

Stepping back and looking up at Dylan Ash still smiled. Her felt good seeing her friend again, even if she had changed a little bit now that he was here things would get better for him again.

"No not really. I've been working in the barn more helping, and my ankle still gives me some greaf but all in all nothing has changed much."

Leaning against the door frame Ashlee found the silenct a bit odd but she didn't want to draw to much attachen to it. Maybe it was just because Dylan had been gone a little that it made it strange.

"So why did you come back?"

Turning to look at Ariel again and search her face Trey wondered just how much truth to her words. It was hard to wrap his mind around anything right now but without the liqueur would it be worse? He didn't know.

Seeing Ariel give a shiver Trey relized it must be cold of. Being drunk made him warmer but it was easy to see she was not. Giving a nod he stands maybe if he stayed put Reese wouldn't come down on him to hard.

"I...I geuss I'll come inside...no....no coffee though."

Trey could feel his stomach churn at just the thought. Standing and swaying a little Trey could feel his eyes starting to getting heavy. He did need to drink some water though before he passed out he was going to have to have a killer head ach in the morning.

"Think I couldsh get a glassh of water?"

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