
Rock bottom

Glad that Trey had agreed to stay, Ariel hangs on to him so he won't fall. "I got plenty of water. Just come on in and I'll get you a nice tall glass, okay?"

Helping him inside, she aims him for the living room, her arm around him to keep him from stumbling into furniture.

Colt is pacing the living room, still holding the purring cat and he looks up in surprise as Ariel brings Trey in. He frowns and quirks one eyebrow in disapproval.

Ariel throws him a look that warned him to be still. Bringing Trey to the couch, she lets him ease down to sit. "I'll be right back - just sit tight." She heads quickly to the kitchen to pour a glass of water. Turning from the sink, she almost runs right into her brother. Gasping, she barely keeps from spilling the water. "What are you... please move."

Colt stands in her way. "Are you really sure about this? I mean, do you really think this is smart?"

Ariel sighs. "No. It's probably not. But he's my friend. It's a long story, Colt... but please trust me... And give Pete a call."

"Pete? What for?"

"Tell him Trey's here and convince him not to come."

"Are you kidding me?" Colt throws up his hands, forgetting he was still holding Baby and almost dumping her on the floor. "What are you gonna do? Let that guy spend the night?"

Ariel shrugs. "If he falls asleep, I'm not going to wake him up just to kick him out."

Colt scowls. "Then don't expect me to leave tonight."

Ariel smiles and pats his arm. "I thought you'd never offer." Sidling past him, she continues on her way to the living room.

Colt smirks and rolls his eyes, realizing that his sister had been planning for him to stay this whole time. Sighing, he heads for the hallway to make the phone call from Ariel's office.

Ariel eases down on the armrest of the couch and hands Trey the glass of water. "Here you go. How you feeling?"

Dylan knew that question would come, but it didn't make it any easier. His eyes fall and attach themselves to the porch. He shrugs. "I dunno..." That wasn't really true. But how was he supposed to explain it to Ashlee?

He shifts his weight and swallows hard. "I guess... um..."

He finally looks back up at her and takes a deep breath. She thought a lot of him... and if she knew the truth, all that might change. But he didn't want to lie to her either. If she decided not to be his friend anymore then... he'd just have to accept it.

"I was with some people that... weren't so great, ya know?" He shrugs again. "I guess Dan reminded me that it's not so bad here. I..."

Dylan stops, suddenly finding it very difficult to talk about this. Staring up at the sky for a moment, his jaw muscles help him work through his jumbled emotions. Finally glancing back at Ashlee, he shakes his head. "I haven't been in a very good place, Ash. And I've done some pretty stupid things." He bites his lip. "I... well, I suppose you've got Dan to thank for me still being here at all." It was true. He'd been so very close to ending it all. So close that it still scared him, and the look in his eye proved it. "I guess I came back because I hit rock bottom."

His eyes roam the area before landing back on Ashlee. What would she think of him a few days from now? When he would hate everything and everyone around him? When he would want nothing but to escape for one more dose? He'd gone through it before. He knew what was coming. What would she think of him then? His apprehensive gaze lingers.

"I'm not very far from that bottom now but... thanks for being glad I'm back. It, um... it helps."


Stepping back and looking up at Dylan Ash still smiled. Her felt good seeing her friend again, even if she had changed a little bit now that he was here things would get better for him again.

"No not really. I've been working in the barn more helping, and my ankle still gives me some greaf but all in all nothing has changed much."

Leaning against the door frame Ashlee found the silenct a bit odd but she didn't want to draw to much attachen to it. Maybe it was just because Dylan had been gone a little that it made it strange.

"So why did you come back?"

Turning to look at Ariel again and search her face Trey wondered just how much truth to her words. It was hard to wrap his mind around anything right now but without the liqueur would it be worse? He didn't know.

Seeing Ariel give a shiver Trey relized it must be cold of. Being drunk made him warmer but it was easy to see she was not. Giving a nod he stands maybe if he stayed put Reese wouldn't come down on him to hard.

"I...I geuss I'll come inside...no....no coffee though."

Trey could feel his stomach churn at just the thought. Standing and swaying a little Trey could feel his eyes starting to getting heavy. He did need to drink some water though before he passed out he was going to have to have a killer head ach in the morning.

"Think I couldsh get a glassh of water?"

Sack out

Dylan had not expected a hug. At most, he'd thought Ashlee might just say hi, give him a look of disdain and ask him a bunch of questions. But a hug? He hadn't been prepared.

Caught off guard, he just stands lamely for a moment, unsure what to do as Ashlee buries her face against him. His eyes widen slightly but he manages to give a rather awkward hug in return. Sure they were friends but... well maybe he hadn't realized just how much Ashlee really did like him.

Pulling back a little, his hands rest on her shoulders for a couple seconds before they return to his pockets. "Um... thanks." He shakes his head. "You're not invading."

Falling silent again, he has no idea what to say. "So, um... anything new happen since I've been gone?"

Drawing back a couple inches to study Trey's face, Ariel gives him a crooked grin. She was flattered that he found her attractive, though she wondered if he'd feel the same once he was sobered up again.

His apology makes her sigh and she pats his back. "Well... I guess I'm kinda disappointed - not that you came, but that you went out and got yourself in this state. I... wish you would have come before getting that far." She looks him in the eye. "You do have friends, you know. Whether you believe it or not."

Inside the apartment, Colt quietly steps closer to the door to pick up a purring ball of gray tabby fur before she escaped outside. Slinging Baby over his shoulder he steps back again, making sure none of the other cats got any ideas either. He wasn't so sure he approved of whatever friend this was of his sister's, but he wouldn't interfere. Amazingly, it looked like she had things under control, and he had to respect her for that.

Ariel gives Trey another pat before standing up and offering him her hands. "Come on," she prompts. "I'm getting cold. If you wanna stay up I'll make some coffee, or you can sack out on the couch if you like."


As Dylan opens the door Ashlee can't help the big smile that spread across her face. Studying Dylan for a moment Ashlee takes in how thing he looked, how tired he looked and how the last month had taken its toll. Her heart ached a little bit. Putting that behind her though she can't help but reach out and put her arms around Dylan burying her face into his shirt.

"I'm so happy your back."

Just staying in the hug for a long moment Ashlee really did mean what she said. She was happy he was home, safe, and she was just happy. Though her time had been filled with other things she still had missed Dylan the most.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to invade your space I just...I'm really glad your back."

Beth thinks for a moment taking her coffee back into the living room and sitting. She was feeling slightly tired from the events of the day but wasn't ready to get off the phone just yet.

"Well it sounds like a plan to me. Tomorrow you cook and I'll pick the movie. I'll maybe even bring over the dessert."

She did think that sounded like fun and spending some time with Justin would be nice. She had only tried his cooking one and it was pretty good so she didn't mind trying it again.

Trey mumbles something that couldn't be made out. Maybe it was something to do with what Ariel said maybe not but the words were unable to be made out. Finally looking up into Ariel's eyes Trey's own were glazed over. He's had way to much to drink tonight and he new in the morning he was going to be sorry/

"Your afshly pretty you....know that."

He's had girls before, but there was just something about Ariel she was different and she just felt different around her. He didn't understand it just like he still didn't understand why she cared for him so much. All he new is he made himself look like an idiot tonight.

"I'm sorry I came....came here like this. I...truly am."


Ariel sighs, keeping her arm around Trey and rubbing his shoulder gently. "Yeah... running away is usually easier." She cocks her head forward, trying to get a look at his face. "But I never figured you to be a coward who would run from a fight." She gives him an extra little squeeze.

"Don't worry about your curfew. I'll handle Pete myself."

Falling quiet for a moment, she mulls over everything Trey had been saying. She knew very little about his past. About his home life. About his lifestyle. She knew he was kept at TJY for protection because his family was involved in drug dealing - she could only assume he himself had been into all sorts of stuff. Her mind ran wild with thoughts of drugs, alcohol, girls... But she'd envisioned all of that ever since Pete had asked her to befriend Trey. And it had changed nothing. That first night at the beach when he'd put his arm around her... she'd seen not a criminal, but someone who had perhaps been misled yet still had a good heart underneath it all. He'd been let down... felt unloved... felt abandoned... It was a wonder he'd been as much of a gentleman with her as he had. She'd prepared for him to try and take advantage of her - but he'd never once made any kind of inappropriate moves. No... there was a good man under it all. And tonight... while some might just see a drunken bum, she was getting a glimpse of the real Trey.

"Not everybody will let you down." She speaks softly, her voice a soothing tone. "You've been wronged, no doubt." She wasn't sure by whom or how, but it was an obvious fact. "And I'm truly sorry for everything you've been through. It's no way to live."

She keeps rubbing his shoulder, just praying that he would stay and not try to leave again. "But eventually... eventually you have to stop running. If you keep on running, I'm going to be left behind and that would make me pretty sad. Whether you want to believe it or not, people around here do care about you. We all disappoint each other at some point, but that doesn't mean we care any less for you. We're just human and make mistakes. But that's why we say we're sorry and we forgive each other. When we do that, it just makes us stronger. It's the warrior's way of life, not the coward's." Would he even remember her words in the morning? She had her doubts.

Reaching over with her free hand, she wraps her fingers around his. "You're going to be alright, Trey... it's all going to be alright. You're safe here, okay? Nobody's gonna hurt you."

Big Trouble

Turning his head a little bit Trey just looks at Ariel for a moment. Trying to wrap his drunken mind around her words. He still didn't understand, she hardly new him, or the things that marked his past.

   "You...will just leave likke eveyone elsh. They shaid they all...all cared too but...but they alll left too."

Looking back down again Trey didn't know if be believed that or not. Everything was so mixed together he wasn't sure what to believe anymore.

   "Running awaysg is eashier than being a let down it having shome one else leave first."

Leaning into Ariel a little Trey just looked down at the ground. He could feel his eyes starting to get heavy but his mine was racing to much to sleep.

   "I'm in big trouble...its past my cerfew by..a lot."

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