dip, I baked in the sun, we had something sweet, I think the only thing life is going home and just relaxing."

Trying to give another little smile Beth straightens a little just resting her head on Zora's head. Breathing she trys her best to keep herself calm. It was going to be ok. To anyone else this would be so minor, but to Beth this was one great step.

Hearing Justin mention about having to see Scott still Beth thinks for a moment about her options before she looks at Justin.

"If I go home I won't be back still tomorrow. I can go visit with Sarah for a little while longer, and you can....come get me when your done?"

Beth didn't mind spending more time with her sister it would be nice really. Maybe she could take Sarah for a walk, or take her to the recreation room for a little while.

And gym socks

Chance grins and stands up, eating the rest of his ice cream cone before dialing his cell phone. Pacing a little by the table, he still keeps an eye on things while talking. "Hey, Toby... yeah, yeah, I know I should have called earlier. What? Yeah, things are going fine. Everything is in place and going smoothly. Mm-hmm."

He nods and paces a little more, glancing to Destiny then back out to the street as he listens. "I was wondering about that. Jut gonna find the right time and place, ya know? Yeah, I'll let you know. Hey, is my desk still empty? Thank you."

Turning around, Chance wanders beside the table, to the curb, then back again. "Yep, I got those files. I'll shoot them back to you tonight. Give me the list of other things you're working on and I'll start on them too. Okay... yeah. Bye."

Hanging up, he sinks back down in his chair and sighs. "Okay. Now that that nasty work is done... what's up next, princess?"

Justin is very surprised to hear Beth actually considering joining him to go fishing. He hides it though, not wanting to make it seem like a big deal. Hearing her stipulations, he turns to look at her, a warm grin spreading on his lips.

"No counselor." He holds up his right hand as if swearing an oath. Even if the other day his intention had been to be a friend, it had come across as a counselor and it was obvious now she felt that way. He would be more careful, no matter what he really wanted to say to her. "I promise. All I want to do is catch my supper."

He nods. "The dogs can come. They'd disown me if I didn't bring them along anyway."

Beth's last request makes him laugh. Not at her though. "I wouldn't ask my own mother to ride with me. My pickup smells like dogs, fish and gym socks. I would highly recommend you bring your own car and yes - stay as long or short as you want. If you want to fish too, it's a private pond so you don't even need a license and I've got extra gear."

He cocks his head, studying her eyes. She was scared, but she was saying yes. There really was hope there somewhere.

"I gotta see Scott and that'll take a little while. If you wanna go and come back in an hour or two, we can leave from here, or you can stick around. Up to you. The pond's about half an hour from here."


Beth gives a laugh and shakes her head a little. Chance's way of doing things was different but it had his own flair to it and Destiny liked it. Having your own plan in her eyes was better than trying to follow someone elses.

"I don't mind if you call. I think I'm to busy enjoying this ice cream to pay attachen to you conversation anyways."

Shifting a little to make herself more comfortable Destiny takes another bit of her ice cream continuing to saver the tast. After this who knows when she would have ice cream again.

Having Zora lay her head in her lap Beth's hand moves to the dogs soft fur. Just petting her head and rubbing her ears it seemed to calm her nerves a little. Though she was still a little up tight.

Hearing his last comment Beth continued look at him, thinking, and processing his words. She guessed he was talking about swimming still but to here there seemed to be something else hidden in there, and it brings a sudden warmth that startled her.

"I...don't know."

Knowing Justin himself couldn't swim all that great kind of made Beth feeling good to know she wasn't an odd ball for not knowing how to swim. Looking down at Zora while still petting her Beth continues to thinks. She had an odd feeling that seemed to build inside of her maybe doing something differnt would be...nice?

"I'll go...but you have to promise not be a councilor, only.....a...friend. And if you can bring the dogs too."

Beth looks up as there was still a fear in her eyes but there was something new there too. Maybe a longing to have someone who would talk back to her. Beth was far from ready to open up, and dust the shadows from her path but maybe Justin's words the other day had, had a chance to sink in a little and make her think.

"Can....can I drive my car as well? So when I want to leave...I can?"

Just in case

Justin cocks his head as he listens to Beth, a little surprised that she talked as much as she did. Was the swimming factor really the reason or just another good excuse? He wasn't sure. Nor was he sure why she almost seemed more nervous today than she had before. He remembered the first day they'd met... she'd been bold enough to speak first, give him a bad time about the baseballs, and seemed pretty confident. But the longer Justin saw her and spoke with her, the more timid she grew. Was it him? Had he done something wrong again?

Studying her eyes as she turns back to him, a new possibility enters the equation. Could it be that she was growing more nervous because she was getting closer to opening up? Perhaps in the beginning, he was not a threat to her. But now... if somewhere down deep she really did want to be friends, perhaps that's what was so scary to her and what made her nervous. That would explain why the position in which she sat was one of calm confidence... yet her voice and eyes portrayed fear.

And yet... why was Justin even still trying to figure it out? Had he not decided to let the whole thing go? He had all the facts now and had opted to just let Beth go whatever way she chose and not push or pull in any direction. But for some reason, sitting with her here again, he just couldn't ignore what he was seeing.

Another smile emerges. "Well, I'm not exactly a dolphin myself when it comes to swimming. Fortunately, the pond I go to has a shelf that goes out at least ten feet from the edge and it's only about a foot or two deep... not a whole lot deeper than a bathtub."

He shrugs and lets his hand fall down beside the bench to scratch Zora's head, giving her a subtle nudge. She gets up and looks at him, nuzzling his hand a little before ambling over to Beth and setting her head in her lap.

"Besides... that's what I'm there for. Just in case a foot slips off the edge."

Destiny's words make Chance smile, though his chuckle that comes out isn't quite as hearty as it had been before. "Wouldn't Toby be mad to actually see someone appreciates my work?"

Suddenly, his face falls. "Oh, crumb. I was supposed to call him today. He's going to have my skull."

Biting into his cone, he rolls his eyes. "I guess he'll just have to wait, unless you want to endure listening to me call him from here."

Can't swim

Feeling Chance's fingers slip of hers Destiny moves her own fingers to wrap around Chance's. It felt good having him there, and knowing they were close.

"I know I'll be ok as long as your in charge."

Giving a smile to Chance Destiny pushes some of her hair behind her ear. She was happy Chance did well at his job in keeping her safe, she was also liked just knowing them had a bond even if it was for a short while it was still nice.

Letting out a long sigh she turns back to her ice cream to take another scoop eating it. The cold sweet liquid seeming to melt away the stress for now.

Continuing to just sit there Beth looks across the yard but was still listing Justin. It was going to be a nice day out. The sun always shined but Beth never enjoyed it, except for walking outside to get to where she was going. Sometimes she missed feeling the sun on her skin.

Just letting the silence continue to linger Beth was thinking more than normal. About her sister, about her, about what Justin had said the other day, and now about him again. He did seem nice, and he was always so kind to her, but why did Beth always feel so scared.

"I...I don't know how to swim."

It sounded like another excuse but really this time it wasn't. Beth didn't know how to swim and maybe being around water wasn't the best.

"I never went swimming before, and...I don't think the bath tub counts."

Beth gives a tiny laugh finally turning to look at Justin. Her own nerves were a ball right now, and in a way it felt so hard to say as much as she had already. Her thought bouncing all over.

"My day's been ok too."

Angelica gives a smile and a nod of her head. She was thankful Reese was going to help her. She wouldnt bock at Reese saying if Trey got into trouble they would have to keep him confined. She understood completely and agreed.

"I have no problem with that at all. I just keep hoping that he wont cause any trouble for us. Thank you again Reese this means a lot."

Knowing he had more work to do Angelica new to keep it short. Give smile a smile she turns to head back out of the room calling over her should.

"I'll see you for dinner tonight."

Second try

Chance move his attention to Destiny, smiling a little as he takes another lick of ice cream. "Only thing you need to worry about is yourself and getting through it. I'm there so you don't have to worry about everything else."

He gives her a wink. "It'll all be fine."

He didn't have much else he could say. He was sorry she had to go through her parents' funeral. Despite her being so strong and able to cope, it was still hard and still a very tragic way to say goodbye to the people who raised her.

Sliding his hand across the table, he rests his fingers on top of hers. "I have this very strange feeling that you're going to make it, Destiny Rose."

Joined by Beth, Justin offers her a gentle smile as always, watching as she took the initiative to pet the dogs on her own today. They responded with wagging tails and licking her hands, though they remained lying down as they'd been told to do.

Justin shifts a little so Beth has enough room, and follows her gaze into the yard as she speaks. He grins at her mention of the bench though. Maybe she really didn't mind his presence after all.

"Oh, my day's been alright so far," he responds. "Just waiting here a while... thinking... letting the quiet keep my nerves where they should be."

He pauses, glancing up at the passing clouds. "Gonna be another good afternoon to go fishing. Caught enough bass for supper last night, maybe I can do the same today."

Glancing to Beth, his tone had not changed. "Wanna come along?"

Looking up from his desk, Reese pauses what he's doing to listen to Angelica. He nods with satisfaction. "Good. Then we don't have to send anyone down there. I'll be curious to find out if he was a willing party or not."

Thinking a moment, he nods again. "Yeah, I'll make sure he's got a place here to be kept, but I don't see why some of his stuff can't stay with you. How we keep him here will depend on his attitude - I know you know that. I'll go as easy as I can, but any sign of trouble or attitude and we'll have to keep him comfortable but constrained."

A little joke

Taking her helmet and slipping it onto her head Ryan waits a second before pushing it down all the way. It was rare she rode with her brother but once and a while she liked it.

"Mmmm....How about we grab something to eat? I think Chinese sounds pretty good to me."

Ryan gives a grin to her brother. She was always in the mood to eat, yet she was active enough to lose it before she gained it, another trate picked up from there father no doubt.

Pushing her helmet down the rest of the way on her head Ryan was ready. It was a nice day out and she new the ride would be a nice one.

Taking a scoop of her chocolate mint ice cream Destiny looks at it for a moment just sitting with Chance. Finally picking it off the spoon she savers the taste a moment before saying anything. It had been some time since Destiny had, had ice cream and it tasted good.

Finally turning her head and looking to Chance Destiny study's him for a long moment. The detraction had been nice but she couldn't help that her mind had come back to the same topic of tomorrow.

"So how is everything going to go down tomorrow? I guess it would be important to know so I don't mess something up."

Destiny gives a small chuckle trying to make a little joke out of it. It seemed easier to give a little laugh about it than to just sit and be so serous.

Heading out of the hospital Beth talks the walk down the sidewalk twords the parking lot. She'd been in earlier today to see Sarah. Stopping at the bench like normal seeing Justin she wondered if she would see him today or not since it wasn't her normal time.

"Your here early today. I didn't think I'd be able to see you today."

Looking down at the dogs she gives a little nod to them before bending down to give there heads a pat.

"Good Morning girls. Here to help out again today huh?"

Sitting down on the bench next to Justin Beth stretches her legs out and cross them at her ankles. Drawing quiet for a moment Beth just looks out across the yard.

"I was going to sit here, if you weren't here already and keep it warm for you for a few a little bit. But your here...so..now your keeping it warm."

Thinking again for a second Beth felt so awkward, but yet she sat there. She liked talking to Justin even if it was hardly about anything. There was really something different about him no matter how she tried to tell herself differently.

"How....has your day been so far?"

Knocking on Reese door Angelica waits for him to answer before opening the door and entering softly closing the door behind her. Coming to Reese desk she gives him a smile.

"I know your busy so I wont take long. I just wanted to let you know Trey is being put on a plane Saterday, and he should be here Sunday night about seven."

They are going to ship some of his belonging here as well, and I figured since we don't have to much room here I could at least keep some of his items at my place and give him the stuff he really needs.

Strange new knot

Chance laughs and nods. "Oh yes, a hidden talent. It's buried with all the rest of them, brought out only for special occasions."

Grinning a little, his eyes drop as he thinks for a moment, almost as if losing his train of thought. Standing up though, he's back up and going again. "Alright. Ice cream it is then, before someone finds out I've let you out this long and has my hide."

It doesn't take long to gather their things, dress and get back to the SUV. Finding a nearby ice cream shop is easy, and in no time, Chance is sitting with Destiny at a little table outside the shop, shaded by the table's umbrella. He licks his chocolate ice cream cone, his eyes roaming the street as cars go by. His mind was now dwelling on tomorrow and if things would go smoothly at the funeral or not. He knew his job and knew the plans that were in place. After the last couple days though... a strange new knot had formed in his gut.

Eli nods with satisfaction. "Alright then. We're set to go." Cleaning up a little bit around the car, he grabs his helmet and tosses his sister's to her. "Not often we've got the same day off, let alone you riding with me - anywhere you want to go?"

...It was a warm morning. Justin had arrived at Brookshire to find out that Scott had been sick in the night and wasn't up yet. He would wait though, instead of taking the journey home just to come back again.

Sitting on the familiar bench, he has the dogs lie down next to him so the three relax and wait. Justin's mind was far from relaxing though. All night he'd wrestled with what to say or do or not say or do around Beth. There seemed to be no clear answer. No clear direction.