

Looking up and catching Ariel's eyes again this time they hold his own in place. The light reflecting off them, there was just something different this time about the way she looked at him. There was a hope in her eye maybe, or at least the willingness to try and that meant to much alone to Trey.

   "Just if you slap me make sure it hurts ok?"

Giving a rather large smile Trey just can't help the feeling he had in his stomach. It was excitement and scaired at the same time but what was starting a new life here with out something or someone new to be with. He did  like Ariel too and it was worth a shot.

   "Thanks Ariel...for everything!"

Listing to everything Hunter said Katie nodded her head here and there letting him know she was listing but not saying anything and breaking his train of thought. He was opening up to her now a little bit more the last thing she wanted to do was interrupt him and have him close himself off once more. So she waited till he was done.

   "I'm really happy you were able to work everything Hunter and no reason to be sorry. I am just happy it worked out."

Taking a sip of her water Katie's eyes search Hunters. She could tell something about him had changed. Maybe there was a new closeness to God once again. Even if it was small it was still there and that meant there was more room for him to grow. It made Katie happy to know that, and happy to be able to help and be part of Hunter's life.

   "Now...we can keep growing together, and thats something I am excited about."

Giving a nod of thanks to Mick Chad was happy things were going so smoothly. He didn't really expect a hard time but he was happy it went smooth anyways at least with Rosalyn's uncle. He seemed like a really nice guy and he was eager to get to know him better.

Once Mick was gone and being pulled by the hand Chad gives a laugh and follows Rosalyn. He's pull his jeep where she directed him so he could unload some of his stuff into the bunk. He'd come right form his last job so he did have some important items that couldn't be left out in the cold.

   "That room was great, I have fond memories of that room...and the sheets. Think they will attack us again?"


Rosalyn's heart starts beating faster again when Chad says he wanted to stay at least a week. A whole week? He would be here and she could see him for a whole week? It was so much more than she ever would have hoped for. But just as excited as she felt, she also felt worry. How was it going to even work? 

Mick nods to Chad. "We've got more than enough room. Actually, we don't have any other guests at the moment, so your timing is great." He turns his sights to his niece. "You want to show him to one of the bunkhouses and help him get settled? I'll take care of the paperwork." It wouldn't be much since Chad had been here before and they still had his information on file. 

"Yeah, sure." Rosalyn finally pulls away from Chad, but lets her hand slide into his. Catching Mick's eye, she wonders if he would have any advice on how to keep her dad from throwing a fit. 

Mick reads her expression well, but he doesn't have an answer. All he could do was give her a little extra time to figure things out. "In the meantime, I'm going to go join your dad where he's exercising some horses in the back corral." 

That mean Jim would be busy and distracted for another couple hours most likely. Rosalyn nods her thanks for the tip. "Okay. See you later then." Waiting until Mick had walked away, Rosalyn aims for the barn door, pulling Chad by the hand. "Come on... I'll give you the same bunk you had before if you liked it."

Hunter nods slowly and smiles as his thumb runs along Katie's hand. "Yeah... yeah, I do feel better. I, um... guess I didn't realize how much stuff I'd been ignoring for so long. And being at the ranch where there was actually time to just sit and think..." He shrugs. "I apologize if I was ever offish. I didn't mean to be. I guess when I got to processing stuff about myself and... and my past..." 

Pausing, he sighs deeply. He'd told Mick his story, but never had shared it with Katie. "Well, I guess there was stuff I couldn't talk about yet. Mostly things about me and my dad. I never realized that being rejected and on my own at seventeen could make me as bitter as I was, or have such an affect on my other choices and actions." He bites his lip. "Like me and Kyle... my drinking... I never realized that most of that was just me trying to work through stuff I was refusing to look at. Until... I got dunked in a river and was told to let things go." 

He smiles again. "Not exactly the wake-up call I would have chosen, but I guess God knew how stubborn I was and He was gonna keep me at that ranch til I worked things out, whether I liked it or not." He chuckles softly. He'd tell Katie the story of his past sometime soon, but for now, that wasn't his point.

"I still got a lot to sort through, but... I'm a whole lot further than I was. If it weren't for you though, I probably never would have gone to the ranch. So for that... thank you."

Ariel cocks her head, a little smile emerging. Was that why it had been so hard to read Trey? Because he did like her and want to be more than friends, but didn't make any advances for fear of ruining things? Maybe her difficulty in figuring him out wasn't as much of her having poor people skills as she'd thought.

Pursing her lips in thought, she studies Trey's downcast gaze. Was he the kind of man she wanted to date? She liked him in general. He had problems, but who didn't? He'd changed since she'd met him, for sure. He was softer now, and seemed to think more about others than just himself all the time. He didn't have a relationship with God - and that was a pretty big thing to Ariel. But at the same time, even if they dated, who was to say it would become something serious? They might have fun for a while then part. And who knew... maybe Trey would come to God through all this too.

Waiting for Trey to look up at her again, her calculating eyes twinkle, her cheeks flushing slightly. She might be a confident individual, but dating wasn't exactly her area of expertise. And she had a feeling Trey had a whole lot more experience than just casually dating and kissing a girl,which gave him an upper hand. But what Ariel had was the power to say yes or no. 

Smiling at him, she shrugs. "It won't ruin our friendship if we really are friends to begin with, right? So let's try it out." She gives him a teasing grin. "And if I slap you, you'll know I didn't like something."