

Jeff smirks a little, but his eyes give away a teasing glint. He would just about bet anything that Hunter drove fast whether he was racing or not. But as long as he was doing it safely, Jeff was glad Katie could at least have some fun. And he certainly wouldn't tell on them. 

Hunter's own expression had turned a bit sheepish as he concentrates on his sandwich. Katie's comment though snaps his gaze back up. "I have you know that my pants never have, nor ever will be smart." He taps his head. "All those brains are mine." 

Jeff chuckles and rolls his eyes. "Case in point." 

Hunter just grins and takes another bite of sub, giving Katie a silly look. 

It wasn't too long before everyone had finished their subs - not long enough, if it was going to end their time together. But as Katie clears up the leftover trash and goes to find a garbage can, Hunter takes advantage of staying in the room alone with Jeff for just a few moments, hoping for an open door to talk to him. 

Seated in the chair, he studies Jeff, cocking his head slightly.

Jeff catches his eye and wonders what's going through the young man's mind. "So... what do you think of the ranch?" 

"I like it." Hunter's response didn't take much thought. "It's peaceful. Just like Katie described."

"Mmm... it always has been. I give Rosetta credit for that." Pausing, Jeff chews the inside of his lip, mulling over his thoughts. "How's Katie doing?" It might seem an odd question, but though he knew Katie was struggling lately, he wondered if Hunter had any different insights. 

Hunter takes a deep breath, letting it out slowly. "I think she'll be okay. Seeing her out here is different. I think it's good for her." He pauses, wondering if this was the chance he'd been waiting for. "She's... pretty worried about you, ya know." 

Jeff sighs and gives a half roll of his eyes. "Everybody is." 

"No, seriously." Hunter's tone had grown firmer. "I don't pretend to know what it's like to have a good relationship with one's father. But I can tell Katie adores you. And I may not have known her long, but this is the first time I've seen her this scared." He pauses, pursing his lips. "I know something like a heart attack can't necessarily be helped - you didn't mean for it to happen. But it's really stressing out Katie... especially when she thinks you're not going to take care of yourself when you get back home."

Jeff glances down for a moment, toying with the bedsheet. He hadn't meant to worry people, least of all Katie. He hadn't meant to make things worse for her, and it made him feel awful to think he was just adding to her already-huge amount of stress. "You don't pull any punches, do you?" 

"No, sir. Never have, never will. I make a lot of risky bets, but one bet I know for sure is that the truth and honesty are always best." 

Jeff's gaze rises once more and he studies Hunter's face. "You must really care about Katie to tell me all this." 

Hunter swallows hard. "She's a good friend."

"Are you a good friend to her?" 

Hunter wonders now who's not pulling punches. "I make a lot of mistakes... and I've made some stupid moves, but... I'm doing my best to be a good friend to her. She's too special to lose." 

"Now that... we agree on." 

Hunter mirrors Jeff's smile, getting the sudden feeling that Katie's father approved of him. Why, he wasn't sure - Hunter figured he wasn't the type that others would trust, especially with someone they cared about like Katie. But they all seemed to accept him. Was it Katie's word they were going on? Or... did they somehow see past all the trouble he'd gotten himself into in order to hide from the world? He wondered. 

Hearing Katie reenter the room, the conversation is dropped and Hunter looks up at her, still smiling. "Thought maybe you fell into the garbage can or something. We were ready to come looking for you." 

Five. Jason shuts down his computer and stands, stretching. For once, he wasn't tired after work. He'd slept well the night before after such a fun evening, and having this evening to look forward to too was.... well, maybe it was just motivation to not want to just go home and sack out on the couch. 

Wandering from his office, he heads down the hall to the infirmary and sees the door open. The room was void of Rick though, and Jason enters, ambling towards Misty's desk. "So did you decide where we're going to eat?" 

Sitting on the edge of her desk, he gives her a silly grin. "Unless you wanted to see a double feature tonight instead and pig out on pop corn. But... that's not always the healthiest choice. Not that... I've ever done that..." 

Dani giggles again, nudging Dalton's knee with her bare foot. "I like thinking..." 

Leaving her hands to slide through his hair, she accepts his kiss again, murmuring her pleasure. Feeling his arms around her. His warmth. His protection. His love. She could stay like this forever. 

She'd never be one to say she'd had a hard life, or a bad one. But looking back from where she was today, she could see many holes that she hadn't realized existed. And one of them, Dalton was filling, whether he realized it or not. Haunted with memories of the past, he chased them all away, giving her reason to keep moving... keep walking... keep loving and accepting love. 

Moving her lips from his, she kisses him lightly up his jawline to his ear then trailing down his neck as her hands move to tuck around his shoulders. Coming up for air, she returns to his lips, speaking softly between deep kisses. "Is this... the kind of... thinking..." She cocks her head to continue her passionate affection, her foot teasingly running down his leg. "...you were... thinking about?" 


Sitting down and eating her sub Katie take a bit before closing her eyes and leaning back a little. She had always loved the taste of the ranches homemade food. Trying to explain it to someone was never the same as eating it. She was happy now Hunter got to enjoy it as well and know what she meant.

Hearing the mention of the motorcycle Katie smile before looking to her dad and giving a small sheepish look. She could never lie to him even if it was to make him feel better, but she didn't want to come right out and say Hunter speeded either.

   "I am sure he does.."

Katie lowers her voice as she is about to take another bit of her sub.


Looking away and to Hunter Katie can't help the smile. She really was happy her was here, and he was giving her a reason to smile. He just seemed to have a knack for that. And when she was down...his friendship was just there to help her once again proving that even if he had his own problems he was the right choose for a friend.

   "So yes, I don't think I'd even kick Hunter out by the way. I kinda like having him around even when he's a smarty pants."

After having one more s'more and feeling sleepy but not ready to call it a night she leans back in the grass and uses Trooper as a pillow. Not very comfortable but it would do. Looking up at the starts and watching a few Misty lays her hands on her stomach just listing to the music and letting it lull her.

The time flys by and as Misty almost fall asleep she know she better call it a night or she wont make it home with Alec. Sitting her her gives a stretch and stands just trying to shake the tiredness off.

   "Well my dear friends, I hate to call it a night but I am whooped. I really had a great time though...so thanks."

...Work the next say was pretty normal and seemed to only inch by. Misty had left a note for Alec when she had gotten up before she. It told him she wouldn't be home for dinner tonight but there were left overs in the fridge and he could help himself to anything. Also she asked if he could clean out the shed and almost everything in there could be thrown out.

Sitting behind her desk now and continuing to look at the clock Misty just wanted five to come and soon. She wanted to go to dinner and a movie with Jason and was excited about it. They would be leaving from work so all she could do was wait for those slow hands to tick.

As Dalton is moved around a little bit and Dani lays on top of him he can't help but let his smile grow even more. Receiving Dani's kiss he could feel his pulse start to race. Just letting his own passion escape as his arms go around Dani. The his one hand making its way to the back of her head and his other rubbing her back gently. 

   "Well I am glad you know better than just thinking but...if I can get another kiss out of it you can continue to think."

Dalton gives a grin before leaning up to Dani again and giving her another kiss. This time letting it last even longer he back away a little just turning his head and than coming close once more. Goosebumps cover his skin as he keeps Dani close just continue the exchange.


"Mmm..." Dani giggles as Dalton pulls away, her hand resting on his arm. "I think I love you too." 

Giving him a mischievous grin, she shifts around, making him lie on his back as she slides over on top of him. Still grinning as she leans on his chest, her eyes twinkle in the dim light cast by the television. Slipping her hands up over his shoulders, her fingers run up the sides of his face before raking back through his hair. 

Without saying anything, she leans down to kiss his lips as her fingers continue to comb his hair. Letting her spontaneous moment of passion last for a few long moments, she finally withdraws to let him catch his breath. 

Smiling brightly, she shakes her head. "Naw... I don't think. I know I love you too."

The sun will always shine...
Would it? Alec wondered. It didn't feel like the sun was shining very much in his world lately. He was grateful beyond words for Misty's help, and even Jason's acceptance of him. But aside from those things... his world still seemed very dim. Would he ever rise above again? Would he ever regain what he'd lost? Be able to face the world with the confidence he'd owned before? He just wasn't sure of anything anymore. 

Catching Misty's gaze as he plays, Jason's smile returns. Watching her sit by the fire was somehow a peaceful picture that he wanted to remember. He'd had fun tonight, even with Alec around and Trooper's shenanigans. And he was already looking forward to tomorrow night. 

Teasing Katie mercilessly as he helps her create the subs, Hunter can only grin at her, loving the banter, and also knowing that keeping Jeff smiling was a good thing too. 

"Sheesh, finally." Hunter grabs the paper plates. "What took you so long?" 

"She wants to torture me with seeing the food but not being able to eat it," Jeff quips. He grins though, and tosses Katie a wink. He was hungry, but far from starving. 

Once they're all settled in with their food, Jeff nods his approval. "Good stuff. Thanks, Katie." 

"Yeah, okay," Hunter agrees, chewing his own bite. "I guess it's pretty good."

Jeff chuckles and takes a sip of water. "I don't know, Kiddo..." He looks to Katie with a quirked eyebrow. "You may not be able to stand this guy if he sticks around the ranch too long. You might need to kick him out here pretty soon." 

"Naw." Hunter interrupts. "She knows if she does that, she won't get anymore motorcycle rides from me." 

"Ah. I forgot about that." He gives his daughter a sidelong glance. "He stays within the speed limit, I'm sure..." 

...you know that?

Watching as he goes back to strumming on the guitar and listing to him sing Misty continues to smiles. Loud was good but soft sometimes was even better. The lulling music making her sway a little. The sound was so soft, so nice, it was Jason's way of sharing how he felt without even knowing it.

Taking the bag and getting her own marshmallow's from Alec Misty shakes her head a little bit. She was again happy that it seemed Alec was having fun. It was something they all needed and she was thankful they could help him while helping themselves too.

   "It seems you have the knack for roasting the marshmallow's too. Most people burn them till they are black the first few times but you...you have the nice coloring to it."

Putting her own marshmallow over the fire Misty turns it slowly getting a nice even color around it till it was in black almost. Not seeming upset about it Misty places it between the gram cracker and chocolate. Taking a bit and giving a merer of satisfaction Misty looks to Alec again. 

   "I however...have always liked mine extra crispy as long as the middle is still gooey."

As Alec draws closer to her Misty looks to him and gives a soft smile followed by a nod. What more could she ask for it was the prefect night and she was glad everything when welll. Even with Troopers little episode.

   "You're very welcome Alec. I am happy you enjoyed yourself. I like having fellowship with my friends its really refreshing and reminds me that the sun will always shine."

Looking back to Jason and smiling her eyes giving a twinkle Misty takes another bite of her s'more than looks back to the fire. This had been...a good night.

Laying on the couch and having Dani tucked in front of him Dalton keeps his arm around her. He liked feeling her in his arms and cuddles up next to her. It made him feel good and in a way...it made him feel safe too. Dani had been the best thing that had happened to him in a long time and he couldn't help but think maybe God had this planned all along.

   "I definitely don't want to miss out on those kisses but...it's so comfortable right here I make no promises that I wont fall asleep myself."

Lifting himself up a little bit Dalton leans over Dani and rubs his nose against her before leaning closer and pressing his lips against hers. Letting it linger for a long moment he finally pulls away with a twinkle in his eye.

   "I love you so much you know that!"

   "Psht, you gotta be kidding me...this tastes better than subway."

Katie points the knife at Hunter for a second looking quiet stern though in her eyes layed a little bit of humor.

   "Better not let anyone at the ranch know you said that about the homemade rolls though. They might think you detest them and that my friend might not go over big."

Giving a big smile and going back to work on the subs Katie's eyes continue to twinkle as she works putting everything together. As Hunter comes up next to her Katie gives him a little shove back with her hip. 

   "Didn't you know asking a woman if she can cook is dangerous....however you can help if you want."

Continuing to work along side Hunter they pump out a few subs without to much trouble but the humor was continued as Katie tried to keep things light. She wanted to at least put a smile on her dads face even if it was a little one.

   "Alright boys...we can now feast."